Zhan Long

Chapter 1199: The string of the gods?

Didn't think that the glasses brother is so brave!

I said far away: "Be careful, don't be killed by fire!"

Tang Gu turned and took a spear without a word: "You can't hope that I can be a good boy, Li Xiaoyao, the class will have dinner next week, you have to bring Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue..."

Me: "Go to BOSS, don't die."


Tang Gu took the spear and instigated him to enter the magic hall. Outside the hall, tens of thousands of people stayed here, looking at the direction of the hall with big eyes, looking forward to the greed of wanting to drink the beggar. What did the personally enshrined warfare look like, but we did not expect the appearance of the fire, but we heard the scream of Tang Gu from the magic hall: "Hey, you beat me, CNM, let go of my legs, You TMD don't know how to light it! Ah... it's over... it hurts..."

The next moment, I asked the sword to look at us and said: "In 3 seconds, Tang Gu was killed by the spike. He is 70W blood and 5W defense! How can it be 3 seconds?"

Fang Ge said: "Tangmen giants should not have long-range attack skills to lead BOSS, so you can understand this, as long as BOSS has control system skills, basically can not run. Lu Chunyang, you go, with Yu Jianshu, etc. The remote skills are attracted, and once the BOSS is attracted, it will come out soon."

Lv Chunyang shook the long sword in the handshake and nodded: "Good!"

I raised my arm and said, "Wait for the party song, don't add unnecessary damage. I will introduce this BOSS!"

Lv Chunyang stunned: "This... the lord of the liberty..."

"Alright." Fang Geyu was extremely calm and said prudently: "No one is more suitable than Happy. Be careful, we are waiting for you outside."


I quickly entered the effect of the thousand-winged wings, and my feet floated, carrying the double swords and slowly flew into the magic hall. There was a dark void in front of me. When I stepped into the hall, I looked like a starry sky. There are countless stars shining in front of your eyes. What is going on here? There are so many mysteries in this hall.

Under the stars, a military commander holding a tomahawk stood there, his foot on the shield next to Tang Gu’s body, and his mouth raised, and smiled: “There is another death!”

He slowly turned around and glanced at me with Yu Guang. Suddenly he showed a strange expression: "Hey, look at the badge is actually the alien of the Tianzhu City commander. Are you the Li Zhiyao of the Scorpio Empire?"

I don't deny: "Yes, people who come to take your dog's head."

"court death!"

The roar of the fire roared, and suddenly the foot of Tang Gu’s shield leaped forward. The speed was like electricity. I didn’t think that I didn’t have to start. I just brought the hate value of BOSS by dialogue. His speed is fast, my The reaction speed is faster, the speed skill is added, and the speed is gone.

Behind him, a group of fires came in, it was an attack of the fire. The tomahawk was wrapped in flames, and a thunderous roar was heard. A heavy blow fell on my back, and suddenly there was a pain in the bones!


It’s no wonder that Tang Gu will be spiked. With my defense, riding the raspberry and blessing the wall of vindictiveness, I have been beaten so much. Tang Gubi’s multiple shields may not be more effective than me. Invincible stunts have not been able to open and then been spiked, or he has no invincible stunts, although the glasses brother is the core player of the hero, but the strength is second-rate, so we have not updated his detailed equipment information.


The back was hit hard, and the whole person fell to the ground like a cannonball, and it slid far down the ground. I also raised my hand and flew out of the blade, and went straight through the chest of BOSS, bringing out 22W of damage. Ok, I can break the defense.


"Come out, go up!"

He and Li Mu almost shouted at the same time. At the same time, the heroes, the Prague, and the mythical riding warriors almost went together, and quickly smashed the BOSS around the center.

King-level BOSS, must be sea tactics, want to kill them by heads-up, it is simply an idiot to say dreams.

When I was full of blood for me, the **** storm was already bursting out in the crowd. It was an attack of greedy desire to drink fire. It was similar to a whirlwind, but it was just a rotating tomahawk in place, Li Mu, Wang Wei, etc. People have been repulsed, but the sword is still guarded by the defense of the Tenglong suit. The sword is placed in a long position. The white dragon spirit skills appear at the foot of the BOSS. They continue to attack and drive straight into the long sword. The sword is full of flames. Get rid of the 16W blood of the fire, this set of Tenglong sets of the accompanying skills is really very fierce!

However, if the sword is so savage, the fire will naturally not let him play white. The battle axe will be a slap in the face, and will directly ask the sword for the blood and hollow, and then come again, "嘭" and ask for a sword cannonball. The impact on the rear of the hall of the magic hall, but fortunately ask the sword eye quickly open the invincible stunt, otherwise it must be spiked!

The fire began to take off, and screamed at the foothills, suddenly shaking the mountain, the whole mountain seemed to collapse, and there were gaps in the rock formations, and the flames spewed. This is a group skill, the rear of the dragon The archers, musketeers and other occupations were quickly killed by a spike, while Lin Xiaowu survived with the shield provided by the Japanese bow, otherwise it was the same seconds!


Drinking fire and screaming, raising the battle axe, suddenly the light of the battle axe skyrocketed, directly in the mythical team of wizards, at least hundreds of people's team was suddenly destroyed by the shield!


The painting on the paper carries a long sword and attacks freely around the BOSS. While avoiding the attack, he said: "The attack power of this BOSS is too fierce, and we may not be able to withstand it."

The leader of the Prague League, Yan Zhao, has a long sword to fight with his own sword. The blood has dropped by about 20%, but he still said: "If you can't stop it, if we are gone now, what face is there to face before hanging? Broke the brother?"

He is quite right, there is no way to refute the painting on paper.

The major guilds can only quickly invest more players in the battle. The dragon's melting iron rider has already lost a batch under the fire attack. What makes us most uncomfortable is not the fire, but the call of the fire. A group of two-winged devils, tens of thousands of people hovering in the air, attacking the players, giving us a feeling of being attacked by the enemy.

The fire is waving the Tomahawk in the crowd, not only the attack power is high, but also can kill the blood after killing a player. The fierce battle lasted for nearly 10 minutes, and the fire actually has 95% qi and blood, this is really desperate!



It was another blow of the Flame Tomahawk. I was shaken back nearly a hundred meters and fell heavily on a piece of green rock.

In front, a second hero blocked me for a knife, but was beaten by a fire to kill more than 30W of blood, directly by the second, followed by the moon demon that could not be prevented, and also smashed under the effect of the depression. Bye.

The core players of Xiaolong also began to die one by one. This is not a good phenomenon. Even the mythical Lu Chunyang, Xuanyuan Feng and other vice-presidents and elder-level players are all killed in succession!


Yan Zhao has no roar, and the sword is straight through the chest of BOSS. He said: "This blood effect is too bad, how can you kill him?"

I stood up and said, "The sea tactics are invalid!"

"What should I do?" Yan Zhao was unparalleled: "We have all killed so many people!"

In the distance, Fang Geyu casts a spell on his face, and his face is full of dignified colors. Yes, we are definitely riding a tiger now. Nobody thinks that greedy desire to drink fire can be relied on by murderers. The human tactics have failed. There is no more to add, let alone there are so many flying systems in the sky, even if there is no, our group of people may not be able to kill the fire.

A bunch of wine and a pot of wine also appeared in the offensive crowd. After the heavy shield barely blocked the BOSS's blow, it was blown up by the fire and a fist hit the horse and rolled out very far. Said: "It's too difficult, withdraw?"

The flower gun is only a core member of Long Xiang, not a ally. He can say this retreat without any pressure.

Fang Ge阙 looked at me from afar: "Happy, what do you think?"

I bite my teeth: "Retreat, go down the mountain and say, the fire can't kill, we are underestimating him!"

"it is good!"


Everyone dispersed, and the fire began to cover the crowd with the battle axe, but as long as we spread it, he could only kill 1% of the people at most, not to spread, and probably kill 100% of us.

There are only 1,000 people in the dragon's melting iron riding, and everyone's face is not very good-looking. This time it is almost equal to no return. It is different from the original intention when we came.

On the way to the road, suddenly Lin Biaoer carried the dragon tooth to inspire the silver dragon to appear in the air, loudly: "The mountain is not safe, there are many Shura riding groups around the foot of the mountain, and there is a woman in the sky flying a piano!"

"Woman who plays the piano?" I asked in amazement.

"Yeah." In the eyes of the nephew, there was a hint of helplessness, saying: "The strings of the gods? The piano song is also coming. This time we have to face the joint attack of the two major BOSS!"

"Chong out, no matter her!" I loudly.


At this moment, we are more like a group of defeated losers. Not only me, but even Fang Ge, Ask Jian, Yan Zhao Wushuang and others have lost their original calmness. Who can calm down at this time? We are here this time. The sorcerer's territory is clearly put together by the NPC. This shame is unbearable to any player.

Galloping to the foot of the mountain, and sure enough, the foot of the mountain is full of Xialo riding, magic temple riding, barbarian wolf riding and other different types of cavalry, and the air is indeed floating in a woman wearing a red veil, floating in front of the body Guzheng, her hair is high, and she has a luxurious dress and a tassel wrapped around her waist. It looks like a fairy.

However, this fairy does not want anything else, just wants us to die.


The corner of the mouth rises, and there is a smile on the chilly face of the piano song: "The big sorrow of the scorpio city is also ah, great, this time you can kill you once and for all, want to go? Even if you try, I will let You taste the power of the piano!"

Said, she slammed on the guqin with one hand, and suddenly a piano sound rose into the sky, and then turned into a huge blade shape on the land in front of us!


The hard rock formations are chopped like tofu, tens of meters wide, deep bottomless, and a flame emerges from the black hole. Is this the volcano? How could the underground be so hot, or, is this the power of the piano song?

The public WeChat of the leaves opened, search the public micro-signal shiluoye2014, or search for lost leaves, should be able to search, everyone can play WeChat, the leaves will give you regular benefits, hehe!

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