Zhan Long

Chapter 1200: Death goes hand in hand

"Oh, things are big!"

He took the tomahawk and looked up at the floating piano song in the air. He couldn’t help but scream, and the woman who was wearing a nightdress floating in the air couldn’t even hit it, so she didn’t mention anything else.

Thousands of people led by Yanzhao Wushuang also rushed over and held the long sword. "The flight of the flight system is ready to meet the string songs of the gods. Can we not kill the fire and kill the piano song?"

"do not……"

I couldn't help but scream, but I couldn't stop others' actions.

Not far away, a familiar figure appeared. It was the Western Chu King Liu Ying. He was holding thousands of people with the tyrants at the foot of the mountain. Now that we have so many people coming, immediately under the command, the attack will start. The archers have already aimed the bow at the piano songs in the air. In addition, the remnants of the guilds such as the Rising Sun and the famous family have also launched an attack on BOSS.


"Boss, what do we do?" Xue Rou rode on the horse and looked up at me in the air.

I looked down at her and looked at the front. A group of black crushed Shura riders intercepted our retreat. They were stuck under the mountains and let us have nowhere to go. So Jianfeng pointed to this group of Shura rides, I whispered. Drink: "Dragon, go forward, break out, how many people can go out, we don't kill BOSS, all king-level BOSS has been strengthened, not so easy to be killed!"


I have already leaned over and rushed down. The raspberry snorted out. My ride was also turned into a few swords and smog in the crowd of Shura. In the air, Li Mu, Wang Wei, Lin Biaoer and other dragon rides cooperated with the blow. On the ground, the effect of the spine of 1000 Fushen Iron Riders on the ground quickly cleared a vacuum zone.

The rear of Shura’s ride was a chandelier, which was even more tricky. The stag beetles that were raised by the scorpion scorpion flew out, and the smashing of the melting god’s iron riding camp exploded. There are over 100 damages.

I entered the effect of the thousand-winged wings, and the danced swords of the swordsmanship were opened, and the geniuses of the scorpions were slashed. Xuerou, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yi and others also all exported their lives. All the dragon players Entering a crazy realm, our purpose is only one, conflict here, try to keep some people alive and go out.

Behind the body, far away, the deputy leader of the famous family, Lei Li, looked at me with enthusiasm and couldn’t help but sneered out loudly: "Yu Long... Hey, this is the second guild of the Chinese War Zone, not killing BOSS but fighting with a group of mobs. Will the guild also be included in the guild bill?"

"Mom..." Li Mu couldn't help but look back and look cold and sharp, his eyes full of killing.

I opened a palm lamp ghoul with a sword and said: "Do not bother, rush forward at full speed, and split a part of the melting iron to protect the remote players from retreating. The speed is fast!"

Viewed from the sky, the figure of the chandelier, the Shura ride, and the temple ride has become a sea, and the dragon is like a lonely boat in the ocean, ups and downs in the waves, but it is tough. Going forward step by step.



A piece of air in the air volleyed, and "嘭" shredded the ground on the left side. I was so sad that a group of Snapdragon players including the moon was slain. They were less than 50% blood, and they still had I got a blow from the piano song. At the same time, the body of the fallen player sank with the collapsed ground. I don’t know where to go. We didn’t have time to pick up the equipment and continue to go. This is a failure. Action, what you can do now is to minimize the damage. Now the 3000 dragons who are behind me are all absolutely absolute, so that they all die and smash the equipment. This is a loss that I can't bear. .

"Continue to move forward, don't look!"

My eyes are red, and the two swords are slashing and slashing in the monster group to clear the way for everyone.

At the same time, the players of many guilds far behind are already fighting with the string songs of the gods. Yanzhao Musou, Wen Jian and others have chosen to fight this BOSS, but it is a pity that the piano music provides a self for himself. Shield, this shield will be refreshed every time the piano sound is played, so the player's output to her is very low.

What I am more worried about is not this, but the attack of the piano song is not so simple. She did not choose our most intensive group of people to attack. Instead, she used a melody to cut the earth and cut the trajectory around the foot of the mountain. The road pits are connected together and seem to be surrounding a skirt for the entire Shura Mountain.

In an instant, I seem to understand something, and immediately spent 5000RMB to make a system shout in this map of Shura.


System announcement (the player is free to scream): Everyone is going to retreat, don't kill the strings of the gods again, she is trying to break all our retreats, and now there is no chance to leave!


However, the heroes, myths, Prague and other guilds are all entangled with the piano songs. There are not many people who listen to me. Only Ye Lai makes part of the trial force follow us to retreat. Even the admiration still carries Their own people are attacking the piano songs, and every major ally has their own judgment, which is no wonder they are.

At this moment, suddenly the piano song in the air screamed, and the body radiated a golden light, and the body suddenly turned into a big one. This time it was like a fairy. The guzheng floating in front of her gave a soft voice and turned into a road. The sharp blade descended from the sky, and the "嘭嘭嘭" greatly cut the earth at the foot of the Shura Mountain. The ground was raging with anger, and many players were rolled in. There were even a lot of Snapdragon players. It’s so terrible that I can’t bear to see it.

"It's over..."

Lin Biaoer sat on the back of the silver dragon and looked into the distance and said, "All are finished..."

The next moment, "嘭" screamed loudly, and the whole Shura Mountain seemed to tremble. Li Mu hurriedly blinked and said, "I didn't read it wrong? Shura Mountain, moved..."

I nodded: "No mistakes, it really moved, the whole Shura Mountain is sinking!"

Xue Rou took a breath of cold air: "A terrible strategy, this is the elite player who intends to sacrifice the entire Shura Mountain to destroy our Chinese theater?"

Lin Xiaowu holds the Japanese bow and has a strong shock in his eyes: "It seems that it is correct. We all counted. Fortunately, the boss let us retreat in advance, otherwise we will not be able to come out!"

At this time, it was a series of loud rumbling sounds. Xiuluoshan slowly sinked in the trembling voice, and around the mountain, a raging flame rose up to the sky, forming a flame sky near 100 feet, and now, even now may even The players in the flight department can't fly out too. The guns, a pot of wine, the sword, the square songs, etc. are still inside!



I looked around and frowned. "There are more and more chandeliers. If we don't hurry up and break out of Xiu Luolin, we have to be buried here together!"

Lin Biaoer looked at Shura Mountain, where the distance was sinking. It was very unbearable. Yes, who can bear to watch the compatriots’ players hang up like this. On the Shura Mountain, at least our hundreds of thousands of players are elite. Ah, and it’s all the solid strength of Scorpio City. They will lose 1 level after they die, and they will have a chance to burst out of equipment. This fight is too big!


Butterfly Sword cuts the chest of a chandelier, and does not give him the opportunity to summon the carrion. I am running under the moonlight with the effect of the thousand-winged wings, while Xuerou carries the sword along the way and follows me. : "Boss, we rushed out of 1,500 people, it's not bad..."

“Is it really good?” I am a little distressed: “We have 3W people when we come...”

Xuerou smiled slightly and stood upright. He said: "The festival is sorrowful. It is very good to have 1500 elites. We all have the equipment that our companions burst out in our parcels, and bring them back to Tianzhu City. It is also an account of the brothers who died in battle."


I focus on it, and Matcha is right. We have at least two or three pieces of equipment in almost 1,500 people in each package. There are 7 pieces in my package, all of which mark the name of the blaster. We are killed. 3W people, about 10,000 pieces of equipment are not available, we bring these equipment back to the city, enough to make up for the loss of most players.

Constantly killing the chandeliers, keeping our impact lineup, the only remaining 500 melting iron riders rushed forward, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Lin Yier postponed, protecting Lin Xiaowu, Dongchengyue, Xueyu Qianyang, Xing Lie, Lian Po and other remote players.


Behind us, Shura Mountain has been sinking, and half of the height of the mountain has sunk into the ground, and the string of the gods plays the strings while attacking, and screams with the Queen’s high voice: Come, let the purgatory swallow your soul, come on, my lovely adventurers, your battle will make the great man recreate a group of fresh martial arts, even if you are eternal under the blessing of the temple But your soul can provide us with a strong army, come on, join the purgatory!"

I couldn't help but stand up and hang up: "They want to use the soul of the player to forge a new Wuhun?"

Lin Biaoer nodded: "It sounds like this."

Xue Xu spit out his tongue: "It sounds a bit disgusting. Let's go, don't get caught up, I don't want to let my soul be forged into a martial."


I looked back and found that the white souls of countless players after the death of the war tried to fly back to Tianzhu City, but they were all pulled by an invisible net, pulling and falling into purgatory.

A few minutes later, Li Mu looked back at me with a dignified look and said, "The brothers who died have called me and said that the soul is imprisoned in purgatory. They cannot be resurrected in Tianzhu City. They have to wait 24 hours before they can go online."

I nodded: "It seems that the words of the piano song are not scaring us, let's go, continue to speed up."

"it is good!"


Four dragon knights hovered in the air, protecting the 1,500-person team of dragons leaving Xiu Luolin. In fact, they were covered by the magic hall ride, the barbarian wolf ride, and the chandeliers. We lost 100 people again. Now There are only about 1400 people, less and less, you must bring them all back to Tianzhu City!

Most of the people here have been online for more than 10 hours, but the stigma of defeat has left everyone with no sleepiness. In the moonlight, everyone galloped away from Xiu Luolin, stepped through the outer canyon, and finally arrived in a safer zone. The emergence of different demons is just a few 1-6 low-level magic.


The whistling sound of the sword spirit cavalry came from high air, and death was like a shadow. We are still not safe.

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