Zhan Long

Chapter 1201: There are wolves before, there are tigers

The time is already 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and 1400 people walked between the mountains, trying to avoid trying to intercept our alien army along the way, and we almost always hovered a sword spirit cavalry on our head. I and Lin Yier drove the dragon to kill some of them, but the number is too much, still following in twos and threes, as if it could not be killed at all. For the safety of the whole team, we can only fly at low altitude and no longer look for sword spirit. The cavalry is in trouble.

This time, the strategy of the alien army is indeed too much. The sword spirit cavalry was originally used as an attacking unit. Now it has become a scout scout, and the news has been continuously spread. As a result, our position has always been The information possessed by the different demon corps, the pursuit of the soldiers behind, from the beginning of the barbaric wolf ride, the palm lamp ghoul, the magic temple ride, until now, the swallowing behemoth, the spirit of the beetle, etc., there are countless.



The dense horseshoe echoes on the plain under the moonlight, which is the way we return.

Sitting on the dragon's back of the raspberry, I look back, there is a thick hooves between the mountains about 2 kilometers away, and I can see a group of flames rolling between the mountains, that is the first end of the swallowing behemoth The hot wheels that are connected to each other are so tricky that we have no way to go back and attack. Once they are glued, they may not be able to go.

Fang Geling, Wen Jian, Yan Zhao Wu Shuang, Bai Li Ruo Feng and so on have all died in the Shura Mountain, even if they have a flying system mount, they have not come flying. For such a long time, the piano song and the fire have already been Complete the "annihilation" task, and unsurprisingly, these two BOSS may now be on the way to kill me. After all, I am very embarrassed by the big Tango of this Tianzhu City.

Li Mu flew at a low altitude of only 3 meters from the ground at the height of the low red dragon flying. His face was covered with vicissitudes of life and said, "Hey, what the **** is this time..."

He looked up at him and smiled: "The mission failed. It can be considered as a matter of course. The player camp can only look at himself. The result is overcast by the demon BOSS. That is the case."

Li Mu shook his head helplessly and said, "Happy, where are we going now?"

I looked at the big map and said: "It is impossible to return to the original road. The ghost ropeway when we came over has been ruined by the evil spirits. It is too late to rebuild it. We can only choose the way back."

Xuerou asked: "Which way?"

I couldn't help but smile: "We have no choice at all. There is only one way to go back now - the wild dragon territory. If you don't have an accident, you should now be in the hands of the magic mountain in Jiuyi City. You can only borrow from it. Moshan also launched an attack on the demon territory, but it is said to have retreated early, he is smarter than us."

"It is too deep for us." Lin Biaoer decided.

"Yes, why didn't you see the shadow of Jianfeng's cold and sharpness in this action." I asked.

Xuerou eats and laughs: "Because Jianfeng Han is quite different, there is no such goal as we choose. He takes a nearly 10W edge player from the Tianzhu City, and the storm abyss finds the judge and the chewing person. Pulling is troublesome, but it is rather miserable. It has been destroyed by the army 2 hours ago. It is said that the chewing person has a skill to devour the player. If you swallow one, it will increase the certain defense power, so that the defense will be scary at the end. Even Jianfeng Han could not break the defense. In the end, the judge gave the 'trial' and went to the 10W. Now there are about 500 people who are escaping around the storm abyss, but they can’t live. how long."

I took a deep breath and sighed: "This is really a force, and it has improved the strength of all the different kings. It is normal for us to eat big losses."


Lin Yuer said: "We have 1,000 people left now. I don't know if the Magic Mountain will be released. In the past, we used the strength to let the Magic Mountain have nothing to say. This time, it is not very good..."

Dongcheng Yue sat next to the nephew and smiled and said: "This is simple, as long as the brother of the happy brother is nodding, the elegy of death can bring 7W dragon players from the cold dragon city to the wild dragon territory to meet us, 7W After the line up, I don’t believe that the Magic Mountain will not let go!"

He smiled and said: "Yes, this method is better!"

Li Mu looked at me: "Happy, is it feasible?"

I thought twice and shook my head for a few seconds and said, "Forget it, look at us behind us. How many different demons are chasing us? Maybe there is a BOSS at the level of the demon king who is killing us. We can't take it anymore. The 7W brothers pulled the water, at least not in this operation, right?"

Wang Hao nodded: "I support Xiaoyao's decision. I really can't pull everyone into the water. Our defeat is already a reality. It can't be changed. The morale is not good. The preparation is even worse. Let the 7W brothers rush. The different devils may end up in a very tragic end. At least, we need to challenge the evil spirits with the NPC army in concert."

I smiled and said: "Wang Hao is right. Go ahead and speed up. It can't be so slow anymore."



Look at the parcel, the returning city scroll is still bleak, the entire demon territory has become a confinement map, the magic of our return to the city scroll has been deprived by the demon kings.

All the way to the road, in the early hours of the morning, we finally arrived at the outskirts of the Wild Dragons territory, but now it is completely different from before. The construction speed of Jiuyi City is not as fast as it is, and a long distance has been built between the mountains of the Wild Dragons. The walls of the city, which are thousands of miles away, seem to have a lot of momentum in the Great Wall. In the original position of the Dragon God Hall, a city has been built, and the Great Wall on both sides has formed a real fortress.

Even outside the city wall, white iron was cast, and a gun barrel of a black dragonfly with a dragon crystal cannon was exposed between the arrows. The defense of this city is definitely not a problem. Although it is not comparable to the main city, it is compared to Jiuli City and Qingyan City. The sub-prime city has been counted as much, and the city’s flag has been on display, and many troops from Jiuyi City have been stationed.

I drove the raspberry all the way to the fast flight, carrying a long sword in my hand, not yet close to the city wall, and someone shouted on it: "Whoever dares to invade my fortress?"

It was a captain, a 10,000-year-old captain from the Xiayan City Summer Fire Army, carrying an iron spear loudly: "Don't fly any more, otherwise I'm welcome! Archers, aim!"

Thousands of archers appeared on the wall in an instant, and the brush strokes open the bowstring and pointed at me. This feeling is uncomfortable.

I took the reins of the raspberry and put the sword on the scabbard and said, "We are the returnees from the alien demon territory. We are defeated. We want to pass the expensive pass and pass, please let them go."

Nawanfu’s brows rose: "Hey, you have clearly attracted the army of the different devils, and you want to trap our city in a land of annihilation!"

He is right when he says it.

However, the 1400 dragon players in the city have been on standby. If we don't open the door, we may have to be completely killed by the evil spirits. I am impatient. I said, "Make the mountain, let him come out to see me!" ”

Nawanfu said with anger: "Who are you, dare to call our nickname?"

On the side, there was a camp staff who patted the arm of Wanfu and whispered: "General, this person is Li Xiaoyao, the great singer of the Scorpio Empire, who holds the millions of soldiers and horses of the entire Tianzhu City! ”


Wan Fu is a long-term, but does not know how to be good.

Fortunately, the players in the city have already got the news. Soon the magic mountain appeared on the wall with a group of people. After a few days, the level of the magic mountain has increased a lot. The equipment seems to have changed a few pieces. The whole person looks even more. Spiritually, I laughed at me from afar: "It turned out to be a happy lord. It was a long time, and I didn't expect to see you here."

I smiled and said: "Open the skylight and say something to the magic mountain. Our Chinese server expedition to the Shura community was defeated. Almost all the army was destroyed. These people behind me are almost all survivors, and there are other evil spirits chasing after them. We, there may be a king-level BOSS, we want to borrow your gateway to return to Tianzhu City."

“Why don’t you go back to the city scroll?” he asked with amazement.

I smiled a little: "The map is closed, you don't want to pretend that you don't know. Look at your return to the city scroll and you will know."

Moshan glanced at him, laughing happily: "Sure enough."

At this time, a team leader around the magic mountain pointed directly at the west and said: "The lord, you see, the demon army has come, overwhelming, more than we have encountered before! We must not open the city gate, otherwise The alien army is also smashing in. It is hard for us to build this city. It cannot be because the Chinese are buried. On the contrary, these Chinese people have attracted so many different evil spirits, obviously wanting to frame us. Its heart is awkward!"

I couldn't help but pull out a butterfly sword and said: "The talents who say this are very embarrassed. Magic Mountain, this person is your team leader. If you don't do it, I will help you clean up the portal!"

Magic Mountain is also a shock: "Happy, don't be impulsive, have something to discuss!"

Behind him, the alien army is getting closer and closer, and it will be within 5 minutes. I can't help but frown. "There is not much time, no way to discuss it. Please open the gate immediately, or we will storm it!"

Magic Mountain bite his teeth: "What do you mean, want to storm our city? You don't take our nine-city city in your eyes?!"



I took out the sword and pulled it out. I whispered: "The people in Jiuyi City don't let go, then they kill it! We let the princes set off the island for them. They are now enmity, there is nothing to say, ready to go!"

One of the core players of the dragon has pulled out the blade, and Lin Xiaoer, Li Mu, and Wang Wei, the three dragon knights, spurred the dragon to fly, and the scene immediately slammed.

At this moment, suddenly there was a woman’s voice behind the city: "Why, is anyone going to work on our fortress? I have to see who is eating the bear and the leopard."

Vulcan Gaia, this is really tricky!

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