Zhan Long

Chapter 1202: Battle of the goddess

The surrounding temperature seemed to rise to an unbearable level in an instant. On a small cloud of fire, Gaia stepped barefoot on it, wearing a red robe, a very delicate face under the flames. With a proud smile, he said: "It turned out to be the great obedience of Tianzhu City. I thought who it was."

My heart is a bit sloppy, and things go in the direction I don't want to see.


Li Mu's face was cold, and said in the guild channel: "No, and then we will delay the rest of our 1400 people to be reimbursed here. Happy, you and the children of the sergeant cover, I and Wang Hao break through the city, forcibly open the door from the inside. Let everyone in, or it will be late, we will fly a few, but most of the brothers will not fly, sooner or later will be killed by the spirits."

In the rush, this is the only way, but I still stand on the back of the raspberry, holding a fist at the fire **** Gaia, saying: "Gaia, we are the adventurers of the city of Scorpio, the seven kingdoms of the South join forces to fight against each other. The devil is the conspiracy nowadays. I still hope that Vulcan Gaia can open the gates of the city and let us enter the city. Otherwise, it will be hidden outside the city. I am afraid that one cannot go."

Gaia’s face was quiet and said: “But after all, Tianzhu City and Jiuyi City used to be war-torn countries. If you want to enter the city, you must throw weapons, trenches, and horses out of the city, otherwise we can’t let You are in town."

Xuerou brows: "I didn't get it wrong? This girl let us discard the equipment into the city?"

My heart burst into flames and secretly gritted my teeth and said, "Why is the goddess of Gaia so difficult for us? The warrior is more important to us than life. Discarding these, what is the meaning of our escape?"

Gaia smiled slowly and raised his hand to pick up a flame. He said, "This is just for you. I have done everything I can do. You are not willing to enter the city, and you can't blame me."

Finally, at this time, the temper of the temper was up, and shouted: "Let the old man lick this stinky girl!"

As he said, the dragonfly jumped forward and stepped on the blue dragon's fleshy wing of Wang Hao, and set foot on Li Mu's dragon back. When he leaped for the third time, he rushed to the wall, and the volley raised the battle axe and hit the belt. The fierce battle axe with a strong flame directly blew to the Vulcan Gaia.

"court death!"

Gaia's eyebrows were cold, and the killing was great. He raised his arm and the palm of his hand condensed the energy of a flame knife. He went straight to the cockroach and slammed it out. The power of this sniper was very strong. The state of the mount is arrogant, and once it is caught, it will be spiked!

In a hurry, I have already opened the wall of vindictiveness, and suddenly swayed between 冉闵 and Gaia, one hand, one of the forces of the heavens, suddenly a group of frost condensed together, directly against Gaia’s blow, My Sanctuary power originated from the Dragon City Frost, which belongs to the ice system, and seems to be able to restrain Gaia's firepower.

However, the result was not as good as I thought. The sound of "嘭" exploded, my power of the Royal Heaven was not an opponent at all, it was crushed in an instant, and Gaia’s knife was lost in the chest, losing 16W of blood. Still in the situation of blocking, otherwise at least 20W, it seems that Gaia's real strength should be close to the piano song, drinking this king-level magic, even if it is not as good as inferior.


Seeing that I blocked this blow, but it was safe, Gaia was also a glimpse, and then the corner of the mouth rose, said: "Thinking of the frosty students really have two sons, actually can dissolve my Vulcan knife, not bad, since this is the case Come back and try my knives, how?"

Said, she gently danced her arms, three flames of knives condensed in the body around the body, high-speed flow, so I can not help but the heart is a bit cold, three consecutive hits, should be almost seconds to drop me? The gap between the player and the god-level NPC is still relatively large, and our resistance is far less than the other side, and the blood is even more unnecessary.

Lin Yier did not want to see that I was spiked, and immediately grasped the dragon tooth blade, a simple and clear sentence: "Siege!"

Li Mu, Wang Hao and others have long been unable to bear it. The dragon was rushed forward, and the long sword was thrown out. Two sharp-blade air-raid attacks directly hit the Vulcan Gaia, while Xue Rou took the returning yuan. The sword rushed to the city wall twice by Lin Yuer's dragon's fleshy wings. The sword was raised directly and the magic mountain was successfully retreated.


The bladed spine was hit by a layer of flame shield about 2 meters away from the Vulcan Gaia, and it was directly stirred up. The fire on Gaia's face was more intense, and the raise of the hand was thrown three. Putting the knives, I am in the air, quickly rolling the wings, the boots are walking in the void, a lightning-like Z-shaped displacement, MISS off the first knives, but the other two are on the chest!



Sure enough, I didn’t wait for Vulcan Gaia to condense the next attack. I was already volleyed and smashed, and the blade fell out of the attacking effect of five rides, and the sound of "嘭嘭嘭" continued in the fire. God Gaia's flame shield smashed a crack, and broke a drink. A golden light oozes through the clouds and slams on me. God-level skills are driven by the wind!

The fierce swordsman whizzed away, the intensive sword gas penetrated, and finally the flame shield "smashed" and shattered. The butterfly even pierced the shoulders of Vulcan, splashing a trace of blood, breaking the defense, although her anger Too much blood, it is almost impossible to kill.


Behind the body, the 凫水囡囡, thousands of volcano pool together gave me a great treatment, can withhold the blood, and the Vulcan Gaia has been angry and angry, a screaming, surrounded by flames, and burned Lin Biaoer and Li Mu Residual blood, had to retreat, and I suffered a positive flame shock, and the blood was once again zero.

It seems that the strength of our group is still not strong enough to challenge this plane!

The Magic Mountain seems to have also killed the heart. After the order, dozens of dragon crystal cannons on the wall of the city twisted together several dragon knights who were hovering over the city, and the fire of "嘭嘭嘭" will be Li Mu and Wang Wei. I was smashed down the city together. Fortunately, there was still a little bit of blood in the two people. There was no direct second, and Lin Biaoer grabbed the reins of the silver dragon and started to walk away. After avoiding several dragon crystal cannons, he had to avoid the fall of his edge. .

I was alone with a pair of swords, and the ice wing fluttering in the air against Gaia.


Behind him dragged a frosty track, I tried to walk the MISS off Gaia's flame impact, the butterfly sword crossed the chest to block the shooting of the archer player on the city, while the idea of ​​manipulating the sword blade to spin, constantly attacking Gaia The body, so although my blood rises and falls, the scar on the shoulders of Gaia is getting bigger and bigger.

It seems that I have not wanted to tolerate me. Gaia suddenly bite her silver teeth, and opened her hand to me in the distance, and said: "The field of flames!"


The surrounding temperature is rising rapidly, as if I am condensing the temperature of Yang Yanjin. Fortunately, there is also Yangyang in my game, and the ability to resist high temperature is also good, but the surrounding elements seem to be violently gone, the temperature is rapidly increasing, and the flames are in flames. The element seems to be a hot knife to prevent me from moving. Is this the power of the flame field?

The body was almost incapable of moving. Gaia opened the field to control the flames, but one hand grabbed it gently behind her. A flame spear was caught in her hand. I also had a block in my heart. The feeling of the body must be very painful?


There was a blank in my head, and it was a feeling of death. I was prepared to launch the invincible body. I couldn’t help it for 25 seconds. Let us support it for another 25 seconds!


Gaiah laughed and projected it with a flame spear!


The flame spear pierces through the sky, like a savage squad!

The immortal body is imperative!

However, at this moment, suddenly a sense of security is coming, almost every pore of my body can feel the deep power, yes, it is the power of the stars, the frost is now in the field of cultivation!


With a faint fragrance in the breeze, the body of the beauty instructor slowly turned into front of me. She turned her back to me and opened her fingers to Gaia. The dozens of stars in the body quickly lingered and quickly condensed. Her sip "Star Crystal Shield", a sparkling shield appeared in front of her, the shield is embellished with a blue circular crystal on the surface, which looks like a star in the universe.


Gaia's flame spear splashed directly on the star crystal shield, turned into a flame energy dissipated, and the frost was also a slight tremor, the star crystal shield splashed a grainy stream, this one, When the spear encounters the shield, it is clear that the frost has won.


Gaia’s face passed a trace of killing, and she did not ask who is the person who came to see her eyes. She killed it first, and then raised the five flames of knives again. After the Yan knife, it was the energy of a flame lion. Together they form a continuous impact!

The frosty hand holds the star crystal shield, and it stays there motionless. In the crash of the "嘭嘭嘭", a wave of turbulence swept over, blowing the long hair that she had originally fanned out, and dancing in the air. The dark blue shirt behind me is also flying. From my perspective, I can see the beautiful tutor on the perfect back.

In the end, Gaia's series of attacks were blocked by the frosty Star Crystal Shield. Although the Star Crystal Shield was also damaged, almost one-third of it was left. It was already riddled with holes. The defrosting is against the attack, one hand in the air, the illusion of the shape of the sword in the void, the moment of grasping the hilt of the hilt seems to have become a female **** of war, the blade of the star strikes heavily on the cover Asia hastily condensed the flame shield!


The flame shield was smashed in an instant, proving the disparity between the two upper goddesses.


Gaia retired a few steps, but he did not admit defeat, biting the silver teeth and swaying the flames, and hit a heavy punch to the side of the frost.

"The stubbornness!"

The frosty drink was low, and the killing was also carried out. The left arm was horizontal, and the whole jade arm seemed to become transparent. The ice crystals were condensed into stars, and the fists were surrounded by small stars with a diameter of about 2 cm. In the rotation, "嘭" greeted Gaia's fist, and the pros and cons were judged. Gaia was directly shaken off, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

The frost is still standing firmly in the air, and the small stars are condensed, burst, and condensed in the body.

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