Zhan Long

Chapter 1211: Ring of conservation


The palm of his hand slid into the air, with huge black energy, directly crushing the figure of Ji Yuan running in the ruins. Even the body was not evaporated, and there was only one huge palm print on the ground. The golden ring that rolled in the palm print actually exploded, and at the same time, after the garrison was hanged, the damage figure flew up—




I can't help but take a breath of cold air, that is, I have upgraded 150% of the overall defense to get a sly attack. The player of ordinary attributes is directly the fate of being spiked. The attack power is so high, I am afraid even Ask the sword, Jianfeng cold, Yanzhao unparalleled attributes will be directly spiked?

It seems that players at this stage are unlikely to challenge the first BOSS, and go to die.

"Brushing brush!"

In the grass, I mentioned the speed to the extreme, almost flying in the grass. The place where the grass is better than the stealth lies in the occult. The assassin steals may also be detected by the BOSS, but I hide it in the grass. Concealed, even if the frost is standing in front of me, I may not find me hiding in the grass.

I don’t seem to notice my position. I stood in the air and screamed with a spear and said: "The predator, you lazy bugs, give you the ants to find out, and dare to swear." The palace is simply looking for death!"

Continue to escape!


In just one minute, I had already passed through half of the woods. At this moment, then the sound of the rumble came from the side, and the distant forest suddenly flew into the sky!


The flames are going to the sky, very scary. I actually started the flame curse and burned half of the woods. It seems to be hateful to me. Fortunately, I have a raspberry mount, moving fast, and slowing down. I am going to be found in my body!

Looking into the distance, a blossoming flower worm flies over the jungle, and there are rumbling hooves on the ground. The magical temple ride and the barbarian wolf are killing me. Even a few huge figures floating in the air. It’s a thousand-handed monster, a good guy, has this 9-level demon has been sent to the ground? I am afraid that when the next battle will be held, this thousand-handed monster will definitely open the eyes of the players!

Even, I also saw some of the players in the Seven Miles City. The Indians actually joined the search. They thought that they should have released the task, so those who joined the Magic Zone can also receive the news. Once I kill, The rewards won will not be too small.

I continued to fly forward and landed for another ten minutes. I have already appeared on the edge of a sea forest. I have not returned to the sea. Finally, I have left the magical territory. I am still in the dark, and should not be For me alone, I will go beyond the sea to chase it? At least it is safer now.


Sitting down under a maple tree, I took a deep breath and the whole person's nerves were tightened. Fortunately, this time I came alive, otherwise I would kill it once, and my overlord suit might not be preserved. In that case, even the judge who killed the king-level judge was a big loss. Right, after killing the judge, a bunch of equipment broke out. I haven’t seen it yet!

Suddenly, my heart suddenly got excited and hurriedly opened the parcel. It was about the single killing. The judge only broke out three pieces of equipment for me, a pair of heavy breastplates, a blue flag, and a fluorescent floodlight. The ring looks very good. Look at the armor's attributes first, hold it in your hand, very heavy, reach out and the property flutters in front of you -

[Order's Breastplate] (Artifact ★★★★)

Type: Heavy

Defense: 6950

Strength: 655

Physical strength: 630

Agility: 625

Spiritual Skills: 620

Additional: Increases user's 160% spell resistance and 120% defense

Additional: Increase the user's 80000 health limit

Additional: Increases user's 140% attack power and 3200 base damage.

Special effects: order, correct the attack angle and strength when attacking, have a great chance to form an advantage for itself

Special effects: Divine forgiveness, reduce 25% of damage suffered by yourself

Set parts: order suit? armor

Introduction: the orderer, the guardian of the order of the three worlds, the defender of justice and peace, the armor of the order is blessed by the gods, and possesses the most mighty righteousness between heaven and earth, and the legendary person who gets the order suit can get the purest Bright power, and, together, has the strongest force of violence

Requires level: 220

Need charm: 1100


It is actually one of the components of the four-star artifact set, and it seems to be the first one, so that you can get a set of equipment through various trigger tasks. The value of such a piece is almost comparable to the epic artifact. !

Quickly put the orderer's chest into the parcel. Let's look back at who to give it to. Matcha, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others can all be able to decide who to give to them at a time. Let them decide at their own discretion. Ok, ROLL or guessing, don't hurt.

Keep watching, the second equipment is a blood-red battle flag. I know that the flag-type items are the same kind of items as the armbands. They are used to strengthen and assist, but the explosive rate of such items is very low. Players simply don't have the chance to see it. Even many front-line players' armbands are empty, so that my armbands are still the clock of war, the color of a holy scorpion, but it is never shameful to say that others will only Looking at you with horror: "You actually have armband items, it is so handsome!"

The judge is a king-level BOSS, the war flag items that pop out are not too bad, right?

With a stretch of hand, the character of this battle flag appears in front of me, and it is really strong!

[Dragon Battle Flag] (Artifact ★★★★★)

Category: Battle Flags

Strength: 725

Physical strength: 720

Agile: 705

Spirituality: 700

Effect: After wearing, the friendly target within 1000 yards increases the attack power and defense power by 25%, and improves the 400 points resistance of all teammates within 1000 yards.

Requires level: 220


The attributes of the flag items are simple and the requirements are very simple. They require a level, but the attributes are still quite good, increasing the attack and resistance by 25%, and also improving the resistance of teammates by 400 points. More horrible, as long as the players under the banner of the war believe that the average wizard is not moving, after all, this is an additional attribute.

Quickly equip and replace the bell of war.

Keep watching, the last piece of equipment is a ring, a ring that shines with a sense of justice, and I was shocked when I saw the property. I never thought that I would give me another epic artifact, and Still a ring that fits my epic artifact level -

[The Ring of Order Conservation] (Epic Artifact)

Power: 770

Physical strength: 755

Agile: 740

Spiritual Skills: 735

Additional: Increases user's 175% attack power and 55% attack speed

Additional: Increase the user's 120000 health limit

Additional: 50% attack damage effect of all swordsmanship of the user

Special effects: order, correct the attack angle and strength when attacking, have a great chance to form an advantage for itself

Special effects: conservation, the user's treatment effect increased by 50%, the duration of blessing BUFF effect increased by 100%

Stunt: An eternal realm that provides an eternal realm effect within 1000 yards. Players in the range recover 20% of their blood every second, and their defense power is increased by 150%, and attack power is increased by 50% for 10 minutes. Consumes 200 points of anger, cooldown of 12 hours

Requires level: 225

Need charm value: 1800

Need a career: Swordsman


This property looks like I am stunned, especially the stunt, which is simply a curse of the restoration system. Can players who are under this aura be killed? And the duration is terrible for 10 minutes, basically it is invincible!

The eternal realm is too strong!

However, the requirements are also excessive, asking for 1800 points of glamour value, 200 points of anger value for one-time use, after all, there are too few equipments for anger to improve special effects, my overlord leggings increase 100 points of anger once, just Good enough, it also means that I have to enter the battle, full of anger before it is possible to use this eternal stunt!

In short, this order of conservation of the order is indeed worthy of the name of the epic artifact!

Quickly put on, there have been some changes in the properties -

[Happy and free] (Zhen Tianlong ride)

Rating: 224

Attack: 69875-87200

Defense: 47732

Life: 767520

Magic: 67592

Charm value: 2103

CBN battle network ranking: 2

Title: Broken Dinggong


This is the basic property panel, not yet 150% of the full BUFF effect, the health has reached 76W, and in fact, my current life is 190W, you can already try to challenge any king-level BOSS, of course, 沧澜Except, I am still far from his opponent, and Qinge and Xifu have not challenged, and I don’t know the winning and losing geometry.

Moreover, the effect of Overlord's rebirth is that it disappears after the line is down. I can't stay in the game all the time. As for another idea, with this attribute to challenge another king-level BOSS, or forget it, it’s better to say it. If you can’t beat it, the Overlord suit may burst out one or two. When you steal the chicken, it will not become eclipsed, but it will become the laughing stock of others. Moreover, you will fly around in the magical territory. I am not going to go. come to grief.

Departure, return to the cold and the dragon city to hand over the mission!


After flying through the sea, I was separated from the confinement field of the demon territory, and then I went back to the city to return to the city and went to the cold dragon city.

It's just that this task... It seems that I can only dictate because no quest items are brought back.


In a piece of snow, the cold dragon city stands in the cold wind.

After stepping into the Dragon Field, I quickly rushed to the Executive Hall. When I opened the door, I saw the frosting sitting up from the seat. I looked at me with excitement: "You are really alive!"

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