Zhan Long

Chapter 1212: Also famous in the world

A red mang, the raspberry leaped out of my pet space and threw herself into the mother's arms. Zi Shu smiled and opened her arms to support her daughter, and her love was full of words.

"How are you, are you not hurt?" asked the frost before going up.

I went straight to her desk and sat down and said, "Nothing, I also learned a little about what happened in the devil's territory."

On the side of Ranaser, the body trembled and said, "Let's talk!"

I nodded and said: "This time I went into the abyss of the storm, I have seen Peer, and I can confirm that it is the body of Princess Pei, but the soul of Princess Pei has been compressed in the depths of the body. Instead, it is the soul of a demon, she swallows the will of Pei, dominates the body, and I see it again!"


The frosty face was shocked: "Hey...you actually see it, but you can still retire..."

I smiled a little: "In fact, it doesn't count as a whole body. It has already paid a very expensive price. The power of 沧澜 is very strong, at least better than the kings such as Pei, Qinge, Xifu, and Darren."

Zi Shu Queen: "Xifu is already very strong, how much better than her?"

"A sly, I can play about 10 eves." I replied truthfully. In fact, I think that even if 10 Hevs will be in front of you, there will be no courage to do it. The pressure of the field is not what the general demon commander can bear.

Mrs. Shu Shu Zhang had a small mouth and turned to look at the frost. He said, "This is not a good thing. You just told me yesterday that you can play about 2-3 Hev, now it’s good, you can play 10 You are not his opponent."

The frosty look is dignified, she can be so relaxed without a child, muttering: "I have known this for a long time, but I did not think that Li Xiaoyao actually went to the abyss of the storm and actually led to the embarrassment. I knew this, I will never Let him go to the abyss of the storm."

Her meaning is self-evident, it is too strong, I am destined to go without a return, but the frost has underestimated my movement speed and escape skills, in the case of 150% speed increase, I have Grass surgery, combined with the surrounding terrain is particularly good, so escaped a life, the two are indispensable, otherwise it is really possible to be infinitely killed in the demon territory, even if there is a rebirth, after killing level 1 Continue to be born again? After so many deaths, the explosion rate will definitely have hidden promotion. When the Overlord suit explodes a few pieces, I am afraid that I will cry, and if I return to level 0, this is definitely a fatal blow to the dragon. I don’t know how many People are watching me the second person of CBN, the dynamic of the Dragon League!

"Nothing, I'm fine." Looking at the frost, I smiled comfortably, remembering the horrible death of Ji Yuan, I couldn't help but smile and said: "Only if there is a next time, I will not be willing to face it alone. ”

The cream licked the red lips and said, "Well, I won't let you face him alone."

She said, she turned to look at the leaders of several cold dragons such as Shu Shu, Lan Nasir, Otelia, and Qingluo. He said: "Our dragon domain development has been more than 200, together with preparation. The famous dragon cavalry and the 150,000 regular army have guarded the human homeland. When fighting with the evil spirits, since the cricket has already left the old nest, it is free to move. The war is not far away. In the future, the dragon cavalry and the dragon must be upgraded. The training intensity and combat strength of the domain army are ready to fight with the demon territory!"

Four beautiful women nodded together: "Yes, adults!"

Frosty turned and looked at me, smiled softly: "You are also working hard, this time must have experienced a lot of hardships, nine deaths, come, no matter what is to give you a little sweet."

As soon as I heard about the sweetness, I was a little excited, but the next moment, the system ringtone broke my reverie -


System Tip: Congratulations, you have completed the task [to find the truth], to find out the truth of the identity of the child, and received the following rewards: level 3, charm value 75, gold coin 2000!


Looking at this reward, I can't help but smile, the frost is too stingy, the level and charm value are so much, but the gold coin only gave 2,000 pieces. It seems that the dragon field is really too short, even more rewards. Can't get it, but it's good, I want the level, the charm value, the two are the most affordable.

Looking at the ring of order between the fingers, this epic artifact ring, my heart is happy, this time went to the abyss of the storm, was killed 5 times, lost 5, but killing the monster, killing BOSS let me rise to 5, has already made up Lost back, now the frost has given me a level 3 reward, a worthwhile trip, and the epic artifact ring and the dragon's battle flag is simply white, earning big!

Look at the time, the difference between the 9 points of the system maintenance is less than 10 minutes, I stayed up late for so long, it should be sleeping, this time I found out that Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yue is still online, it seems to accompany me overnight, and my When the grades up and down, they send me a message and I don't have time to go back. It should be comforted.

Respond to Lin Biaoer: "Hey, I have completed the exploration mission of the Devil's Territory. It is not too long to maintain the system. Let's eat something to sleep early?"

"Drip", Lin Biaoer replied: "Well, I am offline, you can hurry."

"it is good!"

Then reply to Dongchengyue: "Dongcheng, eat something offline!"

Dongcheng Yue replied: "Are you in the different devils territory to be drawn by the big BOSS kicking the ball? If you don't see the system announcement that you killed the judge, I really thought you were going to be killed to level 0, Ok, hurry up the line and sleep with a little milk."

I am speechless: "Drink some milk?"

"Yeah, eat some bread, drink some yogurt and let something sleep in your stomach, or do you think? Hey, it’s better if you have this need..."

Seeing that she is going to rogue, I hurriedly said: "Don't say it, go offline!"

The summoning system wizard that fled is also off the assembly line.


After washing his face and walking out of the room, Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue also walked out of the room. First of all, congratulations on killing the judge. Then I began to ask the judge what broke out. I will faithfully keep the ring of order and the dragon. The attribute of the battle flag is said, and the two MMs are stunned. The epic artifacts are too rare, especially the high-level epic artifacts, which are simply valuable treasures.

Tian Ming has made the game's plate too big. It is said that the daily server volume of this game has exceeded 7 billion US dollars, its economic potential can be imagined, and the epic artifact is one of the best. Equipment also leads to the fact that every epic artifact is a virtual item, but the real value is indeed worthless. The conservative value of this order of conservation ring in my hand will at least reach 2ERMB?

What is the concept of 2E, you can buy a small and medium-sized commercial plaza, you can buy a Su-27 fighter.

While holding the bread, I said, "There is still 3 hours, the copy system will be opened. What is the copy of the terrain in China? Have you ever seen it?"

"This will not be known until the system maintains the map." Lin Biaoer held the yogurt and pressed her arms naturally on the chest. She said: "But I heard that the copy map in Tianzhu City is the most complete. D1 to S7 copies are available, very complete, and the rest of the server is not necessarily, the copy map of the Iron Cranial City, Zeyuan City is not complete, some S1-S7 maps may have to cross the domain to play, is not normal of."

"Well, that's good, there should be a copy map in Huoyuncheng and Wangyuecheng?"

"Yes, but certainly not."

"Well, no matter what, let's sleep first, wake up and see if we want to fight."



After eating, I slept early, the system is maintained in the game, and there is nothing that we need to worry about. As for the design company, it has basically entered the formal, Lin Tiannan and Dongchengfeng each sent several effective assistants to their daughters, directly let The network relationship of the design is not generally strong, the business can not be good, and Lin Yier, Dongcheng Yue two MM really look like a torch, the company designed works in the industry first-class, but also did not lose their own father.

It was about too tired when I met Pei, the judge, and I was asleep. I slept very hard, but I still didn’t completely sleep in the field of consciousness. Even when I was sleeping, I extended the sea to my present. The ability can at least sense the super energy within 10 kilometers, but with my ability, no more than the middle of the temperament, there is no need to wake up. After all, this villa still lives with such a master of Tang Qi. The average opponent will give him a solution, otherwise the money spent by Dongcheng Yue Dad will be in vain.

When I woke up, it was already dark again. At 7 o'clock in the evening, the chefs had prepared a big meal. Tang Qi and Qin Wen also appeared in a timely manner. After eating dinner together, they went on the line and continued to be busy with various things. When the game developed to the later stage, I was more busy. On the one hand, the Legion system had to worry about it. On the other hand, Xiaolong also had a lot of things that I needed to do.

Go back to the room and connect the game.

The system wizard twisted the graceful figure and reminded me to start reading the character data.

Taking advantage of this time, I opened the desperate Chinese server webpage, but the scene that caught my eye was shocked by myself. On the big screen of the official homepage, I actually made a FLASH page. In the flames of the sky, two people In the air, the whole picture was shaking and trembled, and I saw the two men at a glance. One was holding a spear, the whole body was surrounded by dark forces, and the other was the great emperor. The other was actually driving a thousand frosts. The wing and the double sword are pressed against the spear, and both of them are as murderous. On the right side of the interface, there are a few striking characters on the right side: the narrow road meets, who can win?


This picture is too familiar, it should be the effect of using the game screenshot of Ji Yuan.

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