Zhan Long

Chapter 1223: Teacher

On the wall, Stella passed a paw and swept a group of players and NPC troops down the city. Some of them were swallowed up, and they were terrible.


The aria of death is carrying a spear, taking advantage of the opportunity of Stella's attack to stab the giant arm that has fallen on it for three consecutive times. Unfortunately, the damage caused to Stella is too little, and it is not enough for Stella's powerful vitality to recover. Blood and blood.

He also said that the Tomahawk also wanted to stay and continue to fight, but Xuerou took the Guiyuan sword and swept it. The loud voice: "You two are not destined? Retreat!"

Although Matcha is only an elder, the status of Xiaolong is definitely not worthy of the vice-president. The prestige is not in Li Mu and the moon. After all, her CBN ranking is too high, plus the demon's reputation, no one. Will not respect her a few points, after all, men are most afraid of what kind of woman, one is a woman who is respectful, the other is a woman who is extremely disgusted, the last one is a woman who can't beat, Xuerou is in the mind of the male players of the dragon Status is the first and last collection.


Li Mu took the long sword and the dragon to face the battle. After several consecutive volleys, he slammed on the top of the behemoth, but the effect was not very good. Wang Hao also rode the dragon on the other side to cover the dragon's player to retreat under the wall. At this moment, the Tulong Fortress, which got the retreat message, has become a mess. The players in the city are crowded into one piece. The players in the rear have not got the news and are still entering, and they have become a pot of porridge.

Greedy desires to drink the fire most like this scene, carrying the flame tomahawk has been killed in the city pool, Xifu is also the same, with the golden force of extinction in the crowd back and forth to rush to kill, such as into the uninhabited.

Let all the players did not think that the version of the Dragon Squad battle, we only had an advantage in the first few hours, but now, it has become the party that was slaughtered.

"Hey! Hey!"

Stella was screaming because of the pain in the abdomen. She suddenly opened her mouth and the spiral storm started. She sucked the red dragon in the air. When it was over, Li Mu was eaten!

"Not good!" Wang Hao said loudly: "Boss, you... you have to finish the dice!"

Li Mu grabbed the reins and desperately ordered the red dragon to fly away. But wherever he could fly, he was so anxious that he was sweating: "Who will cover me?"

In the air, a dragon screamed, the silver dragon swept over the top of the behemoth, and a beautiful figure flew down from the silver dragon's back. It was Lin Biaoer, and her volley was a city dance skill!


Unfortunately, vertigo was actually given to MISS by King BOSS!

Looking at Li Hong in the air, look at me again, and say, "Happy brother, you can't save Li Mu again, or you will die. Go ahead. After Li Mu's death, we will set up a monument and practice things." Up..."

Li Mu in the air heard the moon shallow and said that he was about to cry soon.

I looked pale and hurriedly said: "Matcha, cover the shallow retreat, I will save Li Mu, you are going!"

"Ah? Happy brother..."

The moon is still shallow, but I want to say something, but it was swept by Xue Rou. When I hugged it on the horseback, I rushed down the city. Xuerou never dragged the water, because she knew that the mud would bring more people. It is still necessary to learn more about this.


And how can I save Li Mu who will be swallowed up?

My binding beast lock will definitely be MISS, and the 100% hit skill may not work for the king. There is only one other way - pain!

Very simple, under the strong pain, even the king-level BOSS will relax the attack, let Li Mu organic can escape and escape, right, now!

It’s still very embarrassing to make this decision, because the next attack is really not what I like!

When the arm trembled, it rushed down the wall and turned into a stream of light that rushed straight toward Stella's abdomen. Yes, I had to dig into his stomach and use a pair of swords to smash his intestines inside. Li Mu can escape from birth!

The blessing of the wall of vindictiveness was successful. Another frosty ice armor, the body spiraled in the air, and the two swords pierced into Stella's abdomen like a cone. Then, there was already warm blood and intestines around. Fortunately, Frost Ice Axe is the smug technique of the frost, the ice armor is about 5 cm away from the body, separating Stella's flesh and blood, invisibly condensing a shield for me, otherwise I have to be These intestines of Tela, hot Xiang, what to do to die of nausea.


Cut again!

I kept flying in the belly of Stella, and the swords ruthlessly waved. I cut all the large intestines, cecum, and duodenum into two segments. The figure continued to fly upwards. Right, the behemoth’s The heart, the heart that crushed it should be able to kill this monster, should it be an absolute weakness attack?

A thunderstorm storm broke out in Stella, killing him as much as 30% of his blood. If I could tear it off, maybe I could kill it?

However, I seem to think too simple. When I rushed out of the lungs of the behemoth, I saw a huge heart beating and beating. My heartbeat also increased rapidly, and in the team channel. The voice of Lin Biaoer came: "The pig's head, Li Mu, and Wang Hao are out of sleep. You are going to hurry. Hurry up, Xifu, Pei, and Qinge are all there. In the distance, you will see a huge aura of people. You should come in person. It!"

"Know, you will withdraw first, I will come soon!"

It’s an understatement, but my heart is no longer in shock, and even I’ve come in person. This version of the Dragon Squad is definitely going to fail!


Raise the sword, attack, and lock the target - the heart of Stella!

Moreover, directly launch my strongest two strokes, ride the wind and ride a thousand!

The golden light burst into the sky, and two strokes broke out directly in Stella's body. A total of 20 swordsmen attacked the heart of the behemoth, but there was no effect I imagined, and there was a scene around Stella's heart. The layer energy cover protects the heart from being attacked, and more than half of my 20 attacks are immune.

However, this shield is not a panacea. The windy swordsmanship still cuts the meat layer on the surface of the heart, and it can be seen that a blood is splashing out.

Continue to sniper!

A spin, the power is saved, and it is a round of storms. The two swords constantly sway the heart energy cover, and the toughness is constantly destroyed. At most five minutes, this Stella will definitely die in mine. The sword is down!

The heart is almost cut into the shape of a waist flower. The surface is covered with layers of sword scars. The meat pieces are turned up. If you use oil, then squeeze it. Then add some onion **** and pepper. It is a delicious dish. Exploding the waist.

I don't know why I can still think of eating at this time. When I think of eating a stomach, I am a little hungry. At this time, I can't wait to slap myself and kill myself. It's just too disappointing!


Just as I slammed Stella's abdomen, suddenly a familiar golden light came from behind, and Shiv came, and that was her extinction power!


The long sword is moving with golden light, and Shifu is coming across, and his mouth is full of anger: "Bad boy, what do you want to do with my cute little pet, do you want to kill it?"

My heart trembled, it was over, the strategy failed!

Going away, driving invincible time is not enough, if you use the overlord to regenerate, you have to die here ten times to kill Stella, it is not worth it, and I am not sure if death can still go online, in case of death Sending back to Tianzhu City, you can't participate in the next activity of the Dragon Slayer fight, and that's it.

However, Xifu did not seem to want me to go so far, and it was a sharp sword.

Listening to the wind, I suddenly turned to block, "铿" a dry sword directly swinging the sword of Xifu, the left hand butterfly sword quickly hit the start, 7 golden six-pointed star swayed on the blade, gave Xifu 7 times attack.


Heefu raised his hand and covered his palm on my chest. The corner of his mouth was smirking: "Bad boy, get out of my little pet's body, don't mess around here!"


The powerful force almost stopped me for a moment. Hefu pushed me backwards and smashed Strass's flesh and blood, and then hit the body of the behemoth in the next moment, "嘭" slammed directly, outside It was a bright one, and I was so painful that it was falling apart. The blood was only 25% less. NND, the assassination mission really failed!

Must go!

Not waiting for the next attack of Xifu, I directly opened the invincible effect of 25 seconds of invincible, speeding up to 100%, regardless of the attack of Xifu, directly flew to the east of the Dragon Fortress.

Xifu was unstoppable, but he also found my invincible effect, so he did not continue to pursue it. Instead, he sprinted down and went to kill the players and NPCs in the city.


In the distance, the players of the guilds such as dragons, myths, and heroes are fighting and retreating. The situation is not optimistic. A large number of different demons have entered the city. Stella is destroying the entire Dragon Slayer Fortress wildly. I will commit suicide, otherwise I am afraid that the Dragon Slayer will be turned into a cemetery in an instant.

"Be careful, greed wants to drink!"

The moon is shallow in the guild channel: "Use more control skills, don't think about killing him, continue to retreat, don't stop, let the members of the inner canyon retreat, retreat to the cold dragon city, the middle road section is safe and defensive We will be destroyed by the whole army."

The shallow strategic vision is very good and I have seen this.


I continued to fly forward, while shaking my body, shaking all the Stella's mucus remaining on my body, looking down at the earth, half of the dragon slug was invaded by the aliens. In addition, a large number of BOSS-level demons have appeared. Near the East Wall, the players and the NPC army are being slaughtered, and the whole situation has been extremely bad for us.

Not far away, Lin Biaoer rides a small white and said: "Pig, don't look down, go quickly?"

"Ah, why?"

I was ashamed, and I couldn’t help but look at the city’s pool, but I saw a scene of slamming my soul.

Pei stood on the east wall with a long sword, surrounded by the body of the player. There was a purple thunder on the blade, and in her right hand, she carried a skull with a white hair. It is Bailining!



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