Zhan Long

Chapter 1224: Retreat

Bailinen exhausted his life and used the curse to injure Stella, but never thought that he would be killed in the hands of Pei’s pro-disciple, the incision on the skull still swaying with blood, On one side, Brian's body was dressed in a white robe and was covered with blood.

At this time, Pei was not a Pei at all. There was no mercy on her face. Standing on the wall, she suddenly condensed the energy of Zi Lei’s energy in the head of Bailining, and screamed and slammed The skull burned beyond recognition, and then became the energy body of lightning. When Pei screamed, he threw his head out!


The earth shivered slightly, and the head of Ballyin became a bomb. It exploded in the long wind army under the city, and nearly 100 warriors instantly turned into fly ash.

Yan Zhao unparalleledly pulled the reins and watched the Changfeng soldiers who died behind him. They couldn’t help but look pale and heartache: "Mother’s, this Pei will be Pei, go quickly, and withdraw into the country of the gods. The layout, hurry, the iron ride does not need to protect the back, you go first, how much strength can be saved!"

The players in Prague are almost desperate. Six squads lead a group of riding warriors to return to face the different demons, at the expense of their own ranks in exchange for more survival of the Changfeng Army, but in the air numerous wings and demons The eater violently killed, plus dozens of thousands of strange lightning strikes, the NPCs and many players on the ground are hard to escape.



A loud noise, the main city gate area of ​​the East Wall completely collapsed into a pile of ruins, it is a masterpiece of greed and want to drink fire, Pei looked down at the fire, could not help but smile a little, said: " Let's kill it, drink it!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" The fire was also a smile.

It is strange to say that Peier ranks 4th in the king and 6th in the drinking. It is reasonable to say that the status of the two people will not be too great, but the attitude of the fire to Pei is very respectful. It is very important for Pei’s new commander, so she has given her the status and glory that others can’t enjoy. Even Shiv, who ranks third in the king, may have to be respectful to Pei.

The moment of the destruction of the East Gate also means that the entire Tuolong Fortress has fallen. The players who can withdraw from the city and the NPC army have all been evacuated. However, there are too many people in the city and they still have at least hundreds of thousands of people. These people are either desperate. Escape to the city, or as the object of being slashed, terrible, and a ring of air in the air, finished, the next goal has surfaced -


System announcement: Players please note that the [Slayer's Battle] version of the defender fails, the alien army will continue to attack the South, the next target is determined to be the cold dragon city, the version activity is automatically upgraded to [Dragon domain dispute], all The player's contribution value and meritorious value are automatically recorded in the new version of the event, I wish you good luck!


Looking at this system announcement, my heart is chilly, this is the same army to kill the cold dragon city, and then the next target is Tianzhu City or Eight Desert City, right?

Open the wings, fly south in the air, and look back at the purple in the distance. Pei is here. Is she really going to destroy the empire that she once guarded?

In the guild channel, everyone is also talking about it -

Li Mu: "His mother, finally turned to the cold dragon city, and I really didn't feel good!"

Lin Xiaowu: "You said, can the cold dragon city hold it?"

Wang Wei: "It's hard to say, but if we are desperate, the evil spirits may not be able to successfully capture the cold dragon city."

Song Handao: "We must rely on the strength of the NPC army. I don't believe that the NPC army of the nearly 200W will be instantly defeated. I am afraid that Tianzhu City is not willing to fully support the cold dragon city."

The moon smiled slightly: "Nothing, happy brother is a big gang, he should be able to mobilize those army, happy brother, what do you say?"

I coughed and coughed: "There is indeed this power, but it seems that too many people will be transferred through the consent of the emperor. Everyone quickly withdraws to the cold dragon city. I am responsible for going to Tianzhu City to ask for reinforcements!"



Pulling out the city scroll, but found that the golden scroll is not shining, the map of the cold dragon city area has also entered the confinement field, do not think, this is the power of shackles, no matter where he goes, can open a huge The defensive hood makes all the transfer skills of all players ineffective, which is a fatal blow to our mobility.

No way, fly back to Tianzhu City, fortunately my raspberry is fast, no more than 20 minutes back to the city!

When I flew over the cold dragon city, I looked back and saw the dragon crystal cannons on the ruins of the feared empire. I don’t think, the army where the Guards Army was stationed began to block the evil spirits. Han Yuan, Xiao Li and other star-studded guards, I believe that the Royal Forest Army will not be as fast as the army of Jiuyi City, and Stella was seriously injured, moving slowly, and should not arrive at the battlefield so fast.

Time, now for us, time is life!

Overlooking it, the cold dragon city is already waiting for it. A heavy gun is listed on the edge of the city. The swordsman of the Dragon City is armed with a long sword and a square shield. The archer is already on the string. Lan Nasir, Zi Shu and others also appeared in the city, with them in, the cold dragon city is definitely not so easy to be conquered.



Flying fast, passing through the clouds, entering the territory of the city of Tianzhu, and soon after seeing the outline of the city of Tianzhu in the clouds, and then a few minutes, flew directly to the palace, swooping down, straight in the hall On the steps, after guarding the sides, I hurriedly performed the military ceremony: "Da Ge Ge!"

I nodded and stepped into the palace hall step by step.

In the main hall, most of the Wenwu group of ministers are there. Luo Shaolin also wore a black trench, holding a long sword, and a pair of imperial embarrassing appearances. However, everyone seems to be arguing endlessly.

I wish the sea hand to hold the festival, respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the cold dragon city is the ally of the empire, but after all, it is too inappropriate for us to use the soldiers of the country for the cold dragon city, in case our soldiers arrive at the cold dragon city However, the army of the different devils never launched a raid on the sea, and it was a force to force the city of Tianzhu. How do we defend the enemy?"

The Qin and Navy commanders Qin Yi also clenched their fists: "Under the second concubine, your majesty, the cold and devastating dragon city's frost is unruly, self-proclaimed is the upper god, but never has to be in the eyes, the cold desert dragon city is against my empire After the courtiers, they never sent messengers to worship and tribute. Now, they are threatened by the alien army and think of us, really a villain!"

The squad leader, Stuart, sneered aloud: "Is it true that General Qin Yi is the real villain? The 15W army of the Cold Dragon City resists the invasion of the evil spirits by the flesh and blood. They do not seek fame, do not seek official positions, only to guard behind them. What are the plans for the seven kingdoms? Now General Qin Yi is slandered here, is this worthy of the cold dragon city?"


Qin Yi yelled: "Situ, I know that you see that I am not pleasing to the eye, you are so filthy, I am simply out of nothing!"

Luo Shulin frowned and said: "Do not quarrel!"

At this time, I had already stepped into the main hall, and the commander on the side immediately shouted and shouted: "Breaked Dinggong, Dazhige Li Xiaoyao entered the temple!"


A gratifying smile appeared on Luo Shaolin's face, and he made a fist: "Li Shi finally returned. He said quickly, what should the empire be? Where have the different demons arrived? How many troops have they dispatched and sent out a few kings? ”

I looked calm and said: "The strength is unknown, and there is no way to count the statistics. At present, there are 7 different kings, including the great emperor."

"What?" Luo Shulin trembled slightly: "Lian Yu is also dispatched? That... The Dragon Slayer Fortress should be unable to contend?"

"The Dragon Slayer has fallen," I said.

In my simple words, the surrounding group of civil and military people have all been shocked. Among them, the military department Shangshu looked blank and said: "Is Grand Daygo joking with us? The Dragon Slayer Fortress is known as the main army stationed in more than half of Jiuyi City. How can it fall in less than three days? This is absolutely impossible."

I smiled and said: "Not long ago, I just came back from the ruins of the Dragon Slayer Fortress, naturally better than you understand."

As I said, my eyes sank and said: "Your Majesty, the commander of the Changfeng Army, the old general of Bailining died."


Luo Shaolin was a tremor, and the whole person sat down on the throne: "How... How could it be? The old general was in battle, how could he die... Li Shi, where the army of the demon has gone. ?"

Me: "Now I should arrive at the site of the Worship Empire. The Imperial Army and a large number of adventurers are defending the enemy there, but they will certainly not be able to resist it. Soon they will withdraw from the Cold Dragon City, so I hope that His Majesty will allow me to mobilize the Empire. All the troops will go to the cold dragon city to reinforce, or the cold dragon city will be broken, our northern natural danger barrier will be lost, and it will soon be the seven kingdoms of the Pinghu army.

Luo Shulin gnawed his teeth: "Well, the lonely king is accurate. Li Shi is now an imperial marshal. You can arbitrarily mobilize any Imperial horse. Anyone can dare to defy, can stand!"

I gratefully nodded: "Thank you!"

Zhuhai has an ugly look and said: "Please be careful when you are under the arm. Once all of our troops are gathered near the Dragon Field, it is very likely that they will be able to be taken by the evil spirits. Don't forget, you can also forget the Iron Crest City. The three powerful cities of Zeyuan City and Jiuyi City are still eyeing us. The Haixue people who are not in the sea are also carrying the rich resources of Tianzhu City. We must leave a large part of the troops to defend."

Aside, Qin Yi holds a fist: "Your Majesty will eventually be willing to lead the Navy's 10W army to stay in Tianzhu City to protect the next week!"

I can't help but sneer. Qin Yi, an old kid who is greedy and fearful of death, has never been willing to take the initiative to fight. He thinks all the time to keep the living force of the Navy. Now he actually asks to stay in Tianzhu City, and he is a person who wishes the sea. I am really worried that this old boy will launch a mutiny after our army leaves the city. It is not a good thing for the soldiers to take advantage of Luo Daolin’s removal of my big-go-go position, or to change the dynasty.

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