Zhan Long

Chapter 818: Ai very high gravedigger


The purgatory hound is a mad dog. The first batch was slashed and killed. The second batch continued to bite the player’s front without any gaps, so that many small guilds could not withstand it quickly. "Oh, I don't want it." Unfortunately, the Purgatory Hound is still chasing the bite. After a long time, the guild of the 100-year-old scorpion in Tianzhu City collapsed almost completely. Even the 3rd-level sorcerer could not resist it. Needless to say.


The town knife tumbling, the knife and the shuttle, but I don’t know how many purgatory hunts are lying under my horseshoe, and the front of the dragon’s position is already a lot of corpses, and the iron blade rides the blood and defense. However, the plane attack of the Purgatory Hound cannot break through, and it can only be crowded together and harvested by long-range firepower. The Yulin Army is also roughly the same. After nearly an hour of killing, there is no compromise between the Dragon and the Royal Forest. It is a miracle. .

Not long after, the appetizer of the Purgatory Hound was killed more and more, and there was only a group of sparsely pulled, and then the body was piled up on the ground. Fortunately, the body of the monster refreshed quickly, otherwise our sights would be covered. And the ground is even more dense silver coins and equipment, etc., the third-level magic can not produce any high-end equipment, but the stalls are quite a lot, everyone is extremely happy.

In the distance, the great king of Theodore took the Yuanxiao sword and looked at the distance. He suddenly said: "Offensive."

Yan Longjun began to move forward as a whole, but my heart sank. It is impossible for the different demon army to block us from approaching the city by relying on a purgatory hound. There must be other forces, and this Yanlong army will advance so much. It’s a rash.

The iron dragon of Yanlongjun rushed up and raised the dust of the sky, but suddenly there was a rumbling sound in the dust, followed by the tragic sounds of one after another.

"What's wrong," I asked Longchijian to move forward and want to see clearly.

Han Yuan carried a long knife and said: "The general is a trap. The front cavalry of Yanlong was ambushed."


I am silent and can't talk about happiness. The Yanlong Legion attacked with the Yulin Army this time. Their disastrous words mean that the Yulin Army will fight alone.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and I saw a large pit appearing in front. God knows when the alien army was digging a trap here. The width of the trap is tens of meters, and the length is across the entire plain. When I take it When a group of Guards and the Iron Blades approached, they found that the trap was full of dense cones. A group of Yanlongjun cavalrymen were pierced and smashed in the pit, waiting for death. This trap At least, the Yanlong Army has damaged thousands of cavalry.


Suddenly, the edge of the trap trembled. Suddenly a familiar hand knife broke through the rock. A skull appeared. It was a grave-digger. The original level 2 monster has now been upgraded to level 5, and the attributes and attacks have been greatly improved. One after another, more and more grave-diggers climbed out of the pit, and the dense group was like a big bug.

I hurried back, loudly: "Array, defense."

This pit is ten meters deep, blocking the players and the NPC army in the south of the plain. It seems that we don’t kill this group of grave-diggers, and the emergence of the grave-diggers proves why the army can So I dig up such a sky.

The digger's attack power is far better than the purgatory hound. The sharpness of the two-handed knives is not comparable to the claws of the purgatory hound.


A group of barbarian swords and battalion soldiers ran wildly backwards, but there were still some behind the tombs that had been chased by the tombs. The three heads of graves rushed to a knife and shield, and the bladed knife roared down, the barbarian knife shield The speed of the hand is also fast, turning and dancing the shield once, the defense of "铿铿铿" is lived, but the speed of the grave-digger is faster, one of the bodies sinks, the blade knife sweeps out in the hand, "咔嚓" Cut off the right leg of the knife shield battalion, and the other two madly waved the knives. The savage warriors of the knives and shields were given to the squadrons in three or two times. The blood and internal organs were splashed on the ground, and a group of Guardsmen were afraid. But angry.

"Flocking, defense."

The dragon screamed and screamed at the same time. He slammed the body of a grave-digger and slammed it. Several cavalry bows and arrows shot and killed the tomb ghost.

At the same time, the crowd of grave-diggers has also been smothered. No one knows how many grave-diggers there are in the underground. The source is rushing to our defensive array. The shields of the front row of barbarian swords and shields are Some people can't stand the attack of this kind of force and retreat. Some of them are immediately smashed into the tomb. The dragon's iron blade riding defense line is similar. There are some loose movements, and the attack of the grave-digger is real. Not covered, too strong.

Not far from us, a 4,000-square phalanx of a medium-sized guild has collapsed in less than five minutes, but Xiaolong can't help them. We must defend our position, otherwise it will be difficult to protect ourselves.

After a few hundred meters of retreat, the horizon was full of dense graves and smashing ghosts. I looked back and shouted: "Push up the brakes and prepare to give them a round of shooting."

"Yes, command."

Not long after, the dense car has been filled with arrows, and Han Yuan shouted with a long knife: "Knife Shield Camp, Tortoise Battle."

Suddenly, the barbarians in the front row squatted to the ground, covering the body with shields. The barbarian in the middle and back row also sinked down and placed the shield over the top of the head. The whole knife and shield camp formed a half-human height. Shield A, can not attack, but it is also near perfect defense, the front row all sink, the vision has emerged, Han Yuan immediately shouted: "弩 阵, launch."

The "spring" springs are endless, and the powerful steel arrows continuously penetrate the bodies of the grave-diggers and wear them into a string, like a barbecue. A group of grave-diggers are strung together. The body trembled and struggled, it looked very funny, and the car was continuously launched, and the arrow rain was dense. In the blink of an eye, the grave-digger in front of the Yulin Army had already died.

I immediately ordered: "Okay, the car stops firing, fills the arrow, and the knife shield camp gets up and fights."

A group of barbarians had already suffocated, and each of them stood up and waved a long knife to cut down one grave-wounded grave to the ground, and even if the graves fell to the ground, they still filled up a dozen or so. The tombs of the tombs, the thighs, and the heads are all cut off. This is no way. There are already many soldiers of the Yulin army who have died in the hands of the grave-diggers, and they are all **, this kind of hatred is simply not wearing the sky. .

The dragon's iron blade rides a hard defense to dig the tomb ghost. The player's advantage is that he can fight, either by sucking blood or drinking a blood bottle, and more by relying on the treatment of the hanging pot, and the NPC army has no hanging pot. Occupation, can only rely on simple dressing, dressing to restore life.

Waiting for a few minutes, the arrows of the brakes are all filled, and once again this kind of tactics, a group of people in the Yulin army have been upgraded, and the experience of killing the tomb ghost is not much.


I rushed to the top of the line. The town knife and the dragon pond sword were full of black blood. Most of the evil spirits were not human, the blood was not red, and the grave-digger was obviously not a human being.

At this moment, suddenly there was someone in the crowd of Yulinjun who shouted: "This...what is this."

I rushed into the crowd, but found that a handful of dirt on the ground was slowly bulging, and suddenly my heart was cold, and I whispered: "Be careful at your feet, the grave-digger will come down from the ground."

When I said that I had already rushed forward, the flying horses and the knees suddenly swelled. I slammed the town knife into the soil. "噗嗤" a black blood splashed, when I lifted the town knife, A digger was brought up together, and Longchijian immediately sent it out, straight through his neck, and the barbarian knives and the lining army iron rider on the side also calmed down and immediately slashed it with a sharp blade.

I took the sword and said in the guild: "Everyone is careful, the grave-digger is the groundhog, the underground is their paradise, be careful, the grave-digger will dig from the underground to launch a sudden attack, everyone fights Pay attention to the movements under your feet. Before the tomb ghost appears, the ground will be slightly raised."

The voice has not fallen, and there have been many exclamations in the crowd of dragons. The speed of the tomb ghosts is extremely fast, and more and more, they are almost ready to give up the attack on the ground, and change to this underground. The tactics of the raid, even the monsters are getting smarter.

Li Mu shouted: "The iron blade rides, spread out to be T, everyone forms a small team to protect the remote and auxiliary."

The position of the dragons was quickly decomposed and turned into zero. The Yulin Army was almost the same. The commanding abilities of Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Hao and Xia Ye were obvious, and the Yanlong Legion adjacent to the Yulin Army was not so fast. The underground sneak attack of the grave-diggers made them confuse for nearly 20 minutes and did not calm down. Theodore is a treasurer after all. Although the Yanlong Army is strong, most of them are strong in number and equipment quality. The ability to fight, I am afraid that the Yulin army is now far better than the Yanlong army.


In the distance, many guilds in Tianzhu City have begun to collapse. The sudden underground attack of the grave-diggers is like a nightmare to prevent them from being defended. However, this is not a real nightmare. Soon, I don’t know who suddenly shouted. : "Look, there is something flying in the sky."

My heart sank, and the first reaction was the predator.

Unsurprisingly, it is this awkward airborne creature, and this group of predators have been upgraded to level 5, and the attack power is even more terrifying, screaming down and heading straight to the most crowded places, Long Jun.

"Puff puff……"

Along the **** splatters, the dragons of the Yanlong Army fell almost a whole piece, and the heads of the people flew up. Suddenly, the hearts of the Yanlong Army were already cold, and the military heart had begun to loosen.


"Come on, this group of beasts." Han Yuan took a long knife and flew into the air to fly to our predators.

Li Mu also looked up at the sky: "Everyone... Be careful, the predator's ability to attack the fire is terrible..."

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