Zhan Long

Chapter 819: Only trade-offs


The predator is full of mucous mouth, which is particularly horrible. The four teeth in the upper and lower rows of the mouth are extremely chilling. A group of predators rushed down and formed an attacking pattern like a sharp knife. Killing in the positions of Yulinjun and Xiaolong... Don't think, our losses will not be much less than the Yanlong Legion.

"What to do." Long said: "The archer is ready, archery."

I bit my teeth, suddenly leaping from the war, suddenly slammed the iron horse, and the frosty brilliance of the zero star chased me to the sky, the whole person was swayed in the center by the frost elves, and the robes behind them roared. Suddenly there was a whistling sound, and the power of the frost broke out with a pair of ice wings. I rushed to the dense predator like this, and the sword danced and the body spiraled up.

The moon is shallow, the moon is cool, and the two MMs look at the sky together: "Ah, the skill of the happy brother... so handsome."


The swaying sword of the sword blasted a bunch of predators. The attack effect of the thousand-winged wing was particularly fierce. Plus, the two weapons in my hand belonged to the level of the gods, which directly smashed the impact of this predator. At the same time, the team, the arms, the neck, and the thighs were all baptized by the predator's teeth. When the blood plunged, there was another storm.


This time officially blasted the impact lineup of predators, and my blood also plunged to the extreme, a scream of screams came from the robes, and the ice and fire double dragons around me around the body to protect me from the next injury, the body is more It was hit by a group of predators and fell to the ground.

"Ah... pig."

Lin Biaoer, who was fighting a grave-digger, looked up at me and did not hesitate to launch the effect of the gods. He flew to me, and the daggers in his hands danced and stirred a group of predators, reaching for my waist and carrying I slammed into the ground, and I slammed into the shield of several iron-blade rides and rolled to the ground again. Fortunately, Lin Biaoer helped me to unload, otherwise it fell from a height of 100 meters, and my blood was estimated to be killed. And left the expedition action.

However, the dense predators in the air have already rushed down. The dragons and the priests have rushed to contend with bows and arrows, and they are extremely fierce. Some people are killed in battle, but even worse, we should not be far away from the team of the Scorpio City, predator in the sky. The underground attacking the tomb ghosts, this double attack makes people invincible. Even the guilds such as Long Xiang and the tyrants are instantly smashed for the purpose of slaughter. It is never easy to find your own rhythm.

A bunch of wine with a gun and a gun leaped into the crowd, suddenly a thousand waves hit the monster group, while shouting loudly: "Don't lie, the archer's seven-star arrow settles, at the moment the predator is about to land, ride the battle system Use the charge and the heroic impact to lock, there is nothing terrible for you to knock them down, don't let your teammates don't die, hurry up, don't kill, you have to die."

After Long Xiang’s lineup was shaken, he gradually calmed down. He had to say that a bottle of wine was a rare talent. Without him, it would be hard to imagine what kind of valley the current Long Xiang had fallen to.


On the plains of the feared, millions of players from the Scorpio City, the NPC army, were given a lesson by countless grave-diggers and predators. This battle is not going to be a victory, such a big discount. The loss equals a lot of slap in the face of Locke, and wants to be a sacred priest. First of all, you must measure whether you have the ability to say it again. If the sorcerer is really easy to be swept, then I am afraid that this singularity will not be round. Go to this mediocre king.

Time passes by, the southern part of the plain of the fearful is like a **** one. The position of the Guardian Army has begun to organize the defense of the shield and the archery to counter the predators, and the Yanlong Legion is more chaotic. Although Otto’s command is still quite good, the Yanlong Army lacks exercise. The army that claimed to be the First Army of the Kingdom has not experienced the baptism of too much blood. When it encounters a terrible predator and a gravegger, it immediately becomes chaotic. In a group, and the number of Yanlong Legion is too many, the various commanders of the Wanfu are fighting each other. Even some idiots actually fired the angle of the dragon crystal gun against the air. As a result, the shells did not erupt in the air but landed. The explosion in his own position was terrible, not only the NPC, but even the mythical blue cow riding was blown up a lot.

The painting charm on the paper carries the water gods back and forth in the monster group, killing one by one, but can not help but wrinkle the eyebrows, said: "These NPCs are pigs, actually...oh Go, don’t stop me for a while, I must cut down the head of the regiment that ordered the firing, and mad at me..."

Fang Ge阙 floated in the crowd, magical double hair, will attack his own demon to kill one by one, while calming: "A Jing is not impulsive, we still need the strength of the NPC army, do not tear them off with them for the time being, There is no way, the Yanlong Legion now has a total of 15W people, and certainly will have a lot of idiots..."

Xiao Siwen was on the sidelines: "No, when the battle was over, 1W cavalry was killed. Just now, the trap was dead 7000. Now it is being smashed by the tomb ghosts and predators. At least 3W people will be killed. Longjun can't be more than 10W now."

The fascinating face on the paper is a bit ugly: "There has been so many people who have not yet arrived in the city. This is the commanding ability of the great prince of Theodore." The boss, we are not going to the Yanlong Army. If we were to go to the Yulin Army, it would be good, and the army would be very popular, and the commander would be quite handsome..."

Fang Ge is somewhat speechless: "A Jing, do you think Li Xiaoyao is very handsome? I didn't think you were such a superficial girl..."

On the paper, the charm is smiling on the horse. "The boss is jealous, ha, don't be angry. The person you love the most is always you. When do you give me a monthly salary? My elders actually pay the salary level. Xiao Sven’s **** is like a flag, and can’t stand it.”

Xiao Siwen almost fell down immediately: "I am going, what is the **** and the flag, ah, my special **** battle, no credit and hard work..."

The mythology is very easy, while killing the blame and chatting, it is very calm.

Heroes, trials, and sharp guilds are similar. Although many people have been damaged, morale has not been greatly damaged.


In the **** battle of nearly 2 hours, the grave-diggers in the underground were almost killed, and the screams in the air were less and less. The predators appeared terrible when attacked in groups, but once they were placed, it would be equal. It was the target of the archer, and it was shot and killed one after another. The battle of this small field was over.

I stood in the crowd of Xiaolong and asked: "What is the damage?"

Lin Xiaoer smiled and said: "The preservation is relatively complete. Xiaolong lost only 5,000 people. Don't worry, we can hang up and resurrect. It is true that you care about your Royal Forest. That is your real card. Ah pig head."

I smiled and held my girlfriend in a hug and said, "The dragon on this side relies on you and Li Mu, and I put a lot of effort into it. I put the focus on the Yulin Army here. I finally completed the preparation of the 5W people. All the battles were sent out."


Turning to the horse to go to the Yulin army position, I saw Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others are counting the number. After seeing me, Han Yuan’s face is full of excitement and laughs: "General, this battle we killed nearly 7W is different, it’s amazing."

I asked, "How many people have been damaged."

Xiao Li said: "There are less than 4,000 people."

I have a glimpse of my heart and said: "There has been so much loss in the city that has not been close to the feared.... Is it too much? Once we attack the city, we don’t know how many people in this group of priests can return to Tianzhu City. It is."

Long Hao said with relief: "The leader is not so hurt, we are Imperial soldiers. The moment they joined the army, they have already put their lives and deaths out, and these brothers are dead on the battlefield. This is their perfect destination, isn't it? ”

I smiled and said: "Maybe, you four come with me and go to see the big hall. After all, he is a marshal. We can't decide what to do next."



With four will go to the Yanlong Army's position, all the way above are dead bodies, it can be seen that the loss of the Yanlong Army is heavy, the Chinese army, Theodore's face is almost pale, carrying the hands of Yuan Zhenjian Also trembled a little, a group of Wanfu stood on his side, one by one, dignified, and did not say a word.

"General Li, you are here." Theodore looked at me, and the hostility in the eyes was one point less. About him was also shocked by the mighty army of this warfare army, but the hostility to me was also reduced.

I nod. "Under the Great Hall, I want to ask. What do we do next? There is a gap ahead. The graves are excavated. Our soldiers may be able to climb past, but the food and grass can’t be transported. Fire Rock cannons, dragon crystal cannons and brakes are the key to our success and must be brought."

"Filling the gap is..." Theodore faintly said.

Han Yuandao: "Under the Great Hall, do we have to dig the soil to fill it? We must know that we did not bring the excavation tools, and we did not even bring many engineers."

Theodore looked at the dense body on the battlefield and said, "Simple, throwing the body of the dead into the pit will naturally fill it out."


An Wanlong of the Yanlong Army was shocked: "Your Highness, these are our brothers, use their bodies to fill the pits, and we will die one day in the future, how to face them underground."

Theodore faintly said: "If the body can also do its part for the Imperial Army, I think these warriors who will die will not refuse, Li Xiaoyao leads, you think."


Han Yuan, Long Yao and others have looked at me and waited for my answer, and I was a little embarrassed. After a long time, the voice was low and said: "Everything is under the direction of His Royal Highness..."

In the eyes of Long Yin, there was a trace of disappointment, and I also looked at him, patted his shoulder and whispered: "The situation is pressing, only to choose."

Longyan’s eyes lit up and he said: “I understand that the commander does not have to worry, and I will understand this feeling because I have faced such a situation more than once.”


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