Zhan Long

Chapter 825: Dragon robbery


Under the shock, my town knife fell to the ground, NM is in the potholes, actually Gavin was finally killed by Otelia, a hair did not burst, only a purple wind The sword was forcibly taken away by Otelia. The feelings of our players have been ruined by the current **** flow, but if you think about it, Gavin is about to launch a curse. If Otilia does not kill him, then The players here may be destroyed by the whole army. It seems that Otelia is also good to kill. We are too underestimated the strength of the 7th King of Gavin.

I hurriedly bent over and picked up the town's knives. I looked at Otelia and said, "I haven't gone back to the cold dragon city for half a year. Where have you been? How come back here."

Otelia took the purple wind sword and reached out to touch the lines above the blade. She smiled and said: "Walk around and practice, otherwise I can still do anything. In the past six months... well, I went to the sea once. In the depths, I went to a wild giant tribe and the dark moon spirit territory. I almost couldn’t come back a few times. After that, I made a sale with the emperor in Zeyuan City and sold a gun called the artifact. They, all the money they exchanged, went into my Golden League."

"Golden League."

I groaned: "What is Jinmeng."

Otelia smiled and slanted the purple wind sword into the sword bag behind her. She held her arms around her chest and filled her plump peaks. She smiled and said: "Golden League is actually made of gold coins. The organization that is formed is mainly responsible for cruising the world and contributing to the hardships of the people. How is my position in your mind become great?"

I sweared: "Forget it, you see gold coins more important than life. How can you help Li people to lie and lie to others."

Otilia smirked: "Well, you can't lie to you. In fact, Jinmeng is an abducted organization. Our goal is to eliminate fangs and chrysanthemums..."

I felt that I couldn’t talk anymore. When I flew up, I looked at Gavin’s body. I didn’t have anything but the purple wind sword. I couldn’t help but be disappointed. I turned to look at a group of people from Xiaolong and Yulinjun. "Well, attack Wangcheng, kill Luolin, and seize the city. Our mission is complete."

Li Mu nodded and immediately turned around and took a group of iron-blade rides and rushed straight.

Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others counted the number of Yu Linjun, and then ordered the wounded soldiers to be taken down for treatment. At this time, the heavy and logistical have arrived in the city of the feared people. A large number of military doctors have already arrived, so that Can save a lot of wounded soldiers' lives, this is also my biggest concern. This time, attacking Luo Lin's territory, even if it is a victory, must also minimize the damage, otherwise I and Theodore's end will be mostly The same.

Fortunately, the expedition began to the present, the loss of the Imperial Army will never exceed 1W. In contrast, the Yanlong Legion, due to Theodore’s cruel military command and unscrupulous means, 15W people have already killed at least 9W, even if this expedition succeeded. However, about the Yanlong Army also lost the title of the first empire of the empire, but if it wins, I believe that Locke will definitely reward the Crown Prince, and maybe other troops will be directly charged to the Yanlong Army. There are a lot of things everywhere. I just hope that it’s not the Yulin army. If it is, I will not succumb. I am very sorry to bring the Imperial Army to the Scorpio City. The army that I brought out with one hand can never see them become politics. The victim.


There are street fighting all over the city, and the frost and green radish lead the Dragon City to attack the king city. They are fighting with the banned army of Luo Lin, and there is no victory or defeat at the same time.

I summoned the flying iron horse and continued to rush in the forefront of the Yulin army. Although the thousand-winged wings are gorgeous and powerful, they are too conspicuous, and it is better to keep a low profile.

Han Yuan carries a long knife, and the blade is full of gaps. He has no idea how many evils have been killed in this battle. His face is covered with black blood, but he does not care to reach out on his face. The sweep smashed the two banned troops and screamed at me. "General, it seems that this time we are going to win a big victory. The Imperial artillery is really very powerful. As you foresee, Rollin and Gavin. The legion suffered a big loss under the fire rock cannon and the dragon crystal cannon."

I nodded: "Don't care, fast attack, it is not suitable for a long time here. Lan Nasir, Hev, Darren, Yin Ge, Redding, these kings have not appeared yet. Once they appear, we are simply not enough. Their subordinates are sewed."

"Yes, general."

Han Yuan waved a long knife and shouted: "The fast break, within ten minutes, I attacked the city gate and entered the city to search for Luo Lin. This time, it is necessary to bring the head of this human traitor back to Tianzhu City to invite the merits. Reward, everyone can rest assured that as long as Luo Lin is killed, our ranks should be upgraded by one level, and the military ranks doubled."

Han Yuan’s remarks are true. The rewards of the Tianzhu City against the military merits have always been unsatisfactory. If you really kill Luo Lin, the Royal Forest Army will surely get everyone’s gift.

Han Yuan’s words, a group of soldiers immediately became more excited, one by one murderous rushed to the city gate, and Luo Lin’s banned army strangled together, each other has damage, but basically can do 1 change 2, Luo Linjun Morale fell sharply after Gavin’s death, and even the kings were killed. How can these soldiers continue to compete?


Just as everyone was fighting high, suddenly there was a burst of dragons in the distance. I couldn’t help but stop the attack. The dragon horse came to a nearby ruined arrow tower and looked at the distant clouds. One by one, the shadow of the shadows, can not help but a tight heart, bite the teeth: "Not good..."

Lin Biaofei came to fly and stood by me and asked, "What happened."

"There are reinforcements coming."

I looked into the distance and said, "Hey, let's order the iron blade to form a defensive phalanx and stop attacking the king city. This support soldier comes from the north. If there is no accident, it will be the reinforcement of the wild dragon territory."

"it is good."

Lin Biaoer floated to the ground, and the voice was softly ordered. The 1W person of Xiaolong immediately withdrew from the position and built a position on the street. I also warned the Yulin Army and the rest of the Tianzhu City players guild, but only The trial, the soldiers under the city, the heroes, several guilds retreat, the rest are still storming the king city, and the frost has also sensed what, with a group of dragon city guards on the edge of the gunhouse, several dragon crystal guns on the fort Waiting for it.

In a few minutes, a layer of dark clouds shrouded the sky above the city. The next moment, the dragon screamed, and the head of a fire dragon drilled the clouds, and the sly eyes looked at the earth, with the spirit of the king, and the swaying look Suddenly, I opened my mouth and yelled: "The despicable human beings dare to do this. It’s too deceiving. The dragons, our time for revenge is here, give me an attack."

Said, this fire dragon suddenly swayed, facing the earth is a flame of dragons, for a moment, a large group of Yanlong soldiers have been burned to ashes, tragic sounds into one, and the sky clouds, one end The ice dragon also swims, followed by a black dragon, one after the other, and the sky is already full of dense dragons, at least thousands of calculations.

Han Yuan took a long knife and looked into the air. The throat was twitching and slamming, and his eyes were full of despair: "Well... a lot of dragons, finished, we are finished..."

The wild dragons must have come out of the nest, and Yin Ge must be hidden in the depths of the clouds.

My heart trembled, and immediately took the sword back a few steps, said: "The dragon is not incapable of killing, the archer, when the dragon dive down, look for the sniper point, the higher the better, use the seven-star arrow temporarily Dizzy them, the dragon will naturally fall to the ground, then the cavalry will go up again, each break, don't be afraid, we are now too late to escape, and it is a death."

Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others nodded. Lin Xiaowu, Admiral Lian Po, Xing Lie and others left the team and entered the rubble of the city. They jumped onto the towers, bell towers and other buildings, hidden behind the giant rock. Waiting for the advent of the dragon, a few seconds later, a black dragon rushed to the position of a group of iron-blade riders, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and the neck rose up, and a bite of dragons came out.


A sharp arrow went away. It was Lin Xiaowu’s attack. “嘭” sighed with anger, and the seven-star arrow fell accurately in the eyes of the black dragon in flight. The black dragon mourned and the body rolled into the crowd. Instantly killed a few iron blade rides, and Li Mu, Wang Hao and others immediately encircled, this black dragon is a ghost stage BOSS, 156, kill or can kill.

In another direction, Xing Lie attracted a fire dragon. Admiral Lian Po hit a cold arrow. The fire dragon rolled into the team led by Matcha, Li Mengyao and others. The dragons surrounded the crowd and it was a slash.

But the cruelty on the entire battlefield is that countless dragons hover in the air like big worms, burning a bit of a player and the NPC army, and the ground is terrible. Wang Luolin immediately leads a group of banned troops to counterattack. When it came out, the imposing slashing of the Yulin Army and the Yanlong Army, the situation on the entire battlefield was instantly reversed.



Long Yu took a long gun and shouted loudly. The squadrons of the Yulin Army turned their directions and went to the sky. The "啪啪啪" shot a steel arrow, although the hit rate was extremely low, but the car was dense, but there were huge ones. The dragon fell to the ground, and a large group of iron cavalry rushed to the front, greeting with a sword and a long gun.


A blue gas swelled on the ground, the frost was no longer in place, and the next moment the sky burst into a few swords, the three dragons mourned and fell into the city, the frost was the upper god, killing the dragon She is just a piece of cake.

On the shackles of the city wall, Queen Shu Shu was sitting there with her long legs. Now she can't sit still. The beautiful face is covered with a scale, and a little screaming: "The rabbit scorpions, dare to be so crazy, Roar."

A dragon scorpion, the scorpion's armor smashed, the skin turned into a dragon scale, the body skyrocketed dozens of times, and the eye was restored to the real body, a huge red dragon queen rushed to the sky, the claws swept over, a head dragon immediately Was killed, the start is particularly heavy, it seems that Zi Shu also knows the moment of life and death.

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