Zhan Long

Chapter 826: Dragon robbery

"Dragon... Dragon Robber..."

The face of the great emperor Theodore was full of horror, his body trembled, and he almost did not dare to go to the dragon in the air. The Lantern sword in his hand was about to be grasped. He said: "The prophecies of the prophets are true... ... The dragon robbery really came, the dragons descended from the sky, the heavens and the earth were dull, the empire’s life counts will come to an end, and it’s over... The Scorpio empire is really over, the dragon robbery is real...”

A Wanfu leader stepped forward and yelled: "His Royal Highness, restore your senses. You are the commander of the Three Armies. The officers are waiting for your orders. Fight or retreat. What should we do?"

Theodore looked up and looked at the black-pressed dragons in the air, biting his lips and muttering: "What are the fights, we don't have enough people to die, retreat, the whole army retreat, we can't be the northern devils." Opponent, give up, die less, or be the gift of the empire to the soldiers, retreat..."

Wan Fuchang suddenly: "The two armies have been glued together and really retreat."

Theodore suddenly pulled out the Yuanxiao sword and said: "I am the Marshal of the Three Armies. I am Chu Jun. My words are military orders. Are you questioning my orders?"

Wan Fuchang suddenly, slammed his head: "The end will know the wrong, the end will be wrong, and your Highness please anger, I will go to the order to retreat."


The Yanlong Legion can be said to have no fighting spirit. On the contrary, the Yulin Army is fighting hard, fighting the dragons in the air with fire and rock cannons, dragon crystal cannons, etc., and the player team successively lures the dragon from the air to the ground to kill. The dragons of the 1000 wild dragons’ territories have already halved on the ground. Once they are close to the battle, they will be hurt. There are at least 20W players in the city, and 1,000 people can kill 200 dragons. However... this is an ideal estimate. The real situation is that the number of players has dropped very fast.

"I am charging with me."

Above the ground, Wang Cheng once again rushed out of a group of different demons. Luo Lin took a long sword and personally charged. The banned army quickly broke through the frontal defense of Tianzhu City. The next moment, Luo Lin’s army had already arrived directly at the Yanlong Legion. Charge, a group of Yanlong army long gunmen greeted the front, whispered: "Lorraine, you traitor, died."

Luo Lin sneered, his left hand slammed the flames, swept away, and suddenly the sea engulfed a group of pikemen, the strength of the disparity is too big.

Several soldiers hurried to run backwards, loudly: "Not good, Luo Lin is attacking our Chinese army."

Theodore suddenly looked up and turned over the horse. He took the Yuanxiao sword and rushed out of the Chinese army. He shouted: "Don't panic, order the left army and the right army to move closer to the Chinese army. The cavalry battalion will stop them, and the bow and arrow camp will not relax. I kill."

Say, Theodore suddenly looked into the distance and shouted: "Where is the Royal Army, but it is not to protect the car."

However, there are dozens of dragons in the camp of the Royal Forest Army who are raging and raging. Where are the troops coming to reinforce them, but I still look at Xia Ye, saying: "Take a battalion force in the past, hurry, can't let There is no danger in Theodore, otherwise our Royal Forest Army is duty-bound."

Xia Ye deeply understands the truth and nods. "Yes, adults."


However, the person led by Xia Ye has not yet arrived, and Luo Lin’s banned army has already broken through the human army. The single-armed combat power of the different devils is far better than the Yanlong Legion. At this moment, it is a close-knit, no heavy artillery cover. The fragility is naturally revealed, and it is instantly killed and the helmet is unloaded and collapsed.


A group of flames swept the crowd, Luo Lin instantly penetrated the crowd, the iron fist swayed, and instantly blasted a Wanfu squad into a pile of minced meat, turned to be a sword, and another head of Wanfu’s head had already flew .


Theodore roared and raised his hand to go to the Yuanxiaojian, Luo Linyi screamed and laughed, and the speed of the fast-moving stepped body, the fist "squeaky" slammed on the hilt, directly smashed the Yuanxiao sword Into the sheath, while lifting the boots and squatting on Theodore's abdomen, Theodore is only a pampered prince, and the force may not be comparable to Han Yu, Xiao Li, etc. of Yulin Jun, where can afford The attack of the king-level sorcerer, a few steps back from the blood of the mouth.

Luo Lin suddenly took the Yuanxiao sword, and then grabbed the watch of Theodore and lifted him up. He sneered: "This is the prince of the city of Scorpio. It seems that it is not as good as the prince of the Eight Desert City."

Theodore roared: "Lorraine, killing and killing, why should you humiliate me."

"it is good."

Luo Lin snorted, the scorpion of the Yuan Zhenjian "铿", the light flashed, the next moment, all NPC soldiers from Tianzhu City were shocked, the head flew in the air with blood, rolling down the rubble Between the eyes, the eyes are not closed.

Theodore, died in battle.


My heart is also a cold, Luo Lin used the Yuan Zhenjian to kill our three military commander Theodore, this is a ironic thing.


I suddenly started to stand up, the horse disappeared, and the frost fell into the wings behind me, and suddenly rushed out with the town knife, and loudly said: "Otelia, help me."

The figure is like a tram, and it is like a meteor hitting on the back of Rollin. "There is a slamming of energy fragments. I can't ignore Luo Lin without a single blow. I walked a few steps forward." He turned to look at me, and his mouth sneered: "Boy, if it wasn't you, how could you leave me if you are mad, you must die today."

I sighed: "There is a frost that leaves you. It is because you take it by yourself, and you take a step back. Is this kind of scum worthy of frost?"

Said, I have already screamed with the sword, and instantly broke the speed of nearly 10 swords, while Luo Lin condensed the flame shield to defend, my attack actually broke the shield, the king-level The strength is there, still a little stubborn.

"Go to death."

Luo Lin shouted, and Yuan Zhenjian slammed me with flames.

The town knife swayed, I attacked and defended, the town knife greeted the Yuanxiao sword is a blow, I saw a large spark in front of the eyes, the power of the Yuanxiao sword is too big, smashed the town knife, directly in me Sword on the shoulder.


Actually, only this injury, my heart is determined, Luo Lin is so powerful because the artifact is desperate, leaving despair, he is like a tiger who lost his minions, can you help me?



A record of Mu Yu returned a lot of blood, and the people behind the pots and other hanging pots quickly approached me at least, singled out Luo Lin, perhaps really hopeful.

The wall of vindictiveness and the frosty ice armor continued to bless. I and Luo Lin even fought dozens of swords and finally broke their flame shield. At this time, Otilia slammed the purple wind sword over the crowd, and the sword edged out. The sheath, ascended to the right arm of Luo Lin.


Luo Lin hurriedly withdrew his hand, but it was too late. Otelia slammed into the sword of the Yuanxiao sword. At the same time, the hilt grabbed Luo Lin’s wrist and violently took it. The Yuan Zhen sword immediately broke away from Luo Lin’s hand. .


Luo Lin screamed and punched a punch. Otilia blocked her arm, and even retireed for tens of meters. The hair was scattered and suffered a slight injury. However, her mouth smirked and sent Yuan Zhenjian to me: "Catch It is."

I flew past and grabbed the handle of the Yuanxiao sword in one hand. This sword has no attacking power, just a prop, but it is true that the authority of the three armed forces commander is watching the defeated Yanlong Army. I suddenly stand up in the air. The Yuanxiao sword was lifted over the top and shouted: "The Lantern sword is in my hands. The Yanlong Legion listens to the order and immediately guards the ground. The car and the artillery aim at the sky and bombard the dragon. The archer uses the arrow to give the dragon Set it down, you are an imperial soldier. It is your mission to fight for the enemy. Let me continue to fight. The warlord will draw all the swords and the deserters will kill."

The NPC lords on the Scorpio City Palace said that I am a benevolent. In fact, I don’t think that I am a benevolent person. If I really push me, some means can still be used, especially for Yan Longjun. This kind of famous ace legion, the Guardian Army is still able to die, and Yan Longjun is the first to be defeated. It is ironic.

The arrow shot very densely. Luo Lin had an arrow on his shoulder. He decided to retire. He was not a fool. He would not be as desperate as Gavin, and after losing despair, Luo Lin’s strength was greatly reduced. The high-order sneaky BOSS is not strong enough. Now only 40% of the blood is gone. As long as we are under the pressure of the wild dragon territory, killing Luo Lin is not a problem.


In the air, a dragon's blood sprinkled, Yin Ge has appeared, and is smashed with frost, and there are three dragon elders helping Yin Ge, otherwise he may have been injured, and the Queen Shu Shu made a sound in the air. The roar of the sound, the scales on the body were bitten in many places, but it made her become violent, and spit out a red-hot dragon. This is a dragon that can't be resisted even by the dragon. Become the most killing person on the scene, oh no, it is the dragon.

Above the ground, the players of the major guilds are still attacking, the dragon kills one less, and the players are also dead, less and less, in the blink of an eye, there are only less than 10W people, and the dragon is also folded. Nearly half of the damage, the original Yin Ge whistling in the air, finally, Yin Ge found that the wild dragon territory continues to fight and will be destroyed.


Under the whistling of Yin Ge, a head dragon immediately swayed the fleshy wing and rushed to the clouds, and the people who shed frost, Zishu, etc. did not go after the killing, so they watched the silver gobs go, the frosty shoulders On a piece of blood red, she was bitten by a dragon, but it was not fatal. She looked down at the earth and found one person. She suddenly had a great killing in her eyes: "Lolin..."


Yan Huajian squirted himself and suddenly slammed into the earth. Suddenly, he slammed a landslide. He was leading a group of banned troops to try to escape from the north gate of the city. Luo Lin was slammed back dozens of steps, his face was full of despair. Look up and look at the frost, roaring: "Flowing frost, you just don't want me to live."


The frosty red lips whispered, saying: "The living person is dead, why should the dead be alive?"

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