Zhan Long

Chapter 827: Early expected results

"Kill it."

A group of people began to squat cheaply. They were rushing to the fire. They rumored to carry a long sword and shouted: "Rolin has only 11% of his blood, go up and kill him, for justice, for the honor of the Chinese theater."

I can't help but sneer, he is just equipped to be right.

The rushing man rushed to Luo Lin, but did not want the worm to die without being stiff. Luo Lin gently brought his hand to bring out the mighty flame, burning nearly 100 players who rushed to the fire, and the hero The people of several major guilds in Prague immediately concealed the past, and they were also destined to Luolin’s dead end. So many people remembered his head. He could not die.


I looked up at the clouds in the air for a long time before they dissipated. We won this war, we really won, killed Gavin, and made a fortune. If we can kill Luo Lin, it would be a big win. But...I looked at the body of Theodore on the stretcher in the distance. I don’t think that my heart is cold. I played with Theodore. It was one of the two commanders. As a result, Theodore was killed, can I have no responsibility? .

It’s hard to be around. God knows what I will face when I return to Tianzhu City this time.

At this time, Li Mu, Wang Hao and others have been chasing the past with a group of players, Luo Lin's blood is less than 5%, everyone is stunned, in fact, everyone is waiting for Luo Lin burst equipment, Although I felt that Luo Lin’s despair was lost, and it was almost as a cannon fodder in the northern magical territory, he should have no oil and water on his body.

However, it is still a sword with a group of people to rush together, but Rolin is surrounded by people, all the players of the guild have, among them heroes, myths, Prague, the largest number of players, Yanzhao Wushuang uncle obviously has some intention to get, Carrying a long sword and loudly saying: "Hey, you must blow Luo Lin out."

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Goodbye is also the tears carrying the Zen stick, desperately rushing to the side of Luo Lin, while saying: "Scratch, always feel lying."

When Luo Lin turned back, it was a sweeping attack. As a result, goodbye was also a tearful retreat. The face was burned to a black spot. The ball was not stupid and the long scorpion held the shield and darted forward. The loud voice: "Monk Standing back to the blood, Luo Lin’s little life was handed over to me.”

However, Luo Lin was shrouded in flames, and suddenly fell back into the arms of the ball, and the iron fists swayed. "啪" shattered the shield that was not stupid, and reached for his neck. , low drink: "蝼 ants, take you to heaven."


Luo Lin is a god-level BOSS, and he flies to the sky. Although he is bloody, he is also sharp, but the ball is not stupid. Luo Lin’s face is green: “Linlin of CNM, let go of Laozi, Laozi is not Flower girl, you catch me."

In the air, Qingluo and Zishu Queen were intercepted there, and the green radish fell. As soon as Luo Lin was smashed by the sword, there was not much blood left. The ball was not stupid and the face was green. The armor on the back of the spine was smashed by the sword of Qingluo, and it hurts with tears: "This NPC chick doesn't know whether it is pity or not."

Luo Lin was miserable, and it was not stupid to grasp the ball. As a result, the ball was not stupid and fell directly to the earth with less than 20% qi and blood. He shouted: "It is the brother who catches me."

Goodbye is also tears rushing over the past, stretching out his arms to catch the ball is not stupid, even running a few steps, "啪" a ball is not stupid to face landing, fell, goodbye is also a tearful tiger Shock, a look of remorse: "Brother, calculation error..."

Luo Lin fell in another group of people, thousands of savage wolf rides and the heroic smashing of the fire crystal ride together, a few seconds later, suddenly a ring of music passed.


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Question Sword] killed the demon monarch [Fearing Robin], and received rewards: level 2, glamour value of 100, reputation value increased greatly, and merit value 300.


No one thought of it. In the end, it was actually asking the sword to kill Luo Lin. The chaos was too fierce. The dragon and the dragon were too long. Even the guilds such as Prague, Judgment and Mythology were not far from the side of Luo Lin.

This battle is really over. The player desperately kills the last warrior of the feared, and when Rolin is dead, the empire of the fearful man is already in existence. It is no longer a demon territory, but a desert city.

Inquired from many parties, asked the sword to kill Luo Lin, broke out a wizard's necklace of a second artifact, and made it simple, and there is also a ghost shield, the first knight to the hero, Tang Gu, and another The ghost scorpion tomahawk was smashed by the sword and the ROLL was gone. The ultimate beneficiary of this war should be a hero.

The city was bleak, there were corpses everywhere, and even many of the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion were crying, and the players went back to the city to receive the rewards. In the twinkling of an eye, the city of the fearful city has almost become a dead city. There are only a few players and the NPC army of the Yulin Army, the Cold Dragon City, and the Yanlong Army.

Yan Longjun came out a total of 15W people, a total of 15 Wanfu, but killed 14 people, only one left, and this person's leg was seriously injured, but this guy is a real man, dragging injured The leg limped forward and waved the long knife. "咔嚓" slammed Luo Lin’s head down, then fell to the ground, tears in tears and said: "Under the Great Hall, you saw no, Luo Lin was killed by us, we have already avenged you, I hope that you can rest in the Spirit of Heaven."

I stood silent and silent. Theodore was originally intended to gain full power in this battle and return to the city to stabilize the status of the king. Unfortunately, he did not count the strength of the army. The 15W Yanlong army came in full swing, but now there are only less than 3W people left, and they are killed by Luo Lin himself. All this is what Theodore did not think of. He can see the ghost in the spirit of heaven.

Looking at the Lantern sword held in my hand, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. I went forward and stabbed the Yuanxiao sword to the only Wanfu, the only remaining master of the Yanlong Army. "General Xu, this is the Lantern Festival left by His Royal Highness." Sword, please save it, and bring it back to the city of Scorpio with the body of His Royal Highness to return to the Emperor."

Wanfu nodded and looked at me and found that I was all traces of swords. The white purplish cloak was dyed red, and the cloak was covered with numerous holes in the knife and gun. He couldn’t help but also have some sky, saying: General Lee, thank you... you also... hard work..."

I nod.

Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Yu, and Xia Ye will come one after another. They are all hurt a bit, but they are not heavy. After this battle, their ranks have also improved. This makes people feel happy, Han Yuan said: Leading the adults, how to deal with this deserted city."

I thought about it and said, "I buried the brothers who died in battle, and then burned the palace of Luo Lin, and turned the city into a ruin. We don't need to station troops here, even if it is a garrison." Can't live in this city, this time Lan Nasir, Darren, Shiv did not appear, otherwise we certainly can't live back."

"Yes, general."


Han Yuan ordered the soldiers to excavate the tombs and put the remains of the dead of the Yulin Army and Yanlong Army into a total of 9 mass graves. In order to prevent these bodies from being resurrected into undead, throwing fire into the pit, then a fire 9 flaming craters appeared in front of them, a group of strangers moved in a row, and they brushed their knees in front of the grave. I don’t know who brought the head. The Guards and the Yanlong Army sang together a rather bleak empire. War songs, or, say, lamentation will be more appropriate.

Tianzhu Zhaozhao, the brave man.

I swear by my loyalty and bury my bones.

Tianzhu Zhaozhao, the brave man.

With a belt, the soul keeps the country.


We all understand that the soldiers are destined to bury their fate in their lives.

Soon after, the palace of the feared city pool also caught fire, and there were flames everywhere. The Royal Forest Army and the Yanlong Army packed up and returned to the city.

All the way, continue to burn and bury the dead body of the dead, the atmosphere can not be said to be heavy, nearly three hours before arriving in Tianzhu City, and this time, the flow of frost with Zishu, Otelia and other cold The people of Longcheng will follow us back to Tianzhu City, and the snow and ice will be smart. It seems that we can guess what will happen.

Scorpio City, a winding city standing on the northeast side of the mainland, symbolizes the strongest barriers of mankind.

At this time, in front of the north gate of Tianzhu City, I saw a large group of people wearing plain clothes standing there. The news of Theodore’s death was long gone. Locke, Owen, Pei and others were dressed in white. There, one by one, crying and red eyes, they are welcoming Theodore's coffin.


The coffin was slowly pushed down to the front of the city in the iron car. Locke the Great trembled, and the sad cry burst on the body of Theodore. He found that Theodore’s head and neck sutures were even more fierce. I didn't think that it was the last time I saw Theodore, and I didn't even think that Theodore, the man who claimed to be the first commander of the Empire, would end up with a different position.

Owen also helped the coffin cry, but I can see that his crying is not true, maybe he is stealing.

The crowd with the Royal Forest will stand there, I am silent.

After a full ten minutes, finally, the second emperor Owen suddenly turned and shouted: "Where is the Royal Forest commander Li Xiaoyao."

I nod. "I am."

"Your Majesty." Owen’s voice could not tell the fierceness.

I stood there silently, stepped forward and said, "Why."


Owen’s eyes were full of tears, and he screamed: “You are going to fight with the emperor, and the emperor is fighting, but you are returning intact. You are not guilty of this garrison, don’t think I don’t know, I’m early. I got the flying report. Because the emperor had been dissatisfied with you a lot, you confessed your self-confidence and saw you die. You watched the emperor being beheaded by Luo Lin, right?"

Said, Owen angered: "Come, Li will remove the token, cut the rank, and immediately launch the dagger."

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