Zhan Long

Chapter 852: Heavy artillery dominates the battlefield

"Fuck, what is this attack power?!"

Ai Ye was in the city, and his face was green. The second ally of the hero, the prince, appeared in the city with a dagger. He squinted and said, "This is the man who used our super strength to put our heroes in the league." The two beautiful deputy lords have taken it away. Can you bear it with Ai Ye? If you can’t bear it, let’s close the gate and leave him outside the city to let the three of them get rid of the eight.”

Ai Ye sneered: "Don't tease me, people don't walk from the city gate, let the following brothers quickly make up, the speed of the battle is too fast, and then there will be no one to defend the city."

"it is good!"


Soon after, there was a sudden scream in the camp of the NPC army in the city of Huoyuncheng. Then four giants about 5 meters high waved the battle axe out of the crowd. The skin of the giant was very rough. This is the fire cloud. The killer of the city NPC army domestication? !


A giant's face was shot with arrows, but he still swayed the heavy tomahawk on the iron gate of the Vulcan Fort. The fire was splashed and the iron gate was directly pulled out of a huge gully. The wind looked white and white: "This... hurry up, kill these giants first, or the city will not be able to keep it!"

A group of famous archers rushed to the volley, but when they gathered together, the distant bang, the next moment of the dragon crystal gun broke out in the city, forming a vacuum shock wave, under the baptism of the dragon All of the nearly 100 archers were spared and smashed into pieces!


A ring rolled silver on the wall and shone in the setting sun. This is a bowman bursting out. And this is the first time that the Dragon Crystal Cannon hit the player directly, for a moment. I feel the power of this kind of heavy artillery, and I quickly looked at the city under the city and shouted: "Li Xiaoyao, our famous family retreats, and you quickly retreat, you can't stop here. It!"

My heart is warm, even if the dragon and the famous family have already made a big fight before, but this time, the wind is still concerned about my safety. At this time, people can understand what is the robe of fighting side by side.

But I can't go so fast, the boots are suddenly empty, and the whole force rushes to the giant who is slamming the gate. "嘭" slams the giant into a dozens of meters, my strength is too high, this giant body Big and big, but the collision of power is definitely not my opponent.

Turning around is another sweep, Zhenyue knife with the attacking energy of the flaming swordsmanship in the crowd, a group of iron rides slammed back, looked up, a few people in the distance with a golden emblem on the head rushed over That is the golden color that the top 20 players in the IBN Battle.com battlefield in the Indian Ocean Warriors will never have. These people will never be simple. How can a person who stands out among 5000W players be a rookie? !

The arm was gently swayed, and the Xuanwu pool landed. At the same time, I set up a green dragon with a dragonfly. The giant spirit roared and opened the bowstring. A green dragon arrow of "啪" shot through the crowd and directly went to an IBN battle net celebrity. The Master shot a few steps back, and the subconscious released a space-folding effect. After he jumped, he suddenly broke out of a wilderness. The sprinkling damage would kill an assassin. Lost, this IBN celebrity couldn't help but cry: "Be careful, this Chinese player is too powerful. All IBN masters should not be close. We don't have to break down important people here. The rest rush and drown him. !"

I danced in the crowd with a sword and a sword. I relied on blood-sucking to replenish it. I used a rainy technique to moisturize it. It’s not so easy for people in Huoyuncheng to kill me. Looking up at the city, the people who are in the dominance are still there. Fighting, I couldn't help but anger and yelled: "Liu Ying, you still don't leave, stay here and wait to die?"

Liu Ying said with anger: "If you hang up, you will lose 1 level. If you are a tyrant, you will not want to accept your favor!"

"it is good!"

I stood up and shouted: "You want to die here and die, no one will regret you, the pig runs, you are not going to go, are you stupid?"

The fire of the city of Huoyun City, the Vulcan Fort is destined to fall, the pig quickly ran to look at Liu Ying: "British brother, if you don't go, everyone will die here in vain!"

Liu Yingyi gritted his teeth: "Retreat!"

At this moment, a bang suddenly burst open below, the iron gate of the Vulcan Fort has been directly shattered, with flames and steel fragments splashing in the back, many of the tyrants are flying high-speed steel The debris was killed, and it was a few blasting fires and mortars. The number of people killed was even more!

"Aiming at that free!" The people in the Indian area did not know who shouted.

I hurried back to the rear, but a flame came from it, it was a fire cannon!


There was a burning sensation in the chest, and 2W of blood was lost. The taste of being directly bombarded by the fire and rock cannon was really uncomfortable. Even the sword with the sword fell in a pile of rocks, followed by several shellings at the rear. The crystal cannon broke out in the crowd, and I could only watch the cavalry of the tyrants being bombarded by the dragon crystal.

Standing up, the effect of the thousands of frost wings is still there, once again, the rain boots, the boots slammed into the ground, directly rushed into the low-altitude clouds, this time the dragon crystal can not lock me, then look at the north, Tens of thousands of people in the Chinese theater have already set off in the Dragon Forest. It is only part of the Chinese theater. The myths, Prague and other guilds are not here. They are going to the desert and the Panlongling area on the south bank of the Wushen River. Going to guard, the strategic position of Tianzhu City is very bad. It is really possible to create a world in such a difficult environment.


Dive down, floating in front of the dragon's position, lifting the thousands of wings, turning over the horse's back on the horse, behind me is a large group of fire dragons, their mounts and my gods and dragons in general compared Similar, but the attributes are inferior, but even if the fire dragon ride is still the first trump cardeter in the Chinese theater, this is beyond doubt.

"Is it a fire in Fortune?" asked Li Mu.

I nodded: "Unexpectedly, the grass and grass of Tianzhu City is strange to stop the guns of others."

Li Mu took a deep breath and said: "I saw it far away. The artillery fire continued. The national war was really different from what we originally thought. The NPC army's instrumentation is really too big."

Wang Weidao: "So, the dominant position that players can play is really too small."

I shook my head: "Not all, at least the player is more flexible, can attack and counterattack more quickly, and what kind of guild is there in addition to Xiaolong in the Dragon Forest?"

Lin Biaoer said: "Under the city, the famous family, and Long Xiang, should you contact the guilds of these guilds?"

"No, it's too late, I will contact myself!"

"it is good!"


I don’t want to entangle the grievances of the past. I immediately added a friend of the wind and the dragon in the sky, and then sent a message to the wind. “The precision range of the dragon crystal cannon is about 1000 yards, their dragon. If the crystal cannon wants to attack us, we must push it to the north of the Vulcan Mountains. It is our chance. We hope that the famous family can send at least 5,000 main cavalry ambushes in the foothills of the eastern part of the Vulcan Mountains, waiting for the weight of the city. Once launched, the raids will be launched. The dragon crystal cannons and fire guns that are refreshed by each server are limited. The more we destroy, the less chips we have."

The hundred miles of the wind is also a deep-minded guy, and replies: "I immediately let the resolutely bring people to ambush in the past, who will the dragons send?"

I replied: "I will personally bring a dragon ride, the iron blade rides the main ambush in the west, we work together to cut together, no matter how many brothers sacrificed, they will not blow up their cannons, we must not die. Few people."

"it is good!"

Later, I gave the dragon a message in Tianfa. My words were more pertinent. The dragon did not deliberately swear in the sky. I promised to send a pot of guns and a cavalry to assist the cavalry of the famous family. So I will be relieved. The whole dragon Xiang, also the ability to control the gun and a pot of wine, let me rest assured that with him, the heavy artillery of this NPC army in Huoyuncheng is destined to come back.


Lin Yier stood side by side with me and smiled. "I have already checked out. The 2000W we are going to face covers almost all the first-class guilds in Huoyuncheng. The first line will be in the world, and the owner will be in Maple. Lin drunk personally led, the second line will be beautiful life, the lord clearing Tuo Momo personally led the army, the first ten guilds only the 7th and 9th guilds are absent, and the NPC army together is the first legion of Huoyuncheng, The Qingliu Legion, there are four other main army, the army that shelled the Vulcan Fort is the Qingliu Legion. This army has a total of 17W people, which is stronger than the Yanlong Army of our Tianzhu City!"

I took a deep breath: "Sure enough, some hit! Deaf, shallow, Dongcheng, you are here to lead the dragon to play a frontal battle with them, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Hey, you bring 3000 fire dragon ride plus 5000 iron Blade riding, a total of 8,000 people came with me, we went to the west side of the valley, at least 1000 yards from the mouth of the valley, so that they could not respond on the map, and then rely on the iron horse maneuver to suddenly attack, the nephew sent some assassin reconnaissance, confirmed the Qingliu Legion The heavy troops came out and we started again!"

"it is good!"

I selected the members who played, and when I ordered, everyone rushed out. There were some Chinese players in the valley, and we rushed to the west side of the valley. The terrain of the valley is like a prominent one. Lips, so you can't see the situation before you walk out of the valley, which provides us with a natural barrier.

The 8000 dragon ride rushed out. On the other side, the 1W man's cavalry was sent under the squadron. The smoky cloud smoked personally led, and smiled far away: "Happy, this time you must slap them a meal!"


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