Zhan Long

Chapter 853: Fenglin drunk

The killing sounds in the valley, about 2000 Chinese players who stayed there for a while have all become corpses, the horseshoe rumbling sounded, the cavalry from Huoyuncheng officially killed, the player's speed is faster than the NPC army, many People seem to have been red-eyed, killing people to earn points, this is the greatest charm of the national war, the enemy as a reward, this law of the jungle is also highlighting the essence of a war game.


In the distance, many guilds such as Xiaolong, Mingmen Shijia, Binglinxia, ​​Longxiang and so on are already ready to go. After the players of Huoyuncheng came out of the valley, one person raised the blade and shouted loudly: "Offensive !"

The official attack, the real national war has finally come, and this is a battlefield battle. The total number of participants in the war has exceeded 3,000W. This is the most attractive place for this game. In reality, the battle of tens of thousands of people will be Already able to squeeze the jungle, and the heavy grass and horse equipment, etc. also occupy a huge space, so the battle of tens of millions of people can only be achieved in the game, and to accommodate so many people, how much data to carry, destiny The calculator is just too NX!

In front of the position of Xiaolong, Lin Biaoer carried the dagger, and the moon was shallow and the Dongcheng month was divided. While Li Mengyao did not participate in the sneak attack, but with a group of iron blades riding on the position, a group of iron-blade rides have been eager to move, and Lin Biaoer stood there calmly, and a pair of clear and clear wisdom, smiled and said: "Don't attack, wait for them to impact, draw their heavy artillery, and inform the rest of the guild not to act rashly, iron blade ride, all defensive posture! ”

Li Mengyao smiled slightly: "Follow."

A group of knights riding the iron-blade players raised the shields, and the shields between the cracks in the gaps, suddenly created a scene of Xiaoxiao, everyone waiting, so waiting for the impact of Huoyuncheng players, a few minutes later, A large number of cavalry impacted at full speed, and the impact of "嘭嘭嘭" was on the defense line of the iron blade ride. At the same time, it also accepted the baptism of the remote team of Xiaolong, while Lin Biaoer took a group of assassins to open the unyielding soul, and the butterfly dance was in the crowd. Dancing double-edged attacks, there are countless players who die under the double dagger.


The entire dragon forest has already boiled, and the towering giant trees have fallen in the battle of the player's cavalry, and there are several guilds such as Xiaolong, and many guilds that are not bound by us have already taken the initiative. The scenes became a mess in a moment, and they could only fight each other, but this also lured the official dispatch of the Fire Cloud City Qingliu Legion!

"Da da……"

The horseshoe was trampled on the territory of China. A warrior carrying a long scorpion walked in front of the Qingliu Legion. A black gauze was wrapped around his arm. He smiled slightly: "The land of Tianzhu City is extremely fertile, and soon after. Everything here will eventually belong to the Huoyun Empire, isn’t it?”

Next to him, a commander-in-chief Wan Wan nodded and smiled. He crossed the knife on the horse's back and smiled. "There is a saying that the hundred princes are the leader, and the old man of the Rock is dead. The great prince Theodore has also been killed. It’s just that Owen is not afraid enough. The number of lives of the Scorpio Empire for thousands of years has come to an end. Next, it will be the era when our Huoyun Empire guards the northern Xinjiang, fights against the evil spirits, and leads the seven great empires. !"

Baililun, 159-level subordinate God BOSS, is also the commander of the first army of Huoyuncheng. In Huoyuncheng, it is the legendary general. Contrast, my commander of the Imperial Army is also the first in Tianzhu City. The commander of the Legion, but it is the defending general of the district, the gap is very disparity, but think about it, people are the god-level BOSS, and I am just a player, the difference is very big, it does not need much Thinking about it.


Li Mu is almost suffocating. A pair of bright scorpions look at the distance, judging the timing, and laughing: "They should also put all the heavy artillery out, let us wait too long!"

I nodded: "Don't worry, wait, let Long Xiang, the famous family also have a little patience. Our position is very secret. They should not find it. Even if it is discovered, the hundred miles will not necessarily listen to the players. In short, This time, our chances are great. It is best to get together to get rid of the 17W people of the Qingliu Legion. Of course, it is best to kill the rest of the regiments together, so that Huoyuncheng will not be afraid."


In another twinkling of an eye, the battle for positions has already entered a fever.

With the sound of the wheels, the NPC Corps of Huoyuncheng has pushed at least 400 brakes out, and the powerful arrowheads are shot in the crowd. The players in the Chinese theater have lost a lot of money, even some small and medium-sized guilds. When it rushed up, it was crushed, and in less than half an hour, it has already lost more than a million dollars!

Driving a car is another very difficult problem. I quickly opened the buddy list and sent a message to Lin Biaoer: "Hey, let Meng Yao lead the iron blade ride to rush over, cover the spirits forward, use the flame system. Attacking the brakes, a large part of the brakes is a wooden structure. If it is burned, it will be abolished. It is impossible to let the brakes continue to be raging. Otherwise, people on our side will be killed!"

Lin Yier quickly replied: "Know it!"

Soon, Xiaolong forced a group of iron riders to force the charge, Li Mengyao personally led the team, and the direction of Huoyuncheng also responded. In the crowd, a warrior with a long sword in his hand suddenly slammed, and the next moment was already at least Tens of thousands of cavalry followed him to launch the charge, and there was a word on the head of the man.

Fenglin drunk LV-153 fire rock swordsman

Main City: Huoyuncheng

Guild: Fighting the world

Position: Owner

IBN ranking: 2


The golden words are very shining. This is the first guild ally in the Indian theater. It is also the second person in the IBN battle network. His cavalry is naturally one of the best in the city of Huoyun. I couldn’t help but worry about my sister. Mengyao Can the leader of the dragon dragon blade ride hold such pressure?

Facts have proved that I have more thoughts, Meng Yao simply does not go to face Fenglin drunk, led a group of iron-blade rides in the Iron Riders group in the World Congress, directly rushed to the past, far from the brakes to launch the charge skills The assassins such as Lin Biaoer, the moon is shallow, and the moon is cool, and the assassins also cover up the past. They are also carrying a large group of spiritual masters. Dongcheng’s monthly shots are like electricity. Thunder refers to the release of the beasts and the instant release, which will directly fight a group of half-blooded cavalry. Killed the second, and a group of people stunned: "The Chinese girl's magic attack is so high, go up, do her!"

As a result, MM, such as Xueyang and Lin Xiaowu, appeared together, and turned a group of Huoyuncheng players who tried to “dry up” Dongchengyue into a corpse. A group of people rushed in and quickly approached at the expense of the rapid death of the iron blade ride.弩 阵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Burned more than a dozen brakes, and the snowy fields and other spiritual masters were not idle. After a few minutes, the hundreds of brakes of the Qingliu regiment became a sea of ​​fire. Li Mengyao quickly ordered the retreat to cover the remote players. Retreat, but this time the impact, at least 3,000 iron blade ride down on the battlefield, this is the first time that Xiaolong’s first battle was so big, and the attack power of this guild in the world is too strong!

However, Feng Lin’s drunk face is obviously more ugly. He did not save the car and did not even say that his guild’s loss was at least 5,000. He never seemed to think that the Chinese guild would be so elite. The cavalry, under the anger, was low and shouted: "Is it long-distance? When it is over, the whole line will be pressed. Don't give them any chance to breathe. NND, Laozi today, even if he lost half of the brothers who fought in the world, he must also wash the China here. Players, kill them without a film!"

The battle will be lifted in the sky, and the morale will be like a rainbow. The sound of Fenglin’s drunkenness in the guild can be seen.


At this time, there was a noisy killing in the Dragon Forest. The next moment, Liu Ying personally led the male tyrants of about 1W to launch the charge. This was the first time they had rebuilt the team. Most of the elite players in the tyrants are among them. Drunken Rain, Feng Feng, Hero Dawn and others are among them. Even the hero Dawn took a look at the snow in the crowd. Yang, whispered: "Tang Xue, you show me, I am not a man!"

I couldn't help but feel a sense of fainting. Did the hero Dawn not stop the pursuit of the snowy area? Man, just wait until you lose, you know how valuable it is, and you know how to cherish it. How much is this?

However, the dawn of the hero seems to be miscalculated. The cavalry of the tyrants suddenly broke into half, and suddenly a loud bang broke out in the crowd. It was a super-large dragon crystal cannon that formed a deep pit with a radius of at least 10 meters directly on the ground. A group of tyrants and iron horses were smashed into a pile of minced meat. The heroic dawn was left with blood. The horse was covered in blood. When he looked up and poured a blood bottle, he continued to move forward, but he did not want to be a dragon crystal cannon in front. fall!


The Dragon Crystal Cannon once again recreated a deep pit on the ground. In the thick smoke, the hero dawn disappeared, leaving only the screams left in the minute: "A good gun..."

Qian Yang, a snowy face, was lightly smiling, and smiled slightly: "Oh..."

Li Mengyao danced the long sword and ordered the dragon to take the retreat. It was not a good thing to directly cover the artillery of the Qingliu Legion. Lin Biaoer also stayed on the front line. The famous guilds were not fools. They saw the NPC army of Huoyuncheng. When the heavy gun was pushed forward, it immediately shrank.


"Hey! Hey!"

I pulled out Longchijian and Zhenyuedao and smiled: "OK, we are here, chances are coming!"

The news was sent to Longxiang and the famous family. The next moment, the 8000 dragons and the irons and the 1W soldiers under the city’s riding battles launched the charge, and the speed quickly disappeared from the two wings of the mountain. When we appeared on the horizon, In the distance, Fenglin was drunk and cold, saying: "Well, they have the main ambush in the left and right, what is the goal... our dragon crystal cannon!?"

Well, this chapter is an explosion of 4,000 tickets.

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