Zhan Long

Chapter 859: Punishment

The dragon ride has two characteristics of dragon blood and beast king. It has the advantage of crushing the upper cavalry. It kills the players in the past, and the players and NPCs of Huoyuncheng can't resist it, and I directly open the thousand-wing wings. The player who sprinted to kill Huoyuncheng, the 3000 Fire Dragon ride to kill the defensive line of the Fire City, became the first team to enter the Huoyun Plain.

However, just as we crossed the Vulcan Fort, there was a rumble of guns in front of us. A dragon crystal cannon and a fire cannon exploded in the crowd. As I expected, the NPC and players in the Indian theater. Already in the periphery, waiting for us, far from the past, at least hundreds of dragon crystal cannons, fire and rock cannons are densely packed together, the sound of gunfire is constant, and the fire dragon rides tough and can not resist such damage, and instantly suffered a lot of casualties. Li Mu’s eyes are all red. “They are clearly betting on us here, how can we do it, killing them directly and continuing to kill their heavy artillery camps?”

I hurriedly shook my head: "Don't, we will kill the two wings separately, let the fire dragon ride in the south of the Vulcan Mountains to find a foothold, so that it will not crowd together and turn itself into a living target of the dragon crystal cannon. Hurry, you The person with the loyalty camp is to the left, and the person I took with the dragon camp kills to the right!"

"it is good!"

Everyone pulled out the blade and rushed over. I rushed to the right for the first time. Sure enough, a group of black-pressed Indian players are already waiting for us. The level is basically between 140-147. There is no six-turn at all. Players, from which they can judge that their main guild is not here, just send a group of second-rate, third-rate players to stop us here, then there is nothing terrible, the blade is horizontal, the dragon pool sword is stirred in a team On the shield array, the energy splattered, and a group of shielded riders and warriors won't even fly with the horses. Even I took out a sword. Under the attacking edge of the thousand-winged wing, there was actually a maneuver on the ground. The energy cyclone, the Indian players in front of the stunned, no one dared to face at least 1,800 dragon camp fire dragons behind me.


He held up the battle axe and smashed the corner of the shield. The whirlwind swelled the crowd and smashed the corpse directly into the air. Matcha, Li Mengyao, Yue Yaoyan, Star Blade, One Second Hero, etc. People continue to rush, one by one, the skills of the sword and the rim of the sword broke out in the crowd, and instantly shattered the crowd. The 1,800 fire dragons formed a long dragon, and I used the dragon head to kill the past along the mountain. As a result, the other side's dragon crystal cannon, fire rock cannon immediately stopped the shelling, and then the bombing is not worth the loss, and Longjing, gunpowder is also very limited, precious, can not be wasted in such a vain.

At the rear, a large piece of iron blade ride rushed over, and launched an attack under the baptism of artillery, hiding the crowds to the two wings, Lin Biaoer, Song Han, Yue Ti, Dongcheng Yue and other main forces are also in the air. Flying a group of wind elf players, the bow and the magic are constantly falling in the crowd of Huoyuncheng players, we first used the king-level guild such as Xiaolong, but Huoyuncheng did not, they were in the first time I am blamed for not losing.

The nearly 4W people of the Dragon guild quickly entered the plains and rushed toward the two wings. They first had their own one-inch foothold, and the rear was the dragon's elite cavalry, with a pot of wine and a long shot. After killing it, the two guns will pick up the two players together, and then a thousand waves will make a group of shield players fall into disarray. The thousand waves are the skills of layer-by-layer damage, and I am riding the wind. The same, but my ride on the CD is too long, not a strong enough person does not match me.

Vulcan Valley has completely become an offensive avenue. The guilds of Judgment, Prague, Heroes, and Fans have been killed one by one, and they have been smothered with each other's players. Under the push, the players in Huoyuncheng can't resist. After retreating, the retreat was about 300 yards or so. It was already the position of the NPC Corps. The NPC Corps saw about 7W people in the camp. The Steps were in front, the archers were behind, and then the dense group of Tomahawks. The soldier, the handle of the axe is particularly long and looks very heavy. This should be a special unit belonging to the city of Huoyun.

Lin Biaoer opened the unyielding soul-stricken effect and wore it in the crowd for a while. After killing more than ten people, he came to me and said, "That is the Tianpu Legion, the 5th army of Huoyuncheng, and the 7W. However, there are more than 200W players who have joined the Heavenly Legion and become non-staff members."

I nod. "I also saw that the Indian theater will not want to rely on a district of the Tian Prison to intercept us north of the Vulcan Mountains. This is too naive..."

"It shouldn't be." Lin Xiaoer smiled lightly: "If the NPC in the Indian theater and the player's mind are really superficial, then the war is simple. Unfortunately, this chance will not exceed 10%. People in the Indian theater are not vegetarian."

"Well, I think so. The last time Fenglin was drunk, and Qingmoo Tumo has let us see the tip of the iceberg of their strength. This group of people who came here this time may not be the enemy."

"Step by step, let's not be eager to make meritorious deeds, there are still opportunities to attack Huoyuncheng."


Carrying the dragon pool sword and standing on the air, I am very fortunate to have a beautiful deputy ally like Lin Biaoer, and it is already equivalent to a beautiful military sergeant. Although Lin Biaoer is not as intoxicated and deep in cold warfare as I am, her mind is even more Exquisite and careful, and have the ability to read the mind, in some cases may still help, but unfortunately the reading in the game can only read the other party's short-term tactical ideas, want to read the opponent as a whole The strategy is not so simple, after all, if the other party is not thinking, it is impossible to read.


Soon after, a dragon player riding a eagle eagle descended from the sky. He was a young man of 20 years old. He respectfully held the war eagle on the upper side of Lin and I, and said: "The lord, the vice lord, I am already around. After the reconnaissance, there are only these people within 5,000 yards of the Vulcan Mountain Range. The NPC army of the Heavenly Legion has a total of 242W with the players, and then there are a group of players in the small and medium guild. We need to face a total of players. 700W people go up and down, even 25% of the Indian theater is not."

Lin Biaoer nodded: "Know it, continue to investigate."

"it is good!"

The eagle screamed, and the eagle knight rushed to the sky and continued to hover in the sky to observe the entire battlefield. This is the advantage of the flying squad player compared to the wind genie. The wind genie flies up to 40 yards from the ground and is still in the remote game. Within the range of the attack, but the player of the flying system can fly at least a few hundred meters, except for the dragon in the frost forest. The character of the dragon is very strong, but the flying height is limited, and we have a few few The Hawks of the Warrior are very low-profile, but the flight is not too restrictive. It is best to scout and spy on the enemy.

Turning around, I took Lin Biaoer and continued to advance into the 100 meters. Nearly 100 players from Huoyuncheng were killed under the sword, and they were also infected with a lot of blood. Later, Princess Pei led the Changfeng Army and Yulinjun. The main force also quickly entered the Huoyun Plain, and the overwhelming crowd drowned the border of Huoyuncheng like a flood.

Han Yuan raised his sword and shouted: "The Royal Army, ready to charge!"

I can't help but be speechless. This product really doesn't know how to cherish the family. The cavalry of the Yulin Army is also 2W. A charge will definitely damage many people, but it is also a game. After the game, the Yulin army killed the enemy. Can be upgraded, with him, can upgrade more is actually a good thing!

The sound of the iron hooves, the 2W iron ride of the Yulin Army completed the charge action almost instantaneously. The Qianjun Wanma rushed to the camp of the NPC army of Huoyuncheng on the plain like a sharp knife, and the fire axe army and the Changfeng army The cavalry of Yanlongjun also launched the charge. It seems that Pei also has an insight into the limited number of NPC troops here, so Pei also intends to defeat them in an instant!

The ground was slightly moist, an autumn rain just baptized the plains, the horseshoe trampled down, the soil and the weeds splashed, the long swords and iron guns in the hands of the cavalry were cold, and they smashed and spurred the crowd of Xing Tianjun, especially the Yulin Army. The horses and knights are covered in heavy armor. Even the people bring hundreds of kilograms of horses, plus heavy armor, at least tons of weight, and thanks to the good horses, otherwise they can bear the weight. And the ton of heavy cavalry quickly hit the other side of the shield, those step shields only have a tragic sound, even the person with a shield was killed in the mud, the long guns of the long guns were The heavy armor is directly squeezed and broken. The strength of the Corps of Heaven is obviously not comparable with that of the Yulin Army. The rank and grade of the NPC are not on an order of magnitude. The centurion of the Yulin Army has at least the standard of the BOSS. The commander of the Corps of Heaven is the standard.

The violent collision sounds, the screams of the sword piercing the body is the trembling of the soul. The five major corps of Tianzhu City charge together. In an instant, the criminal corps can no longer resist, and the players around are even more Chinese players. The killing has no power to fight back, and the rout is a foregone conclusion!


In the crowd, the commander of the criminal corps, the 158-level ghost squad BOSS criminals carrying an epee, eyes rounded, roared: "Immediately retreat! Retreat! We can't stop it, damn, the quail of the celestial It was deliberately intended to let our corps of the corps of the corps annihilate the whole army. Actually, it is said that the city of Scorpio will only come to tens of thousands of horses, and it is savage. At least millions of troops here!"

In fact, it is a nearly 2000W army, together with the players.

In the queue, a Wanfu grew up and said: "Adults, how do we do with the Dragon Crystal Cannon and the Fire Rock Cannon? These are the only homes of the Corps of Heaven!"

The punishment is low and drink: "No, go fast, people are armed with weapons, otherwise there will be any use of empty cannons, let everyone retreat, go to the southwest direction of the official road, there are several of us Resident battalion!"

"Yes, adults!"

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