Zhan Long

Chapter 860: Bait soldiers do not eat

I was driving in the forefront with the effect of the thousands of frost wings. After killing dozens of NPCs, I found a dragon crystal cannon that was intact and the gun was burnt red, and suddenly I was happy, far away. Han Yuan shouted: "Han Yuan, Xiao Li, taking people to take over these dragon crystal cannons, fire rock cannons, ordering heavy operations to send these heavy artillery to follow the main force team, certainly can be used to the scene, by the way check, look at these Is there any tricky gun?"

Xiao Li slashed the head of a centurion NPC, and his blood splattered, but grinned: "Let the adults reassure, this matter is given to me!"

The Royal Forest Army rushed to the forefront. As a result, the nearly 100-door heavy artillery naturally became the trophy of the Yulin Army. The Fire Axe Army and the Changfeng Army did not say anything. Instead, Xu Wei took a long gun and his face was not very good-looking. Said: "His Royal Highness, the three army officers and soldiers together to fight blood, these heavy artillery should be evenly divided, should not be given to the Royal Forest Army!"

Pei’s hand pressed the hilt and did not anger and preached: “General Xu Wei does not have to say more, if this war is victorious, you are my marshal, you will inevitably be in the first power, why do you care about several guns in the district?”

Xu Wei gritted his teeth, but the joy on his face swept past. Presumably, he also understood the deep meaning of Pei’s words. Pei had already regarded Xu Wei as his own, and Xu Yan’s Yan Longjun team was The people of Theodore, Theodore and Owen have contradictions. It is a well-known thing. Originally Xu Wei was the leader of the Yanlong army but he could not match the status of the Imperial Army. At this time, Pei said these words. Xu Wei’s heart must be very useful and moist, just like the life-saving straw.

With a fist, Xu Wei Shen said: "The end will surely succumb to his loyalty, never betray!"

Peier licked her red lips, and a pair of stars looked at the battlefield in the distance. The voice said calmly: "You don't have to be loyal to me. You need to be loyal to Empress O'Neal. He is the emperor. I myself, but I hope that the world will be able to settle down early, otherwise the suffering will remain the same."

Xu Wei seems to have some understanding, said: "His Royal Highness, this..."

I took the sword forward and smiled and said: "I don't want to calm down the world, the seven countries are not so easy, there will be a lot of blood, and many people will die."

Pei looked at me and smiled and said: "But it is always better to fight every year, tax and taxes, and people's martyrdom. Some sacrifices are always inevitable, even if one day will sacrifice us all, as long as the world can enjoy a hundred years of peace. How are we dead?"

I will return the Longchi sword to the scabbard and say, "The princess of the princess is really capable of being able to be a man."

Peier made a "squeaky" gesture and whispered: "Li Xiaoyao, don't talk nonsense, or I am afraid that it will be another disaster."

Pei also seems to feel it. Owen is no longer the former Owen after he is enthroned. He sees the throne more than everything. Anyone who threatens his throne can be removed, even if Pei is his sister, if there is One day, Pei really threatened the throne. Owen would also spare no effort to get rid of Pei, even I suspected... This expedition Owen appointed Pei to come to the army, the intention is not so simple...

Thinking of this, I can't help but force the hoe, trying to get rid of these broken thoughts, but the NPC in this game is not so simple, how can it be easily disengaged in the game, and the fact is very likely Same as I guessed.


A few minutes later, the criminal corps was defeated in the whole line. The millions of players led by the Scorpio players were also slashed and killed by nearly half. Many people have already escaped to the south. Lin Biao’s heads are floating, and the depths are deep. The red cloak fluttered in the wind, and she looked at me with a smile: "Pig, I think they have completely lost their resistance."

I nodded: "It seems to be."

Li Muze came: "Are we going to kill?"

I thought about it: "If you don't worry, keep the cavalry formation first, don't rush to earn national war points, and don't chase after you..."

Pei smiled: "Li Xiaoyao’s commander also feels that he is poor and chasing?"

I nodded: "Yes, the criminal corps has at least 5W of the main force to fight again, and there are still 100 good heavy artillery to help defend, even if they are not our opponents can also fight for a few hours, when the fire clouds When the city’s reinforcements came, we had no advantage at all, but the criminal corps gave up the defense and escaped while maintaining the main force. This can only explain one problem—they are bait soldiers!”

Forbidden Hou Luo Ruran: "What is a bait?"

Xu Wei sneered a sneer: "The ban is really rumored, the bait soldiers of the basic tactics do not know, it is just an army used as a bait."

Luo can't help but look red, and some are angry and angry: "Why should the marshal be so humiliated?"

Xu Wei smiled again: "However, this handsome does not think that these are the bait soldiers. If it is really a bait soldier, then there is no need to lose the cost of a hundred heavy artillery. In my opinion, the punishment is just a clever statement. The villains, even if they have ambushes, will our 50W army fear the traps in their area?"

I held a fist and smiled: "Xu Wei, you are a marshal. You must be careful when you talk. If you are really ambushed, do you have this responsibility?"

Xu Wei gnawed his teeth: "Li Xiaoyao leads the army. If the army is damaged because of my decision, I will definitely assume that I will bear it. This does not require you to worry!"

"The words that have been said have already been said."

I jumped over to the back of the sacred dragon horse and said, "My Li Xiaoyao does not recommend chasing the criminal army. If it is really going to be pursued, the Guardian Army refuses to play. I can't let my people go to death!"

Xu Wei snorted and said the voice was very small: "Brave mice!"

Han Yuan was furious and shouted with a long knife: "Xu Wei, what did your grandson say?!"

Li Mu also sneered: "This NPC Marshal is really a sin, a waste of a lot, actually dare to ridicule here, why is it for this kind of person to sell his life, happy, let us go, Xiaolong himself can do it alone, don't This kind of person is selling life!"

I took the reins and smiled calmly: "Brothers, don't be angry, don't let Princess Pei embarrassed."

Pei looked at me deeply. In fact, she was very helpless. After all, the real marshal of this expedition was Xu Wei. She was a great supervisor and she had no right to control the Marshal military. Since Xu Wei had issued an army order, Pei also Can only comply.

Looking at Xu Wei, Pei softly said: "So... Xu Yuanshuai, do you think it is best to send someone to kill?"

Xu Wei shook his hand in a long shot, his eyes stunned: "Since I am determined to pursue it, it will be carried out by my Yanlong Army. The coach personally supervises the war, and the generals will follow me."

"it is good!"


I can't see it, although Xu Wei is only a poorly known strategy, but as a military commander, it is not at all discounted. At the moment, the 14W army led by Yan Longjun squandered the past, the cavalry was in front, the infantry was behind, Xu He is also instigating the horse to rush in the cavalry, acting as a captain.

There was a mourning on the plains. The Yanlong Army and the players killed together, which directly led to the great loss of the criminal corps in the true sense. I took the Yulin Army and the dragon to move slowly, and the bodies of the soldiers of the Corps were everywhere. All the way to kill nearly 20 miles, Yan Longjun's 14W army was dragged long, which made me feel a little uneasy, the Indian theater NPC and players are absolutely not so simple, maybe they have reached an agreement.

Zema came to the Chinese army. The Chinese army and the Changfeng army led by Pei personally formed the Chinese army. I found Princess Pei. She smiled and asked: "Li Xiaoyao, what is it?"

I frowned. "Xu Wei's formation has been dragged too long and too long. Our people have not kept up with his cavalry. This has already committed a military taboo. His Highness, the 14W of the Yanlong Army is an empire. The elite of the army can't let them suffer the loss of the disaster. I suggest that the Chinese army and the left and right army will accelerate their speed and catch up with the Yanlong Army cavalry as soon as possible."

Pei nodded: "Well, I immediately ordered!"


When I returned to the position of Xiaolong and Yulinjun, Li Mu, Wang Hao and others had already pulled out their swords one after another. They were pale, and I suddenly felt that something was wrong: "What?"

Li Mudao: "Our war eagle rider has returned the latest news. About 10 miles away, the formation of Yan Longjun's Xu Wei, Judgment, Dominion, and the Templars' guilds have been cut off, 10 miles away. A small river, the three bridges on the river were all blown up by the army of Huoyuncheng. At least 5W people of the Yanlong Army were cut off on the south bank of the river, and there were hundreds of thousands of players. On that side, there were people in the Indian theater. There are fewer fierce."

"How wide is the river, can you swim in?"

"200 meters wide, not comparable to the Wushen River, but there are water monsters in the deep water area, as well as dense crocodiles and hippos. For the time being, the Eagle Eagles only know so much, and we have to wait until we can tell."

"Go, can't let Ye Lai and Liu Ying all hang there!"

"it is good!"

Raising the dragon pool sword, a command, the dragon and the Guardian army suddenly went to the south at full speed, and saw the dragon suddenly entered the army, asked the sword, Yan Zhao unparalleled, Feilong in the sky and other people also know that something happened, immediately ordered this The guild players are moving at full speed, and the mighty Chinese theater army is heading south in the plains and jungles.


Soon after, the rumbling of the rumbling was heard in the distance. Soon after, some villages with rising fires appeared on the horizon, which was ordered to be burned by Xu Wei. According to the rules of the empire, the villages along the way seemed to The grass is not born, the sound of the river flowing, the riverside green hills and green waters, but the three rivers rise above the small river, which is the sign after the bombing of the bridge, the river across the bank, the dense crowd became One piece, Yan Longjun’s 5W front man and hundreds of thousands of Chinese players were trapped there. I couldn’t help but shoot my thighs and gnash my teeth. These three bridges are obviously the simplest tricks of the military strategy. Xu Wei actually passed away, so the reckless guy is the unfortunate commander of the marshal.

Xiaolong 1, 2, and 3 volumes are all out. Search for Dragon and Dragon on Dangdang, Amazon, and Taobao. The first cover is the happy brother, the second is the child, and the third is the one. Big D silk, haha, don't miss the classmates who want to collect a set of dragons. This set of publishing dragons is very beautiful, and the posters are included. In addition, the dragon comics are also on the shelves. You can see them on Taobao. In the April issue, Man Wang has a large poster attached to it, which is the child and the Dongcheng.

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