Zhan Long

Chapter 909: What do you think of her?

Matcha carries the shield and stands there silently. Behind her, the bodies of the fox, the hero of the second, and the moon are lying there, all of them are killed.

Looking at me, Matcha stretched out her arm and put a **** red sword in her hand. Some of her eyes are familiar. It seems to be the secondary artifact on the weapon list. The sword belongs to the mythical guild. How can it appear in her hand?

"Boss, don't you understand?"

Matcha looked at me with some ridiculous smile. The pretty face was almost twisted. She smiled and said, "I lied to you. I have been lying to you. You still don't understand? Matcha is not a matcha. She has always been another person. Boss..."

I am full of anger: "Say, who are you!!"

Matcha raised his hand, gently removed the dragon's emblem on the shoulder, and then stuffed it into the parcel. The mysterious emblem appeared slowly on the shoulder, and the position quickly became the vice-president. She looked at me faintly, laughing. Road: "Boss, you have never understood? After the mythical guild entered the fate, there is only one deputy lord, there is always a position of a deputy ally, you know who I am..."

I felt a pain in my heart, and my body fell backwards in two steps. "嘭" slammed into the sacred dragon immediately, and looked at her with a disappointment: "What about our matcha's matcha? Our matcha..."

"Matcha? She has always been a substitute, a ridiculous substitute." She looked at me and smiled: "From the beginning of your practice in the novice village, you have been staring at you, you still don't understand. Do you remember, once I suggested joining with myth, you didn't listen to me."

Behind me, the dagger in Song Han’s hand trembled violently, his eyes were red: “Sister Tea Match... Who the **** are you?! Is it... are you the legendary demon?”

Matcha smiled, and there was the image of the cute girl we knew, but it was like a confident and unassuming queen. She smiled and even tears flowed out, but she lowered her head and wiped her tears. Looking up at us again, I said, "I owe a song to a promise. I am a mythical person. I owe it to others. I am still clean today. Come on, you still have 10 minutes, but if you want to kill Xue Jing, I will pass this level first. I don’t care who you are. If I dare to pass this door, I will kill you!"

"Matcha sister..."

The dagger in Song Han’s hand trembled more intensely, and his eyes were red: “How about wiping tea sister... How can you betray us? No matter... whether you are a demon, but... But are we not really sincere to you?”

Matcha stood there quietly and calmly said: "I am now a vice-president of mythology, either fighting or going, you choose."

Song Han did not say a word, carrying a dagger and rushed over, the ten-party blade opened, and the double-edged sword hit the chest of Matcha. He whispered: "I brought you into the dragon, and let me come for myself today. Redemption!"


No one saw it clearly. The sword shield of Matcha was just a sway. Song Han’s double-edged combination was successfully attacked. The next moment, a shield attack plus two general attacks, Song Han whimpered, and then hung up. 4 levels!

"Matcha!" Lin Biao shouted: "Are you crazy??"

Matcha looked at her faintly: "Cang, you have to try it?"

Lin Biaoer did not speak, Wang Hao had already rushed out, the blade was a cross, extremely clever sweeping attack, the cast is not complete, leaving room for a second strike at any time, and it is a "squeaky" sound, Wang Hao's blade Was smashed by the shield, but he quickly launched the battle of the trenches, so close, Matcha could not escape.

However, the figure of Matcha seems to be close to Wang Hao in the moment of displacement. The blade "铿铿" is stirred twice, and the shield is pushed forward. "嘭" will knock Wang Hao a few steps back, and the big break will jump out successfully. Attacking skills, cut off Wang Wei 4W blood, Wang Hao homeopathic body, the boots burst out, a mistake to avoid, Wang Hao's blade suddenly launched, the blade advances only less than 0.3 seconds, is extremely fast Skills, however, in this short period of time, Matcha long sword swept, the shield pressed down, "嘭" is a successful attack, the sword straight through Wang Hao's chest, jumping out of 3W crit damage, Wang snorted and almost fell together with Song Han.

"Little demon..."

I had some dry words in my throat, and no one would question whether this woman in front of her eyes was a demon.

"Is it finally acknowledging my identity?"

Xiao Yao smiled and looked at me and said, "Boss, you are too kind, good for everyone, you know, some people really don't deserve to do it for her, such as me..."

"You are a traitor!"

Li Mu roared, and the horse rushed over. He had already gone out of anger. He cherished him more than me. Because a loyalty was broken up, Xiaolong was his new home. It was him and me, the moon was shallow, Lin Biaoer and so on, and the dragon was built to the present size. Before the first battle, the dragon city was sharp, and when we all thought that our dream was to be realized, Matcha is the demon. The facts make our dreams instantly broken.

"Li Mu, don't!"

I shouted loudly, but it was already late. In just 11 seconds, Li Mu was killed and the three successful attacks were still echoing in the air.

The town's knife in his hand trembled slightly. I looked at her, and the voice shook slightly, but it was extremely gentle: "Matcha, how many people will you love to kill, will you be satisfied?"

Matcha quietly stood there, did not speak, but the tears came out, and the long sword in his hand was still with the blood of Li Mu, Wang Hao and Song Han. She looked at me silently and said, "Don't say it again... let me As a thorough traitor, let me be a bad woman. I... I don’t deserve everyone’s love and care. I don’t want to wear a mask every day, let me change back to the demon. Bar, boss... Don't force me any more, ask you to go immediately, don't force me to kill again!"

I raised the town of Yuedao, and said faintly: "Jilong, ready to attack the city!"

The moon is shallow and whispered: "Happy brother, come behind, is a mythical person, we... Are we starting to fight now?"

I look at the back of the body, the smoke is rolling, indeed, at least 10,000 people in the mythical guild are galloping in our back. I will look at the city pool interface. Although Dragon City is no longer my city, but... Han, Chi Yuqing and thousands of Longyan Iron Riders, Yanying Riders, and deep cold iron rides still belong to my command, so they bite their teeth and sigh low: "Turning the direction, rushing the square of myth, one does not stay, all kill Light!"

Matcha can't help but cry, loudly: "Li Xiaoyao, your enemy is me, killing me is enough!"

I looked back at her coldly and said, "Whether you are a little demon, you can kill our dragons, but we can't kill you. You are our matcha. You never do it to yourself! Brothers Let's kill me, Fang Ge is the behind-the-scenes instigator, not dead end!"

Only the remaining hundreds of fire dragon rides, iron blade rides rushed out, but Chi Yuhan, Chi Yuqing whistling, 1W the original Dragon City army rushed to the opponent.


Far away, Fang Geling and others seem to have noticed that the comers are not good. Fang Ge阙 directly raised the paper fan: "Disperse!"

More than 10,000 people of mythology quickly spread, but they were still hit by most of us, and the tragic sounds continued. The mythical people were not strong and were not the opponents of Longyan Iron Rider and Yanying Rider.

The crowds swelled like water, and Fang Geyu took people directly to the direction of the Dragon City, and the misty clouds under the soldiers directly hit the Dragon City, but they were resisted by the mythical people.

"Little man!"

Looking at the battles of the next ones, the **** eyes of the clouds and the **** red, low-lying: "Fang Ge, you are a perfect person, the danger of swearing, everything you do to the dragon today makes people No teeth!"

Fang Geyu stood quietly under the door of Longcheng, but looked at Matcha: "Little demon, you are finally back..."

Matcha has a cold eyes: "Fang Ge, are you satisfied now?"


Fang Geyu is silent and seems to have been speechless.


10 minutes soon, Longcheng officially changed hands and became a city of mythology. It seems that they have given Jiuyun City a sub-union.

With only a few hundred people left in the dragon, I slowly moved to the Dragon City, on the open space in front of the Dragon City. Myths, Prague, trials, famous families, and heroes have almost come.

Matcha is so standing in the middle of the crowd, Fang Song is very silent, saying: "You don't have to do this, I just let you come back."

Matcha looked up at him: "In this way, isn't it?"

Fang Gewei: "..."

I came up with a sword and shouted: "Fang Ge, you really let me down!"

Fang Ge faintly said: "Happy, I know that you are angry, but I hope you can understand, I will not want this Dragon City, you will attack the territory immediately after the end of the national war, I will give up the resistance and return the Dragon City to you. ""

I am cold and cold: "Fang Ge, you still don't understand?"

"Don't understand what?"

"What do you say?!"

I almost screamed in a screaming way: "You let the matcha enter the dragon as a undercover, you let her deceive herself every day, you let her live a day of fear, what do you think of her?!"

The dragon pond sword in his hand trembled a little, and I gritted my teeth and said: "She is a human being, not a tool!"



Matcha suddenly shouted at me and said, "Don't say it again, I owe it to others. It is never clear that it will never be said... Don't say it again, I am so embarrassed, I don't deserve everyone to do this for me!"

Said, the matcha lost a few steps back, fell into the corner of the city wall of the Dragon City, and then looked at the palm of the left hand, the data brilliance rose up, she looked down at me: "Boss ... I am gone, I will I disappeared... Although, my motivation to contact you is not simple, but... But I really am happy in these days of Xiaolong, this is the happiest time in my life, goodbye, boss... ..."


The long hair of Matcha flew up and turned into a series of data disappearing into the air. The whole person's body seemed to be swept by the wind, and instantly disappeared into place.

She deleted the number!

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