Zhan Long

Chapter 910: Guo Junjun


The fox carrying the musket, looking at the place where the matcha disappeared, still reluctant to believe the facts in front of him, his eyes showing disappointment and anger, turned and said: "Matcha she... she just left?"

Lin Xiaowu said with some excitement: "She is not Matcha, she is a demon! Her name is Xue Rou. Didn't anyone check her name and ID before!" The name of the demon is Xuerou! !"

The fox stood there blankly: "We...we never doubted her, how can we check it..."

Lin Biaoer leaned on the stone tablet behind the dragon city, faintly said: "Matcha... Xuerou... Paper painting charm... Xue Jing, in fact, I should have thought of it... I should have thought of Matcha and Xue Jing. The thought of Matcha is the elf sister on paper... pig..."

In her pair of eyes, there was a mist of water, and she cried out: "Your Dragon City is gone..."

I stood there with my teeth, and suddenly I mentioned Longchijian and walked to Fang Geyu, Xuanyuan Feng, Lv Chunyang, Xiao Siwen, etc., and Xiao Siwen immediately defended the horse in front of Fang Ge, saying: "Happy, you want What do you do?? The demon has deleted the number, and we are also uncomfortable. Don’t ask yourself for trouble at this time. Do you think that the people behind him will be our opponents? Myths don’t want to bully, you want to revenge. I will be resurrected after the war."

The paper fan in Fang Ge’s hand was drooping, and there was no trace of what he wanted to fight. On the contrary, he looked even more lonely than me. His eyes were full of disappointment and sorrow. Looking up at us, he murmured: I really didn't think it would be like this... Happy, you are willing to listen to me or not, and I don't want to... I was tired of the killing in the game before I started to serve, so I wanted to go out and I Then she let her go out and help me find a master who can replace her. As a result, she chose you...but...we can't win you. On the contrary, she is increasingly dependent on Xiaolong..."

Suddenly, Fang Ge’s face was a bit embarrassing, saying: “The demon is too important for me. On the heads-up ability, she can be called the world’s first, mythology can’t lose her. Do you understand this? So I let the demon come back, but she didn't want to. She had a fight with me one night before the national war. I realized that she would lose her, but she didn't think it would be like this..."

I looked at him coldly, faintly said: "Fang Ge, you are just a little demon as a tool for your meritorious service? What more?"

Fang Ge smiled and said: "You have no way to refute this. Isn't this consistent in this game? Who doesn't want to have a super-tall master like a demon? Now, I lost... After the end of the national war, Longcheng Take it!"

I gritted my teeth and said: "Fang Ge, do you still don't understand? We are not distressed by the loss of a dragon city, but we and our cherished matcha are played between you and the palm of your hand! What is your song? Are you really the **** of the Chinese theater? Do you regard each of us as a chess piece on this chessboard?!"

Fangge stunned, the paper fan in his hand picked up the flames, looked up at me, calmly said: "I am sorry for the demon, but I am absolutely not sorry for you Li Xiaoyao, if you think that the dragon needs to fight the myth, then Although come on! Our songs have been in the game for so many years, no one has been afraid of it!"

Behind me, Bai Qi, Tang Xin and others have rushed out of the blade, and hundreds of fire dragon rides are ready for the best killing.

Lin Biaoer said softly: "Pig, forget it, no need..."

I am also in a state of sorrow, continue to fight here, what are we for?

Turned around and looked at everyone. After a while, I said, "Okay, the national war has come to an end. Let's retreat. Let's see the situation of the original army in the Dragon City?"

Everyone nodded.

I summoned the sacred dragon horse, turned over the horse and took everyone to the direction of Qinglin Valley. In the jungle, a dragon rock rider and a Yanying rider are waiting in a row. I am gratified that Chi Yuhan’s hateful sword is coming. In front of me, I kneel on the knees: "Adult, we lost the foothold, what should we do next? We must find a new place for Longyan Iron Rider and Yanying Riders as soon as possible, otherwise they will have no food and accommodation. Unable to meet the needs of war horses and war hawks, the number will be sharply reduced."

Me: "Chi Yu Han, now Longyan Iron Riders can leave the Dragon City without restrictions?"

Chi Yuhan nodded: "Adults, Dragon City is no longer there. Longyan Iron Rider and others are naturally unconstrained. Now, we only need to listen to the adults to go to the place where we must go!"

"Well, let's go, let's go to the station of the Royal Forest Army at the Wushen River for the first time."

"Yes, adults!"


The soldiers are divided into two ways. I took Chi Yuhan, Chi Yuqing and 1W Longcheng Army to the Yulin Army Station, while Lin Biaoer led the people of Xiaolong to Tianzhu City. The players in Wangyue City have been defeated. Japan and South Korea in the direction of Eight Desert City The players in the theater have also retreated. Although the national war is nearly 30 hours away from the last day, it has already ended prematurely. Everyone has already reached the limit. If they continue to play, they will lose more than 10 levels, and the players themselves will also Tired and unable to fight again.

Half an hour later, arriving at the camp of the Royal Forest Army, there were wounded soldiers and tragic sounds everywhere. However, after this national war, the Yulin Army’s war damage was not more than half, but many soldiers have already upgraded. The overall combat power will become stronger and stronger in the temper of war.

The hooves came, and in the distance, Han Yuan and Xiao Li led the imperial army's iron ride, and about 3,000 people looked like the battle damage after the Imperial Army's expedition was indeed much smaller than the rest of the army.


Han Yuan turned over and hugged his fist: "The general has you been back?"

I nodded: "Well, how come you are back, is Scorpio City completely out of the crisis?"

"That didn't..."

Han Yuan took a long knife and hated: "But the old things of the Duke of Luo Yu did not allow the Yulin army to continue to be stationed in the city of Tianzhu, so sent me and Xiao Li to lead the 4W Yulin army to withdraw from the city of Tianzhu, to chase and kill. The defeated army, this is not, the dog thief of Wangyue City fled quickly, we can only go back to camp without doing anything!"

Xiao Li took the iron gun and said, "Adult, I think you should go to Tianzhu City!"


"Because... Owen's emperor has already died in Qinglin Valley, and he has been swayed by Lan Nasir. This matter has been spread throughout the empire. For example, today the empire is already a leader, and all the princes seem to have usurped the throne. The heart, in which the Duke of Luoyi is the most, he still holds at least 7W of the Diandi army, so he has the attitude of entering the city of Tianzhu, and among the Imperial Army, Yan Longjun, Xia Junjun, Fire Axe, Long The main army of the Fengjun and other forces have already reduced their combat power to less than 20,000 to 30,000. Only our Guards and the Army have more than 5W soldiers and horses, which is enough to compete with Di Dijun. At this time, if adults do not enter the city, I am afraid The old things of the Duke of Loyal must put themselves on the throne!"

I sighed, Xiao Li thought carefully, always cautious, this is not a mistake, once the Duke of Luo Wei held the political affairs, I am afraid that after this day, I will not be good, then nod, said: " Command all the Guards of the Imperial Army to ride on the horse and follow me to Tianzhu City!"

"Yes, lead the adults!"


The Yulin Army's iron ride has about 1.2W left, but Xiao Li, Han Yuan, Long Yu, and Xia Ye 4 will fight together and borrow the horses of the transport vehicle as horses, and make up the 1.5W iron ride with me. Going to Scorpio City together, it is rare to maintain 1.5W cavalry, and most of them are heavy cavalry. It is more advantageous in the battlefield killing than the 戎 军 军 轻 light cavalry. This is one of my reliances. .

Arriving in Tianzhu City, the gate has been opened, and the national war has ended in 27 hours. However, everyone has entered the state of early termination. With the Royal Forest, they will go directly to the city and go to the palace. They have not yet arrived at the palace. The banned troops on the road have already worn the shackles, and many people are crying and crying. It seems that they are paying homage to the imperial emperor Owen who has already died.

For Owen, he suffered a lot of trouble after he first got the throne. However, he did a lot of confusion. He went to the **** battle in Qinglin Valley and finally recovered a few points of the Xia Junjun command. Unfortunately, Lanna Thiel did not seem to want to see this empire. The emperor began to work hard to improve, so he shot Owen in one shot.


Outside the gates of the palace, a group of Di Dijun replaced the banned army guards here, one face looked proud, it seems that they are already the owner of the city.


I pulled out the Longchi sword, cold and cold: "The Royal Forest Army came to pay homage to the Great, give me away, let me kill!"

Han Yuan, Long Yao and others also pulled out the swords, and Yan Dijun heard that we were the Yulin army, and immediately said: "Please come in, but you are dying, you are sad, you can’t see the swordsmen, you guys. You must remove the blade in your hand to enter the Imperial City!"

I sneered: "Dan Dijun can take the blade into the city, but we can't? Don't say it again, just shut up if you want to live!"

Speaking of a horse, urging the gods and dragons to rush into the imperial city, Long Hao, Han Yuan and other people immediately followed, the Royal Forest army into the imperial city, not at all for them.

In the imperial city, the body of Owen’s emperor has already entered a very expensive coffin, but it’s funny, even if it’s lying in the best coffin, it’s still dead and can’t be done anymore.

"The Imperial Army commander, the general Li Liyao arrived!" Huangmen shouted loudly.

The civil and military officials on both sides suddenly looked at me, and I also saw that the Duke of Luo Yi was dressed in white, and the tearful eyes stood in the position where the monarch stood. He held the ceremonies in his hands and looked coldly. I.

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