Zhan Long

Chapter 912: Broken Dinggong

Luo Yan is also a wrinkle, about no matter how I did not think I would bypass him, directly support his son Luo Shulin as the emperor?


Luo Wei categorically said: "The shallow forest qualifications are still owed, and the prestige of the Tianzhu Empire is almost zero. It is impossible to do so. Once the shallow forest is held as an emperor, I am afraid that many people will not accept it. The field is full of blood!"

Qin Lan also said: "Yes, the generals of the young generals are still owed, not suitable for the emperor!"

Xia Houren said: "Yes, I will not wait! The young generals call the emperor, I am afraid it is difficult to convince the public!"

"Is it difficult to convince the public?!" I looked at the group of people and couldn't help but smile. I suddenly smashed the town knife into the slate, and then took out the holy scorpion that Pei gave me, saying: " If there is my support, there is a town knife to come to the town, and there is also a saint to give me the command of the Holy Army. Do you still think that it is difficult for the Emperor to be able to serve the public?"

Said, I looked at Luo Wei with some ridicule, saying: "Duke of the Duke, even your son said that you are not assured, how strong is your desire for this position?"

Luo Yan looked pale, and after forbearing a little, said: "That still, you will be a shallow forest for the emperor!"

I nod. "Is there any objection?"

Everyone nodded, and even there was no way for Bailining.

Luo Shaolin said with excitement: "General Li, are you really willing to stand for me as the new emperor?"

I nodded: "Is there still a fake?"

Luo Shulin laughed: "That General Lee should not forget to teach me the skills of the sword..."

I couldn't help but laugh out. This kid is still thinking about learning the swordsmanship with me at this moment when he is arrogant and ready to fight. It really is a martial art, and his mind is very simple. Such a person should be a new emperor. Will you not make the mistakes of Locke and Owen again? However, the Duke of Loyal is his father. This makes me very jealous. It seems that... I can find a chance to get rid of Lok, which is the best for Scorpio City?

Not far away, Bailining clenched his fist: "Shallow forest, since you are so keen on combat skills, it is better to worship Li Tong as a teacher? In this way, it is also justified!"

Luo Shulin excitedly said: "Can you?"

The Duke of Luojing coughed and coughed. It seemed to stop. I hurriedly said: "There is nothing wrong with it. Shallow forest, you are now an emperor. You will be enthroned tomorrow. You don't need to ask others' opinions. You own the Scorpio. The authority above the empire is to follow your heart and do what a Mingjun should do."

Luo Shallow Lin Road: "Well, then I... I will worship General Lee as Master!"

Bai Lining smiled and said: "General Li Xiaoyao's thesis of martial arts in the empire is a few, congratulations to his majesty to get such a good teacher! But your majesty, since you have already worshipped Li Xiaoyao as a teacher, it seems that he should give him a really good title. The general of a district, I am afraid it is not enough to serve as the teacher of the emperor."

Luo Shulin smiled and asked: "What advice does Ning Lao have?"

"The seal is king."

The four words seem to fall on the bottom of everyone's hearts like a hammer. The words of Bai Li Ning clearly say: "Only the only seal can be a veritable name, and General Li has repeatedly made many plots and countless enemies in his previous campaigns. Warfare, even if the book is king, there will be no objection!"

I can't help but look at this mentor of Pei, this is to invite me for it. Good guys, if there is such a person, I won't be able to go straight.

However, the reaction of the banned Luo Wei was extremely fierce. "Ning old, I am afraid this is not appropriate? The 27th emperor has already included the "external surname of the unnamed king" in the imperial code, but now it is to be enshrined. Li Xiaoyao is king, too inappropriate, this is simply bullying!"

Brian Ning said: "This time, at the same time, it is reported that before the death of Owen the Great, it was promised to enlist General Li Xiaoyao as the King of Wu. This incident was heard by many soldiers."

"That is rumor after all!" Qin Hao held the hilt and stepped forward, saying: "Your Majesty, the end will also think that Li Xiaoyao should not be the king. This is really too bad. The surname is not the king. This is the empire. How can the ancestors' ancestral training be forgotten?"

Luo Shaolin seems to be indecisive, and he looked at the father behind him. Luo Yan coughed and said: "General Li Xiaoyao’s military martial arts are ancient and modern, but it is not appropriate to seal the king. It is better to be like this... Li Xiaoyao and above generals What is the title of the public, how?"

Brinning smiled slightly: "Alright."

I can't help but laugh, the old guy of Brening really is the organ counts, directly for me to Wang Jue, I already know that the other party will not allow it, so I will earn a public title for me, otherwise it can only be The Marquis, with a level of imprisonment and Lingnan Hou, seems to feel quite awkward.

Luo Shulin sighed and said: "Since General Li is already a teacher of the Lonely King, it is called Li Shi, but... the title is the Duke, what is the name better?"

Bailining hugs his fist: "Your Majesty, like today's chaos, the northern devils are eager to move, the southern seven empire is in chaos, the situation in the world has been completely out of balance, Jiuding is broken, and General Li's body is devoted to the high hopes of His Highness. The whole world will be unified. General Li may be the one who has ended the situation of the collapse of the world. I suggest that General Li be the first one to be a 'broken Dinggong', how?"

"Breaked Dinggong...Breaked Dinggong..."

Luo Shaolin repeated twice and smiled: "Well, this name is very good, Li Shi, the Lone King immediately booked you as a broken Dinggong, how?"

I clenched my fist and said: "Thank you for your majesty!"

At this time, the ringtones prompted by the system came, and there are still many benefits -


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Happy and Freedom] in the mission system of the Legion, the title "Breaked Dinggong", which matches the title, will be awarded at the beginning of each month: Level 1, Gold Coin 100000, Charm The value is 30, and the commanded NPC army gains 50% of the attack power bonus, and the upper limit of the tactical force is increased to 20W!


I am about to laugh and close my mouth. I took a pot of wine and took a shot on my shoulder. I smiled and said: "Rely, it’s so good to seal a big man. I will remember to cover me a little later! The general's 俸 连 连 你 你 你 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连

I nodded and smiled: "Well, I didn't think the reward would be so rich."

Not far away, the painting on the paper is fascinating, saying: "The status of the free army is really skyrocketing. Boss, you don’t know when you want to be a man. Xu Wei is dead and has no turn. You, I don’t know if Long Zhong’s war is dead, the leader of Yan Longjun will not be you...”

Fang Ge's look calm: "The merits are still about 40%, don't worry..."

I looked far away at Fang Ge and the painting on paper, and then said: "Xue Jing, your sister Xuerou has deleted the number and left the studio, do you know her whereabouts?"

The painting on the paper shook his head: "I don't know... but you hurt her like this, you are responsible for getting her back."

"In fact, she is hurt by Fang Song."

Fang Geyi apologized: "I don't know what to say, if she disappears, maybe I will blame myself for a lifetime..."

I smiled a little: "Don't say this kind of lyricism again. If I can find her, I will take her home. She has always been our matcha, but it is not a little demon. Matcha is wrong, and there is nothing." Big deal."

Fang Gewei: "..."


At this time, the commander of the Dragon Army, Qin Yu, said: "Your Majesty, since General Li Xiaoyao has been officially enshrined in the public, then your father, the most outstanding actor in this war, is the Duke of Duke, who is also a blessing? The Duke of Luoyang is the blood of the royal family. At the end, it will be suggested that the book is sealed as a king. How?"

Xia Houren and Lingnan Hou together hold a fist: "Please enshrine the book to be the king!"

Luo Shaolin was a bit stunned, his eyes swept between the ministers and then fell on me: "Li Shi, what do you think?"

I nodded: "That's a reward!"

"it is good!"

Later, it was booked that Luo Wei was the king of Zhennan. He thought that Linhai City was hit by him. In fact, the reason why Linhai City can help, most of the credit should be the player.


Looking at the system interface, the national war is still in the 7th cycle day, but the fire has ceased everywhere, and even the chances of winning the national war points are very few. You can’t go to Wangcheng and Zeyuan City for the points. Killing? However, I think that there are still such people. If you look at the national war standings, I am still the chief player of the Chinese theater. Most of the titles of this national war MVP can't run away.

Above the main hall, the ceremonial ceremonies are still going on, and Lin Biaoer’s main title of Huoyun County has finally been officially implemented, and although she is a small county lord, the real power is already comparable to the emperor, and the entire Huoyuncheng Guilin’s personal governance, this is a good thing, Lin Biaoer is sitting in the city of Huoyun, this is a big card for our dragon!

I stayed up late at night and finally got tired. So I called Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue to go down to sleep together. Tomorrow is the last day of the national war. It is also the day when Luo Shulin’s ascension ceremony. In fact, I still have a very good place for this new emperor. Big expectations, I hope that Luo Shaolin will not be influenced by his father, become a person of conspiracy, but to be a Ming Jun who is making great efforts.


Wake up in the morning, have a full meal, go online!

Sure enough, the situation of the national exhibition in the game has not changed much. It is only the border of Linhai City. The players in Japan and South Korea have not attacked the city of Jiuyi. Jiuyi City is a multi-national city, including Brazil, Germany, Argentina and other powerful countries. It is almost impossible for Korean players to attack, but they can aim at some sub-primary cities around. Some small countries in the world basically only have sub-primary cities as the biggest main city, and Japanese and Korean players want to make a comeback. Choose these as the target of the attack.

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