Zhan Long

Chapter 913: Final reward

After the war, the very quiet Tianzhu City was full of lights and fires, and today is the day when the new emperor Luo Shulin was enthroned and the last day of the first national war cycle.

After going online, Stepping on the city-filled avenue full of flowers and flowers, many players around the line were also on the line, and restored the vitality of the original Tianzhu City. At the end of Chengchi Avenue, a group of banned troops were on alert, thinking of a group of people. The civilians of the Tianzhu City who want to watch the king's ascendancy are blocked. Far away, Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others are full of joy, and a scorpion is shining under the sun.

"grown ups!"

Xiao Li shouted, but smiled apologetically and said: "Now I should change my name to be a broken person. I am sorry..."

I waved my hand and said, "No need to be polite, still call it!"

Han Yuan took a long knife and smiled loudly: "General, you are the youngest duke of the empire. From today, you are already a generation of legends!"

I didn't say much, but I looked at the banned army on the outskirts of the palace and said, "Why should we stop the people from watching the emperor's enthronement?"

In the ban, a 10,000-man sergeant said: "The generals, this is the order of our banned army commander, and since the founding of the Empire, this rule has always been done. How can the emperor's ceremony allow civilians to wait and see?!"

I frowned and said: "Some rituals are always abolished. As an emperor, you should understand the sufferings of Li Min, and you will call me the Situ salary."

"Yes, general!"

Soon after, a young military commander walked over, Situ, the leader of the cadets of the Imperial War College. After the Royal Forest was taken out by Scorpio, Owen formed a banned army to guard the king, and the salary was It is in this situation that the sword and the sword have been put in the position of the banned army. Strictly speaking, Situ is the more active and talented in the active imperial army, and very young, the war in the scorpion. The meaning is also gratifying.

Situ’s salary stepped forward and shook hands: “The general is good!”

I nodded, although I was sealed as a broken Dinggong, but the name between the generals in the army is still used to the ranks, and my general is actually very good. The Scorpio empire currently has only three generals. One is me, one is the Luoxu of the Fire Axe, and the other is the Luis of the Thunderbolt. As for the Qin Dynasty, Longzhong and others, they are all generals of the township level 2, which is inferior to the generals.

"Stuart General."

I reached out and pointed to a large number of civilians outside the Imperial City, saying: "These are all the people of the Empire. Let them enter the Imperial City. They should be qualified to see what the future monarch is like."

Stuart is stunned: "But the generals, in case... If there are assassins in these civilians, then this responsibility will not be able to afford it! Please also ask the general to forgive the teenager can not disarm."

I smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, how many bans do you have now?"

"More than 40,000 people."

"Send them to establish a line of defense on the periphery of the throne ceremony and separate the civilians from the ascended high platform by 500 meters. There is always no problem. It is not a problem that the manpower is not enough. I will send the Yulin army to defend the army."

Stuart nodded and smiled: "Well, since there is an order from the general, then it will be done!"

"it is good!"


Into the Imperial City, Han Yuan, Xiao Li and other generals were disarmed, but my broken Dinggong had the power to carry the blade into and out of the hall, so Sai went in, the city was full of prosperity, everywhere They are all extremely beautifully decorated. Wang Qi is flying everywhere. The banned army sergeant wearing a golden trench is holding a long sword guarding around the high platform. A group of civil and military ministers have already entered the ranks.


System Tip: Players with a rank of 4 or higher will enter the throne ceremony and gain 0.1% experience per minute!

Looking at this prompt, I couldn't help but smile. It seems that the time when my Royal Forest commander relied on the killing of monsters has really passed. As long as I am doing the Legion mission with my heart, the experience value will not be less, and... a game, a life. In fact, I am happy to be there.

"General, your position is there!" A small **** guided me. In fact, there were not many such eunuchs in Tianzhu City. Even Pei once made a statement to abolish the **** system, but neither Locke nor Owen It is agreed that the **** was originally a distortion of human nature, as the words that the great father of the sea had said: "The **** is an incomplete man."

"Breaked Dinggong, polite!" Brian Ning rushed me to laugh at the fist.

I immediately returned, and soon after, the players with higher ranks were notified by the system to participate in the ceremony. Party songs, flower guns, swords, Lin Biaoer, paper painting charms, etc. came, and the eunuchs arranged for them one by one. Position, ask the sword, the lower rank of the painting on the paper, have been arranged in the 20th row, Lin Yier is because of the relationship between the owner of Huoyuncheng County, and the generals of the towns such as Bailining, Longzhong, Qinqin In a row, as for me, my position is still before Rosie, Reis, etc., is it a relationship of broken Dinggong?

It can be counted as one person and over 10,000 people.

Oh, no, there is a person who is on the same list as me, even more than a former person, who was enshrined as the "King of the South"! Looking at the whole empire, there is only one king, that is, Luo Yan, as for the surname, the status of my broken Dinggong is already the limit.

Look carefully around and make sure that it is safe. It seems that no one will be sent to assassinate Luo Shaolin. Moreover, no one in China has the motive to assassinate Luoshenlin. I will not, Luo Yan will not, the rest. There is no direct interest relationship between the ministers and there is no need to take risks.

"Your Majesty!"

The **** yelled at the scorpion, and the next moment Luo Shaolin walked out under the embrace of a group of guards, wearing a robes, and wearing a crown, and the face of the green scorpion also had a bit of imperial power, but from The corner of Luo Shuolin’s robe sleeves made me laugh. This kid actually wore soft armor in the robe. The empire of the military general was really extraordinary.

A Wenchen stepped forward and held a stack of books in his hand, facing the slow reading of the group, while Luo Shaolin stood there quietly.

However, Luo Xiao’s eyes squinted at me, smiling slightly, and whispered: “General Li is now in full power. More than half of the military power in Tianzhu City is already in your hands. It’s certain that General Li’s strategy will be able to show his strength. Will the Scorpio Empire open up a glory and prosperity?"

I also smiled: "Zhen Nanwang is joking. I am just a military commander who is obedient. As for the empire to open up the land, it depends on the ruling."

Luo Yan’s mouth rose and smiled faintly: “As the general said, we are all ministers, and those who do not have the heart of the family are even the nine!”

I looked at him, couldn't help but laughed again, and lowered my voice: "Luo, you can hear clearly, I don't want to be this emperor, so I will let the shallow forest come. Otherwise, who can block it? Live me to God's place?! Don't provoke me, don't play any court fights with me, and push me hard. The Royal Forest Army can wash the town of Wangnan at any time!"

Luo Yan’s face was cold, but he didn’t say much.


Subsequently, the script was read, and Luo Shaolin began to accept the gift of Jiuxi. He held the sword of the newly cast king and held the sword of the king. His arm was slightly trembling, and the inner excitement and tension could be imagined. This sword is already the supreme power of Tianzhu City.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Shaolin personally held the script, and the words clearly read: "The lonely king will be in the world, and will not be charged any taxes within three years, and the soldiers will increase by 20%. The family’s pension doubled, and the lonely king succeeded to the throne. The world was first settled. The broken Dinggong Li Xiaoyao Town defended the Tianzhu City, and then the main town of Huoyun County defended the fire city, the father Wang Nanwang Township guarded Linhai City, and the Queen Angela guarded the Eight Desert City. I hope that the imperial pillars of the empire will be able to make a great effort to create a grand world for the empire!"

I frowned, and actually sent Luo Wei to Linhai City. It seems that this is his own request. If this comes to Linhai City, it is equivalent to Luo Yi’s own decision, but he also thinks too idealized. Linhai City is entrusted to the city, the city is a player in the Indian theater, Qingmoo Tumo, Fenglin drunk and so on will not give Luozhen the town of South Wang good fruit to eat.

Time passed by bit by bit, one morning was a cumbersome enthronement ceremony, Luo Shaolin began to collect military power one by one, the commanders of various legions swore allegiance, the military power of the whole country was held in the hands of this young emperor, and then, at the end When Luo Shaolin stopped me, it was really a skill to learn to wrap the sword, so I spent 10 minutes on the drill once, let him slowly comprehend it.


Continue to wait until 11 o'clock in the evening, close to the end of the national war is getting closer, and then look at my national war points are still ranked first, so the mood is getting more and more excited, the first time the country is full of life In the war, the Chinese theater won a big victory. What kind of reward will my MVP champion player get?

Finally, the system started counting seconds -





Immediately, a crystal clear system ringing in the air resounded, everyone in the city cheered, the national war was over, and the opportunity to distribute rewards finally came.


System Announcement: Congratulations to all players in China's theaters. This time, the city's battles include: Fire Elephant City, Huoyun City, and Linhai City (trusted). The Chinese theater has won a total victory. Among them, the player [Happy] has 192,830 points. Ranked as the chief to get the title of "MVP", the reward is as follows: level 7, charm value of 100, gold coin 2000000, and get equipment [弑神铠] (epic artifact), the player [square songs] ranked first with 183,203 points Two, get rewards: level 5, charm value 75, gold coin 1000000, and get equipment [Lingyun fan] (secondary artifact excellence), the player [Cangyue] ranked third with 152001 points, get the reward: level 5 Charm value 50, gold coin 500000, and get equipment [empty robe] (secondary artifact), followed by 4-10 players are: [Painting on paper], [Cangwu], [Mu Yu], [Jane Simple single, [flower gun a pot of wine], [question sword], [leaf come], their respective rewards have been distributed, all players who participated in the battle and earned points can recover 50% of the battle damage level after the war!

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