Zhan Long

Chapter 919: Proud

Among the wilderness, there is a red fire. It is a group of people who wield swords and swords and wore broken and incomplete trenches. The fire wolves, all over 50,000 people, are all over the mountains, but obviously this mercenary group is not very generous. The number of horses is also very small. The 5W army actually has fewer than 5,000 people who have war horses. Such a little cavalry is obviously not our opponent.

The sacred dragon horse spurted a hot breath, and I and Li Mu, Wang Hao, 冉闵 and other people also rushed in front of the fire dragon ride, the fire wolf mercenaries are 162 Titan-class monsters, the property is not very strong, even to me It is already a very good dish, but the experience of 150-155 players is still quite a lot.

2000 Fire Dragon rides the tiger into the flock, and the average is slashed. Dongcheng Yue, Xueyu Qianyang, and Lin Xiaowu lead the remote players to advance step by step. Under the magic and arrows, the fire wolf mercenary is close, even if It is close to the body and there is also an iron blade riding guard in front of the remote team. The dragon dragon player has formed a copper wall outside the city of Fanshu, which makes the fire wolf mercenary laborless.


Longchi Sword suddenly opened the chest of a fire wolf mercenary, smashing a 9W fatal blow, Li Mu also looked a bit stunned, Nunu said: "You should have passed the 10W of your actual attack power?"

I thought for a moment: "It should be almost..."

Continue to move forward, but not far away, Wang Hao shouted: "Happy brother, boss, bring people here, the head of the fire wolf mercenary is here!"

I and Li Mu rushed over, and with the help of a group of mercenaries, a warrior carrying a long scorpion was in the crowd. The swallows were extremely mighty, smashing a black horse, waving a long squat across the crowd. More than a dozen fire dragons can't resist the roots, and they have to retreat. This BOSS grade is not low!

I rushed to go, far from the BOSS attributes and shared in the guild channel -

[Fire Wolf mercenary leader? Proud of ★ ★ ★] (Ghosts BOSS)

Rating: 165

Attack: 17600-22300

Defense: 18000

Qi and blood: 1,0000,0000

Skills: [Thunder Breakthrough] [War of the War] [Awesome Ling]

Introduction: The arrogance, originally a warrior from Zeyuan City, a young hero, has entered the realm of the sanctuary at the age of 19, and has cultivated into an amazing school, but he is proud of this person’s arrogance, in Zeyuan City. The Yongwu Academy smashed the three emperors in a shot, which led to the murder of the murder. Eventually, under the alluvial of the Zeyuan City army, they fled into the area of ​​the Vulcan Mountains, and Wuthering the mountain forest, and formed a fire wolf mercenary. One of the strongest mercenary groups in the region


“Well?” Wang Wei said a little, saying: “The system has been revised, and the star has been added to the back of the BOSS?”

I slightly nodded and said, "Well, I read the version before I went online. Every BOSS will have a star rating. From one star to five stars, that is, the same is the ghost stage BOSS, but the attribute will also There is a world of difference."

Meng Yao stood by the shield with her. She had already succeeded in the Templars. The names on the top of her head turned into a touch of gold. She smiled and said: "In fact, they used to be star-rated, but they didn't let us hide. Seeing it, so there are some ghosts and ranks of BOSS to kill, and some are very difficult to kill, the gap between blood volume and attack power is great!"

"Well, are you ready?"

I looked at the arrogance in the distance, and then smiled: "I am going to attract, Meng Yao to act as a master T, how?"

Meng Yao's little face was shocked: "Brother, you don't want to look at me too much, I am only 154, this is the 165-level Samsung Ghost Order BOSS, the property is strong..."

"It doesn't matter, it's up!" I greeted far away, and Lin Xiaowu immediately rushed over with the hanging pots.

After Matcha is gone, there are only three people in the most powerful knights of the dragon. Meng Yao, Yue Yao Yan, and one second hero. The latter two grades and equipment are stronger than Meng Yao, but the skills are not as dreamy. Strong, and it is time to experience Meng Yao's killing BOSS level. After all, none of us know that Matcha will come back. We must train our own top knight players.

The reins of a sacred dragon horse, Zema rushed to the BOSS, far away, the wilderness bound the arrogance, the air immediately morphed out of the three-handed dragon pool sword, suddenly cross-attack, broke out a fatal blow Come--


Everyone is speechless, my injury is too high, for no reason, the gods have a special effect, and the damage to the NPC is doubled!

And the arrogant whispered, and the horse rushed over and violently said: "Bold boy, dare to hurt me?"

Lin Xiaowu sighed and smiled: "We seem to have not been on the ally of the lord? Oh, it is really a taste, so many beautiful MM like 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍 逍

My face is green: "What people say is hurt, not, it is the first!"

Lin Xiaowu waved his hand and raised his long bow. He smiled and said: "Don't care about these details, kill BOSS soon!"

I nodded and retire, saying: "Meng Yao, ready to catch BOSS!"

Li Mengyao nodded, the face was full of seriousness, and suddenly the shield was gently swayed. The sword was pointed at the arrogance, and the sky landed a **** attack. Then Li Mengyao jumped out of the word "the first step of the Holy Spirit". It is the first-order skill of the Holy Spirit - the temple sighs!


At the same time of traumatic BOSS, it caused a strong hatred effect. Suddenly, he looked proudly at Meng Yao, and yelled: "Little girl, you are looking for death!"

Mengyao is not timid, the shield is gently swayed, and a golden light shield appears around it. It is a holy light shield, SSS level skill, 10 level light shield can improve 150% double defense effect, than my wall of vindictiveness. Slightly less, but not bad.

With a arrogant arrogance, Changchun is not yet close to Mengyao, but he does not want this little girl who looks like a smattering slammed into the horse for a few meters. The long sword in his hand is transformed into a gorgeous glory. BOSS hits a few steps, falling into a dizzy state, this is the intensive skill of justice containment - ruling, can instantly defeat the opponent, SSS level skills, this Templar's skills are really not strong!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of 3 seconds, everyone surrounded the arrogant output of a set of skills, and after waking up, they swept the long scorpion to Meng Yao, "铿" slammed a few Mars on the shield, 3W damage Can withstand, Meng Yao's blood limit has passed 10W, enough to kill this level of BOSS.

The hanging pots have increased blood, and I have joined the ranks of the output. In less than 5 minutes, this three-star sneaky BOSS has become a residual blood, launching the final skills, proud of the world, but in my ice There is no second to kill Mengyao under the disturbance of skills. Then it can only be exchanged for the fate of being killed. It falls to the ground in minutes, and a burst of equipment is bursting out.

I didn't even watch it. I waved Li Mu and others to equip it. As for me, most of my equipment is already a ghost, a god, and an epic artifact. There is no need to compete with these equipments. My The source of equipment is now more from the national war and large-scale version of the mission, even if it is obtained by killing BOSS, it is at least the king-level magic BOSS.


The fire dragon rides back and forth in the mercenary group. Less than an hour, the fire wolf mercenaries who attacked the ruins of the book city were killed. Everyone went back to receive the task reward, but Li Mu, Wang Hao and others did not redeem the points. Half an hour, sure enough, another man killed, 2W people's thieves group, I have seen thieves, but I have never seen a group of thieves of 2W people, it is simply spectacular, this group of thieves is far from wielding Called to plunder the gold coins and women in the ruins of the city, but after seeing the women of Donglong, Lin Xiao, Meng Yao and Yue Yue, the thieves found that they were not enough to control the women. Then, clamoring for the gold coins to be seized, the battle of the Yulin Army was repeated with us, and then all were killed, but it gave us a lot of people and coins.

This night, there are many thieves and mercenary groups coming from the end. The biggest mercenary actually has nearly 8W people, but I even sent the Yucheng Army and Chi Yuhan’s Dragon City Army to sweep the 8W mercenary. However, the loss of oneself will not exceed a thousand at most, but it will make the soldiers of the Yulin Army upgrade a lot.

Fortunately, Luo Shulin did not let Luo Wei's fire axe attack, otherwise it may not be able to make these endless mercenaries.


After dawn, continue to carry the white rock. In addition, the miners began to enter the mountain, collecting the Longjing veins and gold mines in the Vulcan Mountains, and carrying out the reconstruction with the bookstore, so that no time was wasted.

On the other hand, under my dispatch, Xia Ye held my personal letter and led the 1W new Guardian soldiers to go to the Guangming Temple in Linhai City, and let the priests in the Temple of Light to train these new recruits. Turn some of them into Templars. Most of these recruits come from the War College. They are some good seedlings. The potential for training is unlimited.


The process of reconstruction of the book city is not fast, and the slowness is not slow. When it lasts until the sixth day, the city has finally begun to take shape. The white iron has been cast on the wall, and the defense will not be less than that of the city. How many, and under my orders, the Wenchens are recruiting warriors and civilians to speed up the return of the population. After the death of Ding Fan’s Grand War, those people in exile have returned, and for every one of these people, the productivity of the city is 10 Within six days, the population of Fanshu City has risen from the ruins of 1W to the number of 29W people, which is also worthy of the size of this sub-primary city.

Riding on the sacred dragon horse, slowly walking on the King's Road, the size of the book city is far from the Dragon City can be presumed, the area is at least 10 times more than the Dragon City, the productivity of the city is equally amazing, the end of the King's Road is The city government that was originally modified by the Royal Palace is also my residence. For the time being, Chi Yuhan and Chi Yuqing led a group of iron guards.

Looking up at the Dragon Nest and the Eagle's Nest standing in the air, the Dragon Nest is gestating the dragon-like mounts that the Rock Dragon Iron Rider needs. The Eagle Nest is surrounded by a flame war eagle, which is the mount of the Yanying Rider. There are a total of 2 Dragon Nests and 5 Eagle Nests in the Book City, which can speed up the recruitment process and will not waste resources.


Chi Yuhan took the hateful sword and stepped out of the city's main government. On one knee, he said: "Adults, the city has basically been completed!"

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