Zhan Long

Chapter 920: Start butterfly

Looking up at the Dragon Nest and the Eagle’s Nest, looking down at the prosperous scenes of the Wrangler, the shooting range, the school grounds, the Chamber of Commerce and other buildings, I couldn’t help but be a little proud. This bookstore is simply a treasure given to the dragon, any player. The station will never be compared with the city of Fanshu. It’s just that the productivity is about to burst. Open the main interface of the city. Everything in the bookstore is so shocking. Let me have a kind of king who is already near the Vulcan Mountain. Feeling -

【凡书城】(10th territorial)

City owner: happy

Lord: Chi Yuhan, the second lord: Chi Yuqing

City Pool Building: 270

Army: 14322

Labor service: 292881

City size: oversized

City Pool Productivity -

Food: 1128810 / hour

Wood: 900,000 / hour

Stone: 900,000 / hour


Moreover, the special arms of the book city still inherit the arms of Chi Yuhan, the Eagle Nest can recruit Yan Ying riding archers, Longchao can recruit Rock Dragon Iron Rider, the horse farm can recruit deep cold iron rides, the shooting range can recruit flame heavy bows, and these buildings It is possible to recruit at the same time. The speed of such a force is amazing, and the productivity of the bookstore is 290W per hour! In this way, according to the required resources of the rock dragon ride (gold coin × 3000, food × 2950, ​​wood × 3200, stone × 3000), as long as the gold coins can keep up, I can recruit 300 rock dragon rides per hour, what is this? speed? As long as I am willing, all the commercial operations of the bookstore will stop and concentrate on recruiting soldiers, and one day will be able to get the 7000 Rock Dragon Iron Ride!

Of course, a closer look at the city management rules will reveal that the city people also need to consume resources, plus commercial operations, building maintenance, diplomatic needs, etc., about 50% of the resources produced are not mine, but this is enough, Every day, I can recruit about 3,000 dragon rides, and I can recruit some cheaper units to help defend the city.

Without saying anything, look at the 200W resources in the city pool. I recruited 2,000 Rock Dragon Iron Riders, 3000 Flame Heavy Bows, and 2000 Yan Ying Riders in one breath. I will use these forces to ensure the defense of the book city. As for the basic maintenance of the city, it is better to rely on the supply of Tianzhu City for the time being. Do you know if the NPCs of Zeyuan City and Wangyue City will come to the crime immediately, and then let me worry more about the threat of not returning to the North, Lan Nasir Yin Ge has long regarded my scorpio empire as a thorn in the eye and a stab in the flesh.

I took a look at the initial evaluation of the book city, and I have already included the budget soldiers I have just recruited. The strength is still OK.

Flame heavy bow × 3820, deep cold heavy riding × 2436, Yan Ying riding archer × 5124, Yanlong iron riding × 9942


In the strength that I can master, there are already brothers of the dragons in the offense. The defenses are the barbarian squadrons of the Guards, and the defending city depends on the flames, the deep cold iron ride, the Yanying rider, and the rock dragon ride. These four arms have been so that there is no recruitment of one of these units, such as Zeyuan’s light ride and the iron armor. The previous recruitment of Longcheng has all been killed in the last battle, and the troops are pure.

The current productivity of the book city is not the limit, continue to develop, and perhaps the future of the book city will allow me to own 10W private soldiers, even 20W, 30W people, then, I am afraid that even the NPC army of Tianzhu City will not be added together. Will it be the opponent of Fanshucheng? Think about it, even I am a little scared.

He grasped the holy scorpion in the package. This jasmine came from the chill, but it was a burst of warmth, like the body temperature left by Pei.

I looked at the sky with my head, holding the holy sacred voice: "Do you see it, our dreams are being realized step by step..."

The sky is quiet, there is no response from Peer. She is just a transplant of someone's memory. Maybe she doesn't have her own life? However, I still insisted that maybe Pei looked at me somewhere and looked at everything I did for her. Pei is already dead. What I can do is to continue to be alone, for her dreams, for my game life, constant fighting, and constant victory.


At this moment, there was a burst of pleasant laughter in the guild, and it immediately attracted the surprise of everyone. Of course, the guild chat interface has also changed. Please ignore these details -

[Nan Gongjue] (Shouqi Banner): Aha, finally dug it!

[Admiral Li Mu] (Elder): Haha, did you decide to dig up the 13th or 14th order iron?

[Nan Gongjue] (Shouqi Banner): 14-level iron! Oh, there is a lot of storage. This Vulcan mountain is indeed a Baoshan, NND. Thanks to the hands of the Vulcan Mountains from the hands of Zeyuan City and Huoyuncheng!

I couldn’t help but smile and talk in the guild.

[Happy] (Allies): 炘铁? Hey, what kind of sample level equipment can I create?

[Nan Gongjue] (Shouqi Banner): As long as I find enough precious gems, I and Linger have the confidence to use the 14-level scorpion iron to create the slasher of the 150th level. The sword and the bow can be used.

I am very excited: "Too good, Li Mu sent people to guard the Vulcan Mountains day and night, and actively create the standard weapons and equipment that belong to our dragon, and, like the caster, how is the progress?"

[Admiral Li Mu] (Elders): The caster and the armored division are all responsible for finding them. The professional department of the agency is responsible for the children.

[Monthly shallow] (the vice-president) immediately spoke: Happy brother, clothes and the like, rest assured, we will never fall behind.

[Cangwu] (Sub-owner): Pig, I have been busy with the management of the fire in the city of Huoyun in the past few days, oh... I have handed over the engineering affairs to the Dongcheng Office...

[Dongchengyue] (Elder): Ah, I forgot... Happy brother beat me!

Me: "Your sister..."

Nangong decided to say: "The lord, Linger set off this morning and arrived in Hangzhou at about 3 pm. She will go directly to the place where you live. You remember to answer the phone!"

Li Mu was excited: "Oh, Linger finally feels uneasy, decided to give the lord a thousand miles?"

"Hey! She is going to send the sword to the lord."

I am also overjoyed: "Is it already cast?"

"Well, I hope you like it!"

"it is good!"


Surprise down the line, full of joy, I have not had the weapon of picking up after the black break, Lin Tiannan gave me the arc sword although the power is not small, but it is always not easy, with the arc sword is the power collision, no sword The law is ok.

In the hall, Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue also went offline. Looking at my delighted look, Lin Biao couldn’t help but smile: "Stupid, see you happy like this, do you want to bathe for the new sword?"

I nodded: "Yes, I will take a shower after dinner! Right, tell the chef to prepare the materials around 3 o'clock, and then cook some delicious dishes. Linger must be hungry here."



After dinner, I didn't go online. I sat in the hall and waited until 3:15. The phone finally rang. The sweet voice of Nangong Ling came: "Mother, brother, where do you live?"

Me: "You are outside, I will pick you up!"

"it is good!"

Flying out of the villa, Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yue also followed me out, a black SUV came slowly from the campus boulevard, stopped in front of our door, when the door opened, Nangong Ling held a long The long sword got out of the car and smiled and said: "Come on, look at your new baby!"

I nodded happily, took the sword from the hand of Nan Gongling, and opened it. It was a long sword full of ancient taste and modernity. The scabbard was covered with gorgeous Chinese ancient patterns. Nangong Ling smiled slightly and said : "This scabbard is also specially made, the outer layer is a precious log hollow decoration, but the inner layer is really hard alloy, relatively heavy, but very tough, can block the heavy blow, the co-owner brother, pull the sword to see if you like it?"

I was ecstatic in my heart, and my right hand was a force. "铿" a sword was unsheathed, and the light above the blade was very dazzling. Sure enough, the two hollowed-out blood troughs were full of killings, and the surrounding of the Jianfeng was finely treated. The compound casting technique, which can hardly be seen by the eyes, is amazing. The top of the hilt is a hook-shaped decorative hand guard. It is like a butterfly. At the moment of pulling the sword, the sword on the blade is not scattered for a long time.

“How?” Nangong Ling smiled sweetly and said, “Look at me, in order to play this butterfly, the eyes and the bags under the eyes are out.”

I can't help but smile: "Well, thank you Linger, this sword makes me like it too!"

Saying, with a gentle wave of the sword, the sound of the "brush" is clear to the ear, and a sword is separated from the air. The leaves of the holly in front are instantly cut off, and Lin Biaoer sneak a little, eating and laughing: "Stupid, be careful, lose money..."

I nodded, stalking the butterfly, and then holding it in my arms, saying, "Linger, and the driver's master came in to eat!"

Nangong Ling was also welcome. He called the uncle to enter the house to eat, and asked me how the reconstruction task of the book city was all over. My mind was all on the butterfly, and there was a reply without a ride, and I laughed at the little girl.

Take out a piece of black cloth and wrap the layer of butterflies. After all, this sword is not used for cherishing or appreciating in me, but is used to kill people. Since it is a weapon, whether it is to punish evil, then it is It is a weapon, it is always good to wrap it with cloth, and the rules on the rivers and lakes are the same, and the weapon is not exposed.

In the future, this sword will not leave, even if you go out to play, you must put it in the trunk.

But when you think about it, it seems that even if I don't use weapons, few of my current Yang Yan repairs will be my opponents.

Suddenly, the heart violently twitched, and my face appeared in front of the dead face, similar to the roar of the beast, this monster... Maybe it is not a human, right?

The behind-the-scenes lord of the colonizer has not yet dug up, and this road is still growing!

On the side, Dongcheng Yue sat on the edge of the sofa and looked at me with a smile: "Well, now the reconstruction of the book city has been carried out until 7788. Then, should my elders work?"

"What are you going to do?" I looked at her.

In the East City, the United States and the United States passed a trace of murderousness and said: "Wei Fan did not know when the line was on, and officially transferred the thousands of lords to the leisure. These days, the greedy wolf with thousands of people rides in the Valkyrie. The river swept across the river, killing many players in Wangyuecheng and Zeyuan City, and killing many Chinese players. The growth of thousands of people relying on plundering this way seems to have started again, so you will take the military rights of Xiaolongying. Give it to me, I am going to pick up thousands of people!"

My heart is cold, Dongcheng month is not a militant girl, but... In fact, Wei Fan killed Dongcheng Lei, and thousands of people are the guild that Wei Fan built up. Dongcheng Yue wants to avenge his brother. This is inevitable. What she will do, she wants to completely destroy thousands of people!

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