Zhan Long

Chapter 943: Wang Zecheng, the young general, also came


Luo Wei suddenly stopped his body shape and sat in horror. In his black scorpion, the serrated knife was spinning rapidly, and he actually seemed to be unable to lift the force. Waiting to die there, the grief and despair in the eyes is not a little bit, the son just died, but he also died in the hands of the enemy who wanted to kill.

At the time when Luo Wei was about to land, suddenly there was a long battle, and a white jersey passed, and the golden shield suddenly stopped in front of Luo Wei, it was Wang Zecheng!


The serrated knife slammed open, and Wang Zecheng even took the horse to be shaken back a few steps, and the blood was also lost 1W. Our iron blade ride suffered a blow of at least 2W, which shows that the defense of Wang Zecheng’s equipment is terrible. It is.

"Come on, protect the banned adults from retreating!" Wang Zecheng looked without fear, said: "Come on, to converge the corpse of the young generals, hurry, I will block the barbarian wolf ride, ice spirit ride, with me on!"

His Majesty called the Lord, Qing Xian, Su Yan and others all went up with the ally, and together with the barbarian wolf, but they can only be unbeaten, compared with the 7th level, the ice spirit The individual combat strength of riding is simply not comparable. If it is not the treatment of the hanging pot, I am afraid that it will be defeated!

I took a look at the ice spirit ride, and determined that they would not continue to take the Yulin Army and the Dragon Dragon Iron Rider after the start of the dragon. As a result, the major guilds and the regiments of the Tianzhu City joined together, and the 10W barbarian wolf could not ride. After an hour, I lay on the coast and became a corpse, and broke the equipment, gold coins and cards to us.


The smoke is filled, and the entire coast has been bombarded into a deep pit by the dragon crystal. Even the beach on the shore is at least 4 meters deep, and it is enough to drown people after pouring into the sea.

Li Mu and Wang Hao took people to clean the battlefield, and I took Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Yao, Xia Ye and other Wan Fuchang directly to the Chinese military account. Han Yuanqi rushed to the bull, his face was extremely ugly, this battle was Protecting the heavy artillery battalion, our heavy riding camp has damaged at least thousands of people and war horses. This loss is unacceptable to him.


I opened the curtain of the middle army account. I walked on the carpet with the handle of the big stepping meteor. Luo Yan was sitting in the seat of Luo Shaolin, and looked relaxed. He said: "The force of the violent Redding is only In this way, the Li Linjun Li Tongzheng really brave, actually really defeated this group of people!"

"铿" a Longchi sword has been squirted, I suddenly put the sword front directly in Luo's neck, whispered: "Luo, you still have a face sitting here to taste tea?"

Luo Shulin was shocked: "Li Shi, what are you doing? Let go of the aunt, what happened?"

I sneered: "This is going to ask you this heroic aunt!"

Luo Ruran: "Li Xiaoyao, what do you want?"

I whispered: "How do you say? I borrowed your 5,000 heavy artillery to help you win. You can't resist the position of the heavy artillery battalion when they can't resist it. Let them directly face the sword of the barbarian wolf. You still Have you asked me what happened? You know that for your embarrassment, the Imperial Army has killed at least 10,000 people?! Luo Wei, is this dog life worth tens of thousands of lives?!"

Luo Yan's face is extremely ugly: "Li... Li Tongling, you don't want to be excited, I... I don't know about it, I will check it out, this..."

Luo Shulin quickly rushed down the throne and held my arm in one hand. He eagerly said: "Li Shi, don't kill the aunt... no matter what mistakes he made, sin will not die, you put down the sword, etc. Clearly, I will have a ruling."

The gas in my heart slightly converged a little, returning to the sword and returning to the sword. I looked at Luo Yan coldly and said, "Well, I see what you have said."


Luo Yan’s face was unrecognizable and stood up and said: “Give me a thorough investigation. Which man was retreating, abandoned the heavy artillery battalion of the Yulin Army, and quickly checked it out for me!”

Suddenly, a 10,000-man sergeant of the squadron of the squadron said: "His Royal Highness, the general of the heavy-duty battalion, General Wu Xin, commanded the army to retreat!"

Luo Yan was furious: "Come on, put Wuxin out to smash it, and come to see me!"

A few seconds later, a soldier took a **** head and came in. It was the Wuxin who ordered the retreat. I saw the anger in the fire, so I’m going to take care of the car, and Luo Xiao’s point is to shirk responsibility. Without his inspiration, how can a 10,000-year-old captain mobilize 100,000 troops to retreat?

Luo Shulin sees me still on the head, and hurriedly said: "Li Shi... Shallow forest has only such an aunt, you... you forgive him for his fault?"

Said, Luo Shulin Lin Zhengshui said: "Yi Dijun abandoned the friendly army and retreated, it is unjust, all the captains of more than a thousand years will be fined for half a year, Zhennan Wang Luozhen governance is nowhere, a fine for one year!"

Luo Shaolin said this to his father, I can only eat this dumb loss, and went to the side of the battle, I glanced at Luo Wei, faintly said: "Hey Di Jun, playing a beautiful hand!"

Luo Yan's face will be blue for a while, and most of them feel that it is a loss.

At this moment, suddenly a cry of mourning and crying came from the outside. It was a Luo Yi who was supported by a group of soldiers. His left arm was **** and seemed to be hurt, but what made it even more unbearable was that Luo Wei was behind him. The soldier actually held a pile of smashed things wrapped in white cloth, all of which were blood, and I didn't even want to know that it was Rott's body.

"His Majesty……"

Luo Wei fell to the ground, flowing water, and cried: "Your Majesty, the old minister is half-lived, only got the bones of Roth. Now he has bloodshed in the sand, loyal to the empire, the old minister is desperate, and there is no love!"

Luo Shulin stood up and walked down quickly, holding Luo's arms and saying: "Forbidden Hours... Don't be overly sad. Rotter General is a model of the Imperial Army. The old general is a Hummer. Oh, it’s also a rare talent for the empire. I hope that the ban will be able to save the empire and continue to work for the empire!"

Said, Luo Shallow Lin said: "Come on, chasing Roth as the general, chasing after the loyalty!"

Everyone was shocked. No one thought that Luo Shaolin would chase Roth as the general. You must know that there are only three empire generals, Qin Yu, Luis and I. However, people are dead and chased. For the marshals are in vain, half of the money and do not want to receive.

Aside, the soldier showed no trace of Roth’s body in front of everyone’s eyes. It was a pile of minced meat. When Lin Biaoer wrinkled his eyebrows, he looked at me with some discomfort. I hugged her and said: "Don't go see... don't go see..."

I don’t care about myself. This **** scene has not only been seen for the first time. I have also killed a lot of evil people. Under the black front, those who were cut into seven or eight are also common. thing.


Luo Shulin pacified Luo Wei and turned to the throne again.

After sitting down slowly, he looked at the crowd and said: "The imperial generals of the empire are fighting for the blood of Tianzhu City. The lonely kings are all in their eyes. I hope everyone can cooperate sincerely and will attack this evil spirit. At that time, there will be a reward. The lonely king will never be guilty of any general who is loyal to the empire and will do his best for the country. Now, report the battle damage and generals of the major legions!"

The corporal of each legion gave the scroll of the statistical results.

Luo Shaolin looked at it one by one and said: "The Yanlong Army has killed three tens of thousands of patriarchs. It is a pity that even the deputy commanders have already died. That’s it. Yan Longjun Wanfu’s long singer fights heroic The merits are extremely high, and he will be the new deputy leader of Yan Longjun. The rest of the vacant Wan Fu is filled by the outstanding commander."

Long Zhong holds a fist: "Don't follow the rules!"

Luo Shulin also looked at me: "Li Shi, the officer of the Imperial Army is also defective... Wan Fuchang Mo Wen died in this battle and died. It is time to promote a new Wan Fu."

Luo Wei said: "Your Majesty, the officers of Di Dijun are relatively complete. I don't mind borrowing a few for the Yulin military. My commander-in-chief is very brave and can serve as the head of Wanfu."

Luo Shulin looked at me: "Li Shi, what do you mean?"

I can't help but laugh, saying: "The talents of the Yulin Army are so great that the fierceness of many thousands of captains is never under the command of the Dijun Wanfu. I am worried that the high-ranking officers of the Dijun army will die. Do you need our Yulin army to select dozens of thousands of people? Long come to fill the lack of Zhennan Wang?"

Luo Yan said: "Luo Shaolin, you can't say a word, how can the commander of the Imperial Army be able to compare with the Wanfu of the army?"

I browed: "Would you like to choose 5 captains and 5 captains for you to see who wins and who?"

Suddenly, Luo Wei was a little embarrassed. It’s really hard to say that the Yulin Army has experienced repeated battles. The ranks and grades of the captains are very high. It is true that they don’t lose to Wan’s Wanfu.

Situ salary, Bailining, Han Yuan, Xiao Li and other generals laughed haha, and Luo Yan was red-faced, but he did not dare to compare with me. He originally wanted to put himself into the Yulin army, but he did not want me to The army, if the commander of the Yulin army enters the Dijun army, it only takes dozens of thousands of captains to enter. Soon after, the half of the army of Di Dijun is about me!


Luo Shulin also smiled a little and said: "Auntie, don't continue to wrestle with Master Li. You are my father. He is my Li Shi. Don't make me embarrassed."

Luo Yan holds a fist: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Luo Shulin continued to scroll through the scrolls and said: "The deputy commander of the Fire Axe Army has also died. Six of the 10,000-year-old captains have also died in battle. Three of the remaining three Wanfu leaders are the most suitable candidates for the deputy command. The general of Beichenfeng, who has a higher military strength, then, will the general of Beichenfeng be the new deputy commander of the Fire Axe?"

The banned Luo Hao stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister has already had other candidates in his mind."

"Oh, who?"

"This is the little general behind me." Luo Wei let go, behind him is suddenly a gun with a shield of Wang Zecheng, the shoulders of the commander with a dark golden luster.

Luo Shulin is stunned: "This Wang Xiaojun is just a thousand captains?"

Luo Wei hugs his fist: "Yes, but the young general of the young general has already seen it, and he saved his life, and he packed up the body of Roth. The old man’s mind has been decided, let this little The general will succeed as the deputy commander of the Fire Axe Army?"

Aside, asked the sword's face is extremely ugly, said: "Forbidden, why not my successor?"

Luo Wei looked at the sword and said faintly: "I ordered you to lead the troops to protect Rote. Have you done it? I ordered you to hit the landing point of the barbarian wolf. Did you listen to me? The fire axe needs It is an absolute obedient general, not an arbitrary, self-righteous general, General Beichen, you have to learn more!"

Asking Jian’s face to be ashamed, but pressing his temper, holding a fist and laughing: “Following the ban, the kid did learn a lot, and the ban is relieved. My Beichenfeng will never let your old man down.”

Luo Hao nodded and smiled: "The blind can teach!"


I stood silently across from them, but my heart was laughing, NND, asking the sword, the man who is the most perfect man in the Chinese theater, would have this day!

At the same time, it also proves that many times, if you work hard to do things, it is not as good as one or two words. This is life, you don’t recognize it!

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