Zhan Long

Chapter 944: Party songs

Therefore, the original Roth was killed, and the position of this deputy commander was steadily returned to the highest sword of the military. The result was that Wang Zecheng had smothered the position of the deputy commander and asked the anger of Jianxin. And Wang Zecheng has now completely confronted the heroes in the open, and there is no longer the original battle. In fact, after he has annexed thousands of people, he is indeed not inferior to the heroes in the strength of the guild.

Ye came to smile at the side and said, "It's wonderful!"

A gun with a pot of wine holding a gun, eyes glimpsed with a leaf, smiled and said: "Don't be gloating, ask the sword to mix again and at least a million-year-old, there are 10,000 people in hand, you are watching you this Xia Jun regiment Command, the strength can only be regarded as half a thousand long!"

Ye came to a hand and didn't mind laughing: "Nothing, my pattern is big. After playing the anger version of the Northern Region, Xia Junjun began recruiting."

The gun immediately looked at me and said, "Happy, it is the seventh wave of the devil attack. The first six waves have consumed most of our power. The seventh wave will only be stronger. To be honest, 斩There are not many people left in the guilds of the dragon, myth, trial, and Prague. What do we take to block the seventh wave?"

I also frowned and shook my head and said, "I haven't thought about it, I have no choice but to fight."

The flower gun squinted and said: "Hey, Long Xiang has come to 4W people, and there are less than 4,000 people left. How can you fight this? If you play it, you will not earn merits, but send experience to the monster to make 7 levels. Magic upgrade."

Lin Biaoer said: "There is no other way."

Yan Zhao’s unparalleled shoulders showed the imprint of the Changfeng Army’s Wanfuchang. After walking, he said: “The Yulin Army still has a lot of dragon crystal cannons left. The rest of the regiments don’t remember so well. As early as an hour ago, the Changfeng Legion The long-range shells have all been emptied, and the seventh wave is definitely a hand-to-hand combat. The human NPC army is not the opponent of the 7th-level demon, it is completely a massacre!"

Fang Ge nodded: "It is indeed a massacre. It is definitely not the way to kill it."

I asked: "What do you have?"

Fang Ge阙 shook his head: "I didn't think of it for a while, Xue Jing asked me to take people from the cold dragon city back to the magical territory, and then burned the advancement of the harbor in the north, but always felt too dangerous, the success rate is too low, myth Only 2W people can be transferred, and even the different magic plugs are not enough."

At this moment, suddenly a scout outside the Chinese army rushed in, and shouted loudly: "Report!"

Luo Shulin: "Say!"

Scouting the fear of the scout, said: "Our eagle rider has just returned the news, the advance army is gathering all the ships, this time they will send all the forces in their hands!"

Luo Shulin suddenly stood up and said: "What army, how many people?"

The voice of the scout trembled a little, saying: "It is the most elite dragon army under Luo Ding, a total of 300,000 people!"


Luo Shulin has a slight glimpse, and there is a trace of despair in his eyes. "Duo Ding actually has 30W people's strength, slaying... What are these dragons and scorpions?"

Scouting: "The northern side of the border is very cold, is the favorite environment of the ancient ice dragon, so many frost dragons flew to the north before death, in a place known as 'Frost Dragon Tomb', many years later There, the skeletons of thousands of thousands of frosted dragons piled up, and the dragon scales did not change for a long time, so Luo Ding collected these dragon scales in the tomb of the dragon, and created dragon scales, and then quickly became unemployed soldiers, and these heavy cavalry and The horses are all wearing dragons, which is also the origin of the dragon army. This 30W dragon army is more fierce than the barbarian wolf, and the sword is not in, it is terrible!"

Wang Nanluo of Zhennan took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty, this is the moment when our Scorpio empire is alive and dead. This battle must not be lost, otherwise the Scorpio City will no longer exist!"

Luo Shulin’s eyes showed perseverance. Looking at the north, the blade of the king’s hand trembled slightly and said: “The city of Tianzhu never yields. Once the evil spirits rule the city of Tianzhu, our people will be slaughtered into dead objects. I can't tolerate it, even if I am all dead here, at least we have fought, and we will not feel regret and shame for our embarrassment on the road to purgatory!"

Situ salary, Bailining and other people have moved, kneeling down on one knee, and shouting: "I am willing to follow my majesty, although there is no regrets!"

Even Luo Yanlin, the new emperor, was even moved by the **** players of Ye Lai and Yan Zhao Musou. They nodded one by one: "Let these dragons come to the army and prepare to die with them..."

Lin Biaoer smiled lightly: "All the people are in the city..."


At this time, Luo Shaolin said: "Roding hated me, I wanted to be quick afterwards. This time, his dragon army will concentrate more than half of its troops to attack our Chinese army. Let's say, this Who is willing to resist the world’s strongest strike for Tianzhu City?”

Qin Lanyi, a little retreat, has revealed the color of battle, and the generals such as Luis, Luo Wei, Xia Houren and others are silent. Obviously, they have no courage to face this 30W Dragon Army.

I immediately went out and hugged my fist: "The Yulin army is willing to go. However, I need to take the remaining 16W army of Di Dijun with us side by side, otherwise it will definitely not stop the 300,000 dragons!"

Zhennan Wang Luoyi, but also clenched his fist: "The old minister is willing to go!"

Luo Shulin Lin Xinxi said: "Well, there are Li Shi and Ayi personally leading the enemy, I will be relieved, the advanceer Luo Ding is on the side of the army, the army will arrive in the next day, what good strategy do you have?"

Fang Ge said: "It is better to use fire attack."

Luo Shulin is stunned: "Fang General, how is this fire attack attacking the law?"

Fang Geyu said: "I have calculated that the tide will still arrive in 50 minutes. We will take advantage of this time to quickly dig a two-meter-deep, fifty-meter-wide gully along the coast, and then build the sediment in shallow water. The **** prevented the dragon's warship from landing directly, then introduced seawater into the ravine, and then poured enough tung oil into the tactics of Queen Angela's battle in Luhu. As long as the dragons dare to attack, these tung oil The fire attack will burn a lot of their soldiers, which is enough for us to cope more calmly."

I was shocked at the bottom of my heart, and then smiled: "Fang Ge is very good, very good, Luo Ding will not think that we will play this hand when we are inferior!"

Fang Ge nodded: "Well, Luo Ding is even more savvy, and at this time it should be a light enemy."

I turned to look at the Quartermaster and asked: "How much tung oil did we bring, is it enough?"

The munitions officer nodded: "We originally thought that the alien army would break the Luhu defense line and then burn them once with the fire attack, so a lot of tung oil was spared, but it seems that it is no longer necessary to use it in Luhu. There are a total of 90,000 tung oil. Multi-barrels, enough to make the ten-mile defense line burn for an hour, when it is enough!"

I smiled and said: "There will be a meeting, ready to fight!"

Luo Shulin also raised his sword and said: "Li Shi, I want to go out to watch the battle, live and die, I don't want to hide in this cell and continue to stay, please let me go out and see how the soldiers fight heroically!"

I have no choice but to nod. "Well, the Sergeant General of the ban, the safety of your Majesty is protected by you. You must not let your Majesty personally go into battle, it is too dangerous."

Situ’s salary smiled slightly: “The general is relieved, I will not disgrace the mission.”


The generals will be out of the camp, and Han Yuan, Xiao Li and other Guards of the Imperial Army have already issued orders. They suddenly rushed to the beach and began to excavate the sand. The efficiency is very fast. A deep ditch will appear in minutes. The edge of the sea, two meters deep, looks like shallow water after the introduction of seawater, but most of the evil spirits can not swim, once you step into it, it will be lost.

The two empire's strongest corps of Yulin Jun and Yan Dijun each guarded half of the camp positions of the Chinese army. The heavy artillery battalions of the Yulin Army were set up in the rear. As long as the legendary Longyan army dared to come, it would definitely be enough for them to eat one. The pot is up.

Han Yuan took a long knife and walked to me, pressing down the voice: "General, do we really have to fight side by side with the group of northern barbarians?"

"Yeah, is there any other choice?" I asked.

"It seems that there is no more." Han Yuan looked at me and said: "I don't believe that the general will be so simple, is there any order for me?"

"Yes!" I smiled at him and lowered my voice and said, "Let Long Hao and Xia Ye go to dispatch 200 warships of our Royal Forest. The cannons and shells on the ship must be fully completed. Stay in the direction of the fate of the pontoon waiting for me. The order is all right."

"Yes, general!" Although Han Yuan didn't know what I wanted to do, but didn't ask, I went to work.


Until the night fell, the NPC army in Tianzhu City poured the tung oil into the excavated deep pit, and a strong pungent smell floated on the coast. We were waiting quietly, the dragon dragon’s dragon ride, The iron-blade rides are side by side with the Yulin army. The archers, the wizards, the musketeers, the hanging pots, etc. are also standing in the back row. Everyone is waiting for this last wave of monsters to attack, maybe not the last wave. ? If not, then we can only accept the fate, but I think this should be the last wave. The system will not always want to see the Scorpio City fall to the North.


The dull drums were uploaded like a thunder in the distant sea.


Li Mu held the Zhenhai knife and smiled quietly: "I can immediately see the legendary Dragon Army. I don't know if these dragons will explode more sharp equipment?"

"Dragon 铠 suit?" I asked with a smile.

Li Muyi smiled: "I hope, so we have to work harder."

Starlight sprinkled on the ground, like a layer of frost, the sparkling sea, the tide finally came, repeatedly pushing the low dam we built.

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