Zhan Yue

Chapter 1200: Chinese New Year, don't disturb!

At 7:50, the New Year's Eve dinner officially began.


A more hearty meal, a table full of dishes, Dad opened a few bottles of red wine, everyone scrambled, chopsticks kept, talking and laughing, quite a warm atmosphere of the New Year, while eating, Lin Xi and overseas Grandpa video, I showed him our New Year’s Eve dinner. The old man is quite healthy. He smiled and said hello to my dad and my sister. He seemed to be quite familiar with him. He called "President Feng" and "President Yan", presumably. It is the old man and the old sister who have long been famous, but the old man cares about his granddaughter, and he has checked a lot of everything about me, perhaps he already knows everything well.

Gu Ruyi also made a video call with her parents, while Shen Mingxuan was arguing behind her, hugging her good girlfriends, smiling and calling her uncles and aunts. The taste of the new year was gradually coming, and this kind of warm atmosphere was not until the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala. , Was finally broken. After watching a cross talk and a sketch, my father smiled and shook his head, while my sister said, "Embarrassed so much that I can dig out three rooms and one hall with my toes."

I reminded: "The basement and garage are downstairs. You can't dig out three bedrooms and one hall."

She glared at me: "Be clever with your sister again!"

I laughed and didn't care.

Dad raised his glass and laughed: "Well, the Spring Festival Gala, just listen to it, don't watch it, we continue to eat and drink, there are so many dishes on the table, don't waste it, eat more."

Shen Mingxuan immediately pinched the flesh on his arm, and said, "Will you...bring fat?"

"It's okay."

The elder sister laughed and said: "Shen Mingxuan, your small figure is like Lin Xi, you can't get fat even if you eat."



"Then I will eat more!"



After a meal was over ten o’clock, a few maids and the chef also opened a table next to them, ate with us and watched the Spring Festival Gala. I have to say that the singing and dancing programs are still a bit interesting, as for the cross talk. , Small categories, with the end of the selling abduction series, there is nothing to look at. The preaching meaning is too strong and it is meaningless.

Nearly eleven o’clock, the New Year’s Eve dinner officially ended, and I drank nearly five bottles of red wine, and they were all the kind of good wines, but the good wines are also intoxicating. The average person has almost reached one bottle of wine, which is a little too much. , Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan's small faces were flushed and drunk, and Ruyi had already fallen asleep on Shen Mingxuan's shoulders, with a smile on the corners of their mouths, as if they were dreaming.


I stood up: "Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, take Ruyi upstairs to rest, sister, dad, go to bed early."


There is no need to watch the night on our customs. It’s only at 12 o’clock. Even many people go to bed early and don’t pay much attention to it. But lying in the room, at 12 o’clock, the distant suburbs began to appear. The splendid fireworks are far away from us, only separated by a river.

He got up, put on a coat and went to the balcony to see more clearly.

As a result, when I walked to the balcony, I found that Lin Xi was also there. She just lied on the balcony and looked at the fireworks in the distance, thoughtfully.

"You too."

I stepped forward and held her fragrant shoulders, and said, "Is the fireworks of the white prostitute?"

Lin Xiqiao blushed: "Yes~~~"

I brewed for a while and wanted to say something touching, but found that my stomach was empty. At this moment, two people walked up behind me. Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan also came out, following us to prostitute the fireworks of the opposite people.


"half year."

After a long time, Lin Xi suddenly said: "Have you ever regretted joining Yilu?"


Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi shook their heads together.

I looked at the splendid fireworks in the distance and said: "I used to hang out with A Fei, and I played casually in the game. It was not until I entered Yilu that I walked step by step to this day. I never regretted it, on the contrary. , I am honored to meet you all, I am honored to meet you, Lin Xi, I love you, and you, Shen Mingxuan, you are a very good girl, and you, Ruyi, I am really happy to meet you, thank you Your care and accommodation to me before."

The eyes of the three girls were shining.

Lin Xi pursed her red lips, and said softly, "I am also very glad to meet you. From then on, everything is no longer plain."

Shen Mingxuan looked at me and smiled and said: "It's an honor to meet you, A Li, you did bring me to see many different scenery, such as this mansion, these many delicious dim sums, and the opposite side that can be a prostitute. Fireworks."

Lin Xi and I have a black line.

Gu Ruyi stepped forward and said softly: "It's an honor to meet you, Lu Li, you are the best and best type of boy in my heart. You are really different from others, but I can't tell, I can only say, nice to meet you."

Shen Mingxuan tilted his head and smiled: "Oh, Ruyi is so daring today. If you dare to speak like this, you won't be afraid that Lin Xi will be jealous and angry?"

Lin Xi waved her hand gently and said with a smile: "Lu Li is a very good boy. Am I afraid that others will say it?"

Everyone laughed.

Everyone is a little bit drunk, but very happy, standing in a row, just watching the fireworks in the distance, one after another, is extremely gorgeous, illuminating the sky and shining into each of us. What is it like to be at home? Maybe everyone around you cares about you, this is home.


At 12 o'clock, I returned to the room on time. Several MMs also went back to sleep, while I was lying in bed, thinking about the daytime. This may have been the happiest year since I was a child. My relatives are all around me. The person I love is also around, and the person I cares about is also around. It seems that there is not much regret in life.

The corners of the mouth curled up unconsciously, and a smile appeared. In my life, it seems to be okay?

At this moment, with a "swish" sound, the star-eye system machines installed in the home lighted up, and quickly holographically projected a scene of the earth in the room. On the slowly rotating earth, huge giants The red dot is flashing, the light spot is getting bigger and bigger, and the mechanical sound of the star's eye is heard in the ear: "Space collision is opening. A total of 7 collision points have been initially captured, which will form space tearing points. The emergence of world creatures!"

I suddenly sat up from the bed and looked at the seven collision points. I couldn't help but look cold. My heart was full of murderous intent, and said, "What's the matter? Why are all the points concentrated in the sky above China? Is someone deliberately doing it?" "

"Unable to query temporarily."

Star Eye said: "The collision of the world is happening. It may be guided by some force to happen. But the seven collision and tearing points have all appeared in the sky of a country. This is indeed the first time it has happened."

"Also, today is New Year's Eve."

I took a deep breath and said, "What kind of dog stuff is it that disgusts us when we Chinese celebrate the New Year?"

Star Eye said: "You can guess."

"No more speculation."

I raised my eyebrows: "For fifty years, who else can do this kind of disgusting thing besides that country? Star Eye, immediately inquire and understand the rules and data of world collisions. I want to know if this kind of collision can be affected. about."


Soon, a series of data flickered across the entire series of light screens, and I watched the changes of each character closely. These characters and codes are all civilizations of the Ark Tinder. These days, I have been in contact with it more, and naturally it just happened. It can be understood, but the speed of the program shuttle is too fast and too complicated, and it is difficult to keep up with manpower. Only a general idea can be seen.

After a full half an hour, the rate of change of a row of data began to slow down.


Star Eye said: "The collision and fusion between the earth and another world is indeed affected by a certain force. According to the advancement of the space collision, the time for the next violent impact and cracks should be seven days later, but it has been advanced. This invisible force is driving the change of the time and location of the collision."

"Can you find it?"


The next moment, outside the holographically imaged earth, there appeared a series of nebula-like structures, slowly devouring the outer space of the earth, but they did not completely merge, as if two things that were not in the same space were interacting with each other. Swallowing is normal, and the process is very slow. Just when I was feeling cold, Star Eye said: "The collision is affected by the curvature of space, but it is affected by a kind of electromagnetic storm, and the curvature of the space is changed, which led to this collision. Change in advance and location."

"Can we control?" I asked.


Star Eye said: "We can disrupt the curvature of space by launching electromagnetic waves of different frequency spectrums by entering military satellites, so that the threat of crossing creatures is directly eliminated."



In the air, a series of self-compiled codes began to appear, and the satellites began to emit electromagnetic waves. For a while, the seven red dots that had been alarming continuously began to become smaller, but less than a minute later, the system sent an alarm again, Stareye Said: "Interfering with the system is under attack, someone is attacking us."

"Got it."

I directly summoned the light curtain keyboard and said: "You continue to interfere, I will repair the attacked part."


Flicking with both hands and ten fingers, crackling out a line of code, very familiar, but after I fixed a line of code, the other party's attack also changed the target immediately, attacking other programs of Star Eye, and I quickly wrote more code Repaired one by one. Obviously, the other party is a hacker master, and definitely not an ordinary master, as if taunting me, constantly changing algorithms to interfere with Stareye's program, but I hit back one by one, repairing them, and adding algorithms protection.

This process lasted for nearly ten minutes, until I typed a line of Ark Tinder code again, and the warning signal disappeared. This time the crisis was completely eliminated.

After a beep, a dialogue from the other party hidden in the code jumped out of my light curtain——





I directly pressed the enter key at the moment he issued this line ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and the lines of code secretly installed before were activated one after another, and the other party's position was locked instantly, in the holographic image of the earth. , Quickly locked the location, somewhere in California, USA, a person named "Pence".

"Monitor it."

I slowly leaned back and leaned back in the chair, exhausted indescribably: "Monitoring his every move quietly, this person may be the most terrifying person we have on earth."

Star Eye said: "The code and technology he uses come from Starlink, otherwise it won't pose any threat to me."

"Got it."

I rubbed my eyebrows, besides Feng Canghai, have any human beings on Earth fall to the Starlink? This seems to be the general trend.

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