Zhan Yue

Chapter 1201: Highest priority


A piece of news came from Wang Lu from the KDA base. After her image was projected in front of me, she said solemnly: "Lu Li, have you just detected any signs of space collision? Almost all global satellites have captured energy fluctuation signals. , Your star eye is so advanced, you shouldn't miss it, right?"


Sitting in the chair, I stretched my arms up and said, "I saw it."

"What the **** is going on, these seven signal points are all in our country's airspace, and later disappeared for no reason. Does it have anything to do with you?"

"It's a little bit related!"

I nodded and said, "In short, this crisis is not particularly normal. Now the crisis has been eliminated."

"What do you know?"

She looked at me very seriously: "I am your superior, you should tell me."

"There is not much to say, and it is useless to say too much."

I shook my head and said, "Sister Wang Lu, I can only tell you that this crisis is man-made. Someone used the electromagnetic waves emitted by satellites to interfere with the movement trajectory of the space structure, resulting in the fact that all 7 collision points are in my country’s airspace. But the problem has been solved, and I have tracked the coordinates of this person."

"Is it necessary to intervene at the national level?"

"is that useful?"

I smiled slightly: "That person is on the other side of the earth."

"Got it."

Wang Lu smiled: "So, do you plan to do it yourself?"

"I'm not sure if he does it, but if he does it again, I will definitely not sit idly by."

"Well, be careful, if you have anything to say hello to me."

"Got it."

After turning off the communicator, I looked up at the stareye system and said, "Stareye, in the next period of time, can we simulate the process of the two worlds colliding and merging, and then, it can serve as an early warning. The effect of this, knowing the collision point in advance?"

"Yes it is."

Xingyan's answer was very positive: "It can be done."

"That's good, let's simulate in the background, I want to know the specific location and specific time of each large-scale collision and fusion, so that we may be more calm in dealing with it."


The brilliance in the room disappeared, the star-eye system went into a dormant state in the background, and I climbed into bed again, this time I was really a little tired, my head was groggy, as if I had a mental fight with someone, the other party I took preemptive strikes, while I defended passively. This offensive and defensive battle was actually quite hard and hard. In those ten minutes, once I lost in the contest, maybe the Chinese New Year would not pass that way. All right.


The next morning, when I woke up in the bright sunshine, my body was warm, and I couldn't help but frown and smiled: "Star Eye...When I forgot to draw the curtain, you should help me pull it..."

Xingyan recovered from sleep, her voice was calm and unjust: "The curtain is not installed with system components, I can't control it."


I grinned and got up and said: "On the first day of the new year, old man, do you have any good news to tell me?"


Stareye’s voice made people feel refreshed: "The fusion progress of Ark Tinder has reached 20%, and many new technology trees have been opened. You can learn about one of the projects about the curvature of the space structure."


I immediately put on my shirt, trousers, and jacket. I sat directly in front of the device without washing my face or brushing my teeth, and said, "Come on, show me what kind of technology tree it is."


When the curtains are closed, the brilliance of holographic imaging condenses in front of my eyes. It is indeed a very complicated science and technology tree. Many terms that I have never heard of jump in front of my eyes. Among them, there is an item marked as golden, called the space path Shuttle and click open a series of complicated and obscure algorithms. It’s big after just a glance. Even someone who is known as the top algorithm master on the earth can’t understand it. Of course, there is no need to fully understand it. It took too much time.

"How does this technology tree reflect?" I asked.

"Space shuttle."

The voice of the star eye is still mechanical and powerful, saying: "The hyperspace movement is completed by means of tortuous paths, which can be called a teleportation array in terms of culture on the earth, but it uses science instead of magic. ."

"Too far ahead."

I frowned: "What are the difficulties for us to develop?"

"There are two difficulties."

Star Eye said: "First, many rare elements are needed to manufacture the folding equipment. These elements are quite rare even on the earth, and they are very expensive, and need sufficient financial support. Second, according to the introduction of the technology tree of Ark Tinder, through People who flex and jump equipment must wear the equipment, otherwise the flesh and blood will not be able to withstand the pressure of space shuttle and will be torn apart, but the data of this equipment has been lost in the process of the Ark’s destruction, and it will take a long time to re-development."

"The first point shouldn't be a problem." I frowned. "I have a lot of funds available. As long as there are elements on the earth, there should be none that I can't afford. The second point is that the flesh and blood of ordinary people can bear it. Can’t hold back the pressure of space shuttle, what about me? As a person with a Yangyan body, can you withstand this pressure?"

"This needs to be tested."

Star Eye said: "In short, things need to be done step by step. After the development of the folding equipment, you can naturally test whether your body can bear it, and once these verifications are completed, you can travel in short space."

"Short distance?"

I was stunned: "Could it only be a few meters away? In this case, we don't need to spend that money."

"you misunderstood."

There is no irony in the star-eye sound mechanism: "My so-called short distance is based on the length of light years. This short distance is enough to travel to any place on the earth, as long as you set the three-dimensional coordinates. ."

"It's okay."

I said solemnly: "Okay, give me the list, I will let the old lady prepare."



In the early morning, after the delicious breakfast, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi played in the sunny living room fighting the landlords. Today’s weather is good, the temperature is as high as 20 degrees, so it is quite warm, even the wind has become gentle, quite a spring breeze. It felt like noodles, and I was holding a cup of soy milk, discussing matters with my sister Ouyang Yeyan on the sofa not far away.


She gently placed the list on the coffee table, frowning: "If I'm not mistaken, the purchase price of several of the rare elements is quite expensive? And ordinary private enterprises are not qualified to purchase at all, the total price... …About 10 billion RMB or more, I said, A Li, what do you want these for? You are not researching anything that is too frustrating, right?"


I looked wronged: "It's just developing...oh no, it should be said that it is manufacturing a product with advanced technology according to the blueprint."

"Can this advanced product make money for the company?" she asked.

"Probably not."

I shook my head: "But to me... it may be very important to the world. In short, old lady, you must help me fix this. If you have money, you can deduct it from the income of my pharmaceutical research and development in the future. Leave the purchase to me. I'll talk to KDA. It should be no problem for you to purchase supplies in the name of the military. In addition, I will send back the list of mechanical arms and material loss that are needed in the laboratory. You, you can send it to the outside of the laboratory directly, and the robot under the star-eye system will take it by itself."

"Got it."

She pursed her red lips, picked up the list again, then took a look at me, and said, "Recently, people from the R&D department told me that the data of the StarEye system was directly offline from the group's database, just like It disappeared suddenly, what's the matter?"

"That's their food."

I grinned and said with a smile: "The reason is that I replaced the StarEye system with a new firewall. The technology of this firewall...well, it is also quite advanced, equivalent to the appearance of the first stealth fighter F-117 in 1983. Similarly, it disappeared directly from the opponent’s radar, and to blame, the R&D department’s “radar” was so bad that it couldn’t find the trace of the star eye.”

"Oh, it's amazing!"

The old lady shook a fist: "I haven't beaten the house for three days?"

As she said, she looked at me seriously again and said: "In short, you remember that although the Star Eye system belongs to you now, it is after all an advanced system developed by the company's first generation of people. It can be said that it was that year. The hard work of a generation has been borne out, and we must make good use of it, and try not to let others hold onto it."

"Do not worry."

I took a sip of soy milk and said, "From a certain moment on, Star Eye has been my strongest weapon. I will use it well. As for what it is used for, you just need to know that your brother is doing homeland. Fight, that's enough."

Her eyes softened, and she smiled: "My brother has grown up, so I don't have to worry about my sister anymore~~~"

My nose sore: "Well, it's my turn to protect my sister in the future."

"Not in the future, you have been protecting my sister."

"Why do you suddenly become sensational when you celebrate the Chinese New Year?"

She gave me a light punch directly: "Smelly boy, I have finally developed a little emotion, and it was all disturbed by you!"

Speaking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she got up and picked up the list, and said: "I'll tell my dad about these things. He is the real helm of the group. This 100E says more, less, less, and me. The CEO still has to report to the workers."

"Well, I'll talk to KDA."


When I came to the door, I took out my mobile phone to call Wang Lu, and talked about the material purchase in the laboratory. I hardly encountered any problems. Wang Lu just agreed and will deal with me with the highest priority. For this order, I will directly meet with my sister and complete this matter first.

When I asked why this matter of mine was treated as the highest priority issue, Wang Lu just smiled and said, since you joined KDA, you have not asked anything to the organization, and you take credit every time you act. It’s always the biggest. I don’t know what rewards I want to use in the organization, so since I have spoken this time, the highest department of KDA will attach great importance to my needs.

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