Zhan Yue

Chapter 1202: Who do you look down on?

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, on the third day of the new year, bid farewell to my father and sister, and returned to Yilu Studio with three MMs. The taste of the year gradually passed, and everything returned to normal again.


In the afternoon, spring is really here, lying on the sofa and going online, I feel very lazy.

Within a few days of the Spring Festival, Yilu once again consolidated its absolute position in the Eternal Secret Realm, allowing only a few elite groups from the Lingyan Pavilion, Wushuang City and other allied guilds to occupy about 20% of the Eternal Secret Realm. As for the core area The Secret Realm Linglu refreshing place is still all controlled by Yilu himself. After all, the Linglu iron cavalry has become one of Yilu’s signature cards. This time we are able to play both Fenglin Volcano and Fengmang Guilds at the same time. , The first is the large-scale use of poisons, and the second is the role of the Linglu cavalry. 2500+ Linglu cavalry swept almost the entire battlefield. They were everywhere, unable to move or kill, and the attack power was still strong. It's terrible, often more than 100 spirit deer cavalry dared to rush into the opponent's square formation of thousands of people, and the breakdown rate is quite high, presumably the two guilds of Fenglinshan Mountain and Fengmang have learned a lot.

Therefore, Yilu is going to stick to the eternal secret realm, and firmly grasp this "opportunity" that belongs to our Yilu. The world of great controversy, since it belongs to us, cannot be taken away by others, and with the flow of time, When Yilu has 10,000 Spirit Deer Knights, or even 20,000 or 30,000, it will be truly invincible. At that time, the conditions of the T0 guild will be evaluated and the conditions of the T0 guild will continue to be increased. It may be possible to play 3-4 T1 guilds. .

In the afternoon, there was the same sunshine and warmth in the square of Fan Book City, and everyone was lazy. Not far away, the voices of A Fei and Nan Mu Keyi yelling for business seemed weak.

"How about A Li?"

In the gap where A Fei yelled, the thief looked at me, smiled, squatted on the ground with me, and asked: "Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi have gone to your house for the New Year. Have you gotten anything? This is a big Chinese New Year. , Tell Lin Xi to watch a movie in your room, your film library is so big, just pick a romance movie, watch a white snake origin or something, and take Lin Xi down before taking advantage of it!?"


I think about New Year’s Eve fighting against foreign hackers, and I can’t help complaining: “How can there be such a good life, the whole Chinese New Year will not be idle, busy with other things.”

"A violent thing!"

He patted his thigh and said, "I tell you, for a goddess-level chick like Lin Xi, if you don’t care about it, others will take care of it. It’s like a large plate of extremely delicious chicken in front of you. Eat, do you think others can use chopsticks?"

I glanced at him: "If others dared to lift the chopsticks, my hand would break him! I don’t know anything else. Anyway, I know that if I love this large plate of chicken, the large plate of chicken will not arrange and combine by itself, and the six gods will fit together. Turned into a chicken with long legs and ran away."

"What's the mess, I'm going to talk to you about business!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from her ear. Lin Xi, who had returned from practicing the sword at the Great Temple, was holding the white deer and hanging the sword of the archangel on her waist. She looked at me with beautiful eyes. Looking at A Fei again, he smiled and asked, "What are you talking about... Big Pan Chicken?"


A Fei's face was slightly pale: "Sister, listen to me, you can't just enter the restaurant and order the big plate chicken. If it is not delicious, go to the Xinjiang store if you want to eat it. Xinjiang big plate chicken is the king, and the chicken is delicious and tender. , Potatoes should use the delicious sand potatoes grown in the countryside, not the unpalatable sweet potatoes like the Yankees. After pour the cold skin and soup, it is delicious, and best served with Xinjiang hand-picked lamb fried rice Eat, tusk...Speaking of which, my saliva is about to fall off."

I grinned, this product's response speed is also amazing, in order not to be pierced by Lin Xi's throat, instantly became a gourmet expert.

As a result, Lin Xi really ate such a set, and said with a smile: "Is there such a delicious restaurant in Suzhou?"

"Yes, it's on Mudu's side!"

A Fei nodded and bowed: "When you are free, bring Ali, Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi. I will drive the team. Let's go over to build a team and come back after a good meal."


Lin Xi chuckled and looked at me: "When?"

"Wait...no hurry, chicken is not nutritious in winter. When the spring flowers bloom and there are plant seeds and insects to eat, the local chicken is the fattest."

"Awesome, gourmet expert!"

She waved her hand and smiled: "Okay, I'm going to take a seat in the Eternal Secret Realm. This afternoon, each of these group leaders said that there is something wrong. The entire Eternal Secret Realm actually doesn't have a leader-level player. As long as I, the leader, bring Ming Xuan. , Ruyi sat down together, how about you, do you have anything to do this afternoon?"


I said solemnly: "I'm going to Longyu to pay a new year to Senior Sister Yun. By the way, I can see if I can do a high-level mission for nothing."

She pursed her lips and said, "Okay, then I'll go."

"Go ahead."

The moment Lin Xi rode his horse into the teleportation formation, I also took out the Dragon Region Back to City scroll and crushed it directly. Before leaving, I waved at A Fei and Nan Mu Keyi: "Happy New Year! Business is booming!"

The two nodded together.



The character appeared in the dragon field in the next second, and there was a rare wind and sunny sight in front of him. There were dragon knights in the air practicing fighting skills with each other, and the sound of horseshoes was shaking in the distance of the colonel, at least tens of thousands. The attacking phalanx of the Dragon Realm Warriors charging in the training echelon, further away, the dense shooting range is scattered under the green hills, and another group of Dragon Realm Warriors are practicing riding archery. Amidst the sound of horseshoes, arrows hit the center of the bullseye, far away. It's quite powerful at a glance.

"His Excellency!"

On the left, a man bowed to me and saluted me. It was a young man who wore the emblem of the Captain of the Dragon Realm. Behind him was a motorcade with giant wild boars that had been hunted. , There are even high-level monsters in the wild such as the flame giant, the gale rhino, but here, all are just the meat of the dragon domain.

"Foraging team?" I asked with a smile.


The young team leader laughed and said: "The adults don't know, our Dragon Territory is getting stronger and stronger, and the consumption of food is also increasing. Master Yunyue believes that it will continue to rely on the transportation of materials in the northern desert provinces and the far east provinces of the human race. It is not a long-term solution, and the consumption of the Dragon Region Legion does put a lot of pressure on the northern provinces, so it is self-sufficient. These days there have been dragon knights to cooperate with the Dragon Warriors to hunt in the western jungle, according to the schedule. Come, it’s easier to come."

"So that's it, go, go, I'll meet the senior sister."

"Yes, my lord!"

Saying goodbye to the transportation team, I went straight to the Dragon Realm Hall. This time I didn’t summon mounts and didn’t fly. I just wanted to see the new atmosphere of the Dragon Realm. It was indeed much different from before. It was much stronger, those dragon warriors passing by. The level of the patrol team is already extremely high, and when stepping into the dragon domain hall, I found that the dragon knights guarding the door have actually been upgraded to the mountain and sea level quasi-boss. Good thing, next time the dragon domain and In the battle of different demons, these dragon knights will be stronger.

Pushing the door and entering, it is warm.

By the fireplace, Sylvia was wearing a long silver dress lying beside the warm firelight, her whole body looked extremely soft, and the S-curve on the recliner was fully displayed. This silver dragon was a bit unbelievable.


Sylvia opened her silver eyes and glanced at me.


I nodded, went straight to Senior Sister Yun, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister, I just came back after the Chinese New Year. I wonder if there is a New Year custom in Longyu?"


Senior Sister Yun, who wore a fiery red dress, smiled slightly: "You know, most of the dragon knights and dragon fighters in our Dragon Region Legion are actually warriors from the Xuanyuan Empire. Their hometowns are more or less metropolises. There is the habit of Chinese New Year, sticking door gods, sticking couplets, eating dumplings, eating glutinous rice balls, New Year’s Eve vigil, setting off firecrackers to scare away evil spirits, and paying New Year’s greetings on the first day of the new year. After all, they are in the military camp in the Dragon Region. Just post the couplet."

It seems that the game of the national server corresponds to the time in reality, so that the players of the national server will have a sense of belonging.


"Since it's Chinese New Year."

I frowned, smiled and asked, "Isn't there anything in the alien army?"

"Will there be none?"

Senior Sister Yun raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "The Alien Demon Army wished to destroy our Dragon Region on this day of the Spring Festival, drive southward, and collect the territory of the entire human race in the bag. On the night of New Year's Eve, a team of aliens The Demon Legion took their ghost artillery and pretended to attack the Dragon Realm. Although they were startled by the dragon knights, they still made our Dragon Realm nervous all night. Many soldiers were forced to watch the night. The next day, it was another visit. The feint attack of 10,000 troops once again kept us from sleeping well, just last night, for the third time."


I grinned: "Is it a fatigue tactic, I want to give a fatal blow to the entire dragon domain when it falls into a state of exhaustion."

"can you?"

Senior Sister Yun was taken aback for a moment: "If this is the case, it is indeed a bit troublesome. It means that the alien demon army is finally no longer arrogant, but has begun to have tactics and start to use its brain to deal with the dragon domain.

"It is indeed necessary to prepare for this psychologically."

I said solemnly: "After all, the New Year is the most relaxed time for the Human Race. Some troops in the Xuanyuan Empire even have the habit of taking a holiday during the New Year. It would be quite troublesome if the alien demon army came over at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~."

Silver Dragon Queen Sylvia squinted her beautiful eyes: "No? That might be really troublesome..."


At this moment, the sound of war drums "dong dong dong" came from the north. It was very far away, but the sound was extremely dull and spread extremely far.

"Master Yunyue!"

A dragon rider flew in and knelt on one knee and said: "A ghoul army is provoking the Dragon Region twenty miles away, and its total strength does not exceed one hundred thousand."


Senior Sister Yun frowned her eyebrows slightly: "Who does the alien demon army look down upon?"

Sylvia chuckled: "Let's take a look?"

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