Zhan Yue

Chapter 1214: The effect of the ascension

  At six o'clock in the morning, the fierce battle continued.

No one remembers how many Flame Sky Knights and Flame Land Knights have attacked the Dragon Domain. They only know that from outside the Dragon Domain to the city wall, and even inside the city, there are Flame Legion monsters and the corpses of players and npcs. Because of the flame sky The knight descended from the sky, so any position could be a battlefield.

At six o'clock, the number of Flame Sky Knights and Flame Land Knights finally refreshed in the distance began to be greatly reduced. It seems that Sura is also distressed by the continuous death of his trump card arms, buried in the player’s ocean, buried in the artillery fire of the Human Legion. Down and buried in the flogging of the Five Lei Teng formations, even buried in the vast sword light that Senior Sister Yun frequently wielded. In short, all kinds of death methods exchange lives.

In the air, Sylvia holds the formation runestones, and in front of her, there are constantly high-grade spirit crystals that are refined and burned, turning into auras to feed back to the world of the dragon, and the five thundertane formations are repeatedly hit by the king Wearing and smashing, but still relying on aura again and again to complete the repair, although it looks broken, but the defense is still full.

   "Junior, can you still hold it?"

In the lake of mind, a beautiful figure appeared. It was Senior Sister Yun who stepped on the surface of the lake with a sword. She looked a little tired and said: "It's just a flame legion, which actually makes our Dragon Realm consume so much of our heritage. , The Flowing Fire Legion that you lead, and the power of the adventurers, must support a little bit more, otherwise the Dragon Realm alone may not last long."

   "Sister, don't worry, I will try my best!"

  I fisted and said, "Go all out and fight until the last minute!"

She smiled slightly: "Senior Sister didn't want you to die here. Moreover, even if the Dragon Region cannot be held, Senior Sister will not allow you to die here. The world is so big and the mountains and rivers are so big, even if the Dragon Region is gone. ......We can also step by step, defensively, lengthen the front line as far as possible, and drag down the army in the territory of alien demon."

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Another figure appeared in the lake of my heart. It was Sylvia holding the formation runestones. She raised her slender feet and walked cautiously on the lake. By fighting to raise the battle, once they conquer the human race, they will surely slaughter the city, turning the flesh and blood into the nourishment of the dead. For them, each human race is a cemetery, and with the increase of the large cemetery, this world The rules of time will be out of balance, and the power of death will do it all the way, and finally achieve victory over this world. Let me ask, if most places in the world are all dead, do the living still dare to speak? Dare to breathe wantonly?"

  Senior Sister Yun nodded slightly, but did not speak, which was regarded as showing her agreement with Sylvia's statement.


Sylvia said: "Our battle is not only for the Dragon Realm, but also for this world, all the creatures between the whole world, whether it is the human race on the earth, the birds in the sky, the fish in the water. , Once this world is overwhelmed by the force of death, everything is dead, it’s just nourishment. What Lin Hai asks for is nothing else, just to turn this world into a new hell, and ask with a soaring death. The gods of Daotianwaitian, even... his next step may be to ask Jiantianwaitian, so that this heaven will also become a heaven."

  I was startled slightly, frowned and said, "Lin Hai...so ambitious?"

   "It is indeed possible."

Senior Sister Yun pursed her red lips, and said, "But what can we do? We can only do our own things and wait for the destiny. This battle in the Dragon Region may be the last battle, or maybe it is not. It is not our final decision. It's just how many hole cards the two sides have. If we win, we can win years and even decades of peace for the world. If we lose, troubled times will really come."

  Sylvia nodded: "I think so too..."

  Senior Sister Yun asked suddenly: "How is the situation of Wu Lei Teng?"

"not too good."

Sylvia gritted her silver teeth and said, "The sword in Tallinn was okay, but it only penetrated a hole. It can be repaired with spiritual energy. What is terrible is Sura’s foot, which contains the power of flame rules. It’s too deep, burning off a large array of inscriptions. Although I have repaired it with aura, in fact I am doing things like tearing down the east wall and replenishing the west wall. If you do this, the entire five thunder vines The rule of inscription pattern will become thinner, which also means..."

   "What does it mean?" Senior Sister Yun frowned.

Sylvia looked up at us and said: "It means that this battle is over. No matter whether we win or lose, the rank of the five Lei Teng will be greatly reduced. Maybe it will fall from a god-level mountain and water prohibition to a treasure-level. The landscape is restricted, the power is greatly reduced, Master Lin Fengnian has worked so hard for so many years, that's it... alas..."

I comforted: "After all, it was to resist the invasion of the alien army. What if the rank fell? It's worth it. How many alien army was killed by a five thunderteng formation from beginning to end? Others don't remember, but I definitely remember. Yes, let’s talk about battle exploits. So far in this battle, Sylvia's battle exploits are the greatest, because you have killed the most alien troops, and others can't take it away."


  Sylvia smiled: "If you can say that, I feel better in my heart."

  Senior Sister Yun smiled and said: "Okay, the brief high-level meeting of Longyu is over, and they defend their positions and are gone!"

With that said, Senior Sister Yun turned and turned into a rainbow light, and her soul returned, and Sylvia’s spiritual sense quickly left my lake of mind, leaving me with an empty sense of mind standing in the lake of mind, in a daze. Meaning, is this treating my heart lake as a wartime conference hall?


From afar, Lin Hai’s voice came from the wind: “The Flame Legion retreat first, Master Stuurem, should you also show your hole cards? So far, your Indestructible Legion has not had any chance to make merits. , I'll give it to you now."


  In the void, a cloak appeared, and Sturem's huge figure bowed in the air and bowed very religiously, and smiled: "The Immortal Legion will never disappoint Master Lin Hai!"

As he said, he suddenly drew his sword, pointed directly at the dragon domain, and shouted in a low voice: "The Flame Sting Demon Legion, immediately launch an attack and blow this dragon to smash! The Kirin Skeleton Legion is on standby at any time, once the Flame Sting Demon conquered If not, it will be your turn!"

   "Yes, my lord!"

Shrouded in the woods in the haze, a very gloomy sound came from, and then countless flame lingering monsters appeared in the player's field of vision. It was the flame thorn demon, and the flame thorn demon refreshed at this time was already quite It's amazing. The 220-level mountain and sea monster, with thick skin and rough skin, is connected to the end of the body from far away, rushing to the dragon field like a wind and fire wheel, extremely fast!


  I stood in the air in the wind and shouted in a low voice: "The major legions of the human race, launch the ballista, now is the time!"

For a time, in addition to the Flowing Fire Legion, the Flame God Legion, the Knights Templar, and the Parliamentary Army also launched ballistas one by one. Since the Battle of Northern Liang Province, the wind has not heard the fire stabbing of the ballistas. After the demon’s suppressing power, he ordered the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households to make all-out efforts to equip the major A and B Corps, so that hundreds of thousands of ballistas pointed directly into the distance in an instant. Waiting for the arrival of the flame sting.

And I fell on Yilu’s position and said: "The player is different from the npc. We don’t have a ballista, so the main thing is to rely on the player to trigger a self-detonation to resist the attack of the flame stinger. All the musicians give the front row. After reloading and adding buffs, all the spirit deer knights line up immediately. Every five yards from the spirit deer knights, they charge one by one. If the blood bar fails, they will immediately return to increase the blood. Players who cross the robbery will be given priority. We must protect with flesh and blood. Live the city wall!"


  Everyone nodded.

At this time, the players outside the city were once again crowded into one. Many people who were beaten into the city by the Flame Legion came back. After a while, the legendary Flame Sting Demon, just as the flames continued to crush the realm, I suddenly entered After the shadow transformation state, the total energy and blood of 300w+ is quite unreasonable, plus the ashes barrier and the white dragon wall, the vitality is stronger!

Above the line, Lin Xi looked at the flames in the distance with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said: "Listen! The Swordsmen Crossing the Tribulation Forward, each Swordsman Crossing Tribulation is equipped with a Knight Crossing Tribulation, the swordsman touches When the enemy is the enemy, the knight will sacrifice his life for righteousness. The sacrifice for righteousness will reduce the damage by 70%, and the survival rate can be guaranteed as much as possible. Once the knight’s health reaches the bottom, the swordsman will immediately use the weapon to protect the body and make another charge. % Afterwards, charge back and get out of the battle. The second group is on again. We must ensure that the flame stingers are blocked with the least damage. Our people are not novices anymore. They all show me their skills. Don’t let people think that I don’t deserve t0 anymore!"

  Everyone nodded: "Leader, don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~We are not ashamed!"

  I nodded lightly, Lin Xi's thoughts were delicate, the command was more meticulous, and also very scientific.


The next moment, the collision began, and many players began to touch the enemy, and a series of extremely gorgeous explosions and fires were connected outside the city. Among the monsters, I waved my double blades and cut randomly. The strength of the double daggers was enough, basically as long as they touched. , The flame thorn demon went into self-detonation, and the flames skyrocketed. Each self-detonation caused me about 20w+ damage, which was completely within the tolerable range. Moreover, when Lin Xi, Qingdeng, Kamei and others suffered self-detonation, they would be injured. In fact, it was only 20w+, and it was no longer as tragic as during the Battle of Northern Liang Province. Two flame stingers exploded together to kill a large number of players.

The reason is very simple. The player has crossed the robbery. After the robbery has risen, there will be a hidden resistance increase, just like a realm upgrade. It has a suppressive effect by itself. The flame sting demon wants to kill the reloaded player of the robbery, now It's already difficult.

  Of course, against players who have not crossed the robbery, the Flame Sting Demon is still extremely fierce.

  Therefore, many small and medium guild players in the distance screamed, almost all of them were "emptied" by the flame stingers. Looking at it from a distance, I couldn't bear it, but I couldn't help it.

  Ps: I'm going out to a meeting today. There is no time code word, so just update it. Sorry brothers!

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