Zhan Yue

Chapter 1215: You can't win the quarrel

On the ground, large rows of stone ballistic cannons fired intensively, and the sound of mechanical springs was endless. Blocks of huge rocks flew out like raindrops, and "fluffy" spurred a wave among the monsters of the flame stinging demon. There are not many other human races in the explosion scenes, but they are superior in craftsmen and equipment. Moreover, the materials needed for ballistas are also quite simple. Hard and durable wood and round and large stones are not lacking. The corresponding carpenters and masons naturally recruited a large number of them. In just six months, hundreds of thousands of stone ballistas were cast, and they were specially prepared for the flame stabbing demons.



In the distance, Stuurem holds a sword in one hand and five fingers in one hand. His gloomy expression is getting more and more ugly. The situation has not developed as he imagined, and the flame sting demon has not been able to eat everything like termites. The northern wall of the Dragon Region was blown to pieces. On the contrary, under the fierce resistance of players and NPCs, the flame stingers only died in vain. How about blowing up some weaker players? This is indifferent to the alien demon army.

"Kirin remains? What are you waiting for?!"

Stuurem roared into the sky: "Come on to me, destroy the Dragon Realm!"

"Yes, my lord!"

One by one, low voices came from the depths of the distant jungle, and immediately afterwards, an ancient spirit beast with dark flames rushing out of the jungle, appeared in the eyes of the player, the remains of the unicorn, in fact, is a skeleton of unicorn bones. But the breath of death and the breath of Qilin's life lingered all over his body, and the four hooves stepped on the ground and roared, and more importantly, the number was huge, with more than 500 heads!

"What is it?" Nanmu asked with a smile on the sword.

"Desperate player."

My brows were furrowed, the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel were opened, and I read out the attributes of the Kylin's remains from afar, and then shared them in the Guild Channel——

[Kirin Remains] (mountain and sea level boss)

Level: 220

Attack: 165000-195000

Defense: 105000

Qi and blood: 10e

Skills: [Summon Thunder and Lightning] [Summon Meteorite] [Summon Gale] [Summon Ice Storm] [Summon Flame] [Summon Elemental Storm]

Introduction: The remains of the unicorns come from the awakening of the sacred object. According to legend, the unicorns are ancient spirit beasts. They have been rare in the world since the Middle Ages. Later, the craftsmen of the North country mined the rocks and saw countless remains of the unicorns in a valley. Bone, was subsequently learned by Sturem the Indestructible. After he rushed to the burial ground of the unicorn family, he awakened all the unicorn bones with the force of the rule of death, and established an extremely powerful unicorn bone army. These The remains of the unicorn have half of the unicorn’s natal power, and they also possess the terrible power of death, making them one of the most terrifying threats in the world.


"Shanhai-level? Positive boss?"

Qingdeng's eyes trembled, and he said bitterly: "You're not kidding, are you? Are these hundreds of 220-level mountain and sea-level bosses going to kill anyone?"

"Yes it is."

Lin Xi looked into the distance with a pair of beautiful eyes, biting her silver teeth and said: "They originally meant to kill us all. After killing us all, no human beings will fight the alien demon army again."

"No, **** with them!"

On the city wall, A Fei raised his staff, dressed in small top equipment, and roared: "Fight with Ya!"

Cassie grimaced and whispered: "A Fei is courageous, just a little bit of food. Although he has a wealth of money and bought a piece of top-quality equipment, he is not even a 200-level Cross Tribulation Fei ascended Mage. What do you use for a 220-level mountain and sea boss? To kill these unicorn bones in his face?"

Everyone smiled knowingly, A Fei on the city still didn't know it, and talking about the heavens and the earth, talking about the past and the present with a group of players mm, it was quite popular.

I held a double-edged sword in my hand and said: "The old method can only be hard to come by. Team up with the players who cross the robbery as the main force. Each team will have about 500 people. One team will face the remains of a unicorn. This time the boss level is 220. , The pressure will be considerable, everyone takes care of themselves!"


Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Kamei, Haotian, End of the World Moker, Slaughter Fanchen and others nodded, and each took their own team and sent an advance team to "seduce" the boss, and I pointed the Flame Blade far away. , "Wh" a sword qi flew out of the eyebrows, and hit the forehead of a unicorn bone nearly 200 meters away, blasting out a damage number of 20w+. Tsk Tsk, the ordinary blow of the Origin Flying Sword White Star has already Quite overbearing invincible!

"Tsk tsk..."

Qing Deng turned and looked at me: "What attack can hit this far?"

"Essence Flying Sword."

I smiled: "Who made me a half sword repairer?"


Clearing the lamp was a little lost, but in the distance, a ray of sunlight illuminates the earth. Above the Fenglin Volcano position, the hidden professional sword repairman named "Clean Wind under the Forest" sacrificed a flying sword, which fell like raindrops. In the monster group, the splendor was so brilliant that everyone was stunned. This swordsmanship was indeed beyond the "swordsman" level. I saw many swordsman players gritted their teeth and wished they could learn these methods.


"Tuk tuk~~~"

Amidst the sound of hoofs, the remains of a unicorn roared, engulfed in flames and lightning, and hit the wall of my glorious shield so fiercely. Under a loud noise, the people and the shield wall were hit and plowed back. A few meters, quite embarrassed, and just as I looked up, the unicorn bones screamed, and a azure blue six-pointed star formation rose under my feet, and then countless ice blades swept down in the sky, crackling on me. One pass output is nearly 100w output!

Fortunately, there are a lot of light sacrifices behind me, and a group of people can fight hard!


A shadow leaped close, double-bladed and flew, filling the hatred at the fastest speed. At this moment, a fiery red six-pointed star array rose under the four hooves of the unicorn bones, and then flames surged around all around. At the beginning, the burned spell wounds were very severe. At the same time I lost 50w+ of vitality and blood continuously, the Qilin's remains slammed forward and directly knocked out my 30w+ of vitality, which was a bit too strong!

I frowned. I was under the treatment of a group of nanny deer. At the same time, I looked at the remains of this unicorn, which can summon five elements of magic, and finally there is a big move to summon elemental storms. This must be guarded a little, and more importantly. , In the gap of summoning magic, these unicorn bones use impact and trampling as methods to launch physical attacks on the player. The magic and martial arts are both repaired and the magical damage is terribly painful. The physical damage is also enough to hurt the muscles and bones every time. Yes, this time Yilu is about to die a lot of spirit deer cavalry.

"Human Sea Tactics!"

Not far away, in a flash, a clear lamp beaten into blood by a unicorn bone slammed the sword and shouted: "Crowd of people must be tactics, otherwise everyone will be finished, come on!"

On the other side, Lin Xi also retreated with the Heavenly Sword Umbrella, and ordered a group of spirit deer cavalry to charge and intercept. There was no way, the damage of the unicorn bones was too high, and a single player could not bear it. After all, everyone’s blood was placed There, even if it is Lin Xi, Qing Deng and other top reloads, the total energy and blood is about 100w when added together. Lin Xi may have a little more because of the white god, about 150w, but it can't stand the fight, not everyone. They all have a shadow transformation like me, which can instantly make the 60w basic vitality and blood jump to 300w.

Behind me, all kinds of spells and arrows are intertwined, and the only thing I can do in the front row is to contain and deal a lot of damage, so that the players behind me will not draw too much hatred.


Above the earth, the addition of 500+ mountain and sea-level boss Qilin bones directly plunged the entire dragon field into a fierce battle, accompanied by the waves of thunder, flames, gusts, hail, and meteorites summoned by the Qilin bones. , The loss of the player camp is extremely tragic. Many guilds’ front rows have died one after another, and not only them, but also the major legions of the human races stationed outside the city have also suffered heavy losses. The huge body of the unicorn bones is almost in the crowd. Walking sideways, crushing the shields and spears of heavy infantry, ramming in the crowd wantonly, lingering all kinds of spells, killing the Terran army, there is no way to deal with it, only a little bit to grind the boss's blood bar .

"how is it?"

In the distance, Sturem was full of death, and seemed to be very satisfied with the performance of Qilin's remains. He smiled and said: "You human race are just ants. Wouldn't you really think that you can escape by relying on a crumbling dragon realm? Rob? Sylvia, what do you think of these unicorn bones, do you dare to kill Wu Lei Teng?"

"Not so much."

Sylvia looked calm and smiled and said, "It's nothing more than the sacred beast remains. As for the need to use the Five Lei Teng to kill? Stuurem, if you want to use such a naive means to consume the five Lei Teng formations. Reiki, I advise you to keep your heart in mind, you are so stupid with such a strong strength, it is really pitiful!"


Stuurem was furious, holding the Blade of Immortality, and said coldly: "The time when the Dragon City is broken~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the time when Sylvia was heartbroken! But you Don't worry, before that, this king will let you experience the happiness of being a woman!"

Sylvia was calm and breezy: "I have experienced it a long time ago, and I still need you to superfluous? You Sturem is nothing but a corpse full of blessings. What's wrong, I have been thinking about it for so many years. Son, isn’t that piece of your Sturem’s thing that has been buried in the ground for so many years and it hasn’t rotted? I think you don’t have it at all. Did I say it right? I’m surprised, some people just don’t. Just show off what is lacking."


Stuurem's body swayed in the air and almost fainted.


"The immortal."

In the wind, the voice of Lin Hai, who supervised the battle, came: "You can't win a fight with Sylvia. It's useless to say more. If you want to ask the sword, you can ask the sword. If you want to kill you, you can kill. Why do you always say So many words?"

Sturram was shocked, and hurriedly bowed to apologize, then turned around and said in a deep voice: "Sylvia, do you think about how you died?"

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