Zhan Yue

Chapter 1219: Study the sea without bounds and work hard?

Around ten o'clock in the morning.

Players who have experienced a whole night of protracted battles are already very tired, and at this time, the north of the dragon city wall is almost full of corpses of various monsters. Although the players are tired, they have captured them in the previous two hours. Quite a lot, massive experience and merit, and a lot of gold coins. Although the equipment does not make it to the mountain and sea level, there are still opportunities for the prehistoric and legendary levels, and each has a full harvest.


Above the sky, the sky of the Wulei Teng Array is full of holes, and it can even be described as "pumpy". After fighting for so long, the Wulei Teng Array has carried too much. At this moment, the horn of the distance. The sound rang, and then a dense group of monsters appeared in the jungle. There were notorious demon knights, ghost walkers with hand-held flame hammers, and countless ghost ghosts and ghosts, all mountains and seas. Level monsters, finally at this moment, the demon army is about to go.


In the wind, a broken cloak swayed against the wind. It was the Demon Wing Landro, holding the Devil's Scythe, the blood cloak swaying behind him, a pair of eyes looked at the Dragon Realm, spiteful and fierce, and smiled: "Yes. It's time for the final battle, the warriors from the devil world, let people welcome our arrival, let the blood pave our road of conquest!"

The whole army of the demon legion attacked.

The sound of horse hooves, the sound of swords rubbing the armor, and the sharp shouts of the demon legion, all kinds of sounds are mixed together, as if playing a hymn from hell, and this time the devil legion is no longer just attacking the northern defense line of the dragon domain. , But spread out like a tsunami, countless demon armies spread all over the two wings of the Dragon Realm like ants, directly rounding around, attacking from the east and west sides of the Dragon Realm, and soon you can imagine it. Longyu's retreat will also be cut off.

The real battle is coming!

In terms of quantity, it turns out that the Demon Legion is the real trump card of the alien monster army. Although they are all mountain and sea level monsters, they are extremely high-level. The 225 level mountain and sea level monsters are enough to crush the level of all players today, even me. It is also necessary to withstand a certain level of suppression effect, coupled with the Wenyun Tiandi controlled by Fan Yi on the viewing platform, the players at this time are miserable, and the real combat power has been suppressed by at least 25%!

"Boom boom boom~~~"

In the city, the human war drums blasted into the sky. Looking from a distance, they found that it was Zhenyang publicist Guan Yang who was beating the drums himself. The veteran was shirtless, with a pair of muscular arms waving huge drumsticks, and continuously beating against a special war drum, behind him. On the other hand, Emperor Longwu, Emperor Xuanyuanying, who was personally conquered by the imperial driver, held a saber in his hand, pointed the blade towards the north, and shouted, "Warriors of the Xuanyuan clan, this battle will not retreat and will not completely defeat the northern demons. give up!"

Encouraging everyone, the major legions rose to fight.

But when the wind does not hear, he stepped on a legendary "Tianyin Scroll", filled with words, and in a blink of an eye, it was like stepping on a sea of ​​books, just standing on the side of the handsome account, with a golden brush in his hand. , "Waving a few splashes of ink" in the air, wrote a word of "wind" in a blink of an eye, and gave a soft drink: "Chi-go!"


The word "wind" suddenly magnified and reflected into the mountains, rivers, heaven and earth ahead, and then the word "Lin" was written again after the wind did not hesitate, and the words "fire" and "mountain" were written again afterwards. , After continuously breaking the four words containing cultural luck into the mountains and rivers, he stood in the Tianyin scroll without hearing the wind, saying: "Don't do it, this is a great way!"

There was a sudden bang, and four characters "Fenglin Volcano" burst out in the sky, like the gods in the sky ordering mountains and rivers. In a flash, these four characters rose into the sky and turned into countless rays of light covering the entire dragon realm. The brilliance of Wen Yun from Guanwentai dimmed a little.


Combat Tips: Please note that you have received an increase bonus, and all attributes are increased by 8%!


The wind does not smell, so is the true **** and man!

In an instant, many players looked into the air, the white clothes standing on the sea of ​​books, and many female players were even more confused. At this moment, they almost fell in love with a non-existent NPC, and in fact, at this moment Ignoring the wind is indeed so handsome, full of book business spirit, though his shoulders are immature, willing to bear morality, and his own cultural fortune alone propped up a small world of Dragon Domain, although the improvement effect cannot be compared with that of Guanwentai , But he must have done his best.


Far away, Fan Yi, who stands on the treasure book, couldn’t help but sneered: “The wind does not hear, you are known as the white-clothed qingxiang, and you say that you are a sage of Confucianism, but what you are doing in front of you is not the legendary apostasy, Confucianism is not Confucianism For those of military strategists but not strategists, isn’t it a big joke for scholars to tell the four characters Fenglinhuo?"

The wind didn’t listen to the wind and smiled faintly: “If the righteousness between the world and the earth can be suppressed, a hundred schools can be used for me, do I need to be attached to the sect?”


Fan Yi laughed: "In that case, I will let you completely give up! The physique of a scholar also wants to fight against the cultural fate of half a person? I think you are tired of living!"

As he said, Fan Yi suddenly lifted his palms into the sky, as if he was about to open up this space, and he gave a low voice, and a golden word "odd" appeared in the center of his eyebrows. In a blink of an eye, this golden text was like a fire dragon. Digging into the Guanwentai Book Mountain at the foot of the mountain, like lighting a stove full of charcoal, the whole book mountain buzzed and trembled, and the light burst, while Fan Yi stepped on the treasure book, holding a folding fan, Wearing a Confucian shirt, he smiled freely and said: "Shushan has roads and diligence as a path, what is the next sentence?"

"Study the sea without end and work hard?" A Fei murmured while releasing the flame laser.


Fan Yi raised the folding fan and pointed it in the direction of A Fei. He smiled and said, "It's a seed of reading!"

In the next second, the system prompts that the promotion of Guanwentai's cultural performance has been increased to a 20% reduction in all attributes of the player, which is even more intensified.

A Fei looked miserable: "I read your MMP's reading seeds..."

Moreover, the value of this 20% seems to be increasing, reaching as much as 21.7% in a blink of an eye. At this moment, the wind standing in the sea of ​​books clenched his teeth and opened his palm lightly, striking the sky. When the audio scroll opened, strands of text flew up, quickly hitting the opposing party's suppressed number back to 19%, but Fan Yi was the one who was bullied, hitting the mountain with a folding fan, and suddenly the numbers began to rise again.

The two masters of Confucianism and Taoism fought, and the whole world was implicated.

In less than three minutes, the original black hair began to be dyed frosty white, especially the position of the temples, almost all grayed out, fighting against half-person cultural luck with one's own power, as if paying. The price is indeed too great.


Xuanyuan Ying held the sword of the emperor and suppressed half of the world with the imperial aura, so that the entire army of the Xuanyuan Empire was not suppressed by the world. He was almost out of breath, but he still looked to one side. The wind in Yu Shuhai couldn't help but said with a trembling voice: "Why bother? You originally...can be enrolled in the palace and ranked among the sages...why waste your merits here in vain..."

"I said it earlier."

While not listening to the wind, he kept urging his own cultural fortune, and smiled miserably, saying: "What I want to do is to cultivate Qi Zhiping, to cultivate my body, to align the family, to rule the country, and to pacify the world. Since I have promised my majesty, I can’t go there. Halfway to give up. If this is a disaster that I don’t hear, I’m willing to live it out with my fate, and I’ll do my part if I don’t succeed."


Fu Yu Gong Mu Tiancheng held a long sword in his hand, frowned slightly, and murmured: "The bones of this scholar is even harder than our Wufu..."


The war continued, and the defense line outside the city was gradually lost. The suppression from the heavens and the earth became stronger and stronger, but the number of players and NPC troops became smaller and smaller. There were countless demon knights on the earth starting to charge in a piece, and each other The contract force of slash is like slash-horse-knife, killing players and NPCs are already crushed.

The most important thing is that the level suppression is too strong, and the 225-level mountain and sea level monsters are indeed too incomprehensible.

"Jing Yunyue!"

Devil Wing Landero held the Devil's sickle in one hand, and the blood cloak was flying behind him, pointing to the direction of the city, laughing and laughing: "Are you blind? Lao Tzu's army has already invaded the Dragon Realm, are you still watching? "

On the observation platform, Senior Sister Yun said lightly: "Dare to speak in the city?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Randrohahahahad laughed and waved his hand as a scythe cut out in the air. The blade light immediately wiped the city head like a ray of residual blood. Wherever the blade light passed, the broken five thunder vine landscape restrictions were like cotton wool. It was devastated and rotten, but when it was 30 meters away from the observation deck, there was a "puff" sound, all the blades were shattered, but Senior Sister Yun remained motionless.


Landro was silent for a while, and then cruising outside the city again with his sickle, continuously harvesting the lives of players and NPCs, but was always reluctant to cross the city head, and seemed to feel that there was an unimaginable crisis within the city head.


"It's okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Haixiang's voice came from the void: "You don't have to move Jing Yunyue, she is my prey, just command the army to enter the city, as the entire Dragon Territory The landscape and luck have been smashed, and Jing Yunyue's foundation has become rootless duckweed. At that time, even if she is capable of reaching the sky, she will be dead. "

"Yes, my lord!"

Landro clasped his fists and waved his palms, and a large number of demon troops began to attach themselves to the city wall, and many of them had already entered the city.

At this moment, Yilu everyone has withdrawn into the city, and the outside of the city is really unguardable. If you guard it, you will die. I will hold my double-edged sword, and I will be behind with Lin Xi to cover everyone's evacuation towards the city. In the distance, Zhang Lingyue is directing the flow of fire. The legion retreated into the city, and the battle retreated. The loss of the Liuhuo legion was extremely heavy. At the beginning of the war, the battle that seemed to be overwhelming was completely gone.

From a distance, I glanced at the direction of the city wall. At this time, countless demon armies were surpassing the city wall and leaping into the city. The gates were also opened. Countless demon knights poured in like a tide, which immediately made my heart feel uncomfortable. How long has the city wall been broken? Is today really the last day of Dragon Domain? _

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