Zhan Yue

Chapter 1220: The veteran died in battle

"Stand on the hillside, keep on guarding!"

Zhang Lingyue led a group of soldiers from the Flowing Fire Corps to guard a hillside in the Dragon Realm. The hill is less than a hundred meters high. It does have a certain height advantage, but it is too exaggerated to say that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Under the onslaught of quantitative advantages, in fact, they can only defend a little.

"The positive pressure is too much!"

Qin Zhan turned to look at me, clasped his fist and said, "My lord, Qin Zhan asked to lead the Tianqi camp to fight and attack the flanks of the demon army. If this is not the case, the front must be unstoppable."

I overlooked the battlefield. The heavy artillery position has been submerged by the evil spirit walker army. The human race has lost the vital first firepower point, and the second heavy artillery position is farther away. It is temporarily out of reach. If you blindly let the opponent attack If you enter the Dragon Territory and get into the hinterland, you don't need to guard at all. The human race's millions of troops are crowded into a group to be slaughtered.

"Confident?" I asked.

Qin Zhan shook his head: "The only one who fights hard!"


I frowned: "Leading the 20,000 Tianqi camp equipped with inscribed swords to charge, don't be in love with the battle, and return to the position immediately after the charge. What I hope is that you can lead everyone to find a way to survive, instead of going. Send to death."

"Subordinates understand!"

Qin Zhan turned to his horse and raised his battle blade: "Brothers, with the inscribed sword in his hand, rush to me, just like Feng Xiang said. Who can resist the demon knight's front in this battle? We Tianqi Do your part!"

In the next moment, the hordes of Tianqi camp killed off like this, and gradually accelerated, forming a torrent of iron cavalry. When they rammed into the crowd of evil spirit walkers, the most brave cavalry of this human race went forward and slashed with sharp blades. , Quickly dismantled the interception and killing of thousands of evil spirit walkers, and then rushed into a group of ghosts and monsters in the ghosts of the ghosts, swords fluttering, and constantly breaking the enemy, more than 20,000 days of riding camp Xiaoqi is like going upstream. Like a fish, he shredded tens of thousands of Youquan ghost soldiers, and then collided with the phalanx of nearly 50,000 demon knights.

Demon knights have always been a nightmare existence. From the first time they appeared in the player's field of vision, they were regarded as the moment of decisive battle. When we were doing the version of the mission, almost as soon as the demon knight appeared, The position can no longer be defended, and this time it is the same. Any first-rate guild will tremble with the charge of 50,000 demon knights, but can the 20,000-day riding camp Xiaoqi really stop it?

From a distance, Tianqi Camp’s Xiaoqi completely ignored the demon knight’s mutual attacks, but constantly wielded the inscribed swords, and with tyrannical physique and sharp blades, they cut the demon knights to the head one by one. Flying around, although one's own side is also damaged, but it seems... it seems that it can intercept these fifty thousand demon knights.

However, just when I thought I could win, a flash of sword suddenly fell from the sky. It was a sword from the devil's sickle in Landero's hand. It smashed into the city from outside the city, and instantly swept the crowd. In one second, at least two Thousands of Tianqiying Xiaoriders were turned into ashes among the blades of swordsmanship, and evaporated directly with people and horses, leaving only a **** mist in the sky.


I rushed forward for a hundred meters, looking at Landro outside the city, I felt a sense of powerlessness: "Landro, you beast!"

"Landro, are you looking for death?"

On the observation platform, Senior Sister Yun got up, put her index and middle fingers close together, and drew a sword light directly out of the city. With a "chi", the entire space was torn apart. When Landro raised the devil's sickle and sacrificed It was too late when a blood-colored light shield was released to resist. The sword light passed directly through the chest, splitting Landero's body in two, but within the separated body, black bats flew up, like flesh and blood. In the same state, he pulled Landro's body to close.


The second sword light traced away, and if this sword was hit again, there would be no more demon wings in the world, and the demon world would lose their king.

"Jing Yunyue, you passed!"

A gray figure appeared in front of Landero, it was the real body of Lin Hai, the shadow of death, holding a gray long sword with a necromantic aura. The sword qi of the two fingertips was broken, and he frowned, "Landro, you are too close to the city, you don't know whether you live or die!"

"Yes, my lord..."

Landero's body slowly closed. Although it seems to be fine, in fact, his cultivation level must have been damaged. After all, his health bar is still 60%. If the sword that Senior Sister Yun added just now can really hit, it will indeed be able to hit. Killed, and Landero's position is indeed arrogant, almost a sickle from his foot, otherwise it would not be so lethal.

The gray figure flees, Landro slowly backs away holding the devil's sickle, seeing Lin Hai appear as if swallowing a heart-reducing pill, there is no danger, and he won't die here. Up.

Senior Sister Yun sat back on the wooden board of the observation deck again, and continued to cultivate her sword intent. When the Dragon Region had been broken into the city, the situation of all the troops fighting to death was not seen at all, and I frowned. , Perhaps in the eyes of Senior Sister Yun, the exchange of one city, one place, one soldier and one soldier is irrelevant to victory or defeat, so what is the victory or defeat in her mind? Kill the king? In other words, Sister Yun wanted to kill some important person? Lin Hai?

There seemed to be a big rock in my heart, but I didn't ask, and there was no need to ask. There are some things that only Senior Sister Yun can do. She must have her own reason for doing this, and I don't need to add more questions.


In the city, Lin Xi led Yilu to establish a defensive line at the position of the colonel, and again began to intercept the charge of the demon army. Yilu's loss was very huge. At the end of the night last night, there were 12W people in the main alliance + sub alliance, but it was noon today. At the time, there were only less than 3W main force left. Part of it was because I had to go to work today, so I was down, but more of them were still killed. There is no way. The land of aliens seems to be desperate this time. On the one hand, both players and NPCs actually lost more than half.

In the air, Sylvia was covered with sword marks. She has always been the one who has withstood the most offensives. Outside the Five Lei Teng formations, many kings continue to launch long-range offensives, but Sylvia can only stand in place, that's it. Holding the runestones in hand, with the flesh and blood, it is precisely because of this that the golden vines in the sky can continuously smash the evil spirits on the ground. Without these offensives, I am afraid that the opponent's army has already arrived. The door of the command hall is out.

On the other side, Xuanyuan should stand on an imperial chariot, and a Huanglong Faxiang rushed out of his head, just like this against the magical power in the air, but Huanglong's Faxiang became more and more distorted, and the area illuminated by the emperor’s aura grew more and more. The less, the distant scene is almost invisible, and the appearance of the army of the alien demon army under pressure is really terrifying.

"A mundane king, really thinks he can get through the sky?"

Far away, Fan Yi from the treasure book suddenly let out a sneer, and said: "A mere immortal realm, without the literary way, and the peak of the martial arts, so what kind of shit, the true dragon bloodline is like fighting the Dao and Tianwei? Come on. I, Fan Pagan, teach you how to be a man in the next life."

As he said, Fan Yi raised his arm, and suddenly a golden palm rolled down from the sky.

In an instant, Huanglong's Faxiang collapsed, and Xuanyuan Ying vomited blood. If he was hit **** the spot, his body slammed upside down, directly piercing a low hill behind him, and rolled out with rolling rocks. A thousand meters away, the sound of broken bones came from all over my body, coughing up blood constantly, I can't get up anymore, and I'm dying!


I was suffocated. I knew that this battle would be very miserable, but I didn't expect to be so miserable that even the Great Emperor Longwu Xuanyuanying would fail?

"His Majesty……"

Unheard of the wind, he turned hurriedly, but soon a golden fist broke through the air.

"Can't take care of yourself, still want to protect the Lord?"

Fan Yi, a Confucianist and Taoist master who was half-stepped to ascend to the realm, blasted out with another punch, and suddenly flew out in white, leaving a blood stain in the air, a fiasco!

"Human race, you should remember today."

Fan Yi coldly smiled and said: "This is the end of the fight against Tianwei."


Among the crowd, Mu Tiancheng and Yi Ping got up together, but before they volleyed, they were slapped and flew out by Fan Yi. Each fell into the military formation. Although they were both immortal realms, they were extremely injured. The veteran Guan Yang jumped into the air and went straight out of the city. The Chi Yan Sword was filled with the aura of the holy path, and it shot out thousands of meters of blades, and slashed at the top of Fan Yi's head.

"You are the only one who dares to go out of the city to fight, not bad."

Fan Yi smiled slightly: "Veteran Guan Yang? I've heard of it, but that's all, I will give you a whole body!"

He took five fingers, and instantly a golden palm slammed the blade out of the sky, and then he held Guan Yang's body in his palm, and sneered: "The whole body? This seat suddenly regretted it."


Fan Yi squeezed hard, Yan Jin hesitated, and the veteran Guan Yang's body was swallowed by flames on the spot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only some charred bones fell from the outer side of the golden palm.

"Bone bones and ashes."

Fan Yi smiled: "This word is very appropriate..."


"Duke Zhenyang..."

Above the earth, Mu Tiancheng clutched the injury on his chest, watching the scene of Guan Yang's death in the distance, tears rolled down: "Old Guan Yang, you should never end like this, you should...you should You should have your children and grandchildren around your knees in the green mountains and rivers, and you should...you should retreat early..."

Yi Ping knelt on one knee, coughing up blood, but said with a smile: "The old general once said that he wants to shed the last drop of blood for the human border. The old general... is a true hero!"


A sword aura swept across the earth and directly crushed many human army into ashes. It was a sword from Stuurem the Indestructible. Standing outside the city, he sneered and said: "Pretending to be...this is not the end of the seven. , Started crying?"

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