Zhan Yue

Chapter 1221: The immortal, Fu Zhu!


Above the sky, the Demon Sealing Blade thunderously raised the purple long sword, facing Xuanyuanying in the direction of a far away sword, and roared, "If it should be over, let it end. You don't have to act here!"

A sword penetrated the five Lei Teng array, and it was unstoppable!


A group of imperial guards drew out sharp swords one after another, but that inscribed sword with the handle can block the king's sword? difficult!

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from within the clouds in the sky, and then a firelight fell from the sky, like a pure energy crystal shell, blasting on a thundering sword, and the sky quaked for a while. The wisps of wind raged, and the clouds were blown away, revealing a spirit boat engraved with dragon patterns all over the body, and the shot just now came from the inscription pattern gun at the front end of the spirit boat.

On the flying boat, a battle flag was hunting and hunting. The battle flag was embroidered with a golden dragon, and just above the bow, a military commander held a sword in his hand and laughed and said: "Xuanyuan Empire, my dragon boat from Huanglong Kingdom is also here. !"

In the air, there was not just one ship, the clouds broke open, and there were seven dragon boats in the sky. Under a round of inscription cannon attack, the thunder and swords were smashed into embarrassment.

Above the dragon boat, monks descended one by one, some stepped on flying swords, some held magic weapons, and some walked against the wind. One of the old men held a whisk in his hand and smiled and said: "The army of different demons is going south, and the world is in danger. I, a monk from Huanglong State, is willing to go to the disasters of the world together, although I die without regrets!"

Among them, a young man wearing a dragon robe appeared on the most central dragon boat, overlooking the earth, and holding a fist in the direction of Xuanyuanying: "Huanglong Kingdom Wang Ning, see Uncle, we are not late, right? ?"


Xuanyuanying reluctantly got up, covered the wound on his chest with one hand, and smiled freely: "Together with the world's difficulties, let's fight!"


As soon as the young monarch waved his hand, he ordered the fish and dragon boats to fire at the north, and a group of monks from Huanglong Nation swooped down, flying swords and spells blasted into the monster group, and in a blink of an eye they had already killed the original. At the same time, the flying boats of the Xuanyuan Empire also vacated one by one to cooperate with Huanglongguo's counterattack.


"Tsk tsk..."

A figure stood in the air. It was Sturram the Indestructible, holding the Indestructible Blade with a sneer on his face, and said, "It's a joke, do you really think that adding a group of monks from the Yellow Dragon Kingdom will be able to turn the tide? In the world of the Xuanyuan Empire, there will be fewer monks than you? Weaker than you? Now, isn't all of them turned into loess?"

As he said, the Immortal suddenly raised his palm, gently tapped his five fingers, and suddenly a huge whirlpool appeared in the air behind him, forming an unimaginable suction force, and the dozens of Huanglongguo monks who rushed to the front called for help. No sound was heard, it was so drained of blood, only the skin and bones fell to the ground one by one, falling down on the spot.

"A bunch of ants!"

The immortal slapped the souls of these monks with a palm, and said with a smile: "With a blood and courage, you can go to the world's difficulties together? I think it's difficult. You might as well kneel and bow your heads and wait for our holy demon. The legion’s sharp knife slashed it over."


The old monk who held the whisk in his hand roared, and the palm of his palm was filled with golden thunder lights. In a blink of an eye, the sky rose from Zhou Sheng, and he rushed towards the immortal.

"Tsk tusk, what an old way of mastering thunder and lightning! The palm-heart-thunder of your Taoist school can be regarded as authentic, but the human power is not enough after all. Come and come and let you know what the real thunder anger is!"

As he said, the Immortal raised his sword, and under the sword light, purple thunder and lightning rolled out like a tide, not only strangling all the human soldiers remaining on the wall, but also directly annihilating the body of the old monk. His strength was too strong. Great disparity, one move is already in seconds!

"Frost Hunter?"

Stuurem looked back and smiled, pointed at the nearly twenty flying boats in the sky, and sneered: "Don't give them something amazing?"

"Got it."

The Frost Hunter came wrapped in the wind and snow, holding a golden war spear, and when the war spear swept out, strands of frost formed above the sky, and in a blink of an eye, many glaciers appeared, and they fell with the momentum of Mount Tai. , Suddenly the sound of "boom boom boom", whether it was the dragon boat of the Huanglong Kingdom or the inscription spirit boat of the Xuanyuan Empire, all of them were knocked into pieces, some even collapsed in the air, and some were destroyed. He was hit hard, and dived into the ground.

"Good nephew!"

Xuanyuanying's eyes were red, and he looked at the fallen Emperor Feizhou. He didn't know if the young lord of Huanglong Nation was still alive. He could only move forward with a long sword. The immortal realm power and the blood of the gods throughout his body urged the valley and rose to rise. Yong yelled in a low voice: "The imperial guard camp, follow me to fight, this may be... your last battle!"

For a time, the hundreds of imperial guards with good cultivation bases did not hesitate, and they raised their swords one after another: "I am waiting to follow your Majesty to fight to death, and go to the national disaster together!"


In the distance, the 20,000 Tianqi Camp Xiaoqi was caught in a bitter battle, and with the sword energy of the king from the sky, there was not much left, and I was heartbroken to see it.

"grown ups……"

On the side, Zhang Lingyue's eyes were red: "Qin Zhan is going to be unable to return soon... it's the subordinate... is it improper command?"

"you are right."

I shook my head, cruelly, and clenched a fist: "Qin Zhan must not just die in the chaos... Zhang Lingyue, are you willing to risk your death to save him?"

"Subordinates will die!" He immediately clasped his fists.

"You take another 20,000 Tianqiying Camp Xiaoqi to kill, and you can save as many as you can. Remember, don't get yourself trapped too."


Zhang Lingyue immediately rushed to kill, and I looked at the plummeting deer and horses led by Lin Xi not far away. I couldn't bear to let everyone go to death anymore, so I hung my double daggers to my waist and turned towards the iron foot camp. From the direction of the Shen Gong Camp, he said: "Tie Bu Ying, Shen Gong Ying, all join me in the assault forward, to meet the Tianqi Camp, to die... everyone will die together!"

"Yes, my lord!"

No one was timid.

The next moment, the entire army of the Flowing Fire Legion made an assault and became the only imperial regiment that could maintain an offensive posture in desperate circumstances. Even Xuanyuan Ying, who swung his sword and killed the demon knight in the distance, cast a glance and smiled: " Flowing Fire Legion Ah Flowing Fire Legion... I didn't expect that it was not the Flame God Legion that made me proud in the end..."


In the distance, flying boats continued to appear in the clouds, all flying the battle flag of Huanglong Kingdom, there were more than 20 ships, each of which was full of armors and cavalry, just like this one by one on the Longyu Square. Immediately, the iron cavalry, archers, and heavy steps of Huanglong Nation made a shout to the sky, and together with the army of the Xuanyuan Empire, they resisted the army that had already attacked and killed the dragon domain hall.

How strong is this battle! ?

The eyes of many players are full of indifferent. This battle seems to have destined us to be the loser, so we don’t need to think about rewards, rankings and the like. It’s just that the dignity of a player cannot be trampled. If we want to go south and swallow the territory of the national uniform, then we, as Chinese players, have the responsibility to stand here until the powerful enemy steps over our corpses, so that we will not be laughed at by the other players in the uniform.

"Still fighting for a trap?!"

In the air, Stuurem the Immortal roared abruptly, his body continuously enlarged, revealing the real Titan body, hundreds of meters high, like a mountain lying across the north of the Dragon Region city wall, holding it in his hand. The same magnified indestructible blade, like a king over the world, laughed wildly: "Human race, do you still accept the fate of being enslaved?"

"no way!"

Fighting with the alien demon army, an veteran covered in blood furiously roared into the air.

"Yes! Never!"

One after another, soldiers fought in blood and roared to the sky.

"Really? Then I will let you learn to accept your fate."

Stuurem took a step and uttered a low voice: "Master Fan Yi, clear the way for the king?"

"my pleasure."

Fan Yi sitting on the treasure book gently raised his hand, and suddenly the golden palm separated the canopy of the five Lei Teng large formations, as if separating the surface of the water, unspeakably relaxed, but the man holding the formation runestones Sylvia even spit out blood. At this moment, the five Lei Teng array was riddled with defects, and it was in vain!

"Thank you!"

Stuurem stepped across the damaged Dragonfield city wall, his huge fist fell from the sky, the "peng" fell on the ground, the fist rags raged, and the human armor within a radius of several hundred meters turned into blood mist, even Even the demon knights, evil spirit walkers and other monsters that fought with them were also turned into blood, but the devil's wing Landero, the demon's blade Thunder and other kings did not say a word about it, as if everything was right. As it should be, being killed by the king by mistake is the glory of these ants.

Or is it not manslaughter at all?

"how is it?!"

Stuurem took another step, and the other leg also crossed the Dragon Region wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ smiled and said, "You ants, what can you do?"



A brilliance soared into the sky, and it turned into a sword light that separated the entire world.

"The immortal, Fu Zhu!"

Senior Sister Yun’s voice came from the air. Her figure had disappeared from the observation deck. Just after the first king who stepped into the Dragon Realm with both feet appeared, Senior Sister Yun finally handed out what she was doing in this battle. The first sword was also a sword that she had warmed up the sword intent for two days and nights. This sword came like a wind and thunder, so fast that people could not see how to draw the sword.


An almost invisible golden sword light hung between the sky and the earth, straight.

The true body of Stuurem the Indestructible, the giant body of the Titan like a mountain, just swayed in place. He was very silent, and the fist he threw was suspended in the air, unable to deliver it for a moment. , The body was divided into two, centered on that sword light, countless internal organs and blood splashed down, like a rain of blood. _

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