Zhan Yue

Chapter 1229: Xuanyuanli

"Just don't let it?"

Looking at the front guards who were the elites of the Flame God Legion, I slowly raised my hand, and suddenly the Vulcan Blade and Thor Blade swayed out of the sheath and flew into my hand. Everyone is full of murderous intent.

"July Flowing Fire!"

Nangong also yelled in a low voice: "You are too bold to do it, don't you really dare to violently kill people in the palace?"

"Why not?"

I frowned and said, "Nangong, why are you here? Why did the Imperial Guard have been replaced by members of your Flame God Legion, don't you know better than me?"

As I said, I raised my hand with one hand and said, "Zhang Lingyue, I am going to lead people to charge from the two wings and go straight into the hall."

"Yes, my lord!"

A group of Tianqi camp elites drew their swords one after another, and the brilliance of the inscription sword glowed with a whole piece of cold light in the moonlit night. For a time, not only Nangong, but also a group of people from the Flame God Legion behind him were already shocked. The Flowing Fire Legion is an elite guard on the side. Everyone here is a person who licks blood in the northern border. Which one has not slashed an alien demon army with a sword? Just the murderous aura derived from drawing a sword is not something that a pampered young master army like the Flame God Legion can have.


"Duke Shanhai."

Just as the battle was about to start, a familiar and faint voice suddenly came from the direction of the hall. It was Xuanyuanying's voice: "Let Beilianghou come in, I can trust him."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Nangong also wrinkled, waved his hand and ordered the imperial guard to step aside.

"grown ups."

The more Zhang Ling held the bow, he planned to enter the hall with me, but I shook my head and said, "I will go to see your majesty by yourself. You are all waiting outside. Don't disturb your majesty."

"Yes, my lord!"


The two imperial guards pushed open the door, and when I stepped into the hall, they closed the door immediately. The candle in the hall flickered. After a little wind blew in, there were many waves. In addition to me, the hall was also There is only one Xuanyuanying. The majestic and imperial Emperor Longwu no longer exists. Sitting on the steps, he is gray and his breath is too weak, like a lamp about to run out of oil. The withered twilight old man.

"His Majesty."

I frowned, feeling distressed for no reason.


Xuanyuan Ying clapped his hands lightly, and laughed in a weak voice: "What a July Liuhuo, what a Northern Liang Hou, leading a warrior into the imperial city without authorization, and wanting to break into my hall... This matter is only you seven. Moon Liuhuo can do it, dare to do it."

"Your Majesty, I..." I tried to explain something, but there seemed to be nothing to explain.

He smiled slightly and raised his hand sullenly: "Sit down and talk."


I sat cross-legged in front of the steps of the main hall, facing him far away, as if my nephew and elders were sitting and talking.

"I am very pleased that you can come."

He gently leaned on the steps, his breath was a little uncomfortable, and said: "The entire Xuanyuan Empire, with so many leaders holding heavy soldiers, you are the only one who can smell the smell, and you alone dare to lead the army. King Qin."

He looked at me and smiled: "You didn't disappoint me, and only this kind of you can let me trust the things behind me with confidence."

"Your Majesty, you..."

I looked at his face. As the king of the immortal realm, Lingxu felt like I knew the state of Xuanyuanying well. The oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry. After the battle of the dragon realm, his body seemed to have been burnt out, and nothing was left. An empty shell, if it were not supported by the breath of immortality, I am afraid that it would have already passed away.

"Don't be sad."

His breath weakened, and said: "For so many years...I have always regarded you as my nephew. Now I don't need to call your majesty anymore. Can you... call me like a nephew?"

I frowned: "Uncle."


Xuanyuan Ying nodded his head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "If you really belong to my Xuanyuan line, you really are my Xuanyuanying's son, then that's all right. What's the problem? If you are the new emperor, who would dare to talk a little gossip? What a pity...I Xuanyuanying doesn't have such a blessing. I can only do your uncle..."

I stopped talking, looking at his fragile appearance, as if he had overturned a five-flavored bottle, the saint king who ordered the expedition to the centaur tribe, the saint king who decided to destroy the Scarlet King's Court, was simply There was no way to connect him with the old man in front of him, so he bowed his head and said nothing, and his heart was slightly sorrowful.

"Child, don't feel sorry for me."

Xuanyuanying's breath became even weaker, and said, "After the war is over, I have been waiting for you here. As long as you come, there will be something big I want to ask you."

"Uncle entrusted me, I will not refuse." I said solemnly.


Xuanyuanying looked at the window in the middle of the main hall wall, with a leisurely look, and said, "I have three sons. The eldest son Xuanyuanli is a scholar who follows Fengxiang's practice. This child Xuanyuanli is full of economy and elegant. I love it very much. It’s a pity that his character is a little weaker. If he becomes an emperor in the future, he will be more than benevolent in governing the country, but his courage will be somewhat insufficient. The second son Xuanyuanqi, like me, looks like me, is youthful and vigorous, and he dares to ask the world. The personality is too perverse, far less kind than his brother, and he is more than enough to lead the conquest, but if he becomes the emperor... I am afraid it will delay the country. As for the third son, Xuanyuanxi, the qualifications are ordinary and the learning is also ordinary, not as much as the two brothers. "

He looked at me and said, "These three sons, who do you think is the most appropriate for the emperor?"

I frowned and said, "If my uncle wants to build anyone, I will definitely support it."


He nodded leisurely, as if he had received a very satisfactory answer, and said: "I prefer the eldest son Xuanyuanli. He is the most capable and will be a wise ruler of the country, but once Xuanyuanli succeeds to the throne, he can at most be a benevolent prince. , But it’s not a Ming prince. He needs powerful and virtuous officials to assist him. All I can leave him is you, a Fengxiang, and no other people. You should know most about the dangers."

I nodded: "I know."

"and so."

Xuanyuan Ying said solemnly: "Uncle chooses you as the person to help the dragon. You must not refuse. This is the last wish of your uncle. You and Fengxiang, with one character and one martial arts, will surely revive the great cause of Zhongxing in my Xuanyuan Empire. "

I sat up, knelt on one knee, and said in a deep voice: "Zunzhi."


Xuanyuanying nodded slightly and said, "Tomorrow will meet, and my uncle will give you a king. This is the last thing I can do for you.

"Feng Wang?"

I was stunned slightly: "Your Majesty is going to give your surname Wang?"

"Exactly, and only if you make a king, everything will be so justifiable, otherwise your title is not high, Mingyang Wang Xuanyuanyi, Shanhai Gong Nangong and others, you can't be shocked at all, so my uncle must be before leaving. Canonize you as a king under one person and above ten thousand people. You must make this empire, except for the country's lord, to decide everything by yourself. Even if Xuanyuanli is at fault, you can rebuke one or two with the attitude of your brother. One on the left and one on the right, to join in the fortune of the country."

He looked at me: "The appointment of the king has been decided. You don't have to refuse. You can only hold the position above ten thousand people and hold the strongest first-class corps in the empire. Only such a person can master the universe, and the strong alternate between the old and the new At this time, stabilize the situation in the temple, the wind phase, like me, was deeply injured in the battle of the dragon domain, so many of these things still need you to use thunder to solve them. In the next few years, you This king will be very tired. At this point, my uncle is sorry for you."

Looking at his old appearance, my heart seemed to be pinched, and I said with sorrow: "My nephew should do to share your worries. I will never feel tired, please rest assured, uncle."


Xuanyuan Ying once again looked in the direction of the main hall window and said, "Just wait for dawn, the morning after dawn..."

"Got it."

I sat on the floor and said, "I'm here with my uncle waiting for dawn."

"Good, very good."

Therefore, the two sat opposite each other, chatting about their daily lives, and they sat there until dawn. Afterwards, the imperial guard opened the door of the temple, and then a young man in the prince's robes stepped in, a hole that looked very young. The pinnacle of the virtual realm, don't think about it, it is the Crown Prince Xuanyuanli.


Xuanyuan Ying waved his hand and said, "Come over and meet my brother. From now on, you will treat him as your real brother, and you must not violate anything, okay?"


Xuanyuanli hurriedly stepped forward and gave a big gift, saying: "Xuanyuanli, see brother."

"Your Highness is polite."

I hurriedly supported the future country master and said, "You don't have to give this big gift."

Xuanyuanying smiled and waved his hand: "You have to suffer, as your brother, he should be so."

I just nodded and watched Xuanyuanli give a complete gift, and then helped him up.


Xuanyuan should look at the eldest son, his eyes full of his father’s love, and said: "Father is about to travel away from immortality. From now on you will be the leader of my Xuanyuan Empire, and your brother will be crowned king and become the first in the history of the empire. A foreigner surnamed king, and the supreme king. From now on, your brother will assist you in all matters of the country. If you don’t understand anything, you should be humble and ask for advice, especially the military and political affairs. Your brother is stronger than you, so you should ask more. ."


Xuanyuanli looked at his father's shaky appearance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with sadness in his eyes, and then turned around to say to me again: "Brother, I will ask you to give me some advice from now on."


I nodded and agreed.


Soon after, the sunlight penetrated the window and swayed on Xuanyuanying's face. He was contented, as if he was about to go where he was, and said, "Are the officials?"

A captain of the guard held his fist: "It's all here, does your Majesty go to the meeting immediately?"


Xuanyuanying stood up tremblingly, motioned to Xuanyuanli and I, and supported him on the dragon chair one by one, Xuanyuanli stood aside, and I retreated back below the king's rank, without any prejudice.

The gate of the palace opened wide, and the officials entered the hall quietly one by one, and the court meeting was about to begin.

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