Zhan Yue

Chapter 1230: I go too


The wind drifted away without hearing it, still elegant and elegant, but his face was slightly pale, wearing a white Confucian shirt, just standing beside Xuanyuanying, watching his nose, his nose and his heart, accompany the king through the last part of the road.

Groups of ministers stand in a row one by one.

There are still a few people in front of me. The first is Mingyang Wang Xuanyuanyi. He has the highest title and is the king in charge. Therefore, the weight in the court is the last one. Only one person stands first. Behind Xuanyuanyi, there is a young warrior, the second prince Xuanyuanqi, followed by Fuyu Gong Mu Tiancheng and giant Ding Gong Yiping. The three elders of the year, after the death of Guan Yang, are now only There are two left.

After that, it was Shanhai Gongnan Gongyi, and I stood in the third row with the Marquis of Beiliang Marquis side by side with him. Although the official rank is first-rank, the rank is still a little lower.


"Everyone love Qing."

Xuanyuanying slowly got up and walked to the front of the king's rank with the support of Xuanyuanli, saying, "I'm going to leave, so I also have a decision. The eldest son and prince Xuanyuanli will inherit the throne.

For a time, many ministers showed a look of surprise, especially those who bet on the second prince, all of them showed incomprehension.

"His Majesty!"

Mingyang Wang Xuanyuanyi stepped forward, holding a fist and said, "His Royal Highness Xuanyuanli is kind, but benevolent, and lacking courage. Now it is a troubled world. There are army of different demons in the north, and the Daxiang Dynasty in the south is looking at the pillow sword. Today's Xuanyuan What the empire needs is not a benevolent monarch, but a holy monarch who has the courage to calm the world. I hope your majesty will think twice!"

Shanhai Gong Nangong also stepped forward, "The minister agrees!"

The second prince Xuanyuanqi took a step forward, holding a fist and said, "Father, although the son-chen is the second son, he can't compare with his elder in his knowledge, but his brother is absolutely inferior to his elders in matters such as killing and conquering the world on the battlefield. !"

The meaning is self-evident, I am more suitable to be the emperor!


The white clothes Qing Xiangfeng coughed slightly and said, "King Mingyang, the second majesty, and the Lord Shanhai? Are you asking your majesty to take back his life? What your majesty said is an edict, but a sacred decree. Modify the edict?"

For a while, Xuanyuanyi immediately knelt on one knee, "My minister dare not!"

Xuanyuanqi and Nangong also knelt together.


"Be flat, I don't blame you, you are also considering the future of the empire for a long time."

Xuanyuan Ying raised his hand and signaled everyone to level up. Then he said leisurely, "Prince Xuanyuanli has the essence of Confucianism. In the future, he will definitely be a good ruler of the country. He will be supported by literature and style, and Wu will rely on you. What's more, I have already Recognizing the North Lianghou as a righteous son, and imposing him as a person to help the dragon, come, immediately draft an edict, the leader of the Liuhuo Legion, the July Liuhuo of the North Lianghou, has always been outstanding in battle, led the Liuhuo legion to put down the centaur tribe, the **** royal court, and pioneer Lin Hai is the first work, and more than half of the homeland recovered by the empire came from under his horseshoes. Therefore, I am determined to appoint the Qiyue Liuhuo as the Xiaoyao King, and the rank of the Xiaoyao King is higher than that of all princes and princes!"

"His Majesty!"

Xuanyuanyi knelt down again, "The foreign surname is not a king, this is the rule set by the ancestors of the Xuanyuan clan!"

"The rules are set by people."

Xuanyuan Ying frowned and said, "Since it was determined by man, then breaking this rule today, what does it matter? My focus is on the next ten, fifty, or even a hundred years of the Xuanyuan Empire. Xuanyuanyi, do you think it is better than me? Go further? Or do you think you are more sacred than the dying Emperor Longwu?"

"Brother Chen..."

Xuanyuanyi gritted his teeth, "My minister dare not!"

"That's it!"

Xuanyuanying brushed his sleeves and said, "From now on, King Xiaoyao will be like the King Regent. Everything that the new monarch can't deal with can be resolved by the King Xiaoyao and Fengxiang!"

I clasped my fists and nodded.

"His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao."

Bai Yiqing Xiangfeng smiled slightly, raised his hand and said with a smile, "You can advance the position of the temple station, and go to the front of Mingyang Wang Xuanyuanyi, where is the position of Xiaoyao King."

I did my part and stepped past the person who was standing in front of me.

Mu Tiancheng and Yi Ping smiled and congratulated, while the second prince Xuanyuanqi cast a murderous look, Xuanyuanyi gritted his teeth with hatred, and looked at me standing in front, but he could only get angry but couldn't help it.


Xuanyuan should continue to say, "The King Xiaoyao is the king under one person and above 10,000. After the king is appointed, he will continue to control the Liuhuo regiment, serve as an imperial marshal in wartime, and control the nation's soldiers and horses. The mansion of the King Xiaoyao has been selected. You can move on the same day. From now on, King Xiaoyao is in charge of the Imperial Ministry of War, Tingwei, and Young Mansion, while Fengxiang is in charge of the ancestral temple, Shangshu Province, Imperial History Division, Zhisu Neishi, etc. under the Prime Minister’s Mansion. All important things are The decision can be made on the temple, and the new emperor, Xiaoyao King, and Fengxiang will finally agree on the result."

I was silent.

I was really under one person and over ten thousand people. Even Xuanyuanying gave me more power than the prime minister. The ranking was also before the prime minister. If Xuanyuanying were not about to fall, this would be a legend. To kill, and now, the feeling of being in power... Why are you not happy at all?

Xuanyuanying looked down on the officials and said again and again, "The second prince Xuanyuanqi heard the title!"

Xuanyuanqi was taken aback, and hurriedly knelt to the ground, "The son is here!"

"Xuanyuanqi Army has outstanding combat merits, and the emperor is named the King of Yunxi. He sits in the Yunxi province and exercises restraint in the province. You can't return to the imperial capital without an edict."

"Yes, Erchen took the order!"

It took a long time for Xuanyuanqi to get up. This result was not good for him. He went to Yunxi Province, which was known as one of the granaries of the empire, and established the king. In fact, his father left him a large piece of fat. Since then, he has no worries about food and clothing, and has mastered the soldiers and horses of a large province. He is still the commander of the party and is not idle. However, he cannot return to the imperial capital without an edict. This is also to prevent him from "making troubles" or colluding with officials. Everything Xuanyuanying has been thought of.

"Xuanyuanxi listened to it!"

"Yes, my son is here!"

In the line of civil servants, a young Dongxu realm came out, more handsome than the appearance of the two brothers, but his eyes showed mediocrity.

Xuanyuan Ying said in a deep voice, "Xuanyuanxi is a talented person who is specially designated as the King of Hedong, the rank is the king of the county, and Hedong County is entrusted, and he will go to Hedong County a few days later. The same, looks like an edict, and cannot return to the imperial capital."

This is really remote, but Hedong County is still a wealthy place, and the same has no worries about food and clothing. In short, Xuanyuanying's meaning is very clear. As long as your two sons don't make trouble for your brother, you can have a good death. , Otherwise, I can only experience the joint means of the Xiaoyao King and the White Clothes Qing Xiangfeng.

As for Xuanyuanyi, Mu Tiancheng, Yiping, Nangong and others, their titles remained unchanged. Xuanyuanyi and Nangong were not held accountable for standing in line with the second prince. The two elders Mu Tiancheng and Yiping have always Maintaining a neutral posture, like me, not standing in line with any prince, but Xuanyuan Ying's imperial decree will be followed.

"All right."

Xuanyuan Ying said, "From now on, Xuanyuanli will be the new emperor. He will govern today, and the Taimiao will be ready to ascend to the throne. I...I will drive a spirit boat to the distant mountains and seas. Don’t think about it, and work with you For decades, I have been very fortunate, and the country has been very lucky."

"His Majesty!"

A group of veterans knelt down, crying.

"Well, everyone, let me go."

Xuanyuan should turn around and leave, floating on a spirit boat outside the hall, flying on top of it, and disappearing into the sky in a blink of an eye.

I turned and looked outside the hall, feeling uncomfortable in my heart. A Emperor Zhongxing, the strongest Emperor of the Xuanyuan Empire for hundreds of years, even chose to travel far when he was dying. His heart was far away. He doesn’t want to be buried in the imperial tombs of the clan family. He would rather die in a foreign land or in the clouds, but at the same time, Xuanyuanying’s brilliance is that if he swims far away, it doesn’t mean he really died, just in case he appears. How about a turnaround? A well-respected prince Ming has the possibility of returning at any time, so Xiao Xiao who is hiding in the dark will naturally be jealous, and those who covet Xuanyuan's throne will naturally be more cautious.


"Your Majesty, please succeed immediately!"

I stepped forward, holding a fist to Xuanyuanli and said, "According to the emperor's edict, you are already the lord of the country."

"Your Majesty, please succeed!"

The white clothes and Qing Xiang also saluted together.

"Thank you, Xiaoyao King, Fengxiang!"

Xuanyuanli lightly sat on the dragon chair, frowning, and said, "Father, I will take the throne immediately, and the court will begin. If there are any major issues that need to be discussed, you can report to you."

The wind did not smell and nodded gently.

I returned to the position of the chief assistant of the ministers and stood there silently. I am actually a layman on many matters of state and government affairs. What do you say, I am a free and unfettered king who is actually more symbolic, as long as I stand This is enough, and the new monarch will have to rely on. As for administrative matters, it is still necessary to ignore the wind and worry about labor.

It’s just that, while listening to the discussion about politics, the wind is a little distracted. He looks up outside the hall from time to time, as if he hopes that at a certain moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Emperor Zhongxing can help the spirit boat to come back safe and sound. Feng Buwen is a nostalgic person who has worked together for decades, and he is probably the one who dissatisfied Emperor Longwu the most.

At this moment, there was a ringtone in the ear, and finally, the king was officially sealed, and the system began to pay salaries——


The system reminds you to congratulate you on being awarded the title of "Xiaoyao King" by the emperor. Every day you can receive salary level experience points +15, merit points +1500, and gold coins +50,000!


It is worthy of being the first king of rank. This salary is too great. Lying in the rhythm of upgrading, and there are more gold coins than Beilianghou. You can receive 5w per day. According to the current market price of 1:15 gold coins, every day The salary can be converted into 3000+rb, what is this concept? Playing games lying down is also the rhythm of an annual salary of one million!

The most important thing is that under the player id, there is a golden title of "Happy King", which is very popular, much more popular than the emblem of the strongest sequence candidate in the national service!

There is nothing to say next. If the benefits are taken, I must do my best to assist the new emperor. Xuanyuanli has the same name and different surname as me. He really looks like he has read too much. He is elegant and lacks courage. I This Xiaoyao King will probably "do all the bad things" on the temple in the near future.

Lost leaves

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