Zhan Yue

Chapter 1233: Frontier Military Affairs

After dinner, there is a notice in the game that the new emperor Xuanyuanli enthroned the throne, as long as the players who participated in the legion system and obtained military and official positions can participate, as long as the whole process is completed, they will receive an extra day of salary and a certain amount of merit. As for I, Xiaoyao King, didn't seem to be so carefree at all. Just when I was going to hang out for a while, a voice came from my heart: "His Royal Highness, Xiaoyao King, this kind of big thing...you can come here, right?"

It's the white clothes that doesn't care about the wind.

I was a little embarrassed and scratched my head: "Here comes!"

"I'm waiting for your Highness."

"You are polite, Fengxiang!"


Carrying a double-edged blade, flying into the sky, as an immortal king, the scene of the ascension ceremony ahead of me, when the wind arrived, there was a sea of ​​people in front of me. The process of ascension ceremony was very complicated, such as worshiping the temple, worshiping the sky and so on. When I arrived, I didn't hear the wind with a wave of my big sleeve, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyao King, please come here."

So, I left the wind alone, stood side by side with him, and was in the forefront of the ministers.

On both sides, there are countless players on the viewing platform, and even many players can only look around in the square without squeezing in. The crowds are crowded, the densely packed IDs overlap each other, and it is completely impossible to distinguish who is who.

In the distance, surrounded by a group of guards and concubines, the young emperor walked step by step. Xuanyuanli was worthy of being a scholar. His whole body was filled with the atmosphere of a scholar, and when the wind turned a blind eye to this proud disciple, it was even more so. Without concealing the pride in his eyes, he said: "His Royal Highness, do you think there are many shadows of the first emperors on the new emperor?"

"If you only talk about Corporal Lixian, there is indeed one thing."


He smiled and nodded, and talked with Xinhu: "The first emperor enlisted Lifeng someone's disciple as the new emperor. Your Highness must not care. This is not to uphold the wind, but... Xuanyuanli is indeed more suitable for this new emperor. "

I smiled slightly: "I'm worried about the wind. I don't know any of the princes. I will support whoever is the first emperor. As long as it is of the Xuanyuan family's blood, after all, I am just a martial artist, I only know how to fight and kill. I don’t know so much about national affairs."

Unheard of the wind, I couldn't help laughing: "The famous general of your generation who moved after the plan actually said that he is a martial artist. Is this to shame Nangong Yi, Nangong Chi and others?"

I laughed and didn't say much.

At this time, the young new emperor had already walked in front of us, humbly and politely bowed to the wind, and said, "See you, Mr., disciple!"

The wind does not hear and raises his hand: "Your Majesty does not need to be polite."

The new emperor bowed to me again and said, "Xuanyuanli has met my elder brother!"

I hurriedly held his arm and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you are welcome."


He nodded lightly, turned and said: "Then... please lead the ministers and the elder brother to join me on the altar of heaven!"

"According to the purpose!"

I ignored the wind and smiled, and slowly followed the young new emperor forward, step by step very slowly, so as not to let the group of veterans who walked with trembling legs fail to keep up. In fact, many veterans have already reached the age of retirement. But I still don’t want to come down. There is no way. Who would dislike the feeling of being in power, so that in the era of the new emperor, the younger generation of civil and military is quite scarce, and among the ministers, they are already considered young. And I stood in the crowd more like a rebellious teenager, a little bit less like the King of Xiaoyao.

As for the ceremonial robe, it was refreshed in the package, but it was not worn. It was too embarrassing to wear it. It is estimated that there will be a roar of laughter from the players on the ceremonial stand.

After the ceremony, there were various processes of offering sacrifices to the gods of agriculture and spring. After that, the queen was enrolled, and she was a young and beautiful woman in Linggang realm, but she was worthy of the appearance of the new emperor.

After the process is over, the new emperor rewards the officials, promotes the official rank, or promotes the rank of the official rank, or rewards several months of salary. Each is different, and then the world is amnesty. This is also a convention. As for the most promoted officials, most of them They were all from the Prime Minister’s Mansion and Taimiao. The new emperor succeeded to the throne. The most important thing to do is to train his own people, and the wind is his own people. As for me, I am in charge of the Ministry of War and the world’s soldiers. The people under his hands, so as not to look a bit arrogant, as if to seize power.

Of course, I am such a free and unhappy king. The new emperor doesn’t want to do whatever he wants. I won’t care too much about it. As long as the new emperor can sit on the throne, I will complete the first emperor Xuanyuan’s entrustment. My nephew is responsible.

At the end of the ceremony, Jiangshan officially changed owners, and a new era had arrived.

From now on, there will be no more Xuanyuanying, only Xuanyuanli.

Soon after, all the players who watched the ceremony dispersed, and the officials stood outside the hall. In my hall, I and Feng Buwen were the only ones who followed the new emperor step by step to the throne.

"Mr. will review the memorials with me?" The new emperor said: "There are many things that will only happen when they are in front of me. Many times I need my husband's reminder."

"It should." Feng nodded indifferently.

Xuanyuanli turned to look at me again, and said, "The memorial also contains a lot of important things about the military department, the mobilization of soldiers, horses, money and food, the supply of local defense forces, and the repair of some important cities. At the prompt one or two?"

"No need."

I shook my head and laughed: "These things are not considered to be major events. They can be judged by your majesty's wiseness. Moreover, military affairs are also very familiar. As for me, your majesty needs to mobilize troops to fight against the alien army. , The place needs to quell chaos, etc. I can decide on these, and the rest of the military and political affairs will be handled by your Majesty.

Xuanyuanli was taken aback.

Feng Feng shook his head and chuckled: "His Royal Highness Xiaoyao is really a person who is really a shopkeeper, your Majesty...If that's the case, why don't you hurry up and thank your brother for delegating power?"

He speaks clearly, but it is true.

Xuanyuanli couldn't help but smile, and his gaze looked at me a little grateful: "Thank you, brother!"

I smiled slightly, looked into his eyes, and said, "The first emperor regards me as a nephew, and naturally I can't let him down. Your Majesty can let go and rule the world. When there is a need for me as a king, I am duty-bound. Nothing is needed. At that time, I will never stand in your Majesty’s way. I know where my feet stand."

The wind does not hear the chuckle: "His Royal Highness is indeed a wonderful person."

I waved my hand: "Don't wear high hats on Fengxiang. If there are disagreements with me on military affairs in the future, I will still blush and quarrel with you."

Feng Buwen smiled and said: "You and I have worked together for many years, have you ever quarreled? Which time is not the same as a hero."

"I can't talk about it."

I clasped my fists lightly and smiled: "Your Majesty, Fengxiang, then I will go first. As you all know, my identity is actually an adventurer in a different world, and there are still many mundane tasks over there."


Xuanyuanli held a fist: "Gong send my brother!"


With both feet on the ground, he flew backwards out of the hall, turned and flew in the direction of Fanshucheng Square, and it was easier to get along with the players. Chatting with these NPCs was extremely depressing and very uncomfortable.


In front of the Great Temple, Yanshi stood in front of A Fei's booth without attacking, as if doing business.

"Why don't you attack the leader?" I asked.

"Seal inscription~~~"

Yanshi did not attack the package, and smiled: "I heard that A Fei said that group purchases can be discounted, so I gathered more than fifty equipment from the group of Wuxia, Intangible, and Xiaohan, and threw them to A Fei for seal cutting. Discount."

"It's only 20% off?"

I glanced at A Fei, who was concentrating on engraving the inscriptions, and said, "Brother Fei, if you don't attack, brother is our own person. Don't give it a 20% discount. Give it a 75% discount. You can't treat your allies badly."

A Fei nodded and smiled: "Okay, Brother Ali speaks, then you have to save face, so it's a 30% discount!"

Yan Shi did not attack and blushed: "Then the feelings are good, I would like to thank Brother Afei first."

So A Fei was busy with the seal cutting, and I sat side by side on the steps of the Great Sanctuary with Yan Shi Bu Gong and chatted about homework.

"It's very different if you become His Royal Highness Xiaoyao King!"

Master Yan glanced at me without attacking, and said with a smile: "My personal aura is completely different, making me feel a little pressure on my brother."

"Stress shit." I said speechlessly.

He laughed and said: "The national service background camp has changed to the sun and the moon. You in the game should know the most powerful of them. Will it have any impact on the national service?"

"There will be a little impact, but not too much."

"How to say?"

"The power of the new emperor in the court is definitely not as powerful as that of Emperor Longwu. Many veterans, and some powerful officials with a heavy hand, although long live your majesty, they must be dissatisfied in their hearts, such as Shanhai Gongnan Gongyi and Ming Yang Wang Xuanyuan, Qing Yang of the Council, Si Konghai of the Knights Templar, these people will definitely feel even more dissatisfied when the old emperor dies. Why do you leave the wind alone and the fire in July? Why are you not us?"

I grinned: "So, even if I join forces with Feng Buwen, I can’t control the entire Xuanyuan Empire temple as much as half of the living Xuanyuan Ying. Once there is something undecided, problems are most likely to go wrong at this time. Especially in the battle against the northern monsters, in the future, it may not be as united as before. Many forces will start to make their own small calculations. In short, there are many problems and they need to be solved one by one."

"This kind of thing should be cut quickly."

Yanshi waved his hand and made a slashing gesture for the sword without attacking, and smiled: "Wang Mingyang Xuanyuan is not satisfied? Then take away his king and abolish his fief, and Nangong Yi and Si Konghai are not satisfied? Dismiss their military power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and let them become big-head soldiers. Since the strength is mixed, then replace all the unclean places with their own direct lines. Isn't this clear and clear?"

"It would be nice to be like this."

With my arms resting on the back of my head, I lightly leaned against the outer wall of the Great Church behind me, and said, “It’s a shame that Emperor Xian didn’t ask you to give it to you. When the time comes, internal and external troubles, the alien demon army will fight again, and the vitality of the national clothing will be greatly injured..."

"Hahaha, I won't stop~~~"


At this moment, horses hooves slammed outside the city, and a team of scout cavalry with a king flag in their hands galloped in. Someone was holding a paperwork and shouted in a deep voice: "Get out of the way, let out of it! The border is an emergency military situation!"


Master Yan didn't attack for a moment, then turned and looked at me: "An accident happened again at the border?"

"Go, take a look!"

I stood up and patted the dust on my butt.

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