Zhan Yue

Chapter 1234: Brother Lu Li, righteous!

Riding on Wu Hao, taking care of the Yanshi, the two galloped into the palace like this, unimpeded all the way, a Xiaoyao King, a deputy commander of the Flame God Legion, and those imperial guards did not dare to stop.

Above the hall, Chuan Lingbing's frontier military situation is already in the hands of the wind.

"It just so happens that His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao is here."

The wind raised the military situation and said: "In a word, the Sealing Legion’s Demon Sealing Blade is thundering, leading a million army to detain the Far Eastern Province. Now this alien demon army is less than fifty miles away from the North Wall. , It should be launched soon. It seems... the alien demon army knows that it can't shake the dragon domain, so its soldiers moved to the north, wanting to start from the Far East province."


I nodded, stood in front of the officials, and said: "The Dragon Region is seated by Senior Sister Yun, and there is no one under the ginkgo umbrella. There really is no need to worry about the Dragon Region."


Standing behind me, Mingyang Wang Xuanyuan frowned and said: "The First Corps of the Far Eastern Province, the Blazing Legion, has just experienced the Battle of the Dragon Realm, and suffered heavy losses. More importantly, even the True Yang Duke who originally commanded the Blazing Legion. The elders have already been martyred. Today's Blazing Legion is commanded by a deputy commander, but that deputy commander is still relatively junior and has insufficient prestige in the army. On the occasion of the group of dragons without a leader, once the alien demon army is officially detained, I am afraid the North Wall It's dangerous. Once the North Wall is lost, the alien demon army will be able to invade the land of the human race and our empire all the way south without even passing through the dragon domain."


I nodded: "Wang Mingyang said yes."

At this time, an old Mai Wenchen stepped forward and clasped his fist and said: "Your Majesty, it is not appropriate for the flames to have a group of dragons without a leader. The previous court was busy with the enthronement ceremony and it was delayed. The famous general went to the Far Eastern Province to command the Blazing Legion to contain the thunderous seizure."

The new emperor Xuanyuanli nodded: "What the old man said is extremely true, do you have any recommendations?"


Mingyang Wang Xuanyuan took a step forward and said: "The minister recommended Zhang Yi, the deputy commander of the Yinping Corps of Lingnan Province. Zhang Yi is a man who is brave and good at fighting. He showed great success in the fight against the Daxiang Dynasty in Lingnan Province and led many assaults. A county with more than 20,000 beheaded, he reads military books and knows the art of war on weekdays, and he is very prestigious in the military, and his grade is light. He is only in his early forties, which can be of great use! The minister recommended Zhang Yi as the province of the Far East. Governor, also commander of the Blazing Legion!"

Mu Tiancheng smiled slightly and did not speak.

The giant Ding Gong Yiping did not squint, but frowned slightly.

It was not the first day that I stood in the court hall. Naturally, I knew the tricky part. The fief of Mingyang Wang Xuanyuan was Wannan City, and Wannan City was the important town of Lingnan Province. In fact, the local forces are all one family. The No. 1 Corps of Lingnan Province was the Yinping Corps, so the possibility that Zhang Yi, the deputy commander of the Yinping Corps, was a member of Xuanyuanyi was greatly increased.

Feng Feng smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, His Majesty King Mingyang recommended General Zhang Yi, what do your Majesty think?"

The new emperor Xuanyuanli said calmly: "The deputy commander of the Yinping Legion...This matter involves the post of the Ministry of War. It is still necessary to listen to His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang, brother, what do you think?"

"Zhang Yi..."

I rubbed my chin, turned around and succumbed to Mingyang Wang Xuanyuan, then smiled and said, "I haven't heard of it?"

Suddenly, Feng Buwen lowered his head and smiled, and Yanshi, who was the deputy commander of the Flame God Legion, smiled even more so that his gums were almost exposed.

"Zhang Yi is a famous general in the south, and Xiaoyao Wang has never heard of it, and it is understandable."

Xuanyuanyi frowned and said: "However, Zhang Yi's military exploits can be recorded in the military merits of the Imperial Military Department. He led his troops to resist the invasion of the Daxiang dynasty iron cavalry and beheaded more than ten thousand heads. These are all real combat exploits."


I nodded: "I was in charge of the war in Lingnan Province. It may be because of my negligence. Therefore, I only saw the commander of Nangong Chi on the roster, but did not see Zhang Yi."

In the military attache queue, Nangong Chi arched his hand at me, grinning and said: "His Royal Highness is too acclaimed!"

I cleared my voice and said, "King Mingyang, with all due respect, even if it is more than ten thousand beheads, what can it count? How powerful is the cavalry of the Daxiang Dynasty, and is it more powerful than the main force of the alien army? During the First Battle of the Dragon Region, among our many commanders, Lord Nangong, Lord Sikonghai, and two Grand Duke Mu Tiancheng and Yi Ping, who had not beheaded hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses? , Shouldn’t make him qualified to be the commander of the Blazing Legion, let alone a prince in the Far Eastern Province."

Xuanyuanyi frowned, "So...Is King Xiaoyao recommending someone who can convince everyone?"


I smiled slightly: "And right here in the hall."


Everyone was shocked, and Yanshi winked at me even more if he didn't attack, "Brother Lu Li, righteousness!"

I laughed and stretched out my hand and pointed: "It's in the ranks of civil servants, the minister of rites, Lord Hou Wangshuang of the Far East!"

"This..." Master Yan did not attack with a gray face, and quietly raised his middle finger: "Your sister, it's not the old brother and me..."

Among the crowd, Wang Shuang was taken aback, never expected that I would recommend him at this time.


"Never possible!"

Xuanyuanyi frowned and said, "Wang Shuang is the leader of the Silver Frost Legion that the first emperor ousted at the time. Moreover, this person has never been an official, and it is extremely inappropriate to get along with your colleagues. If this person is the leader of the Blazing Legion , It will definitely destroy the entire Far Eastern Province. The Far Eastern Province is the northeast gateway of the empire. This proposal will never be accepted by the king!"

Tan Guozhu, the old Shangshu of the Ministry of War, also took a step forward and said: "His Royal Highness Xiaoyao, please consider it. The old minister agrees with King Mingyang's statement. Wang Shuang did occasionally have military exploits at the beginning, but he was the master without authorization, arrogantly overstepped the military power, and worked with his colleagues. There is a lot of discord between them, how can such a person be the commander of the Blazing Legion?"

On the dragon chair, the new emperor Xuanyuanli smiled slightly: "Brother, you recommend Master Wang Shuang as the new commander of the Blazing Legion. What is the specific reason? Just say it."


I lightly patted the handle of Thor's Blade on my waist, and suddenly there was a ray of thunder, and smiled: "The Blazing Legion, the first corps of the Far Eastern Province, is responsible for guarding the north wall and preventing the coveting of the alien army. It can be said to be The responsibility is heavy, so the commander of the Blazing Legion should be a brave, well-rounded and compassionate general. Wang Shuang meets this point. At the beginning of the war in the north, the Silver Frost Legion was outstanding. Isn’t that proof? General, it’s okay to fight and win battles. What do you want him to do as an official? Do you want the generals at the frontier to become those exquisite officialdom masters in the court? If this is the case, let these officialdom masters lead soldiers to fight. Okay, I would like to know if their sophistication and fluent tongue can stop Lin Hai's thousands of swordsmanship?"

The new emperor couldn't help laughing: "The words of King Xiaoyao are really painful! I also think so, the most important thing is that the border is a heavy general, who can fight and lead soldiers is the most important. With a set of skills as an official, do you still want to go to the land of aliens? To be an official?"

He didn’t hear the wind and smiled and said: “If that’s the case, I’m going to write a holy edict, to promote the Far East Hou Wangshuang as the commander of the Blazing Legion, to sit in the Far East Province, and to restrain his troops and horses. This Far East Hou can be regarded as worthy of the name. ."

I nodded.

Suddenly, Wang Shuang trembled all over, and stepped forward. He looked at me, and then at the wind and the new emperor, and his voice trembled slightly: "The minister thought...in this life will never be on the battlefield again! The minister... The minister will do his best to never let his Majesty, King Xiaoyao, and Feng Xiang disappointed!"

"Well, gift amulet."

Soon after, Wang Shuang was holding the soldier talisman with a look of joy. I glanced at him and smiled: "Then... let Wang Shuang take the spirit boat to the Far Eastern Province immediately, right? The border military is in a hurry, so there is no need to be here. I wasted time in the hall."

Xuanyuanyi said coldly: "Yu Li is not in harmony."

"Together can defeat the alien army."

I grinned and said, "Why don't you just pray and kowtow here three times every day, and kowtow to scare away the alien demon army?"

Mu Tiancheng and Yi Ping both smiled.

Yanshi did not attack and even gave a thumbs up: "Brother Lu Li is really the first person in the dynasty of the court, and I really admire the subordinates!"

"Concession and concession."

I waved my hand and said with a smile: "Commander Wang Shuang, why don't you go?"


Wang Shuang knelt down to thank the new emperor again, and then walked away, holding the soldier amulet and the sacred edict.


Seeing Wang Shuang's away back, the new emperor cautiously said: "With the Blazing Legion alone, can you defend the Far Eastern Province?"

"Of course not."

I shook my head: "The Sealed Legionmen under the Thunder of Sealed Demon Blade are strong and strong, and the number is absolutely higher than that of the Blazing Legion. One-on-one can't beat the advantage of the city. So please your Majesty immediately decree to dispatch the Southern Silver Screen Legion. The Yunxi Legion went north and rushed towards the North Wall together. Among them, the Lingzhou Army went first, and the cavalry followed. The sooner the better. If the Sealed Legion really wants to break through the North Wall, the battle there will be quite fierce."

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately write the edict and do it!"

All plans are over.

Yan Shi walked out of the court side by side with me without attacking, and said with a speechless expression: "This is the end? I thought it would trigger a system version activity, it's really boring."

"It's not that simple." I shook my head.


He was taken aback, and said: "Tell me about it."

"I always feel that the Alien Army is not really trying to attack the Far Eastern Province. After all, the Far Eastern Province is not too far away from the Dragon Region. The Dragon Region wants to rush to the rescue soon. Last time the Alien Army suffered such a big loss in the Dragon Region. , The second-ranked boss was killed directly, even if they were the heads, they wouldn’t even think about hitting the Xuanyuan Empire’s northern line of defense, right?"

"It makes sense."

Yanshi did not attack and muttered, "Let's go to the north wall to see?"

"I mean it too."

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