Zhan Yue

Chapter 1236: Cross-sea planning

With a light wave of Thor's Blade, a ray of dragon energy condensed between the heaven and the earth in front of him, and turned into the defense of the white dragon wall. For a time, there was a loud noise, and the Frost Hunter's awe-inspiring blow was whitened abruptly. The dragon wall bounced away, but the white dragon wall was also smashed into countless cracked textures. It seems that even though it is a white dragon wall that has soared to the sky, it can still only withstand 1-2 attacks from the quasi-divine BOSS. .

It is not my habit to be beaten and not fight back.

With his right hand waving, the Vulcan Blade blasted out three consecutive flames. It was the offensive of the Three Disasters of Karma, and all fell on the chest armor of the Frost Hunter. Sparks were slashed, and at the same time, there was a "chitter" of Thor The blade disappeared, turned into a ray of thunder, and attacked and killed the Frost Hunter's abdomen, causing 20W+ damage, which was quite impressive.


Rin Frost Hunter's face was full of grinning smiles: "This little thing is quite lovely, it belongs to Lao Tzu."

As he said, he suddenly opened his left hand with five fingers to grab it, but he grabbed nothing, Thor's blade turned into a ray of rapid thunder, and "sucked" around the waist of the Frost Hunter, followed by a catapult. A trace was left on his neck, and the dagger spun without being operated, and broke away from the Frost Hunter's grip, suddenly leaving a scary blood mark on his face again.

"Damn thing!"

The Rin Frost Hunter roared: "Are you playing with this king?"

"Can't it? The eighth-ranked northern waste?"

I smiled slightly and said something very insulting.

The Frost Hunter was furious, and stopped grabbing the Thor's Blade, which he couldn't grasp. He held the war spear in both hands and blasted it together. The moment the war spear fell, a glacier magic phase followed, and used this quasi-ascension realm. Means, it must be too fun!

I suddenly raised my head. I didn’t intend to fight for a long time. The thunder light on the center of my eyebrows turned and trembled. In the next second, the ten-square fire wheel eyes opened, and a flying sword flew out from my pupils, turning into a rainbow light directly through the thick. Immediately afterwards, a sword pierced the center of the Frost Hunter's brows, reaching the handle, causing nearly 400W of damage.


Rin Frost Hunter was holding his eyebrows and wailing. Just when he raised his hand to pull out and pinch the flying sword, Bai Xing had already turned into a fiery light and appeared at my feet, and then a fish in troubled water landed on Rin Frost Hunter's body, and turned around. The sword left, and rushed into a faint golden sky curtain in less than three seconds. In an instant, Wang Yun merged with the sky curtain and was completely accepted by this world.

Well, it feels like going home!

"July Liuhuo, you dog!"

The Frost Hunter came furiously, carrying his spear and was about to attack the sky, but the moment he raised his spear, the gold of the whole sky began to become rich, and there was a golden **** on the three hills behind him. The figure rises abruptly, all of them are mountain gods, all dressed in gold, with a long sword in their hands on the top of the mountain, a pair of golden eyes opened, just looking at the Rin Frost Hunter.

The main mountain god, the power is indeed extraordinary. In the territory of the Xuanyuan Empire, although their strength is not enough to reach the Quasi-God Realm, most of them are not far from each other. Moreover, there are three at once, and they are strong enough to compete with the Rin Frost Hunter. Wrists, but in the direction of the Dragon Region to the west, I am afraid that Frost Hunter is most afraid of. Senior Sister Yun can kill Stuurem with a single sword, so what is his Frost Hunter?

Therefore, at this moment, no emperor is willing to step into the Xuanyuan Empire's territory to feel bad, unless one day, Lin Hai can really defeat Senior Sister Yun completely.

"Dare you come in?"

I stood proudly in the sky, flying sword and white star lingering around me, full of murderousness, holding both daggers imaginarily, looking at the Frost Hunter outside the sky, and laughing: "It will die~~~"

"Bastard stuff!"

The Rin Shuang Hunter raised his eyebrows coldly and said, "July Liuhuo, since you are now the Xuanyuan Empire’s Xiaoyao King, and you are like the Regent King, then this king might as well advise you, stay a little longer, don’t take your own The background is exhausted. This time the holy demon legion’s goal is the southern countries, and it has nothing to do with your Xuanyuan Empire. If you run into trouble, you will be at your own risk."

I frowned and said, "Get out now! Stay away from the Xuanyuan Empire!"


The Rin Frost Hunter was still in pain, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows to relieve his injuries, and left bitterly.

And I stood in place with my brows frowning. It is impossible to kill. Players can't even think of this kind of thing as a single king. First, there is a huge disparity in level, and secondly, a disparity in attributes. The Frost Hunter wants to kill me. That is four or five times, and I want to kill the Frost Hunter at least four to five thousand times, and there is no support, no fight, if there is a chance of winning, someone has already jumped out to fight the king alone.


Take out the scroll of returning to the city and return to Fanshucheng.

At the moment when he stepped into the palace again, a group of people walked out of the Taimiao in the distance. At the forefront was an old man in white. Taimiao's Taizhu was inferior and had great power. It is said that the imperial capital of the mountain and water gods in the empire I need to go from him, otherwise there is no chance, but I should be regarded as a capable minister. Without the protection of the mountains and rivers, I might have been quite troublesome just now, maybe I can only drive Invincible back to the city.

"See His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao."

The old man glanced at me and said with a smile: "Have your Royal Highness just passed through the bans on the mountains and rivers of the sky, and also saw the gods of the northern main mountain? The incense of this body is quite strong."

"Yes it is."

I clasped my fists and said with a smile: "Taizhu Lord, I just went around outside of the Northern Territory and encountered some troubles. Fortunately, I have the protection of the Lord Yueshan God, otherwise it may be very troublesome."

The old man was stunned: "His Royal Highness is the body of ten thousand gold...Don't go to the north often. In case something goes wrong with your Highness, I am afraid that there will be great troubles in the territory."

"Understood, thank you, Master Taizhu."

"Then the official will not delay your Royal Highness's business, so let's say goodbye."


Seeing Taizhu and a group of ancestral temple officials going away, I felt indifferent. They were a group of practical people. These capable officials were all left behind by Xuanyuanying's son, and Xuanyuanli was also considered wise, and didn't move any of them. The important thing is that things are left to the right people. This kind of vision is what a king needs most.


Chamber of Assembly.

Although this side hall is small, it has all the five internal organs. The new emperor and the wind are here to govern and review the memorials. After I arrived, the two got up together, and after saluting each other, they sat down one by one and surrounded by three people. There was a table of Yifang, and under the dossier of the table was a map of the current territory of the Xuanyuan Empire, which was very specific.

"Did something happen?" Feng Buwen asked.


I nodded: "And it's a big deal."

The new emperor Xuanyuanli was taken aback: "Brother, what's the matter?"

I solemnly said: "It is a fake that the alien demon army breaks the north wall. The Sealed Legion is just staying outside the north wall to confuse us. Their real intention is the East China Sea."

"East China Sea?"

The wind frowned and said, "Does the alien demon army want to wade across the sea and directly attack the hinterland of the southern continent?"

"That's what it means."

"How do they wade into the sea?" He was quite puzzled.

"Moving mountains and reclaiming the sea."

I said in awe: "They used a kind of ancient monster called sea rock giants. The tallest sea rock giants can be thousands of meters high and have great strength. They can directly pull up a mountain and throw them into the sea, so they It is entirely possible to create a new land outside of our territory, directly bypassing the Xuanyuan Empire and attacking the southern countries behind us."

Xuanyuanli frowned and said, "Brother, sir, how should we deal with it?"

"Not urgent."

The wind waved his hand, still looking at me: "How is their progress in reclamation?"

I stretched my hand to move on the map, and according to my guess, said: "From here...all the way to the eastern coast of the Daxiang Dynasty, I feel that one month is enough, and even if the alien army is willing to spend more magical powers, It may not take even a month to land from the east coast of the Daxiang Dynasty. It will be very troublesome then."

"It's trouble."

Unheard of the wind, the sword frowned: "They can not only attack the cities of the Daxiang dynasty, but at the same time, they can attack the three southern provinces of our Xuanyuan Empire with a single turn. By then, we will enter the embarrassing situation of being attacked by the enemy."

Xuanyuanli said, "In this case, should we use troops to the south, and join forces with the Daxiang Dynasty before the disaster to repel the troops of the alien demon army?"

"I don't think it is necessary." I said.

"Why did the elder brother say that?" Xuanyuanli was surprised.

I shook my head: "During the Battle of the Dragon Realm not long ago, when our Xuanyuan Empire was almost at the end of the world, the Daxiang Dynasty chose to stand on the sidelines and did not even send the promised 10,000 elite expeditions. On the contrary, it was far away from us. The distant Huanglong Nation sent a whole country of monks and elite troops from above the wild woodlands in the west. We can’t remember whether we eat or not. If we repay our grievances with virtue, how can we repay virtue?"

Feng did not hear the silence and did not say anything.

The new emperor frowned: "How about that?"

Feng Buwen smiled and said, "Let Xiaoyao Wang continue to say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really want to hear his thoughts."

I nodded and stretched out my hand to click on the map gently: "This month is also very precious for us. We can take the opportunity to send troops to expedition to open up the wild woodlands in the western border, including them in the empire territory, and also take advantage of the opportunity to open up our and Huanglong As the passage between the two countries, the two countries joined forces. The alien army dared to go south to Huanglong Kingdom. We immediately rushed to help Huanglong Kingdom. The rest was just sitting and watching the consumption. The best situation for us is that the powerful Daxiang dynasty was defeated. At the expense of national power, the alien demon army has suffered huge losses, and we are watching from the sidelines."

The new emperor Xuanyuanli was taken aback for a moment: "Brother, my father has taught me that my lips are dead and my teeth are cold. If my brother blindly allows the Daxiang dynasty to destroy the country, wouldn't it be our turn next?"

"Not so much."

I shook my head: "Because the cross-sea passage of the alien demon army is just beyond our eastern coast, we can send troops to intercept and kill at any time, making the alien army embarrassed from the beginning and the end, and the initiative is in our hands."

For a moment, Fengrenwen clapped his hands lightly and smiled: "Your Majesty, if this matter is implemented in accordance with Xiaoyao King's strategy, I agree and there is no disagreement."

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