Zhan Yue

Chapter 1237: This rider has a problem

The next morning.

Fan Shucheng is still breezy in spring, singing and dancing are rising, players come and go in an endless stream, a prosperous scene, I sit in front of the Great Sanctuary, quietly making poison, this is Lin Xi’s "instruction" to me, if you don’t want to level up , And don't want to do the task. If you have nothing to do, you can keep refining poison. Anyway, Yilu's demand for high-level poisons has been in short supply.

While refining poison, watching the title interface of Xiaoyao King, regarding the completion of the petitions of the Ministry of War, as of eight o'clock in the morning, the 100,000 horses of the Flame God Legion, plus the 100,000 elites of the Knights Templar, have all been separated from each other. One of the deputy commanders has left the Kansai area. The goal is the undeveloped wild forests in the West, and all the way to destroy the wild beasts. As long as the forests of the West can be included in the territory, then the Daxiang Dynasty can be bypassed and directly It borders Huanglong Country.

Although Huanglong Kingdom is a big country in the south, it is relatively weak compared with the behemoth of the Daxiang Dynasty. It has not been bullied less in the past few years. Once it borders the Xuanyuan Empire, whether it is the friendship between the two countries, or the mouth and teeth. The relationship between Huang Longguo is a great thing.


When I was engrossed in work, there was a rush of horseshoes from a distance. A group of players rushed into the square from the direction of the shop in the city. At least Baiqi, the leader is not someone else. It is the lord of the Dragon Knight Palace. The biggest one was taken aback, and it was not just Zixiong who followed him, there were also a dozen king-level swordsmen, and there were quite a few grandmaster-level reloading players.

There are only 200 king-level players in the national service. The Dragon Knight Palace already has more than a dozen players at this time, and there are more than 50 grandmaster-level players in front of them. The emblems of the grandmaster-level are connected together, all of a sudden. It attracted the attention of all players on the square, and this lineup alone was no longer comparable to the previous Dragon Knight Palace.

"How are you preparing?"

Asked Poetry and Wine.

"The assembly is over immediately."

On the side, a king-level swordsman named "Rain and Wind" smiled slightly and said: "You can all teleport to the North Wall in ten minutes. Don't worry, the leader, this time we will definitely be able to gain a lot in the Frost Forest of the Northern Territory. Abundance."

Shijiu Nianhua nodded and smiled, turned to look at another king-level swordsman named "One Horse Dang Qian", and asked with a smile: "How is the Forbidden Land Regiment prepared?"

"Everything goes well, the same, it can be assembled in ten minutes."

"Very good!"

The time of poetry and wine slapped his wrists, and there was a feeling of complacency.


I frowned and didn't speak.

Nanmu Keyi approached and whispered: "The disturbance in the Dragon Knight Palace in the past two days is very big. It is said that Zhou Datong has spent at least one billion to integrate. First, he directly gave the two T3 guilds of Blazing Blade and Forbidden Land a sigh of relief. I bought it, and established the Blazing Blade Group and the Forbidden Land Group, all of which only need to be elite. In addition, I bought a dozen guilds of almost T4 level, and all selected elite and enriched Dragon Knight’s main league teams."

"Fuck, so big?" A Fei looked sideways.

"That's not it."

Nanmu Keyi took a deep breath and said: "It is said that in only two days, the original members of the Dragon Knight Palace Lord League have shrunk a lot. After the integration, the original 5W direct integration of the Dragon Knight Palace Lord League only left two groups. , One main group was brought by Zhou Datong himself, and Zixiong brought another group. The remaining eight groups were all new groups, such as the Blazing Blades and Forbidden Lands. Give them such a whole box, if they have paper strength. , Dragon Cavalry Hall is definitely at the T1 level, and it must be advanced in T1. The overall combat effectiveness has surpassed Promise. On paper, they are the first in the current T1 sequence, second only to Fenglin Volcano and Mythology. Two T3, you just say that the power of capital is not ruthless."

"It's ruthless..."

A Fei nodded and said with a grin: "Look at Zhou Datong's arrogant look, it seems that you have forgotten the past of being beaten by a deer? What can we do if we integrate it? The wind is really gone, the rain has stopped, he Think you can do it again?"

Nanmu Keyi touched his nose: "Dogday, it's pretty rhyming..."

In the distance, Zhou Datong glanced at a few of us who were in the square, smiled coldly, and walked up on horseback, and said with a smile: "Ouyang Luli, the dignified leader of the T0 Guild and the Xiaoyao King of the Xuanyuan Empire, actually spent all day Nothing to do here?"

"Do you want to fight?" Nan Mu Keyi drew his sword directly.

I quickly held his shoulders and said, "Calm down, is he worthy?"

"Ahahahaha, it is also~~~" Nanmu Kei sat down again.

I glanced at each other and said, "Zhou Datong, what do you want to do? What do you want to do when you integrate so many teams in the Dragon Cavalry Hall? You want to burn a little if you have more money?

Zhou Datong frowned and said, "Although you are proud, you won't be proud anyway. When Fenglin Volcano announces the news, I would like to see how your expression will be when you arrive."


I sat down again, continued to refine the poison, and ignored him.

Zhou Datong also felt boring. He turned around and took the people away. It is said that he went to a distant map to level up.


At noon, the aunt brought a table of delicious meals.

Lin Xi poured me a cup of honey water, put it aside to cool, and then ate together, looked at me while holding up the bowl, and said, "I heard that, did you hear it? The official blog of Fenglin Volcano Club released a The news, it is said that a major event will be announced in the afternoon, and it is a piece of news that can make a huge change in the pattern of the national service."

"It seems... I heard Zhou Datong mentioned it, but I'm not quite clear."

I drew a mouthful of rice: "Leave him alone, what matters to us about Fenglinshan Mountain's news, anyway, anyone who dares to target Yilu and want to bully us Yilu, then fight back."

"Yes." Shen Mingxuan cast an appreciative look.

I was very anxious and continued to eat.


In the afternoon, the warm sunshine fell on the lazy Fanshucheng. Even so, there is always a feeling of rain.

In the end, at about two o'clock in the afternoon, a system bell reverberated over the main city of the system. Sure enough, the big news that Feng Lin Huo was about to announce finally arrived——


System Announcement: Please pay attention to all the brave players. The first guild complex of the national service [Fenglian] is officially established under the leadership of the player [Feng Canghai]. The member guilds are: Fenglin Volcano, Dragon Cavalry Palace, Fengmang, Shuiyue Dongtian, Dragon Alliance, Yunhaixuan, Forbidden City, Eternal Sky, Xiaoyao Palace, any member guild declared war by the organization is defaulted to be declared war by all guilds. When any member guild is declared war, it will be defaulted as all guilds are declared war. The "guild attack" mode can be used between each other, and they will not cause harm to each other!

A few seconds later, another ringtone echoed. This time it was a call from the player, which must have been edited long ago.


System Announcement (the player Feng Canghai shouts): Everyone in the national service, Feng Canghai has been formally established. There are currently 9 member guilds. Our goal is to form an offensive and defensive coordination system and build a strong team. We are fortunate to have Feng Canghai. Being elected as the first legendary "talker", he will definitely do his best to work for the Fenglian. In addition, the doors of the Fenglian are open to all the doors of the national service. If you want to join the Fenglian, please contact me, or It is the Martian River contact. In short, the establishment of the Fenglian is to establish a healthy system of national service leveling and resource allocation, avoiding fights and killings, and random PK. Please witness it together!


"It's finally here."

In the Yilu Guild, Qing Deng said in a deep voice: "This Fenglian was mostly established because of us Yilu?"

"Not mostly, but at all."

Calorie said: "Who is Feng Canghai? Is he the kind of person who is willing to be dragged down by the Dragon Alliance and Yun Haixuan? This Feng Lian is mostly an agreement signed by Feng Canghai holding his nose. As for the Dragon Knight Palace, Now that the poetry and wine years are full of arrogance, it is quite normal to want to do things in the national service."

"let it be."

I frowned and said: "It's really pressing, I'm going to find people from Mythology. Let's build a'Deer Alliance' with the guilds of Yilu, Mythology, Promise, Troubled World War League, and Lingyan Pavilion. Well, who can lose to Feng Canghai?"

Slaughter Fanchen tweeted: "This is like your Xiaoqi said!"

Lin Xi chuckled: "Well, no matter what the Fenglian is, what should everyone do? They just don't provoke us. If they provoke, then I will be very embarrassed."



In the evening.

The small courtyard was quiet. When night fell, the whole city seemed to be covered with bright fireworks. The lights of the city square in the distance were dotted with lights, like a bustling city. I just took a rest in a rattan chair in the small courtyard. A few days is really a bit slack, and it's involuntary. In the game, I became the King of Xiaoyao, ranked first in the national server, and I was on T0, but I wanted to take a break at this time, and it was difficult to control. Just want to take a break.

"What's the milk tea?" I yelled.

"Almost soon."

Lin Xi stepped forward and leaned on me from behind, her hair hanging down on my chest, and smiled: "You can't play games without a cup of milk tea, right? You've been too lazy lately, why don't you lead a group? ? One group divided into two thousand-member groups to bring you?"


I trembled: "It's the most annoying to lead the group. The girls in the group are always chatting with you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is very troublesome to deal with."


She walked in front of me, slender and graceful, and looked at me like this: "Shouldn't this be what you expected?"

"No no, really..."


At this moment, an electric car galloped over, and the hummingbird rider waved outside the yard and smiled: "Your milk tea is here."

"I'll get it!"

Ruyi smiled and got up and walked over.

But at this moment, my watch jumped, and the voice of Star Eye came: "Just detected, the order information has been hijacked!"

I almost got up subconsciously, rushed out with a "swish", and snorted: "Ruyi come back! Lin Xi, come in!"

The rider raised his head and smiled at me: "I finally meet!"

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