Zhan Yue

Chapter 1238: The milk tea is not fragrant anymore

In a blink of an eye, his skin turned blood red, all his hair disappeared, as if burned out, his body rickets, and the sound of bones cracking and growing from all over his body, he broke his clothes, and almost instantly turned into one. The inhuman and ghostly monster, both arms turned into sharp claws, and even a tail full of thorns grew behind him. It leaped forward and easily broke through the iron gate. The sharp claws swept across the air to the unexpected Gu Ruyi.


I sacrificed the highest power of Yangyan Peak almost instantaneously, and rushed to the front of Gu Ruyi with a sound of "Peng", raised the sword Xiaobai out of the void with my right hand, and a white dragon wall with a white dragon on my left hand. The shield opened in the front, and a loud noise came in the next second, and the opponent's claw hit the white dragon wall fiercely, but a little crack appeared in the white dragon wall all at once.

"Lu... Lu Li..."

Ruyi was already frightened, looking at the Yang Yanjin in the sky ahead.

"Hurry up!"

My left arm was slightly numb, and in an instant, Bai Longbi withstood several attacks from the "monster" in front of me. There were more and more cracks, and it was almost impossible to hold it. At this moment, Lin Xi came with one hand. Grabbing the silly Ruyi and rushing into the villa behind him, the laser equipment on the roof has also been turned on by the star eye, and a series of drones that had originally stayed on the roof lifted off one by one.

"Skywalker, I will assist you in your battle."

"Got it."

I suddenly pushed forward with my left hand, letting away the last strength of the white dragon wall and turning it back on the offensive. I directly shook the opponent back about two meters, and then swept the figure, filled with the sun, the strength of the mountains and the sea, Xiao Bai From the side of the air, a sword struck the opponent's neck. As long as this sword can hit, it can almost behead it.

But an unimaginable scene happened. Just when time was stretched by the power of mountains and seas, I saw him slowly turning his head to look at me, and raising his hand to Xiaobai's sword.

"court death!"

I speeded up directly, Xiao Bai turned into a white light and passed over his sharp fingertips, and slashed at his neck with a fierce sword, but the blade only cut less than five centimeters, it was like a certain kind of energy. The layer bounced back, and immediately after the other party suffered a pain, the speed was faster, the body turned, and the tail behind me volleyed around my waist.


Although Yang Yan Jia defended the opponent's blow, I still rolled out heavily, smashing the countless flowers and plants that Lin Xi had carefully planted, and Xiao Bai in my hand went deep into the ground, abruptly stopping the trend, and at this moment , A volley of laser light fell on his head, immediately burning and painful, he shook his head, and rushed over with his limbs like a beast, and said with a grin: "You are not as powerful as in the legend! Hahahaha~ ~~~"

At this moment, two drones fired short-range missiles from the air at the same time. The two purple missiles exploded on the back and legs of the attacker almost instantly. The energy group exploded, and the attack range was extremely small, but the flowerpots, flowers and plants within the attack distance disappeared instantly. Obviously, it was a new weapon developed by StarEye Xinjin, which was already equipped with an attack drone.

It is a pity that this kind of attack that is enough to annihilate everything does not seem to be able to complete the killing. The opponent is only **** on the back and one leg, and cannot be completely killed.

There is no doubt that his power has surpassed the destroyer.


My body suddenly sank, and the other party's tail suddenly extended, like a poisonous cone attacking from behind me, suddenly my body turned, Xiao Bai cut the other party's tail, and the tail was lingering in a circle in an instant. Taking advantage of the situation, he suddenly pulled it horizontally, using all the strength of his body, and the moment he pulled the opponent, the right foot was full of Yang Jin, and he replied heavily.


The opponent rolled out.

At this moment, another picture jumped out on the watch, Star Eye said: "Your home is also attacked by the same kind of monsters, and Lin Cheng is currently resisting it!"

In the picture, Master was stepped into the basement from the third floor by another monster, which is very dangerous.

"Shuttle immediately!"

I suddenly yelled: "Send me over there, hurry!"

Star Eye was shocked: "You have to deal with two battlefields at the same time?"

"Do I have a choice? Quick!"


In the next second, a blue energy halo lingered under my feet, and I suddenly disappeared in place. When I appeared, I was already in my basement. The monster in the sky fell from the sky, and the sharp claws pierced Master Lin Cheng's chest like a sharp cone.


Directly threw Xiao Bai, and at the moment Xiao Bai collided with the opponent’s claws, I had arrived, full of peak sun energy, and a heavy knee hit hit the monster’s abdomen, and at the same time, I rushed forward. After Xiao Bai came out, his right arm was full of the power of mountains and seas, and he slashed away so fiercely, leaving a sword wound on the opponent's back.

At the same time, two images were shown on the watch at the same time. On the studio screen, the monster had already stood up, broke through the iron fence in a vicious manner, and rushed towards the building where the studio was located.

"Shuttle, I want to appear on its head!"


In Master Lin Cheng’s horrified gaze, I disappeared again, holding the sword in both hands, the power of the mountains and the sea was given enough, just such a fierce sword pierced through the back of the opponent's head, but after the opponent took a sword, it was not. , On the contrary, I turned around and attacked many times, and I raised my left arm to resist with a thick sun flame armor.

"Die to me!"

Although he is a monster, he utters words with an angry tone in his tone: "What good is it for you to be a stumbling block in this world? Don't you hurry to die?!"

On the contrary, my heart became more calm. I was struggling with my arm injury, and suffered three more attacks from him. Then I moved suddenly, and instantly came under his flanks, and pierced his chest with a fierce sword, straight through. Heart, since destroying the brain can't kill it, what about destroying the heart? As a result, when I stabbed my heart, he slammed me out with a fist, and his body shook in place.

I smashed another whole piece of garden. I was wrapped in sun-flaming armor, as if wearing a fire armor all over my body, but it was still unavoidable to be injured. The opponent's physical strength was too strong. At this moment, the watch There is another problem with the picture on the upper home. The wounded monster stepped forward, and broke the sun-flame armor condensed by Master Lin Cheng with three or two punches. He directly pinched Master’s neck and lifted it up with his right hand. Condensed a flaming sharp blade, to be killed!

"Shuttle back, get closer!"

The next second, I finished the shuttle again, a sword block blocked the opponent's sweeping blade, and at the same time, Yun Manyang's fierce kick hit the opponent's waist and suddenly the monster flew out. I took a look at the Master’s lifeless danger, and blasted out several swords in succession. As a result, the monster, in a state of being invincible, actually smashed the drainage system with a punch, and fled from the ground like this, a piece of black hole, what? Can't see clearly, I can only give up.

"Cough cough cough..."

Master Lin Cheng kept coughing up blood and trembling all over.


I flew forward and looked at the studio while supporting him. I found that the monster had fallen straight down and died after being pierced through the heart. So I looked at Lin Cheng: "Master, you Are you okay?"

The old man looked helpless: "Not long after he broke the border, he thought how powerful this Yangyan peak was, but he didn't expect... to be beaten by an animal who came out at random."

"My dad and sister..."

"Don't worry, they are hiding in the safe room, it's okay."

"Well, let's go up."

I helped Master to go upstairs step by step, and saw my father and sister in the dilapidated living room. The hall was a mess, and the walls were full of cut marks. Obviously, after a fierce battle, Master is already very good. A mid-Yangyan period, such as Tie Hanyi, might have been killed during this time.


My sister looked at me in a tattered look and was taken aback.

Even the normally indifferent father had a trembling jaw: "Son, you..."

"It's okay."

I shook my head: "That thing has already run away, and his target is not just you, there is another one at Yilu Studio, and they attacked almost at the same time."

Father was shocked: "Then Lin Xi and the others..."

"It's okay, I have solved the other one."

I patted my watch and contacted Wang Lu from KDA, and said, "Dad and sister, people from KDA will be there soon. I'll go back first. Lin Xi and the others must be frightened."

"Well, protect them."


I tapped my watch and smiled at my sister: "Sister, feel my space travel technology?"


My sister opened her mouth slightly, and I disappeared in front of them in the next second, and in the picture on the watch, father and sister were shocked.


At the entrance of the studio, the monster’s corpse was still lying there, even the rider’s electric bike and tattered clothes outside the yard were still there. So I ordered Stareye to scan the corpse for harm or not, and walked out from the rider’s box. I took out the milk tea we ordered, it was still hot, and scanned some non-toxic, so I took the milk tea and walked to the door.

Before knocking on the door, Lin Xi had opened the door and plunged into my arms. The tears continued to flow. Gu Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan were also standing in the room, tears rolling in their eyes.

"It's all gone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I patted Lin Xi on the shoulder and said, "Wife, let me sit down first, I'm so tired, we talked while drinking milk tea. "


Lin Xi quickly stepped back, holding my arm, and Star Eye scanned the monster’s body. It was non-toxic, but the genes were completely mutated, but the core genes would not cause infection, and it has been confirmed that this monster is the Star Alliance enslaving other planets. The third form of the monster created at the time, the legendary predator, has a higher level than the destroyer.


I changed my clothes and sat on the first floor to drink milk tea with everyone.

Lin Xi held a straw, looked at me, and smiled: "Suddenly, the milk tea is not fragrant."

I gave a wry smile: "It's fine to survive."

Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi sat quietly on the sofa. At this moment, I am afraid they will never doubt that I am a very powerful person.

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