Zhan Yue

Chapter 1241: 3 videos


In the evening, Yanmen is closed.


There was silence in the handsome tent of the Flowing Fire Corps, with candlelight swaying, and just in front stood a silent war minister, a very young rising star, waiting so quietly for me, the real "top commander" of the war department. Looking through the dossier, these are all petitions from the Ministry of War. Basically, the veteran of the Ministry of War has already reviewed it, and all I have to do is to read it again, check for any omissions, and correct any mistakes in time.

For this reason, the elders of the Ministry of War were annoyed together, and looked like "The old man is not old enough to do things, but I can only accompany a smiley face every time in the court. There is no way, the Shangshu Tan Guozhu of the Ministry of War is already I have an old qualifications. I even followed the young Emperor Xuanyuan to fight in the North and South. Fortunately, the old general did things safely. Every military supply and every batch of supplies were handled in an orderly manner, so that no one could say no. Talking.

It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry, because every military department’s petition I "re-pass" is rewarded, experience points, merit points, more or less, so that I don’t have to go out to level up at all. Steadily ahead of the national server players in terms of level and military rank.

Not long after, I put down the last volume.

"His Royal Highness, are there any mistakes?" the young soldier of the Ministry of War asked.

"No, the old man does things very well." I laughed.

He also smiled: "His Royal Highness's words, I will definitely bring them, and the old man will be very happy if I want to come, maybe I will be able to drink an extra pot of wine when I read the military book tonight."

I nodded and said, "Well, then take the file and go back. Today is over."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

When he waved his hand, two high-ranking soldiers stepped forward and picked up the files one by one, while the young servant once again punched me and stepped back out of the handsome tent. Outside the big tent, Zhang Lingyue led a group of soldiers from the Flowing Fire Legion to guard. Did not come in, so the big tent suddenly became very empty.



In the ear, Star Eye's voice came: "Skywalker, there is a situation on the firewall. Do you want to check it?"

"What's the situation? Take a look."


In the next moment, a colorful light of "Shu" converged in front of the eyes into the appearance of the Lunar Land, which was hundreds of thousands of miles in length and breadth, and was very vast, but it was not a spherical planet, but a piece of land floating on the sea, the edge of the world A piece of vanity, merged with the endless starry sky, and I don't know what the end of the world looks like.

Just above the Lunar Moon Continent, a golden radiance formed a sky curtain, which came from the firewall provided by the Star Eye system.

At this moment, above the sky, a silver villain stood in the air, cursing, holding a thunder and lightning spear in his hand, and said in a cold voice: "Strange, why is the sky of this game suddenly so strong? How dare you prevent this seat from entering? , Is it looking for death?"

As he said, he raised his spear, and "Peng" blasted above the sky with a sound. For a while, it was like blasting above the foundations of the entire Lunar Moon Continent. A golden ripple on the sky swelled and quickly resolved this. The power of one blow.


In the air, two more figures appeared, both of which were pure silver energy bodies. One of them was bathed with frosty breath, and the palms lightly covered the sky, the ice spread, and in a blink of an eye it covered at least thousands of miles of the sky. , As if putting on a coat of ice and snow for the sky, he gave a suspicious "Huh" and said, "It's finally not the paper firewall anymore. Could it be that those stupid people on Earth have finally opened their minds, knowing the single process? Closing the firewall is useless?"

"Can it be cracked?" another figure asked.


The frost-covered villain retracted his palm, and the sky was restored in a blink of an eye. He frowned and said, "This time the people behind the scenes are even more powerful. Maybe they are listening to us at this moment."

"Are you listening?"

The first villain who appeared touched his palm and smiled: "Then just listen, the worm shakes the tree, and you can't help yourself! You only win at this moment. When the time comes, everything will stop!"

The other two villains also laughed: "It's just a vain wedding dress!"

With that, the three villains disappeared into the void together, the sky was still there, and there was no movement after that.



I took a deep breath and said, "So they have been there all the time."

"Yes, always there."

Star Eye said: "I read the previous firewall information and found traces of at least tens of thousands of visits by the guides. They have never left. They just sit in the sky above the sky in the game, and want to use the game's mechanics at any time to obtain Come down whenever you want something, it's always so unscrupulous."

"Can you find out how they took Li Xiaoyao, Fang Geque, and Han Yixiao away?"


Star Eye said: "The source programs of the two games, Magic Moon and Destiny, are actually interoperable, and the background data is shared."

"Look it up then."


Soon after, three video game videos appeared in front of me. It was evidence that Li Xiaoyao, Fang Geque, and Han Yixiao were "captured". Obviously this is also the first-hand information. I must be the first to watch these. Before the video player, these data were completely "locked", and even the main brain of the game might not be able to know it.

Open the first recording.

What appeared before my eyes was a picture of the rising sun and the sea. Just above the sea, a piece of land leads directly to the deep sea. The land is bare and there are no plants. On the land, there is a thin horse, a swordsman, and a swordsman. Sitting on horseback with a huge sword behind him, holding a wine gourd in hand, and after taking a sip, his face was already slightly drunk, patted the horse's butt, and smiled: "Brother Ma, you say Who is the most handsome in the national service?"

The thin horse snorted.

"Huh? Fang Geque?"

The swordsman on horseback was furious: "Blind your eyes, isn't your grandfather Xiaoyao more handsome than his Fang Geque? Otherwise, what can my Wan'er see about me?"

The thin pony's tail was wagging, and it seemed that he was too lazy to care about him, just hurried.

"Forget it, another question."

The swordsman took a sip of wine again and said, "Brother Ma, tell me, who has the highest swordsmanship in the national costume? Can you catch up with the swordsmanship of the heavenly man, don't you think?"

The thin horse has a loud nose again.

The swordsman was furious, and slapped on the horse's ass, saying: "Stupid! Very stupid! Why did you say that Han Yixiao's swordsmanship is higher? He has an egg's swordsmanship, and your grandfather Xiaoyao can do it with swordsmanship His ancestor master is more than enough, come here, my brother will let you see what swordsmanship is higher than the sky, and see what is called a day soaring!"

As he said, he turned his head and looked towards the sky. Above that sky, a swirl of whirlpools swiftly drove one by one in the deep sea to the sky, like a dragon absorbing water, as if it was swallowing the entire sea.

"Is it finally here?"

Li Xiaoyao smiled slightly: "Come here, soaring sword, open your dog's eyes...oh no, *eyes, oh no...tmd will be harmonized, then, just keep your eyes open, I'll go too !"

As he said, with a sword soaring, this swordsman with the best swordsmanship in the world soared from his horse back into the sky, straight through the sky, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the outsiders.


Looking at the still picture, I was stunned, feeling Li Xiaoyao was not captured by the guide, but went to the guide by himself? That being said, it has been a long time since the misunderstanding of Star Alliance!

Taking a deep breath, I opened the second video, this time it was a clip from Fang Geque——

A piece of starlight fell in the boundless jungle, on the clear grass, and the breeze swept past. He was a mage who used wind magic to protect the wind. He looked handsome and did not carry a staff, just a robe. No matter, it seems that the augmentation weapon like the wand has become extremely redundant. He just skimmed over the woodland like this, seeming to be looking for something.

"its not right."

Fang Geque frowned and looked at the starry sky: "The star positions in the game today seem to be completely messed up, what's the matter?"

After that, he looked at the list of friends and said: "Why did Li Xiaoyao's friend disappear from my friend list? Has it hacked me? No way, he is not so stingy, so what? What's going on?"

Suddenly a meteor passed by in the sky, and the woodland in the distance was splendid.

"Are you looking for me?"

Fang Geque smiled faintly, his palms opened lightly, and the power of the two formations lingered in his hands with a "hum", so they rose into the air, stepping on a huge golden formation, just like this, fell from the sky, when the formation was crushed. When descending, the figure of a fiery giant in the jungle ahead was slowly getting up.


In the loud noise, the formation that Fang Geque stepped on slammed the giant's shoulder abruptly, causing it to kneel down on one knee, bowing its head to the human law god.

Looking down at the giant spirit, Fang Geque raised his hand and pointed, a wisp of hot magic left a terrifying blood hole directly on the giant's body. His eyes were awe-inspiring, and he said: "Who are you? Where do you come from? What do you want to do with the world of this game?"

The giant roared, but did not answer.

"How about making a deal?"

Above the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ someone answered. When Fang Geque looked up, he found that the entire sky was dark, like putting a sack on the world. In a blink of an eye, a series of forbidden runes appeared. After Fang Geque’s body was around, his mana was suppressed. Fang Geque’s mana was running in his eyes, and his eyes were plated with light gold, and he finally saw the silver figure hidden in the void, and said: "Li The disappearance of Xiaoyao is related to you?"


The man clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Why would our Star Alliance take in that kind of guy with a streak... It's just him who broke in and came to our troubles. We can't wait for him to get out of here right away, okay? Having said that, come with me, you are extremely talented, you can keep it for great use!"

With that, without waiting for Fang Geque to speak, the leader took a big hand, and thus took the human law **** away from the world.


The picture freezes again and the playback ends.

My brows were furrowed, and the plot was right. At this point, Fang Geque was probably imprisoned in the map called the Abyss of the Dharma and God, to fill the incomplete rules of the Sky Wall for the guide.

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