Zhan Yue

Chapter 1242: Foreshadowing

The palm trembled slightly, the third video, from Han Yixiao——

The sky is full of stars and the autumn wind is bleak.

On a cliff, there was a slightly rickety young swordsman. He sat on the edge of the cliff with his saber across his back. Holding a wine gourd in his hand, he poured out a mouthful of "swords" from the top of his head. "Intention +1", he looked at the distant mountains with a little lost, and said, "The leader has been missing for more than a month, and there is no news. What can I do?"

He looked up at the sky: "People in the guild say that Han Yixiao can take over, but what can I do? Swordsmanship is a lot worse than Li Xiaoyao, and his chopped pulse is already perfect. What about me? Sister Yao is our mythical person, and the person who finally got her true story was an outsider."

"Forget it."

He lay on his back on the cliff, looking at the starry sky, and said, "Brothers are drifting away, and there is a lot less contact. That kid is good. After studying abroad for so many years, he will come back all at once. He has become a senior technician of the Tianming Group. Although the boy Afei is a bastard, he has been mixed up well. He has been among the flowers and covered with green leaves. He should be preparing to take over the factory of his father now, right? I am the only one who smiles..."

He sat up and took another sip of wine: "If high is not good, low is not good, what can you do if you play a game, you can never be the first. The lord takes me so seriously, but the last time the top swordsman competed in martial arts, I was only I took the third place, and I lost so miserably under Li Xiaoyao's sword, not to mention, I even lost to Xue Jing, alas..."

This frustrated but aggressive young man just filled the wine sip after sip.

"Old Han."

I was obviously not in the picture, but couldn't help but say: "There is no need to be so serious about winning and losing. Brothers have never become brothers with you because you are good enough, just because you are an old Han!"

In the picture, Han smiled for a moment and looked up at the sky: "Ali?"

He can hear it! ?

I was stunned, and at this moment, a silver light suddenly fell from the sky and turned into a **** standing between the sky and the earth, with both feet on the earth, but the figure was already above the cliff, which was a full kilometer. Gao, it just looked down at Han Yixiao and said with a smile: "This victory and defeat is quite rare. It can be used as a tool, Han Yixiao, congratulations!"


Han Yixiao stood up suddenly, his sword intent skyrocketing.

"Kill me!"

The leader suddenly raised his palm, and instantly wiped out Han Yixiao’s sword intent, and then put him in his sleeve. This leader, who looked like an old Confucian man, put Han Yixiao in his sleeve. Among them, I turned around and looked at my direction with a sneer full of contempt, and said: "You can hide in the long river of time and look at it, but you can only look at it like this. What can you change? ?"

With that, the picture disappeared, and even the source file of this video was destroyed by itself.



I was sitting on the ground with my butt, and my whole person was dumbfounded. Why does a video show me and Lao Han to talk to each other? What's the matter? So he looked up at Star Eye, and said, "What's going on, why is this happening?"

Star Eye was silent for a long time and said: "Some changes have taken place in the time scale. There are some codes hidden in this video that I can't crack, so the ray of mental power that was pulling you just now crossed the time scale and appeared at the beginning. Only then can Han Yixiao hear your words, and the leader who takes Han Yixiao away will sense your existence, but after all, you are still a bystander and cannot change what has happened."

"Are you saying that time went backwards just now?" I asked.


Star Eye said: "The time does not go backwards, but a ray of your spiritual power started the process of retrospective in the moment just now. As for the specific reason, it is not known at present. The science and technology tree about the flow of time in the Ark Tinder civilization is temporarily still No cracking, when it is officially cracked, maybe I will be able to give you the answer."

"I see, don't stop the progress of Tinder Fusion, this is our top priority."

"Yes, Skywalker, I get it!"

The star eyes disappeared, and I was sitting quietly in the handsome tent.

A lot of mysteries have been solved. What Star League values ​​Han Yixiao’s is not his talent or his swordsmanship, but Lao Han’s determination to win or lose. It was the same with me and A Fei back then, although everyone They are all good brothers, as good as brothers, but no matter what he does, Lao Han always wants to be the first. To play ping pong, he must beat me and A Fei, and to play games, he must be the first of our three levels. Even playing the electric arcade machine must be the one that passes the customs with one coin. He has an obsession. He feels that he must be so good, otherwise he will not be recognized and valued by everyone.

I don’t care about this, because in the process of striving for the first place, I first studied this item. Old Han couldn’t catch up with me. In high school, Old Han’s best grades were only in the top ten in the school, and I was It is usually the first place in the city's unified examination, and it is extremely far from the second place. Lao Han doesn't say a word about this, and he doesn't know if there is a demon.

A Fei is even more indifferent. Back then, he patted Han Yixiao’s shoulder and said with a smile: "Lao Han, you want to be the first in everything. It doesn’t matter. In the future, the three of us want to be adults. Let’s go to PC together. At that time, your special wife will surely be the first one to come out."

So, what the leader needs is Lao Han's determination to win or lose. What do you mean by the embryo?

I frowned, my heart seemed to be pressed against a large stone. Does this mean that Lao Han’s body is no longer in that form, or it’s no longer in that form, and when I saw Lao Han in the whirlpool last time, he also Let me not find it anymore, his eyes are full of despair, does it mean that Old Han is no longer there? Like the leader, there is only a ray of spiritual power left.

Or is it not as good as the leader?

When I think of this, I only feel a little pain in my heart, silly old Han, are you not tired if you want to be the first in everything? Now that I don't know where, the price of this number one is too great.


Late at night.


Accompanied by a soft sound, the voice of the star's eye appeared in the ear, saying: "Skywalker, please note that a section of the Lunar System program has been mutated, the coordinates have been marked, and the scan will begin immediately!"

I stretched out my hand to summon the big map of the overseas service, and a golden coordinate appeared on the map. When I zoomed in on the coordinate, I found that it was an extremely steep mountain, resembling a dragon's claw, and there was a layer of golden cloud on the mountainside. Just like a ribbon, and just above the mountains, all the minimaps have been marked red one by one, occupied by countless players. On the top of the mountain, when I zoomed in on the image, I saw a blood red totem pole. It is slowly being built, and just below the totem pole, there are a group of Fenglin Volcano players. Feng Canghai is standing in front of the crowd with a satisfied smile on his face.

Undoubtedly, this mountain is exactly Dragon Claw Mountain, a mission hill of the Starry Sky Quest True Dragon Oath. At this moment, the Dragon Claw Mountain has been included in the Fenglin Volcano Guild, and the other six maps are also there. In the strategy, only on the thumbnail map, this Dragon Claw Mountain is like a rotten spot on an apple, spreading, destroying the structure of the entire map system.

"What does this map mean?" I frowned.

"It's a hidden nested program."

Star Eye said: "In other words, this map is like a mine buried. Once opened by the player, it will destroy the structure of the overall game, the structure of the entire map will be destroyed, and the entire game system will become chaotic. The price is that the firewall system we just built will be devastated."

My heart was chilled: "This hand is the foreshadowing of Star Alliance, right?"

"It's very likely that way."

"Assess the consequences."

"There is no need to evaluate. Once the entire nested program is activated, it is equivalent to planting a Trojan horse in the main system. Starlink’s leaders can use this program to penetrate the sky and ignore our firewall at any time."

"Very sinister." I frowned.

"Yes it is."

Star Eye said: "The main system must have been infiltrated by Star Alliance before, and the program has been modified. Therefore, this Star Alliance mission is made by the people of Star Alliance. It uses the player's obsession with the game task to complete the countermeasure against us. And this hand was hidden very early, and it happened to be hit by us like this."

"It's not that easy."

I stood up, took a deep breath and walked out of the big tent.

"Skywalker, do you want to prevent those players from completing a starry sky mission?" Star Eye asked.

"Well, it's difficult, isn't it?"

"Extremely difficult."

Star Eye said: "Good luck to you."

"I hope so. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

In the next second, Feijian Baixing was summoned, and once Jianhong rushed to the location of Longclaw Mountain, although I don’t know if Feng Canghai knew he was being used, I must tell the facts. As for Feng Canghai, I agree to terminate the task, or do my own way, this is not known. I have few choices and can only act by chance.



A ray of sword light is flowing fast in the sky, and the speed is extremely fast. After flying with the flying sword and the white star imperial sword, my movement speed is already the highest in the national service. Dragon Claw Mountain is far away from the Fanshu City, and ordinary players have passed at least It takes four hours, even if it’s a riding combat player, it takes two hours, but at the speed of Feijian Baixing, five minutes is enough!

The rumbling sword light swept across the air, and it descended on Dragon Claw Mountain. When I jumped from the sword body, a group of Fenglin Volcano players showed their guard.


Qingfeng under the forest drew his sword directly and said coldly: "What are you doing here?"

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