Zhan Yue

Chapter 1252: Miserable victory

"is it?"

On one side, a flame-wrapped person rushed past, and punched one of the predators in the abdomen. It was Tie Hanyi. It was a pity that this punch was overpowering, but it was not powerful enough. It just slammed the opponent sideways. After a few meters, the predator was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered, his tail swaying behind him, and laughed: "Tie Hanyi? It's in the late stage of the sun, and he is also the number one figure in China, but what is it? Lao Tzu kills You are like killing a chicken!"

He blasted out with a punch, Tie Hanyi crossed his arms for defense, and the seven consecutive double sun flame armors condensed in an instant, but still couldn't stop it. Accompanied by the sound of "pengpengpeng", the seven double sun flame armor shattered one after another, followed by Tie Hanyi's wrist There was a sound of broken bones, and people flew out like a cannonball!

  Yu Yi, Wang Lu and others were all dumbfounded. What kind of power is this. With the bottleneck of Tiehanyiyangyan in the middle of the period, plus the combat power that is good at defense, it can't even stop this predator's punch?

   "Star Eye, take over the drone system and fight freely!"

I suddenly stirred the Yang Yanjin inside my body, and my body instantly pulled out of the depression in the wall. As soon as I moved away, the predator’s punch directly pierced and broke the wall behind me, the water pipe system was destroyed, and the tap water splashed. .

   "Lao Tzu's fusion rate is 81%, is it weak?"

Before, the predator who punched the iron cold clothing licked his tongue, and his eyes fell on Wang Lu. The eyes were floating around Wang Lu's perfect circle for a long time. He licked his tongue and said with a smile: "Lao Tzu has become the performer. After that, I have played with all kinds of women, but the only women who have never played with cultivation practice are worthy of regular exercise. This line I like... brothers, save her life, it's mine!"

   The other two predators quacked and laughed, one of them even spit out a long tongue, and smiled: "Should I come first?"

But at the moment when he sticks out his tongue, a miniature missile "peng" exploded in front of his head, producing an annihilation attack effect, which immediately shattered the tongue into dust, and the air was even worse. There are dozens of drones whizzing past. The flight control systems of these rotary-wing drones have been re-engineered by Stareye. They are very smart. They are like a group of foraging dragonflies in the air. They will never collide with each other. At the same time, a series of attacks fell from the sky, pointing directly at the three predators!


Lu Bin, the predator, should be the most integrated of the three. After a roar, he slammed his punch. The moment he punched his body, his body twisted and his tail pierced the air like a spear, pointing straight to my position. And the speed is too fast, it is impossible to avoid completely.

In the desperate situation, there was a flash of inspiration, a sudden stab with a sword, and then the body fell to the ground and slid out to avoid the opponent's tail. At the same time, a series of sun flame armors were concluded in the position of the chest, just between my long sword and the opponent's fist. At the moment of collision, as I expected, the tail of the predator pierced down like a barb, piercing the triple sun armor directly and continuously. It was also between the electric light and flint, and my second sword was already there. He handed it out, "chi" left a nearly 20 cm hole in his thigh, dripping with blood.

But it was too late to be happy. The other party suddenly raised his leg and dropped his foot. He stepped heavily on my abdomen, and then kicked it out. The next moment my body was knocked out hard, my abdomen was severely painful, and my five internal organs seemed to have moved. I don’t remember how long I have not endured such pain. Behind him, the predator who was about to hunt down was stuck by a series of drone attacks, while the other predator slammed into the air, heavy. The foot stomped down.

   "Hahaha, turn it into two paragraphs for me!"

   I rolled out in a hurry, and whispered: "Stareye, the drone is holding him, and two seconds later, I will be teleported behind him!"

With a swing of the long sword, the "pumppeng" condensed in front of him a dense and dense sun flame armor, the whole person is like wearing an extremely heavy flame armor, as the bottleneck of the sun flame peak, I Although I am very convinced by Tie Hanyi's defensive power, the real story of Yang Yan's peak lies here, and his defensive power is definitely not comparable to Tie Hanyi's.

   "Looking for death!"

The predator roared, engulfed in the dark air current, rushed to it, and continuously waved its claws. Suddenly, the sun armor was as vulnerable as rotten sawdust and was constantly being scratched. At this moment, the drone swarms In the back of his head, there was a precise blast. The predator was furious. Turning around, he smashed into the air with a punch. It seemed that there was qi in the place where the punch broke out, and the three drones were directly crushed.

   In the next second, I instantly shifted and appeared from his front to the back. At this time, the predator just turned around and punched, with huge flaws in his neck and chest. What are you waiting for? kill!

When a sword fell, the Ninth Vein and the power of mountains and seas opened up. It can be described as my strongest sword. The thin wisps of sword aura envelop the blade, just like that, it cuts in from his neck, cuts out from the waist, and slashes. There was a scary wound enough to see an ice-cold heart. The moment a sword succeeded, he suddenly sank behind him. After being hit by Lu Bin's punch, he moved out like a cannonball and hit hard. Among a bunch of instruments.

   My throat is sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.


"Land from!"

Wang Lu was shocked. In the next second, another predator fell from the sky and stamped heavily on the back of my head with one foot, so that the whole person was caught off guard and plunged into the floor. Fortunately, there is still a thin but tough Sun Flame Armor on the body surface, otherwise, even the head will be exploded.

   "Star Eye, send me behind him."

As soon as I finished the call, my body disappeared from the opponent's feet, and the next second a powerful sword struck the opponent's nape directly. With a "chick", a ray of blood bloomed, this The predator should be the weakest among the three, and the degree of fusion may not exceed 50%, just like that, the head fell horizontally and was beheaded.


The moment I completed the beheading, I already knew that something was wrong. The predator named Lu Bin was too strong and came too fast. After breaking free from the drone swarm, he punched me hard. On the back, one could even hear the sound of tearing bones faintly, and the whole person flew forward.


   At the moment when my body was hanging upside down, I saw that his punch full of dark air flow had been handed in front of me. I am afraid that this punch was enough to blow my head, right? But no, I don’t want to die!

"White Star!"

At this moment, I gritted my teeth and blessed my soul. There seemed to be something in my body that resonated with me. The next second, a white light flew out from the center of my eyebrows, and a sound of "chicks" penetrated the head of the predator in front of me. Immediately after that, this white light flew into my body again, as if it had never appeared before.


   The predator named Lu Bin fell heavily, and his brain was directly destroyed by Feijian Baixing, and he was killed.

Not far away, the predator whose chest was cut by my sword was still raging. The huge tail directly swept the legs of a KDA fighter, and the two hands struggling to close the sword wound on the chest, those muscles began to squirm. As if he was really going to heal himself, he rushed towards me with a sway of my body, and his eyes were full of fierce punches: "Do you think it's over for this simplicity!?"

   I was hit in the shoulder with a punch, and there was a sound of broken bones, but my expression was still calm, my right hand suddenly grabbed the opponent's fist, and smiled: "Of course not, you are not dead yet!"

   As he said, the sword Xiaobai was wrapped in the strong power of the mountains and seas, pierced through the opponent's chin like lightning, directly penetrated the brain, and beheaded the predator.



   I took a deep breath and knelt on the ground weakly, looking at the crowd of drones in the sky above, and said: "Stareye, the drones can return to the team."

With that said, looking at Wang Lu, she looked extremely bad. The battle before her was unprecedentedly tragic. Tie Hanyi and I were both hit hard. There were also many sacrifices on Kda’s side, and their deaths were very miserable. Some people were killed. A punch blasted the head, some people were split into two by the opponent's iron whip-like tail, while others were shattered to pieces, and corpses were everywhere.

   "Sister Wang Lu, go see Boss Iron."

   I pointed to the distant place, and said, "Boss Tie must not be okay."

   "I'm fine."

A figure came out from the broken wall. It was Tie Hanyi, who was extremely injured. The Yang Yan Jin on his body was already negligible. The moment he walked out, he knelt directly on the ground, UU reading www.uukanshu.com face. It was full of guilt: "I'm really... I'm such a waste..."

   I looked down at my embarrassed appearance and couldn't help but smile: "Who isn't it? Cough cough cough..."

   Cough violently, and all he coughed up was blood.

The white shirt on my body has been completely dyed red, and the chest, shoulders, and back have been punched through. The predator’s punches are so overbearing that the clothes of ordinary materials can’t resist it, but what I’m wearing is The most common white shirt, plus a student tie, and black trousers on the lower body, is the home wear that Lin Xi matched for me. Say it looks more handsome and sunny?

   But in front of me, it's not handsome at all.


When Wang Lu stumbled and crawled, she was also injured. Although it was a minor injury, she sat next to Yu Yi and looked at Yu Yi's lowered arm. Her eyes were red: "Everyone...Don't move, so as not to cause For the second injury, the ambulance crew will be there soon."


   I nodded, looked at the KDA paramedics pouring in outside, shook my head and said: "Save them first, I'm okay, look over there...Is there anyone who died?"

In the direction of the fingers, there are a bunch of broken limbs. They are not cultivators, but ordinary kda combatants. They have delayed several predators with their flesh and blood. If they are restrained, the three predators will have no scruples. If we join forces, I might have been killed. This is an indisputable fact. In this battle, ordinary people and drones have played a considerable role.

   It's no wonder that Old Iron Man blames himself and feels guilty. During the entire battle, he, the mid-Yangyan, formerly known as the strongest person in the entire base, was just a punch.

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