Zhan Yue

Chapter 1253: The realm is not enough

Base, ambulance center.


Tie Hanyi and Yu Yi’s beds were placed side by side. The doctor on the side held the medical results and kept giving various medical advices. For example, I was warned that I should never do anything with people again within a week, and this beauty The doctor kept frowning and asked, "Lu Li, you have bone cracks on your ribs and arm bones. Is it true that you don't have a cast? In this way, it is easy to cause secondary injuries."

"No need."

I lay quietly on the hospital bed and shook my head and smiled: "I know my body, and I will be able to recover in three or five days."

"But..." She wanted to say something more.


On the side, Wang Lu had already bandaged the wound, and said with a smile: "Lu Li said that if you don't need it, then don't use it. You can't treat this guy's physique in the same way as an ordinary person.


The beautiful doctor named Han Xiaowan smiled and nodded: "Tie Hanyi, your cultivation is not as high as Lu Li, so your injury must be cast. Someone will help you finish it later, Yu Yi, your left arm is completely fractured. Just like Tie Hanyi, let’s live in the base hospital for observation for the time being. Talk to you. I’m going to see other injured people."


Everyone nodded and watched the beautiful doctor go out.

Yu Yi grinned: "This is the first time I know that our base has such a good-looking doctor!"

Wang Lu smiled slightly: "It's not just good-looking, but Han Xiaowan is a well-known doctor of internal and external injuries. At the beginning, our base spent a lot of money, plus the use of state-level forces to dig her over. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is a flower in the base."

I smiled and didn't speak. When I spoke, my chest hurts a little, and my ribs are cracked. This is not a joke. Even the Yangyan Peak masters should not move.

Tie Hanyi lay still and said softly, "Wang Lu, report on the process and results of this battle. We need to think about it. What should we do in the future?"


Wang Lu picked up the tablet on the side, stretched out her hand and swiped it lightly, and suddenly the entire system of the base map showed up. She frowned and said: "This time the extraordinary organization invaded the KDA base, a total of two vehicles were used, all of which were materials from the base. The vehicles, one is responsible for transporting food and the other is responsible for transporting fitness equipment. The two vehicles have been hijacked halfway through the road. It is no surprise that they have access cards and can enter the base smoothly."

As she said, she sighed lightly and said: "According to the existing statistics, they used a total of 3 predators, 7 saboteurs and 29 enforcers. At present, all of these intruders have been killed. Huokou, three of the predators were killed directly by Lu Li, and most of the rest were killed by the weapon system of the drone. The seven saboteurs, without exception, were all severely injured and hit by the drone. Killed."


Tie Hanyi asked: "Where are we? How big is our loss."


Wang Lu frowned and said: "The cultivator who stayed at the base, Lu Li was seriously injured, and you are also seriously injured, Tie Boss, Yu Yi is seriously injured, I am slightly injured, and 17 of the remaining combatants died in the line of duty, and 21 were injured. Wait, the number of damaged instruments in the base cannot be counted for the time being, but various facilities need to be repaired. This fight not only damaged the network and the power supply system, but even the drainage system was completely destroyed."


Tie Hanyi sighed and did not speak.

I just lay flat, looking at the ceiling, and said, "They actually came at me. The reason why the extraordinary organization attacked the base is just to lead me out."

"Land from!"

Tie Hanyi’s voice was a bit harsh: "You must not think so, and must not feel any guilt. This matter has nothing to do with you. They are not fake at you, it is because you are KDA to them. The person who threatens the most, if it weren't for you? Their attack on KDA will only be smoother, and they won't take us seriously!"


Yu Yi on the side was also a little excited: "Boss Lu Li, you must not have any lumps in your heart because of this incident. It is unnecessary. We are brothers fighting side by side. No one will say anything to you because of this incident. , We KDA people can’t do things like that. Without you, we would only have more casualties.”

Wang Lu nodded: "It's like this, so you don't need to blame yourself."

I was silent and said, "The body of the predator last time, did you find out what's the reason?"

"The product of complete genetic modification."

Wang Lu smiled bitterly: "The only gain should be the content of an unknown component in the predator’s blood, with a total content of 46%. In just a period of time, our researchers analyzed the three new predators. The blood composition of the eater, the content of this unknown component reached 84%, 81%, and 48% respectively. I think the content of this unknown component means their degree of fusion."

"The data has been matched."

I frowned and said, "This shows that the predator I killed for the first time had a fusion of only 46%, but the one sent out this time was even stronger. Two of them exceeded 80%, and one of them was 48%. , I really can count on me."

"Recover your injuries."

Wang Lu said: "After the offensive organized by Transcendents, it should be calm for a while before making waves again. In between... Tie Boss, we should purchase more drones. In this battle, we have nothing to do. Humans and machines were damaged by more than half, but it was enough to prove the effectiveness of drones against mutant organisms."


Tie Hanyi nodded: "Then...Wang Lu, how do you judge that the organization behind the Transcendent Project will be calm for a period of time?"

"It's very simple."

Wang Lu smiled slightly and said: "This time they sent out three predators, the integration degree was 84%, 81%, and 48% respectively. This is a plan they deliberately deliberately, with only one purpose, that is, siege. Lu Li, completely get rid of our KDA's number one trump card. I want to finish it all at once. If I were them, I would definitely take out all the trump cards in my hand this time. If I can, how could I not send three players with a fusion degree of 80% or above? The predators acted together, but they sent a 48% to make up the number, so they must also be under-staffed. There are only so many predators at present, and it is impossible to send more."

She frowned slightly and said, "So, although it is true that we lost a lot in this battle, it was a tragic victory. Thanks to the efforts of drones and Lu Li, the first battle killed three predators. A heavy blow was formed, after which they will lie dormant for a period of time. This is already destined."

"After dormant, there is a bigger storm."

I closed my eyes and said, "Next time they come, they can't be as simple as two predators with over 80% fusion. My realm is no longer enough."

"What if it's not enough?"

Tie Hanyi smiled bitterly: "Your kid's Yangyan peak is already at the limit of humanity. What's the next step? Is that the realm of God Transformation? It's just a legendary realm. According to records, it seems that no such person has ever appeared in human history, so Those old people would say that the Transcendent God Realm is a realm that has been lost, and the peak of Yangyan is already the real peak of the mountain."

I grimaced: "Boss Tie, people always have a little hope, don't they?"

"Yeah, too."


So, lying on the hospital bed like this, the yang flames flowed silently in the body, a warm heat, which promoted the healing of the bones, just like the exercise healing in the martial arts TV series, until 2:30 in the morning, on the chest and shoulders. It didn’t hurt that much anymore, so I slowly got up from the bed and said to Wang Lu, who closed my eyes and calmed down, “Get me a car. My current state is no longer suitable for the shuttle space to go back. It will strain the wound. ."

"Go back today?" Wang Lu was taken aback.

"I want it back."

I pointed to the phone and said, "Lin Xi is waiting for me at home..."

Wang Lu smiled: "Well, I will arrange the vehicle now."


Soon after, a comfortable business car drove into the ambulance center. I got into the car with Wang Lu’s support and waved to her: "Okay, I'm going back. You take good care of everyone. At present, everything is safe in the base. There is a swarm of drones, and they will only die if they come again."

"I see, you take care of your injuries."


The car was driving in the middle of the night. There were only street lights in the city of Suzhou near three in the morning. The whole city seemed to be in a sound sleep. The speed of returning was very fast. It took less than twenty minutes to arrive downstairs. The garden downstairs is close. The repairs were completed, and it was more elegant than before, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw the door downstairs open, and Lin Xi stood at the door gracefully.

"I'm back!"

I limped towards her.

But Lin Xi's eyes were red, looking at the blood stains all over me, silently stepped forward to support my arm, and said quietly, "Is it really worth it?"

"worth it."

I turned my face and couldn't bear to look at her weeping eyes, and said, "If that's not the case, we will be mermaid."

In the hall.

Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi are still there, neatly dressed, just waiting for me.

"You haven't slept yet?" I smiled awkwardly.

"Land from……"

Ruyi's voice trembled a little. She had never seen me look so embarrassed. The last time I fought with two predators in her homeland was completely insignificant compared with this time. There were only a few scratches. , And this time it seemed to be fished out of blood.

"Ruyi, help open the door."

Lin Xi's eyes were red, and she still supported me.

And I took advantage of the trend and fell on her fragrant shoulder. Although the injury is far from possible, it doesn't matter if I am back home and pretending to be weak. Here, I am the only one left.

"Is it so serious?"

Shen Mingxuan also supported one of my arms, and did not dislike the blood stains on my clothes.


Entering the room, sitting on the bed, I sighed, looked out the window, looked at everything I was familiar with, and smiled: "In fact, it is far from as scary as it looks. The wounds have been medicined and bandaged, but I didn’t change my clothes. Well, everything will be fine for the next few days to recover from the injury, really."

"Spoken lightly."

Lin Xi red eyes and said, "I will stay to take care of you tonight."

"I really don't need it..."

I was a little speechless, UU reading www.uukanshu.com waved my arm: "Look, it means that the skin trauma is a little bit serious."

After speaking, he twisted to the wound position, and he gritted his teeth with pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Lin Xi went upstairs and took a pillow, hugged her quilt, and came back, threw the quilt on my bed, frowned and said, "Why, where do you want to be?"

"I don't dare to care, I dare not care." I only promised, "Shen Mingxuan, Ruyi, it's three o'clock, you all go back to rest, I'm really fine, don't make a fuss like Lin Xi."

The two MMs nodded together: "Well, then we won't affect you anymore."

"Affect us?"

Lin Xi was stunned and couldn't say anything. She just looked at me: "Sit in a chair for a while, and I will help you make the bed? You can go to bed with a change of clothes." Latest URL:

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