Zhan Yue

Chapter 1254: Lian Yin

Early the next morning.

Wake up in the bright and comfortable sunshine, and silently run Yang Yanjin to walk around the body before opening my eyes. The injury has been healed a lot, and several torn bones have obvious signs of healing. With my hands, everything is just like ordinary people, but when I opened my eyes, I found that there was Lin Xi lying beside me, wrapped in a quilt, sleeping soundly like a little lazy cat, and helped me down twice last night. Water, plus sleeping late, is probably exhausted.

"Wife? Wife?"

I leaned forward and looked at her long eyelashes and exquisite features. The more I looked at it, the more I liked it. I couldn't help but smile: "Huh, I also said to take care of me. This sleeps better than me!"

She frowned slightly, getting a little bit angry, and stretched out her hand to hug me through the quilt: "Anyway, is it better?"

"It's much better. I've recovered more than half of it."

"That's good."

She opened her beautiful eyes, got up and stretched her waist, and said, "Can you get up by yourself?"


"Then I went upstairs first?"


I looked at her beautiful face and warm lips. I wanted to do another little intimacy, but when I thought of the blocked chapter 1186, I subconsciously withdrew my hand. Anyway, I just stayed with my Lin Xi. It’s more important than anything else, so he said: "After we finish washing, let's go buy breakfast together. The sun is so good and we will go out to sunbathe."


She smiled and nodded: "I take a long time to wash my face, wait for me!"



After half an hour, the two of them went downstairs together. Lin Xi did not wear any makeup at all, she was very confident and pretty, with every hair on her face full of slender hairs, full of healthy feeling in the sun, and the two held hands like this. Out of the garden, when we walked out of the safe area, a total of ten drones took off silently on the top of the building, and they followed us tens of meters above us, which made us feel more secure. These new drones As long as the Star Alliance does not send predators, I will not have any problems. Moreover, a little bit of body recovery, when the critical moment is reached, it is more than enough to use half of the strength at the critical moment.

Breakfast is still simple. I ordered a spicy soup, two sesame cakes and two fried dough sticks. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi had a "standard" breakfast, a bowl of tofu nao, a fried dough stick and a steamed bun for girls to eat. Less, they claim that this is the limit.

Returned to the studio and ate breakfast together. Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan asked how my injury was. They just answered that there would be no problem playing games. After eating, I immediately lay down on the sofa next to Lin Xi and put on a gaming helmet. It's been a long time since I was online, and I don't know what happened to the canopy where I was sitting.


The characters appeared on the city head of Yanmen Pass. The north wind was lonely and extremely lonely. There were some traces of battles in the north of the city. There were even some corpses of ghouls and ghost soldiers that had not been refreshed. It seems to be a feint attack by the alien demon army. , Has been repulsed by the Flowing Fire Legion. As for the south of the city, the camp is endless. The sound of fighting is heard from the school field. The Flowing Fire Legion is rapidly recovering its combat power. These are all visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, my heart moved, and the boundless dragon energy between heaven and earth surged towards the sky.

Sure enough, this blood-retaining true dragon is an unstoppable one.

The legs were slightly bent, and suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed towards the sky. In the process of "ascension", a treasure mirror flew out of the magic treasure space, just ascended into the sky with me, and then held it. The treasure mirror stands high on the sky, not far away, the magical image of the blood-remaining true dragon circling, a blood-red dragon horn stirs the whirlpool, tearing open a hole in the sky that has not been completely repaired, and the dragon below Qi is like a pot of boiling water, constantly rising, hitting the sky.

Find a practice early in the morning!

I directly raised the treasure mirror and irradiated the real dragon with blood left. A golden brilliance crossed the void and hit directly on the dragon's head. Suddenly, cracks appeared on the dragon's horns and on the dragon's head. The dragon scales were melted and the dragon flesh was blackened by the scorching heat, and even the skull underneath had a trace of pitch-black cracks.


The **** dragon roared, its tail suddenly rolled, and a wave of air rolled from the breach in the other sky. The tail was full of momentum, and it turned into a **** cloud sword that rushed out of the sky and flew straight into the sky.

I took a deep breath, took a left hand, and suddenly a thick white dragon wall ran across the front, abruptly blocking the Scarlet Cloud Sword, and at the same time, with my right hand raised, the power of the mountains and the sea quickly penetrated into the treasure mirror, "chih" a golden fierce The awns were pierced in the air, and they were extremely flaming. They hit the dragon's tail so fiercely, the dragon's tail was **** and mottled, and the bones were jagged, and it slumped down, as if the tail had been interrupted.

Deserve it!

I waved the treasure mirror again, the power of the mountains and the sea continued to concentrate, and hit the dragon's body with a heavy blow. The light of the mirror penetrated the sky, like a heavenly sword, the next moment, the whole body of the dragon's blood suddenly As soon as it sank, it dropped tens of thousands of meters in height, and could only wind and howl in mid-air, continuing to nourish the flesh.


"Tsk tsk..."

Behind him, there was a voice: "The man who sits on the sky curtain chosen by Shi Bailong is so ruthless, he almost smashed the backbone of this **** dragon, tusk~~~"

I slowly turned around, only to find a golden and incomparable guide standing at the end of the void, looking at me not too close, and smiling: "Introduce myself, my name is Lian Yin, and Star Alliance is in charge. People in the time scale, or... are no longer humans, but a soul, which is ridiculous."

"Say something straight." I said lightly.

"It seems that little friend Lu Li has a deep prejudice against our Star Alliance!"

Lian Yin smiled slightly and said, "It's not, it's not... Little friend Lu Li is to protect the world of human beings on earth, and our Star Alliance is to protect the universe of the universe under the wall of heaven. In fact, the two are There is no conflict, just a little misunderstanding."

I frowned: "It's the same sentence. If you have anything to say, just leave if you have nothing to say. I can sense that your strength is very strong, but it should be stronger than Long Zu. Even Long Zu was beaten into the air. You... shouldn't be enough to fight either."

"That's natural."

Lian Yin smiled and said: "Shi Bailong is ancient sacred. He has already refined the luck and general momentum of the world above the sky into the Dragon Mirror in your hands. As long as it is here, the world is extremely difficult. Someone can beat you, who holds the Dragon Mirror and is in harmony with you, so I am not here today to fight, but to cooperate with you."

"Cooperate with me?"

I smiled slightly: "I don't know what I have worth guiding cooperation with me?"

"It's very simple."

Lian Yin smiled and said: "As long as you take the initiative to open the sky curtain and allow the air from the universe to flow into the world of the magic moon, this is considered to be your sincerity, and the sincerity of our Star Alliance can be returned to you. The three people to be found, Li Xiaoyao, Fang Geque, and Han Yixiao, as long as you are willing to open the canopy, these three people can return it to you."

My heart trembled. This condition was more tempting than the condition Fan Yi gave me.

But in the next second, the excitement was swept away. The people of Starlink were so scheming. It would have been no secret. If I really opened the canopy, the whole "Moon Moon" game would be uncovered immediately, and then the man would be a swordsman. I am a fish, so why should I talk to them about cooperation? I'm afraid that once the sky is eroded by the Star Alliance's luck, even my position as a seater will not be able to keep.

"How?" He asked with a smile: "You can think about it."

"Not so."

I just shook my head: "It's a scam."

Lian Yin couldn't help laughing, rubbing his hands, and said: "Sure enough, he is the number one wise man in the world. He is only a little bit worse than Fang Geque. It seems that I can't deceive you. However, the curtain is about to be reopened after all. , Can you stop it for a while, can you stop it for a hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years? After all, your flesh and blood is no match for the erosion of time."

I frowned: "Anything else to say?"

"No, do you want to do it?"

"Yes it is."

The next moment, Zhenlong Mirror burst out with a glow, covering the entire world. I directly used a lot of power from mountains and seas to pour into Zhenlong Mirror. This yin refining momentum is actually very strong. Uukanshu.com made me feel a little bit of oppression that is almost suffocating. If I don't take the initiative to attack, once I get into the opponent's game, I am afraid it will be quite tricky.

"Here is it!?"

Lian Yin couldn't help laughing. At the moment when Zhenlong Mirror's brilliance swept across the sky, he didn't seem to panic, his palms gently closed, dragging out a gear-like shape full of scales, and the corners of his mouth raised. The scale "pada" jumped for a square, the next moment Lian Yin's body disappeared from the air, and Zhen Long Jing's blow instantly went into the air.


I stood up in the sky with the treasure mirror in my hand, and my luck was in the dragon mirror. In a blink of an eye, the world around my body began to condense, and the world belonging to the dragon mirror was opened, as if the entire sky was frozen. , Everything can't move, and just in the gap in the space ahead, there is a stream of light flowing slightly, like a trickle in the air, golden water gurgling.


what is that? !

I was full of doubts. I suddenly jumped forward and raised the Zhenlong mirror to split a mirror light, but it was like a long sword across the stream. Nothing was achieved, but just in my ear, I heard a sneer of Lian Yin: "The ants also want to gain insight into heaven?"

I frowned slightly, and rushed forward again, focusing all the power of the mountains and seas into the dragon mirror, and smashed the stream with a bang. Suddenly strands of golden water droplets disappeared quickly in the space. At the moment when they were all about to disappear, I directly opened the map of the 10th level magic weapon in all directions!


A drop of golden liquid the size of a little fingertip is included in the picture.


In the wind, there was a cold snort of Lian Yin: "Wait and see, the next time you meet is the time when your body and spirit are gone!"

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