Zhan Yue

Chapter 1255: Bother

The figure plummeted, like a meteor.

In a blink of an eye, it landed on a public map outside of Fanshu City. It was surrounded by a jungle, and the grass was covered with moonlight. In the distance, there seemed to be the sound of the player's skill releasing that he was leveling.

I was a little weak, and I lightly jumped and landed on a section of a tree that was split by thunder. I sat cross-legged. As soon as I opened my white clothes skills, my body immediately merged into the moonlight jungle.

Raising my hand to unfold the map of the world, a drop of gold appeared very conspicuous in the scroll. When my mind moved, the whole person's spirit broke away from the body, turned into a divine mind and fell into the map of the world. Suddenly the breeze was blowing, and the birds and flowers were fragrant. The four seasons in the world are like spring, and the whole person instantly falls on a flat boat between a leaf of mountains and rivers.

The small boat dotted the surface of the lake. The boat had long been missing. When I fell, it caused ripples in the lake. The whole person stood upright on the boat, just a few meters away on the surface of the water. That golden grain The brilliance seemed to be melting, forming a golden river of straw thickness, only one finger long, constantly flowing and gathering.

I slowly sat on the small boat and watched this pocket-sized river carefully. I didn’t feel satisfied after seeing it for a while, so I stepped forward and stretched out my hand to hold it up, but I didn’t want to start and became vain. Unable to hold it up, when my palm left, it was still there, passing and reuniting.

However, there is an unprecedented induction in my palm. The whole person is struck by lightning, and the power in the palm seems to be sucked away. The subtle parts can sense the continuous death, division and rebirth of cells. It seems that everything has been It speeded up, and even felt a little dazed, not knowing what happened.

"What is this?" I muttered to myself.

In the Lingxu, Shiratori jumped out and sat beside me, staring at the small piece of golden water with beautiful eyes, and said, "It's not very clear, but because it has nothing to do with matter, it is very deep."


A ray of brilliance flew out of the sky, turning into the appearance of Master Xiao Chen, just standing above the lake, looking down at this small section of golden water, as if thinking about something, after a while, he said: "No wonder The people of the Star Alliance are confident that they can penetrate the walls of the sky and master the entire universe and the heavens and the earth. It turns out that they are really involved in the mystery of time and time."

I frowned and said, "Master, what the **** is this?"

"For a while."

Xiao Chen looked indifferent, and said: "The short period of time that you have intercepted is not a chance, but it is not a bad thing. What I didn't expect was that the yin refining had actually come to this point and could condense. The real time is flowing to this point."

"Who is Lian Yin?" I was confused.

"The real name of Lian Yin is not Lian Yin. The reason why he changed his name to Lian Yin is just because he feels that he is a person who can refine time, a person who can lengthen, shorten, or even reverse time arbitrarily."

The master looked up at the sky and murmured: "I didn't expect that the Star Alliance really had such a person. Could it be that Cang Tian is really interested in the dead souls in the starry sky?"

My brows frowned: "If someone in Starlink really has time to master, does it mean that any of our efforts are in vain? They can try countless possibilities, they can turn time back, they can speed up time, everything about us Resistance has become meaningless. Is that true, Master?"

He shook his head and whispered: "Not necessarily, yin refining is just a short period of time and water. The flow of that vast river of time is irreversible for mortals, even if yin is really cultivated to reach the sky, it can give the whole world a short period of time. Backward, that would also have to pay a very heavy price, which he couldn't afford."


The white bird on the side frowned slightly: "It shouldn't be a problem to rewind the time in a small area by refining the yin, or to accelerate the time. This is where we need to be the most guarded, right?"

"Yes it is."

Xiao Chen groaned: "Lu Li, you will be more careful in the next period of time. Since Lian Yin has already named you, it is impossible for this pivotal person in the Star Alliance to easily let you go, especially when he In the case of an advantage."

"What can I do?" I looked at the lake, feeling a little speechless.

"Refining this time and flowing water."

Master said indifferently: "Although it may not be able to make you a reborn change, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to grasp the methods you don’t understand at all. You don’t have to do anything else during the next period of time. Refining this period of time and flowing water, once the refining is successful, I believe there will be benefits, especially the time-part of the rules of your avenue, you will benefit a lot."


I nodded: "Thank you, Master!"

Xiao Chen nodded, his body faded away, and returned to the sky floating map, while Shiratori patted my shoulder lightly and smiled: "Okay, I won't bother you in your cultivation, and go."

"it is good."

In the next second, the white bird turned into a white light and flew into the Lingxu. I sat on the lake in the world, with my whole body on the boat deck, my hands open, and the lake water and the lake. A small amount of time and flowing water were held together in the palm of the palm, and the spiritual consciousness spread out, lingering around the time and flowing water, a little bit sensing the changes in the rules, and trying to refine it.


At first, what I could sense was a kind of "general trend" in the time and flowing water. It was a general trend that passed by time and was not transferred by the will. Whenever I twitched a ray of divine thought, I wanted to merge with it and change its trend. At that time, there will be a feeling of a praying man’s arm as a car. In a blink of an eye, that ray of spiritual thought is crushed by the general situation, and then decayed and annihilated, like a leaf falling to the ground, gradually turning yellow and decay, time flows, which is impossible for humans. Things to change.

Later, when my consciousness penetrated more and more and formed a lake, when I wanted to fully protect the time and water in it, I felt the restlessness and chaos of the rules, and the time scale began to change, so that I supported it. The mental power of time and water has become full of holes in an instant, eroded by time, and can't be controlled at all.

Gradually, I lost patience a bit.


In the blink of an eye, Lin Xi sent a message: "There is a steamed yellow croaker dish at noon. Auntie prepared meticulously. Don't get cold for a while, eat it off the line?"

"I'm coming!"

As I am about to amnesty, I feel that if I continue to refining time and flowing water online, my own spirit may be corroded soon, and then I will be "refining" by time and flowing water. That would be really shameful. , Since I can't find a breakthrough for the time being, I can't help being laughed out of.

At noon, eating large yellow croaker and tasting the taste of golden cauliflower and mussel meat, I really enjoyed it.

"In the morning, with golden lights on the sky, what big things happened?"

Lin Xi was attentive and asked when I was feasting.

I immediately retracted my chopsticks and said seriously: "Fight with a thief!"

"Have you won?" she asked with a smile.

On the side, Shen Mingxuan smiled and said, "Most of it is a win, otherwise the sky will not collapse."

I was a little speechless: "If I didn’t win or lose, it’s a tie, and Shen Mingxuan, the sky is a huge structure of rules, even if I am killed on the sky, the sky will not collapse for a while, only a little bit. It was infiltrated, and in the end it was riddled with holes and vanished, and returned to the sky under the control of the Tianming Group."

Gu Ruyi raised his head and smiled and asked, "There was a sky curtain at that time?"

I slapped my forehead: "No, the Magic Moon Firewall at that time was nothing but a thin layer of paper, and it was broken at the first pass."

"Then you have to come on!"

Lin Xi pursed her mouth and smiled: "We are rookies under the sky, but we have to rely on you to protect."

I instantly felt full of a sense of mission. Sitting in the canopy is no longer just to stay in the world and to keep one side of the world, but also to protect my beautiful girls. This is of great significance, so I emphasized: "Don't worry, things in the sky Leave it to me, the beauty of the world, you come and keep it."

A few beautiful girls were speechless for a while, and they didn't know how to pick up this gentle sentence from me.


In the afternoon, continue to struggle and refine that little time.

As a result, until two o’clock, there was still no progress. Although the infiltration of divine consciousness did deepen my understanding of the various "characters" of the time and flow of water, it was only an understanding, and it seemed that it had not planned to accept it at all. I am such an "outsider" that every time I refining, my spirit will eventually be annihilated. This tempering is really exhausting.

"An inch of time and an inch of gold are hard to buy an inch of time."

Sitting on the bow of the boat, I felt I had nothing to do. I tilted my head and looked at the golden time on the lake. I smiled and said, "What kind of existence are you? Everyone says that time is hard to find. Is that true?"

Don't worry, since time is hard to follow, no matter how I chase it, it won't help. It's better to follow it and pass the time as time flows.

So I stretched out my palm, grabbed a fishing rod, a fishing basket, and some bait out of thin air. My world is in charge. After the map has reached level 10, it is equivalent to my natal magic weapon. In this world Of course, I wanted what I wanted, so I just sat on the bow and started fishing~www.wuxiaspot.com~Fishing is not too proficient, I just limited to catching fish.

In the following time, the whole person was immersed in it by lifting the rod and the hook again and again, completely forgetting the time and flowing water of refining. It was just that there were green mountains and green waters in this place, but it seemed that there were not many fish in the water. The catch was quite unsatisfactory. There were only two small yellow croakers. Compared with the large yellow croaker that I ate at noon, it was one place a day.


I don't know how long it took.


Suddenly, the golden water that had been dormant and still hovered around the fish on the surface of the water, as if I was very impatient with my catch, and was helping me in a hurry.

This is fine too! ?

I can't help grinning, refining all morning and half an afternoon, you ignore me, now I catch a fish, are you in a hurry? Latest URL:

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