Zhan Yue

Chapter 1256: Heroes have good legs!

Ignore it and continue fishing.

Just as I continued to fish without any distractions, the golden stream of water flew over a piece of duckweed not far away with a "swish". It seemed that I didn't want to pay any attention to it, but I was calm and calm. Rod and hook, while forgetting to sense the surrounding environment, between heaven and earth, it seems that the flow of time has slowed down, just for this fishing.

It really works!

Take a deep breath and fish more attentively, but the catch is still very few. At the beginning, there were two small yellow fish with one finger length. In the following hour, there was only one yellow spicy dice with the thickness of chopsticks. It's a bit embarrassing, but it really doesn't have much to do with me. The lake is clear and flawless, and there are few fish. It must have nothing to do with my fishing level.

Just keep fishing, and continue fishing after dinner.

Until about ten o'clock in the evening, the fish was very few, and the bottom of the fish basket could be seen at a glance, and around, I could clearly feel that the speed of time was getting slower and slower, and it was only five hours from the afternoon to the present. Around, but in the game, I seem to have spent at least one day and one night, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.


Finally, when I hooked again, the golden water on the duckweed in the distance jumped down and disappeared to the bottom of the lake.

"Where did you go?"

I frowned, as if angry, completely ignored me?

But in the next second, the fishing float disappeared instantly. There was a fish biting the hook. Before I could lift the rod, the lake suddenly rose, and the small boat was stirred up to the sky. Then a big fish bit my hook and rushed out of the water. , It was a brilliant golden yellow spicy dice, a full 20 meters long, its tail swaying in the water, half of the body was on the water, biting the fish hook fiercely, and the spiny fins on the back and sides were open. Open, a pair of fish eyes stared at me fiercely, as if to eat me in one bite.

"what's the situation?"

I frowned: "This fish is enough for our whole village to eat for a year, isn't it necessary?"

It opened its mouth and made a woman's voice: "Is fishing like you? Is fishing like you? I've helped you lengthen the time, but you just catch this kind of fish?"

I smiled awkwardly, and it turned out to be it. This short period of time is indeed extraordinary, and it can change freely in my world, so I looked up at it and said, "You are finally willing to talk to me? The original shape, the appearance of this yellow spicy dice really makes me want to make soup a little bit."

"Have a face to say?"

It spit out the fishbone with a "bah", and then the body began to shrink, and finally turned into a ponytail girl of about 1.4 meters, sitting on the lake with her knees on her knees, staring at me with her big, watery eyes, and said "Can you stop looking at me like this? I have heard in the long river of time that there is nothing good about human adult males."

I looked down at the lake helplessly and said, "I can't overturn a boat with a single shot. This is unfair."

It hugged its knees and sat on the surface of the water. The blue dress was not wet in the water, and the lake surface was like a bright mirror, reflecting her clear reflection. The two sat facing each other. After a while, I said: "What the **** are you?"

"what is what?"

The girl in the blue dress looked at me and frowned, "I am me, not what is in your mouth. I want to ask you, what are you?"

"I am human."

I am a little embarrassed.

But the corner of her mouth raised: "A mortal who sits in the canopy of the sky? Tsk tsk, a breath of immortality, and the power of the legendary mountains and seas, and the guardian of the dragon mirror, and the edict from the owner of the sky. Say you are a mortal? The things in the legends of the rivers and lakes are indeed true. There is nothing good for human adult men."

"This statement is too one-sided."

I stubbornly said: "At least I think that, although I can't talk about being a good person, at least it's not bad."

"is it?"

She glanced at me: "If it's not bad, will you **** me out of the long river of time?"


I frowned and said, "This statement is not appropriate, I think it was not difficult at all when I used magic weapons to intercept you. It was not like I intercepted it, but it was like you wanted to escape, right?"

"So what?"

She raised her white chin and looked like she didn’t want to be reasonable: “I’m tired of being bored in that irritable river, can’t you come out and breathe out? Besides, the guides have been coveting each one for a long time. I don’t know how long these thoughts have been. The souls who want to control time are extremely ugly. They exhale and make people vomit. What's wrong with me slipping out?"

I nodded: "Sounds very reasonable. Since you also hate the people of Starlink and I am also the enemy of Starlink, then the enemy's enemy is a friend. Can we speak up?"

"You want to refine me, and you want me to talk to you?"

The girl in the blue skirt flew a punch: "Taste grandma's iron fist and then talk to me well?"

Above the lake, fist gangs burst, directly splitting the water surface to form a dent.

What a ferocious fist!

My heart shuddered. Fortunately, I was in my own world. I had all the magical powers, so I raised my palm, and a white dragon wall stretched across the water, and forcibly withstood the opponent's blow.

The blue skirt girl was anxious: "Dare to resist?"

With the palm of her hand raised, the stars dotted on the blue skirt flew up, combining with the lake water surging out of the surrounding water one by one, condensing thousands of blue flying swords, just rushing straight forward, aggressively!

If you don't persuade her, it seems that there is no way to be kind.

With five fingers, the palm of the hand was revealed, and the next second was a ray of Dragon Jue's power bursting out of the air. The mighty golden dragon's palm force smashed the opponent's flying sword to pieces, but after being broken, the Dragon Jue's palm strength was also straightforward. Eliminate the invisible.

"Tsk tsk!"

The girl in the blue skirt jumped several feet high, and said with a smile: "It's not a good lesson to teach you, you don't know what is the world!"

A punch, the sky is full of stars, and the strength of the punch is still secondary. The most terrible thing is that any one of her attacks makes time become disordered, and the surrounding world is slightly distorted, so that even though I am in my own world , But the power was at least half suppressed by her.

A bit too much.


Thunder and lightning shot all over the body, and instantly entered the shadow transformation effect. In the next second, Vulcan's blade shot out a blazing edge of tens of feet, directly crushing the opponent's fist, followed by a left hand, Thor's Blade It turned into a thunder and lightning that fell from the sky and slashed directly at the head of the girl in the blue skirt, not afraid of hurting her, how could it be so easy to kill in a short period of time?

"Good come! Good come!"

She bent down suddenly, seemingly excited: "I didn't expect this heroine to encounter such a tricky opponent the first time she wandered through the rivers and lakes. It's so good. After defeating you, you can save you from death!"

As she said, she stood up from the ground, academically seeming to be quite mixed, with one finger, thousands of sword intent roared out of the lake, colliding with the brilliance of Thor's Blade, and the world changed color for a time.

I smiled slightly, I swept, the blade of Vulcan fell with the power of the golden mountains and seas, like a mountain and a river, it just shredded the opponent's sword light so hard, and then my figure was in the air. Twisted, fell at an extremely fast speed, pressed her left hand on her head, and smiled: "Dwarf, go down and talk!"


The lake was soaring to the sky. Under my press, the two of them crashed into the bottom of the lake together, surrounded by golden brilliance. Even though the power was suppressed by half, I still crushed her with strength and stability in my own Lingxu world. , After all, she who appeared as a girl in the blue skirt was just a finger-long stream of water in the long river of time, and it was of no importance at all.

The bottom of the lake was sinking hundreds of meters. Just when she was completely pressed into the mud by me, she spit out mud, and then shot forward with her hands, like a galaxy erupting from the bottom of the lake, and immediately washed me up. Yun Xiao, immediately after she stepped on the ground and rushed out of the lake, looked up at me in the air, frowned and said: "If a word is inconsistent, I will fight hard, the rivers and lakes are really sinister!"

I have a black line: "It seems you did it first, right?"

"How tall are you, how tall am I?"

She stood on the lake, tiptoe, and said, "Bullying the small with the big?"


I suddenly disappeared into the air, my right leg was full of the power of the mountains and the sea, and a sudden sweep directly kicked it off, and the girl in the blue skirt suddenly turned into a blue star, and the "dongdongdong" continuously hit the seven on the lake. Eight green hills, only then stopped the figure with one hand against the surface of the lake, the pink face was already blue and purple, and the silver teeth were biting, seeming to be angry, and it seemed to be weighing, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "This hero, we are fighting against the heroes of the rivers and lakes, and when we click, I think it's almost the same, right?"

I floated there, standing a few meters away from her, and said with a smile: "Okay, since the female hero said that, then the discussion is over."

She clasped a fist lightly, learning the appearance of a quack, and smiled: "The hero has a good legwork!"

I also clasped my fists and smiled: "The heroine has a good swordsmanship! A good fist! Let's bow to the wind!"

She laughed Limao: "So it seems that you are not bad."

I was frustrated, this guy is completely childish, and if he flicked along her hair, there should be nothing left, so he said in a deep voice, "Is this the first time the female hero has come out to walk the rivers and lakes?"


She grinned sillyly: "The first time I walked the rivers and lakes, I had such a joyful fight. How can I be so happy, hero, do you have any alcohol? Walking in the rivers and lakes, how can you make it without alcohol?"


I was stunned, but there were a few bottles in the package. Recently, several wines with different prices in the system were used to add special effects. Therefore, some players have begun to explore the long-lost "Liquor Sword Flow" on the rivers and lakes. But the effect was not obvious. After being hit by tactics such as the resurrection of war and the stream of thorns, he took out a pot of wine worth 50G from the package and threw it in the past. With a thought, a small boat appeared again under his feet.

The girl in the blue skirt was sitting on the bow, and I was sitting on the stern, holding a jug of wine in each hand.

"The rivers and lakes are fortunate."

She smiled and arched her hands, then drank a big sip of the wine, and stuck her tongue out the next moment: "It's so spicy and so spicy, this wine is not as good as it is in the legend."

I nodded and smiled, took a sip of wine to myself, and said, "My name is Lu Li, haven't I asked for advice?"

She was startled, and Fen Dudu's face was full of frustration: "The first time I wandered the rivers and lakes, I don't seem to have a name yet..." Latest URL:

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