Zhan Yue

Chapter 1257: Walking in the world

"No name?"

I was stunned slightly, and it was normal after thinking about it. She was just a moment of running water, because she was intercepted by me in the world, so she had wisdom. It would be weird for such an existence to have a name, so she smiled and said, "If If you want a name, I can pick one for you!"

"No need!"

She turned her arms around, looked at the distant mountains and rivers angrily, and said: "My name, I will take it myself!"


I continued to sit on the bow, stretched out my hand, and the fishing rod reappeared, repeating fishing.

As a result, she squatted on the lake, looked at the veins in the water, and muttered to herself.

There was a stalemate for about half an hour. Finally, she turned around, staring at me with a pair of eyes, and said: "Our children from the rivers and lakes walk the world, and there is no majestic name that is really unreasonable, Lu Li, since you sincerely want to help I choose a name, then you can talk about it first, and I will accept it if I feel satisfied."


I had already prepared a draft and said: "It's called Yan Guang. This name comes from the phrase "Prosperity and wealth are not what I want, and staying with others" in Li Bai's short songs. It means that prosperity and wealth are not what I want, but I want to be in the world. Staying forever and keeping your youth, so Yan Guang can also be understood as the meaning of time, which is in line with your own destiny, what do you think?"

"Yan Guang... Yan Guang..."

She frowned, chewed the name many times, and said, "It's still okay."

I smiled happily: "That's Yan Guang."


The next moment, she opened her pink arms, her blue skirt was flying, and she ran on the lake with joy, "I have a name~~~ I am Yan Guang~~~Yan Guang~~~Yan Guang~~~"

As she said, she ran all the way to me, stopped suddenly, causing ripples, and smiled: "Call my name!"

"Yan Guang!" I said repeatedly.

She opened her arms again and ran around the lake, smiling and saying, "Yan Guang Yan Guang~~~"

I am a little puzzled. Isn't it just a name? As for being so happy?

But then I think about it, she is a piece of water in the long river of time. In fact, for the whole world, it may be just a fleeting rule. An existence who has never seen the outside world now has a name. It really seems It is worthy of being so happy.



After a while, the little girl named Yan Guang descended straight from the sky, just standing on the stern, with her hands behind her back, with a smile: "Lu Li Lu Li, I have to discuss with you about one thing."

I didn't think it was when I picked up the pole, so I had a lot of time to smile and said, "You said."

"Can I travel the world with you?"

She tilted her head to look at me, as if she was afraid that I would not agree, she added: "If you don't agree, it doesn't matter. I can walk alone, there is no problem."

She said so, but it was clear that her eyes were full of hope for a positive answer, so I turned around and glanced at her and said, "I want to go to the world like this?"

"Yes Yes!"

She made a circle on the stern, the blue skirt was flying, and the wisps of time at the beginning made the world on that side a little blurred, and she smiled: "It's rare to slip out, how can you do it without seeing the wonderful world? Lu Li Lu Li, Will you take me through the rivers and lakes and walk around the world, okay?"

"It can be."

I frowned: "But you can't cause me trouble. When you get to the world, you should abide by the rules of the world."


She nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said, "There is an old saying in the rivers and lakes that Yan Guang knows how to live in the countryside."

"That's all right."

I looked up at the world in the map, and said: "Promise me, you will always follow me after you go out, otherwise I won't be able to let you leave here.

She stood straight, her hands behind her back, her big eyes flickered: "Yan Guang knows!"

"it is good."

I stretched out my hand, and the artistic conception of the all over the world disappeared, and the girl in the blue dress appeared directly from the magic weapon world in the world, and then jumped up and said: "Follow me to the sky!"

The body turned into a golden light and rose up into the sky. Right beside me, the little girl turned into a blue light and followed closely, so a golden light and a blue light rose up into the sky, as if some miracle was manifesting. , In a blink of an eye, the two people came to the sky, right in front, a ferocious dragon head was trying to break through the sky, its tongue stretched out.

"Itching again?"

I flipped my palm, and the dragon mirror appeared, and it turned into a golden light and suppressed it. Suddenly the dragon head was hit hard, the skin broke and the dragon scales were melted, and there were whole pieces of burns and black marks on the dragon head skull. , This **** real dragon roared and fell down like this, and its voice came from the wind: "Smelly boy, if I can ascend to a real dragon one day, I will surely return to the world and bring you down to ashes! "

"Let's talk about flying up."

I frowned, looked down at the world, and smiled: "Is it possible to win against me by speaking harshly?"

The girl in the blue skirt stood on the sky, full of curiosity, even jumped up and stomped the sky. Seeing that the sky didn't move, she smiled and said, "Is this the true **** dragon?"

"Yes it is."

I nodded: "As a part of the long river of time, you should be very clear about these things."

"not very clear."

She shook her head: "Although I belong to the long river of time, it is only a small part of it. Most of the time is chaotic. I don't know what happened in the world. There is a blurry image, far from being as clear as it is now!"

As she said, she ran across the sky with one arm, waving her hands as she ran, and said with a smile: "Yan Guang is also sitting on the sky~~~"

I have a black line and I don’t know what to say.


Sitting behind the sky for a while, nothing happened, so I looked at the Fanshucheng in the world and smiled and said, "Yan Guang, didn't you say you are going to walk in the world? Are you walking now?"

"it is good."

She nodded vigorously, plummeted, and went first.

"Wait for me!"

I was speechless for a while, and it also turned into a golden light that fell from the sky with the blue light she turned into. When the two people landed, they landed in a small village called Wasteland Village, located in a remote location, belonging to players in the South China region. Novice Village is still open today, but not many players have arrived.

Outside the village, a village woman was washing clothes by the stream, chatting about some trivial things in the village. They seemed to be not very afraid of the level 3 wild dogs not far away, and yes, these village wives were big and round, and the wild dogs really dared to come. Be sure to solve it with one punch. As long as the old lady punches, other boxers will only feel like the heavens are up!

At the entrance of the village, two reserve soldiers of the Xuanyuan Empire wore armors and held iron swords. One of them frowned. He looked at me directly and whispered: "It's weird. I have only seen people walking out of the Wasteland Village. It is a legend that adventurers become a generation of heroes, but I have never heard that adventurers who become heroes will return."

Naturally, they can't come back. The system is restricted. Advanced players can't return to the Novice Village to bring newcomers to level up. However, I ignore the restrictions and come down directly from the sky. From the sky to the world, where can I not go?

"Don't talk nonsense."

The other soldier looked cautious, glanced at my neckline, and said, "His military rank is three gold stars. Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know, do you know Brother Tiger?"

"I also just joined the army, so naturally I don't know." The reserve soldier looked solemn and lowered his voice: "But I know, the lord Gao Du, who is in charge of transporting grain in our county city, is high above him. Who dares to provoke him within the county? He only has two silver stars. Last time on the avenue, Lieutenant Gao’s convoy ran into a regular army in Yinping Province, and the leader was a soldier with one golden star, which scared Lieutenant Gao to saddle. Get off your horse and kneel on the side of the road to give way, just tell me how awesome this three-gold star man is!"

The previous reserve soldier took a deep breath: "Could it be... the legendary general?"

"Probably, at least it must be a general of the four towns!"


I took the girl in the blue dress and slowly walked into the wasteland village. I looked at the eggs of the two recruits. I couldn't help but raised the corners of my mouth, but didn't say anything. I just wandered around with the girl. Master said, the best result is that I can practice Turning this time down is of great benefit to my lack of rules on the avenue, and what I have to do is probably to "attach my heart" with the little girl, so that she will willingly become a part of my avenue.

"Lu Li Lu Li!"

The little girl grabbed my wrist, pointed not far away, and said, "I smell a good smell, shall we go to eat?"


Not far ahead, there is a stall set up by an old man. Lao Tzu is wearing old patched clothes with pleats on his face. He is turning over a kind of food similar to egg pancakes in public in a pot, turning it over and laughing. Said: "Toon omelette, the only delicious new year, don't miss it when you pass by~~"

"Lu Li Lu Li, what is toon?" The girl in the blue skirt looked up and asked.

I thought about it for a while: "A kind of food that grows on the tip of a tree in early spring. Scrambled eggs are the best. The toon quiche is also very fragrant. Would you like to try it?"


She nodded repeatedly, but was a little disappointed, and said: "But I have no money, can I owe it?"

"of course can."

I learned her tone, UU reading www.uukānshu.com laughed and said: "My generation of knights walks the rivers and lakes. What kind of money is this money. If you meet the people of the rivers and lakes, there is no problem asking you to eat a big meal. Toon quiche."

"Then we have round heads?" She touched her head.

I laughed, and I reached out and rubbed her round head, and said, "Of course it's very round!"

Stepping forward, I took out a gold coin and placed it in the old man's hand. I smiled and said, "Old man, your pot of toon quiche, I want it all."


The old man was taken aback and looked at the gold coin in his hand carefully and confirmed that the head above was the head of Emperor Xuanyuanying. Then he didn't dare to show it out, and said, "Young man, we can't find a gold coin in the entire Wasteland Village. You can give it to me. I can’t find a gold coin!"

"keep the change."

I smiled slightly: "It's almost dark. After you finish this business, go home and rest early." The latest website:

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