Zhan Yue

Chapter 1258: King of the Immortal Realm! !

Across the wasteland village.

Novice Village is only a little bit older, so I won’t say hello to the village chief, so that he was scared to death when he saw the legendary Xiaoyao King a lot of age.

Yan Guang, the little girl in the blue skirt, held the toon omelet wrapped in oil paper in her hand, eating bite by bite, devouring it.

"It's delicious?" I asked.

"Very good to the stomach."

She smiled and said, "Lu Li Lu Li, isn't it the same for all the delicious food in the world?"

"Much more than that."

I looked up at the sky and said, "The world is so big that I can't walk in a lifetime."

She was thoughtful.

Not far away, two teenagers were fishing. The fish baskets were empty, but there were many small fish on the rocks beside them that had been gutted. I don’t know how long they’ve been in the sun, and they’ve started to harden. The clothes were very tattered, and it was still a bit cold in early spring. Their quilted jackets were almost worn out into a pile of torn cotton, and the cotton on the sleeves was pitch black.

"Brother, I'm so hungry."

The younger boy held a fishing rod in one hand and stroked his stomach with the other.

"Then have some."

The elder brother put down the fishing rod, broke half of the hard cake from the package and handed it to his younger brother. He smiled and said, "The sky is good today, and the moon comes out early. Let’s go fishing at night. If you have more fish, you can change it tomorrow. Rice, don’t you want to eat rice for a long time?"

The younger brother's eyes brightened up: "Hmm, night fishing!"

They were covered with frostbite on their hands and shivered in the evening sunset.


The girl in the blue skirt was still eating toon omelets, but she took the time to ask me when she wiped her mouth: "Lu Li Lu Li, why don't they eat fish? I heard that the taste of river fish is quite good."

"Not willing."

I took her all the way and said: "They have to live before they have a chance to enjoy the food."

The little girl was holding the toon quiche, looking back, thoughtful.

Soon after, an inn appeared in front for the rangers and merchants to live in. Far away, the inn’s guise was very eye-catching, and the little girl immediately cheered up again: "Lu Lili, the Yedian Inn is said to be the easiest place for people from the rivers and lakes to gather. , Shall we go have a drink?"


I nodded and smiled. Anyway, if I don't do anything today, I'll stay with her.

The two of them entered the inn together. I deliberately hid the three gold stars on the neckline, so I looked like a very pure ranger. I reached out and took the girl in the blue skirt and took her into the inn together. : "The shopkeeper, come to the table with delicious dishes, and then a pot of wine, better wine."

"Okay, the guest officer, please sit here."

The buddy greeted us to sit down, and the people who were still dining in the inn looked up at us one after another. As a result, the little girl in the blue dress sat down, her long skirt shining brightly, and seemed out of place with the cramped and old environment here. Attracted more attention, especially the diagonal table, an old man in a robe, with three young disciples, like a cultivator walking in the rivers and lakes, the old man’s gaze was directly at Yan Guang’s A glance on the blue skirt, and then eating and drinking.

I have already hidden my breath, so others can’t see my cultivation level, and at best I can see the appearance of well-equipped equipment, and well-equipped equipment, magical tools, etc., walking in rivers and lakes is the flesh in the eyes of others. This is Obvious.

Soon after, the dishes started.

They are all some rural side dishes, such as fried yellow beef, fried bamboo shoots, edamame with pickled vegetables, etc. In addition, there is also a pot of red daughter with the mellow aroma of wine. The blue skirt girl Yan Guang picked up the chopsticks and started it. The pot of toon quiche just now is just a "pad", here is the real dish.

On the other hand, I tasted the side dishes and sipped the daughter red here. I felt relaxed, a bit like a holiday. It’s also pretty good to experience this rural life occasionally. I have the opportunity to take Lin Xi to visit in the future, which is rare in reality. Time to travel, it is not a problem to walk with her a lot in the game.

Halfway through the meal, the old man at the corner of the table gave a wink, and suddenly one of his young disciples walked over, wearing a cyan blouse with a dagger around his waist, and a flaming red bracelet on his wrist. , It looks like it should be a low-grade magic weapon, just sat down across from me and smiled: "This brother, is it the first time to come to Wasteland Village? Looking at Miansheng, where is the person from?"

I smiled, put down my glass and said, "What's up to you?"

The little girl in the blue skirt looked at me and pouted her little mouth, as if she felt that I had lost the courtesy of a quack.

The young disciple was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "When you are away, friends on the rivers and lakes should occasionally take care of you. It depends on your face, so I want to come and warn you that you should not go out at will when it gets dark. Tai-An Sheng, isn’t there a big battle in the Dragon Region some time ago. Although we won the battle, we suffered heavy losses. Many wounded soldiers have returned to their hometowns. Many wounded soldiers have returned to their hometowns. After that, there was nothing to do, so they gathered together and turned into bandits. As soon as the night arrived, they would rob the merchants who passed by. The local government could not control it, but suffered the people."

The corners of my mouth twitched, but the plot can still be connected?

So he clasped his fists lightly and smiled: "Thank you for your kind reminder from this brother. I took it down. I'll take my sister to stay here after I've eaten and drink. I'll go on the road tomorrow morning."

"That's great."

He clasped his fists and smiled: "So don't bother."

I nodded and smiled.

Yan Guang opened a pair of big eyes and didn't know what we were talking about.


The time in the game is fast, and night falls in a blink of an eye.

We live in a room on the second floor near the back mountain. We can see the distant mountains when we open the window. The breeze is very comfortable. The girl in the blue dress is full of food and drinking, caressing her belly, just lying comfortably. When I got out of the bed, I had no bed. Actually, I didn't plan to sleep anymore. I just sat under the moonlight window, looking into the distance, thinking about some people and things.

In the middle of the night, the shadow spirit ruins moved slightly and came.

So he leaned back in the chair, his breath receded, as if he was asleep, and at the same time said in Yan Guang's heart: "Don't be surprised whenever there is any movement, just lie down and pretend to sleep."

She was taken aback for a moment: "Lu Li, why do you want to pretend to be asleep?"

"Don't you want to see the rivers and lakes!"

I smiled and said, "As long as you pretend to sleep, you will soon see a certain side of the rivers and lakes."

She was so excited, she immediately lay down very solemnly, and said: "Good, good~~~"


In less than a stick of incense, a colorful butterfly flapping its wings flew into the room from the window. I couldn't help but smile. The butterflies in the middle of the night had already rested. How could they fly into ordinary people's homes? This butterfly must be unusual, it is some kind of monk's method.

Sure enough, after the butterfly entered the room, it flew around, and then struggling to flap its wings in the center of the room, shaking off a cloud of dust visible to the naked eye. There is no doubt that it is a kind of ecstasy, but My cultivation level is too high. The realm of the king of the immortal realm is not a joke. As for the closure of various orifice points, completely ignoring the dust, as for the little girl lying on the bed, not to mention, the manifestation of a period of time and flowing water, Will it be tricked by this kind of awkward tactics?

Soon after, the butterfly flew out.

There was a sound of breaking the wind, and in a blink of an eye there were silhouettes flying in, standing in the room, and very confident. It was the group of old monks. The old man had the highest realm. At the beginning of the void, three young disciples The cultivation base is very general, and the highest is only in the late Linggang stage, one cavernous realm and three Linggang realms, in front of my immortal realm... it is really not enough to see.

"you guys……"

I opened my eyes "desperately", and I looked tired and weak. I just lay in the chair and said, "What are you doing?"


The young disciple who was talking to me in the evening took a step forward, kicked my chest, and hit the wall with a chair. He sneered, "I told you that this area is not in this area recently. It’s too peaceful, why don’t you have a little eye to see? I really dare to stop, I think you’re bored of life, right?"

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need to say more."

As he said, he turned to look at me, and said, "Although you work hard to suppress your breath during the day, you can still see some of your feet. I am afraid that you are at least a practitioner of the bottleneck of the sky? Otherwise, I would never dare. If you walk the rivers and lakes with a charm, you must be an authentic disciple. Otherwise, you don’t have such courage. Unfortunately, you still underestimated the rivers and lakes. The waters of the rivers and lakes are deep. If you are such a little guy into the water, it’s not two legs , But will be drowned!"

As he said, his eyes were cold, and he said, "The spirit of this spirit is very unusual. The rank of the robe on his body is quite high. The robe belongs to me. It will be more useful after re-refining. As for this spirit..."

The thin disciple immediately showed a smile: "Master, it's better to give this spirit to the disciple. The disciple's cave mansion is lacking a maid to wait for daily life."

"Huh, something worthless."

The old man sneered: "Take the robe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I took this kid's pair of daggers and armor, and killed them all. Let's leave this place overnight, even if the sect behind them wants to track down No clues to be found!"

The old guy is ruthless!

I squinted and said with a smile: "Yan Guang, have you seen that the rivers and lakes are sinister?"

The girl lying on the bed whirled up: "I have seen it, what should I do now?"

"Kill it all, what else can you do?"

I suddenly got up, "Peng" stepped into the shadow transformation state with a sound of "Peng", wrapped in the shadow thunder and lightning, the holy energy erupted in my body, as if coated with a layer of silver brilliance, my right hand raised and caught the Vulcan Blade. In the hand, with the left hand, Thor's Blade turned into a wisp of thunder and lightning and walked away from the five fingers. He glanced straight at the old man and smiled: "I heard you are going to kill someone?"

The old man’s pupils shrank violently: "Eternal... Immortal Realm King..." Latest URL:

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