Zhan Yue

Chapter 1259: Breath of life

"Yes, yes~~"

My left hand flaunted, playing with Thor's Blade that turned into a ray of thunder, and smiled: "Old sir, I must be in a bad mood? I walked a lot at night and finally met the immortal state."

The old man looked solemn and didn't speak, but the three disciples were ruthless, as if they wanted to give it a go.

"That's it!"

The old man looked frustrated and said: "Our master and apprentice have accepted it. This senior can draw a path. How can we let us live?"

"That's easy to say."

I was full of shadows and thunder and lightning, and I didn't look relaxed at all, and smiled: "Just follow your rules of the rivers and lakes, and keep all your babies, your four lives?"


The old man's eyes lit up.

"Why, don't believe it?" I smiled slightly.

"Believe! I must believe it! Thank you senior."

The old man shook his hand and took out a gray storage bag, and began to dig out the baby constantly, while I said to the girl in the blue skirt, "Be careful, they may have to do it."

Yan Guang was taken aback: "They... haven't they already decided to speak in a lawful manner?"

"What are the rules for this kind of arena? Be careful in all things."


In the next second, the opponent made a bold move. The two young disciples spit out sword light, and the sword light flew towards Yan Guang’s neck, while the old man took out a crimson rope from the storage bag. The rope was activated the moment it was activated. It turned into a sky full of stars covering the entire room, and then manifested into a sword light, which fell from the sky like a cage and enveloped me.

In an instant, the body fell, as if trapped in the world of others, trapped in a cage.

The old man raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "What about the king of the immortal realm? Is it anxious to reincarnate in such a rush to show the realm? Hey, he didn't expect to catch a dragon in the shallow water. This is a worthwhile trip, hehe... The king of the early immortal realm of the mountain gate is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. This is probably your first and last time to walk the night!"

I glanced at it, and the killing of the three young disciples had failed. Yan Guang was a manifestation of time and flowing water, and instantly turned into wisps of fireflies, just lingering on the beam of the room, the other party couldn't hurt her at all.

"Oh, is it so?"

Seeing that Yan Guang was okay, I suddenly felt relieved, folded my arms, and smiled: "Do you think you can trap me with your magic weapon?"

"What do you think?"

The old man laughed and pinched with both hands, instantly condensing the magic weapon of the cage, like a golden birdcage, and then raised his hand to light a golden talisman, and smiled: "A prison lock, plus a high-grade murderous aura Jue, don't say you are an early immortal realm, even if you are a late immortal king, it is a death!"

Before the words fell, the golden talisman burned out and turned into an invisible sword intent to envelop the surroundings in an instant. In an instant, thousands of swords were formed pointing at me from all directions, as if standing in a cage in a sword forest. This moment brought His mind was really shocked, and this old man would be considered a master of the hidden world, but it was a pity that he really ran into a ghost.

"That's it?"

I continued to be yin and yang strange, and smiled: "I'm afraid it's not enough, right?"

As he said, with a palm of his hand, the white dragon gas surging out, the "peng" turned into a snow-white dragon and rushed directly to the roof, almost instantly shattering the so-called prison **** lock magic weapon, forming the sword blade of the cage. Suo collapsed one after another, and the sword energy derived from the golden talisman burst into pieces one after another, completely unable to withstand the blow of the prisoner dragon.

Just once the prisoner is broken, nothing is left, it's actually that simple.

I was even a little disappointed.


The old man knelt on the ground again, knocked his head repeatedly, bumped the floor, and shouted, "Master, please spare your life! Master, please spare! We really know that we are wrong. We dare not be disrespectful anymore, but only ask the teacher to forgive me. , I will give everything up!"

"How can there be so many opportunities in life?"

I hugged my arms and smiled: "Actually, you are planning to escape, right? Then run away. How can you know if you can go if you don't try?"

The gloom in the old man’s eyes was fleeting, the next second, he stepped on suddenly, and a crystal clear inkstone was thrown out in his hand. With a "swish", the crystal clear inkstone turned into a golden storm and smashed down, followed by the old man's roar. : "Don't leave yet, wait for death!?"

Four people turned into four shadows and rushed out of the window.


I lightly palmed the dragon and smashed the offensive launched by the inkstone at the cost of smashing. I lifted the blade of Vulcan with my right hand, and leaned back with my left hand freely, just like the wind came out, and under the control of my mind, the blade of Thor turned into An electric current pierced through the air, and a "chi" pierced the old man's heart with ease, followed by a twist of his body, three consecutive folds of "pupupu", piercing the throats of three young disciples in the wind. Just as the blood was splashing, several people fell to the ground holding their wounds, kneeling on the ground and waiting to die.


On the side, the little girl in the blue skirt came out solidly, her beautiful eyes were disappointed, she watched the three people gradually die, and said: "Why are they so spared?"

"For a avenue?"

I smiled: "Or the robe on you looks too powerful, so they have to take the risk."

Yan Guang pursed his red lips and said, "Can they afford the robes condensed by time and flowing water? The moment they put it on is enough to make their bodies annihilate and their souls dissipated."

"They don't know this."

"Land from."

The little girl looked up at me and said, "Is that the way the world is like this? It can't help being disappointed."

"not like this."

Standing in the air in the evening breeze, I smiled and said, "There are also sacrifices in the arena, and there are also darts to help when the road sees injustice. Even if I change myself to death, I still never regret it, although there are so many villains in the arena , But there is never a lack of chivalry. It is a big world, and the chivalry in everyone is gathered together, and it becomes the word'morality'. In this world, I am not the only one who bears morality."

Yan Guang smiled: "It's a pity, I didn't see the legendary chivalrousness this time~~~"

I touched my chin: "Could it be that I am not a chivalrous thief who practiced with my hand blade? You know, I kill them and know that this group of people will never be able to harm those good people again."

Yan Guang chuckled, "But in my opinion, you are just abusing food."

I picked my nose: "It's unfair."

"Land from……"

She suddenly said quietly: "I'm tired, I will walk with you next time, I want to see the chivalrousness of the rivers and lakes, and the love of the children on the rivers and lakes, can you? You take me next time, Let's travel the world together."


I nodded.

In the next second, the girl in the blue skirt twisted her body lightly and turned into blue brilliance, all lingering around my left wrist, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into a cold-touch blue bracelet. At a glance, I felt that the whole person's soul had to be absorbed by the bracelet, which was a bracelet with the power of time and water.


System reminder: Congratulations on your acquisition of the magic weapon [Time Bracelet] (No Fame)!


Is this considered refining?

I was startled slightly, looking at the bracelet on my wrist, it was as if a galaxy had been refined and wrapped around my wrist. The feeling was very profound. Master asked me to refine this time, but in fact I didn’t do it at all. I can’t do it with my abilities. The truth of the matter is that the girl in the blue dress refines herself and turns into a magic weapon to follow me. As for when and how to use this magic weapon, I don’t count. She said it, she just fell asleep in the past, it doesn't mean she won't wake up.

In any case, this matter is considered complete.

I took the little girl and walked around the rivers and lakes. I was walking the rivers and lakes myself. Looking back, there were clusters of torches. The fight on the second floor had already alarmed the government and the shops. After all, the smaller half of the roof was imprisoned by me. Long Po was thrown off.

Going back, even if it’s the plot in the game, sometimes I still have to walk, pat my **** and leave. This is definitely not my style.


Yu Feng returned to the room. Right in the room, the shopkeeper looked at the empty roof with a frustrated expression, while several official hunters stared outside. Some arresters responded quickly downstairs: "My lord, four were found by the river. The corpses, they all seem to be cultivators!"

"No need to check."

I waved my hand gently, took out 500G from my pocket and threw it to the store, saying: "I damaged the house. This is the cost of repairs."

Immediately afterwards, he turned to look at the arresters, and said, "These four practitioners want to make money and kill them, and they all died in my hands. You don't have to worry about it."

A head-catcher clasped his fists and said: "This fairy master, may I ask who is sacred? We can also explain in the transcript."

"Do you recognize this?"

I took out the ink ribbon that was flowing with precious light. In the small guest room, the ink ribbon was like a beautiful jade, overflowing with brilliance. When I showed the seal of the ink ribbon, the catcher staggered back and immediately doubled. Kneeling on the ground, clasped his fist and said: "The villain...the villain is under the control of Hedong County and catches his head Xing Yucan see His Royal Highness Xiaoyao!"

"All right."

I smiled: "Can this case be closed?"



With his feet a little bit, Yufeng retreated and flew out of the guest house, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed to the canopy, and regained his role as the guard of the canopy. Anyway, sitting here is experienced and meritorious, and it is more efficient than average players' level Higher.



In the chaotic void behind him, there was a burst of laughter: "Is this back?"

I turned abruptly and found that it was a leader carrying a long knife. He sneered without any fear, and said: "I heard that even the Dragon Ancestor and the Lian Yin, who has a high status in the Star Alliance, are there. You are stumbling in your hands, come, come, I am not convinced by Zhuang Lei, let me see how many catties your kid really has!"


The long knife draws a blade of light that separates the world from the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I frowned, and there was nothing to say, but suddenly I opened my hand and Zhenlongjing turned into a radiance and blasted out.

In the loud noise, the other party rolled out, and his body was constantly annihilated. The body was completely dissipated before it rolled into the chaotic world, and was directly bombarded with the legendary "Death and death", is it worth it?

Recently, these leaders have become more and more rampant, queuing to die!


In the dark night, a ray of light flew, it was the 25% kill reward. There was something again. The object was not big, it was just a token. The moment I touched the token, my heart trembled suddenly, this feeling. Too familiar, there is a breath of life in this token.

Han Yi smiled. Latest URL:

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